AChat Forum

Discussions about AChat => Share your creative ideas => Topic started by: doc1 on May 05, 2011, 11:18:37 AM

Title: Why does AChat moderate some profile messages?
Post by: doc1 on May 05, 2011, 11:18:37 AM
AS i browse users, sometimes i see the simeple message "I Love AChat". Now that i know, i realize thats what Achat shows when they moderate a users real message. The user posts a message like "Hi, I have pics for A$, contact me" and achat censors it to "I Love AChat" without letting the user know.

I always message them and explain, and they are able to fix it to work. What a pain iin the ass just because some developer thiinks this is a good feature. Cummon people, this is an ADULT site. If you want to moderate something, at least tell the user you did.

Title: Re: Why does AChat moderate some profile messages?
Post by: Sandra88 on May 05, 2011, 01:58:38 PM
Sounds weird anyways...AChat lose money that way...let ppl do their thing.
Well I havent any pics for sale...had a bad expiriance by share some (got crappy pics back)...So I'll  pass if ppl ask for sharing.

@Doc1    Yep..its Adult game Im told ;)
Title: Re: Why does AChat moderate some profile messages?
Post by: Adera on May 05, 2011, 02:24:32 PM
I'd say its a try to stop a little of the whoring that is going on. I for one don't like all the whoring, I don't really see why I would bother selling myself for A$.
Title: Re: Why does AChat moderate some profile messages?
Post by: TightFit74 on May 05, 2011, 02:31:59 PM
Welcome Doc,

as far as we can guess, the censoring was introduced to at least dam the whoring. Though it doesn't help much. Unbfortunately the A-team is not very big on communicating with the community. I can give you a list of examples (my favorite being the arrival and disappearance of the general chat function) For instance, every self-respecting game has a nerwsletter, anouncing coming features, updates, etc. This game doesn't. That alone baffles me really. I'd like to get a preview of the coming update, and when it is coming. Instead of being surprised by the update bar suddenly appearing, with a surprise release. Why not flaunt with the newest creation?
Sorry, am in a venting mood today appareantly. Just want this game to grow up and  become better.
Title: Re: Why does AChat moderate some profile messages?
Post by: apollo13nut on May 05, 2011, 03:03:46 PM
There have been threads about this in the past. If you want to read what they really wrote without asking them, do a search and click on their picture. It will show their unedited post instead of "I Love AChat"'s tedious, but I find it easier than having people call me names for saying their banner doesn't show up correctly (and some do get down right nasty).
Title: Re: Why does AChat moderate some profile messages?
Post by: Bear on May 05, 2011, 03:04:38 PM
Vent away Tight,... they could use your insight.

I've noticed a significant drop of players in my time period. The fact that a few of my playmates have totally disappeared and moved on makes me ponder the value of continuing...

I tend attribute the drop from the development teams inability to catch the potential here. Though recent poses have shown remarkable improvements,..the basics ie: clothing options they continually roll out are lacking.  Here again, if more women spoke up and voiced the disapproval perhaps they would listen,... I know I am not enough of a metro  man to like what they have offered.
Title: Re: Why does AChat moderate some profile messages?
Post by: Janine Dee on May 05, 2011, 04:24:02 PM
I know I'm not coming back until (unless?) they make it worth my time in FF(F), and I don't even say that in anger. It's just common sense.