AChat Forum

Discussions about AChat => Share your creative ideas => Topic started by: sandro76 on August 28, 2011, 04:41:17 PM

Title: gift minimum 100a$
Post by: sandro76 on August 28, 2011, 04:41:17 PM
hello,from now on is not 'can pay less than 100 a$ for a  gift, it seems to me that this new regulation is real fucked up.
 Who is not 'disagree write your review ...for me it is not 'right.
Title: Re: gift minimum 100a$
Post by: Unhealer on August 29, 2011, 08:42:42 AM
oh goodie more money that i dont wanna pay hookers
Title: Re: gift minimum 100a$
Post by: Adera on August 30, 2011, 12:20:05 AM
A 100 A$ minimum doesn't seem unreasonable to me.
Title: Re: gift minimum 100a$
Post by: Unhealer on August 30, 2011, 08:12:29 AM
doesnt really effect me, hell anything that makes it harder for hookers is probably a good thing
Title: Re: gift minimum 100a$
Post by: strat on August 31, 2011, 12:18:01 PM
As posted already, this place must be for fun with pleasure to be together and reciprocity.
And mutual fun must be free... so everything to make "fun for pay" more difficult is welcome
Then if one want to make a gift to a friends, as a real gift gesture not linked to sex in room, everybody can/will appreciate value of friendship
Title: Re: gift minimum 100a$
Post by: WilliamXS on October 18, 2011, 08:07:48 AM
Might work...but leave friends/lovers and spouses out of this minimum A$100.
Cuz we treat and spoil our friends, lovers and spouses sometimes ;-).

PS: Sure not pay for uuhmm I said (pffffff gifts=A$) comes from my heart .
Title: Re: gift minimum 100a$
Post by: islandsun on October 18, 2011, 09:08:43 AM
I`ve been given large $ achat amounts as gifts from freinds > like at x- mass .> a certain hunk ! ok a couple certain hunks !

Tried to give back they would`nt hear of it ! 
Damn miss Harley , visited him often at his office ! ;D

I`d still like to be able to gift back !

$100.00 do`nt get much here ! ;)
Title: Re: gift minimum 100a$
Post by: Bear on October 18, 2011, 09:51:27 AM
office visits  ;D

A point I can relate on sunny,.. do miss  my companions who use to visit me there.  :P
Title: Re: gift minimum 100a$
Post by: Janine Dee on October 18, 2011, 11:22:55 AM
A$100 Seems a good way to at least trip up the hookers. I mean how far under A$100 are legit gifts falling any way?
Title: Re: gift minimum 100a$
Post by: Bear on October 18, 2011, 11:28:05 AM
hmmfpth... when I gifted my friends.. a hundred seemed minimal.
But I have no clue what the hookers are charging anyways...
Title: Re: gift minimum 100a$
Post by: Janine Dee on October 18, 2011, 11:31:06 AM
Exactly Bear, under A$100 seems more the hooker rate then an actual gift. Some may honestly still get tripped up, but my guess would be the vast majority of legit users are over 100 in their gifting.
Title: Re: gift minimum 100a$
Post by: Adera on October 19, 2011, 01:16:16 AM
Mmm the office, I have a kink for that. :P
Title: Re: gift minimum 100a$
Post by: TightFit74 on October 19, 2011, 03:47:35 AM
IMO it's just a way for the dev-team to up their income...

Never worked in an office (except the glass cubical in the production hall), but sex at work... ;D
Title: Re: gift minimum 100a$
Post by: Bear on October 19, 2011, 04:10:52 AM
@Adera... hmm too bad you aren't on my staff,...I'll show you the in and outs of the business  ;)
(damn that was too easy of a pun)
Title: Re: gift minimum 100a$
Post by: Adera on October 19, 2011, 04:43:39 AM
Tight, that might be a bit too public... if its not after work hours that is.

Ahaha Bear, does that include helping the boss relax when he gets agitated... for various reasons? ;)
Title: Re: gift minimum 100a$
Post by: Bear on October 19, 2011, 04:55:22 AM
hmmm... well I would expect some help relieving the load on my desk.

Your fondness for short skirts raise more than an eyebrow..  :P
Title: Re: gift minimum 100a$
Post by: Adera on October 19, 2011, 05:27:01 AM
I have to be careful, my stocking tops might show when I bend.
Title: Re: gift minimum 100a$
Post by: islandsun on October 19, 2011, 06:07:11 PM
when Harley was his at work also under his desk !

hehehehee when he was sitting w a boring person across his desk > ui was so bad> he vowed he was so going to spank me > pout then he was gone !

hey thats life in cyber !

