AChat Forum
Discussions about AChat => Share your creative ideas => Topic started by: susy_a on May 28, 2011, 03:03:31 AM
What about the idea of "newest message first" sorting order of posts in this forum? For me it just uncomfortable to scroll for the newest post.
Should I try to change this setting?
I've been on this forum for a while. I signed up for this in March of 2010 (yes, I am in my second year). Every time I reply to a thread, I've noticed that it was "first", under the threads the admins locked at the top.
Right, that is true for topics inside of a board.
But the posts inside a topic are ordered in reversed order.
I was fuzzy on that concept at first... but got your drift after a bit...
For those equally puzzled... she is speaking of reversing the order of the responses, so the newest response shows on the front page.... haven't checked for awhile if we click on the topic it goes to the original posts first right?
tested.. yep.
I think there could be some benefits with having the latest post in a thread come up first, though I kinda like how it is right now. I saw that I could change that for myself in my settings so even if its changed and I don't like it I guess I can change it back. :)
Anyway... I don't really know how I want to vote on this. :P
I did vote for a change but ponder if that is wise... I mean good ideas get introduced.. however we tend to get off topic a bit :P
The last post in those circumstances tends to get way off topic... I voted the change but then after thought leaves me a bit muddled in the matter.
In the current setup, clicking on the topic at least gives a new person a straight forward insight of what had been originally introduced. You are trying to play catchup here suzy... daily moderation will make that process simpler.
I usually click the "New" button when I like to see what I haven't read in a thread already or the arrows on the far right which will give me the last post.
I can see some benefits with sorting the latest posts first but as Bear wrote, the most important posts on a topic is usually in the beginning and as things tend to get a little playful further into the threads a new forum user might get a little lost. One way would of course be to force people to stay on topic and if you want to play around you'd have to do it in a thread made for that... though that can be a little boring. ::) :P
The more I think of it, the more I like way things are... egads!
can you change my vote?
It's ok as it is at the moment. If you new it might be a bit confusing, but after some time you get it.
By using "Show unread post" or "Show new replies" you get the right ones.
Agree with Bear "the current setup, clicking on the topic at least gives a new person a straight forward insight of what had been originally introduced."
i dont mind scrollin and entering a new thred i kind like to read wht previous posters has said before posting. anyway, both ways have perks so i guess leaving it as it is would be the best option. nice btw to c a new admin, welcome :)
I like the way it is !
Thanks for the welcome PseRamesses :)
Thanks for the welcome PseRamesses :)
yw bb. pls feel free 2 drop in on me if u c me online *warm embraces*
I thought about this for awhile, and just now as I was going through the posts and realizing I was sometimes jumping back pages to see where I had last been reading the thread. So with the newest first I wouldn't be clicking that last page, then clicking back pages, etc, etc. After realizing that I added my yes vote.
I thought about this for awhile, and just now as I was going through the posts and realizing I was sometimes jumping back pages to see where I had last been reading the thread. So with the newest first I wouldn't be clicking that last page, then clicking back pages, etc, etc. After realizing that I added my yes vote.
but J sweetie wouldnt u still be doin tht with the newest post change implemented? u´d just be goin forwrd instead of backwards to find were u last read it right? ;) :-*
Yes, but not as much if you are starting at the newest.
I voted for yes :)
Leave as is. Which is can configure it in the user control panel.
Welcome to the forum Natalya.
Susy means the posts on the forum. Newest post is placed on the last page of the thread. She suggests it should be on the first..
I voted for yes :)
pleased to c yet another admin here Rab *warm embraces*
Welcome to the forum Natalya.
Thanks :)
Susy means the posts on the forum. Newest post is placed on the last page of the thread. She suggests it should be on the first..
So only the last, not reverse ordering as it already exists? Sorry, misunderstood it in that case.