AChat Forum

Discussions about AChat => Share your creative ideas => Topic started by: TightFit74 on May 04, 2011, 04:07:25 PM

Title: Grade the A-team for clothing releases
Post by: TightFit74 on May 04, 2011, 04:07:25 PM
Since we've expressed our malcontent with the dev team of the otherwise great game, maybe it is time to grade the clothing releases they brought out recently. Let them know how we find the new male clothing (???). Maybe a poll every month to show our content with them...
So let's see your grades, between 0-5. 5 being the highest score, 0 the lowest.
Title: Re: Grade the A-team for clothing releases
Post by: Bear on May 04, 2011, 05:21:48 PM
being two zeros and the second to vote u know where I stand on the men's side of things..
Title: Re: Grade the A-team for clothing releases
Post by: alstott on May 04, 2011, 05:32:17 PM
i've never thought that it's gettin' worser....but now they tryin' to prove that black is white...damn what the.....
Title: Re: Grade the A-team for clothing releases
Post by: Triumph999 on May 04, 2011, 06:01:04 PM
I'm gonna buck the trend slightly and vote 1...I don't like the kit, but at least us blokes got something!
Title: Re: Grade the A-team for clothing releases
Post by: Adera on May 04, 2011, 06:12:10 PM
I don't know how to vote. The clothes they release for the guys are terrible in my eyes while the clothes us girls get are so so. The poses they generally make quite good even if they're not always for me or what I'd really want but being part of a minority here I guess I have to live with it... though playing as a female with guys IS starting to become very tempting.
Title: Re: Grade the A-team for clothing releases
Post by: apollo13nut on May 04, 2011, 11:23:49 PM
It seems like they quit trying with clothes....just change the color and re-release something old.
Title: Re: Grade the A-team for clothing releases
Post by: Janine Dee on May 05, 2011, 03:11:12 AM
I'll simply restate that I'm not planning on renewing my membership until they've released a decent number of decent FF poses... and it's looking like that's going to be a very long while. So I have to give a 0 for them as well.
Title: Re: Grade the A-team for clothing releases
Post by: Lover on May 05, 2011, 06:28:20 AM
If there would be a -5 I would vote this! Who the hell does make such clothes again and again? There are so many great ideas around, so many wishes (and hopes....) but they always give us the same shit.

The A-Team is making a very good job in lots of things... but poses for FF, FFF and clothes for men are not worth to discuss.

Title: Re: Grade the A-team for clothing releases
Post by: apollo13nut on May 05, 2011, 09:04:48 AM
If there would be a -5 I would vote this! Who the hell does make such clothes again and again? There are so many great ideas around, so many wishes (and hopes....) but they always give us the same shit.

The A-Team is making a very good job in lots of things... but poses for FF, FFF and clothes for men are not worth to discuss.

Um, there seems to be a complete lack in anything that's not MF poses....Nothing new for shemales at all, it was like 5 months before any new threesome poses at all and then they gave us 5 at once yet they are the same distinct 2 play 1 watch bullshit (a 3some means ALL 3 participate), and how long as it been since they gave us anything like that "Lovely" uniform (sailor/school girl thing for girls)? That was their LAST decent clothes....yeah, there's way more than just FF, FFF and men's clothes they fail on
Title: Re: Grade the A-team for clothing releases
Post by: Unhealer on May 05, 2011, 01:20:15 PM
they probably just have a stockpile of those gay suits that they made and they keep releasing them 3 at a time. but since they count as updates they might as well be making new ones.
Title: Re: Grade the A-team for clothing releases
Post by: TightFit74 on May 05, 2011, 02:23:43 PM
Yet we are still all here. So we can wine and bitch about the dev team and the few parts they are not good, while we keep sticking around because the parts they are good at, are (trying not to offend ***** good.

A-team: It should be your goal to become better in all aspects of creating this game. In the end it is customer satisfaction that will keep the company afloat. Though the people posting on the forum are just a small group in comparison to all members, the forum is visited and read a lot. Not just by us. Because of the enormeous range of ideas posted here, covering most of the sexual spectrum as we know it, you should see the forum as a pool of ideas that can help you excell with this game. With our input, I am sure this game can become enormeous. It has the potential. Though our numbers are small, I am convinced we represent a huge group of members in the game. Notr everyone feels compelled to out their opinion, but many are interested in following the opinion of others. Take notice...
Title: Re: Grade the A-team for clothing releases
Post by: apollo13nut on May 05, 2011, 03:10:02 PM
Yet we are still all here.

Ah, yes, very true, but I do my part as well in my own little way: I don't buy the stuff in the shop I don't like....Will it hurt them long run, I doubt it, but by saving A$ to buy poses and clothes I DO like, then I'm not buying A$ as often....I am on my second year here (joined March 2010, renewed in March 2011) and if things continue the way they are, I sure won't be renewing for the efforts of the Dev Team....I have to have some pretty strong friendships to justify renewing in 2012.
Title: Re: Grade the A-team for clothing releases
Post by: TightFit74 on May 05, 2011, 03:16:45 PM
Yet we are still all here.

Ah, yes, very true, but I do my part as well in my own little way: I don't buy the stuff in the shop I don't like....Will it hurt them long run, I doubt it, but by saving A$ to buy poses and clothes I DO like, then I'm not buying A$ as often....I am on my second year here (joined March 2010, renewed in March 2011) and if things continue the way they are, I sure won't be renewing for the efforts of the Dev Team....I have to have some pretty strong friendships to justify renewing in 2012.

Took the words right out of my mouth. I am about to renew and will, for a specific friendship I have developed over time. But will search for other ways to communicate with my sweetheart(s) if the game continues to develope like this. The mind can be stimulated with other means as AChat.
Title: Re: Grade the A-team for clothing releases
Post by: Bambi_Fawn on May 06, 2011, 04:26:42 AM
And they wonder why some of us girls pay for memberships using gifts instead of real credit cards
Title: Re: Grade the A-team for clothing releases
Post by: Bear on May 07, 2011, 09:30:16 AM
@ Bambi That is the crutch of my view point on gifting here though. Since most sex oriented sites are heavily male dominated, providing a means for the ladies to continue here for no cost encourages their continued participation.

What the development team fails to recognize is that the types of male clothing they offer are not necessarily conducive to attraction,...they can develop some attractive clothing skins which state class. Slacks, tie and a classy vest easy enough to provide under the current constraints. Slacks, bowtie, cumber bun suspenders, with a classy shirt and sleek waistcoat easy enough to do to suggest formal wear.
Title: Re: Grade the A-team for clothing releases
Post by: islandsun on May 09, 2011, 07:32:14 AM
At no cost ?  I spent Big time here ! Tech Team is not listening ! 

I feel like were on the ignore list !

 >:( We repeated our requests > what can`t they see !

crinche > Male dominate world !   
Out numbered yes !  Dominated ?