AChat Forum
Discussions about AChat => Share your creative ideas => Topic started by: wildflower on August 17, 2011, 01:23:22 AM
why its only possible to change the clothes online at the chat??? I guess its more comfortable to try out some outfits offline from the chat...what do you think???
The trick is that AChat stores everything on their servers. It's really the only option they have to keep people from trading clothes between themselves and such.
But we've all wanted something along those lines for awhile now really. Just a way to get dressed without having several hundred "Hi"s and Cold Invites coming after you. The option that seems more likely is an invisible mode when you are in the character editor, but even that isn't considered likely as it's looking like AChat wants their lists looking as full as possible for as soon and as long as they can.
okay...i understand...the unvisible mode is a good idea...