Title: Re: gift minimum 100a$
Post by: TightFit74 on October 20, 2011, 02:03:24 AM
Adera, caught in that cubical doing something naughty would mean getting fired instantly.. I haven't met the woman I would risk that for.. yet.. I have made love to a girl when I was a chef, on my worktop after all the guests had gone...
Title: Re: gift minimum 100a$
Post by: Adera on October 21, 2011, 04:02:24 PM
Yes Tight, sex at work would have their implications... but we can roleplay it fine. :P
Title: Re: gift minimum 100a$
Post by: hentaiboy69 on October 22, 2011, 01:58:57 AM
Well, dunno if 100 A$ like a minimum amount can be toomuch or the right price to prevent hookers.......anyway, the only best thingh peoples can do is to ignore them
I don't wanna do the name, but a girl give me a condition if i wan to be her slave: act like a hooker and give her half of the A$ i receive from other users.....i had regret it...i mean, i don't like to do it for myself, how can i do it for someone else!? the only gift i had was from my wife , to buy our wedding ring and this make me really happy!
Title: Re: gift minimum 100a$
Post by: Janine Dee on October 22, 2011, 09:19:20 AM
Oh the A$100 minimum won't out and out stop them, BUT it can mess them up quite a bit. So they are genuinely inconvenienced while no one else really is. I think that's why it was done, and why most of the population is cool with it.
Title: Re: gift minimum 100a$
Post by: Adera on October 22, 2011, 10:50:17 AM
Ehehe... mess with the whores. :D
Title: Re: gift minimum 100a$
Post by: Janine Dee on October 22, 2011, 01:07:07 PM
Title: Re: gift minimum 100a$
Post by: Keiko on October 22, 2011, 11:35:18 PM
     Not sure what prices the prostitutes are offering their services for but if it'll help make people second-guess buying what they don't believe is worth a minimum of 100A$, then I see no downside. Like it was said before, 100 won't get you much by itself so if most gifts are expected to be used to help buy an outfit or pose, then 100A$ minimum should only affect the girls who are trying to accumulate their wealth a little at a time.
Title: Re: gift minimum 100a$
Post by: hentaiboy69 on October 23, 2011, 06:36:08 AM
maybe.....or maybe they are going to be more active. let's see what happend
Title: Re: gift minimum 100a$
Post by: Keiko on October 23, 2011, 12:28:08 PM
They'll have to work alot harder for it. and "work" is something they don't like to do, tehehe.  ::)
Title: Re: gift minimum 100a$
Post by: Isabelly on October 25, 2011, 06:05:34 AM
You should be able to choose a specific amount of A$, even if it's less than 100 A$ it should be appreciated!

I don't know if it's fixed because I've never gifted someone with money, only with love.
Title: Re: gift minimum 100a$
Post by: Janine Dee on October 25, 2011, 08:23:33 AM
Here we are not so much talking about gifting as gifts, but the gifting as paying for sexual favors gifting.
Title: Re: gift minimum 100a$
Post by: Isabelly on October 25, 2011, 08:33:16 AM
Oh, ok! I'm sorry.

I love to sell myself to people who don't understand the true meaning of love. It's worth so much more...
Title: Re: gift minimum 100a$
Post by: islandsun on October 25, 2011, 04:05:10 PM
The giving of one`s self should be taken as a specail gift should it not !

money , money , money I`m shaking my head > How sad ! Pimping and whoring even here !

Ive seen people , in the city ,holding sign s   Will work for food  :'(
Title: Re: gift minimum 100a$
Post by: Urban on October 29, 2011, 05:50:33 PM
Here we are not so much talking about gifting as gifts, but the gifting as paying for sexual favors gifting.

Damit ! I am stupid i have done a lot of gift for nothing !  :(. I'm already shearching for my whipe, it's payback time !  ;D
Title: Re: gift minimum 100a$
Post by: Unhealer on October 30, 2011, 08:03:43 AM
maybe they just raised the minimum so the whores can buy all of these new dresses faster. every fucking week its dress dress dress and noones fucking wearing it, i aint paying for it
Title: Re: gift minimum 100a$
Post by: islandsun on October 30, 2011, 01:26:36 PM
altougth ive received gifts , but would never think of asking !

And I only buy what i like , anyway ! alot not to my taste !
Title: Re: gift minimum 100a$
Post by: hentaiboy69 on October 31, 2011, 03:02:19 AM
maybe they just raised the minimum so the whores can buy all of these new dresses faster. every fucking week its dress dress dress and noones fucking wearing it, i aint paying for it
so, u are telling a-team are supporting love seller!? this is so stupid......but if it will be thrue (and i don't think so!), developers are really taking the bad way!

A-team have to rework on some price, plus a good way to preclude gift for sex is to make it work only for premium (this can be bad, i know!) or only whit lovers and spouse. the minimum amount isn't a real deal to solve the problem....just a way to make them work harder, as Keiko say "They'll have to work alot harder for it. and "work" is something they don't like to do, tehehe" and yes, they don't like to work, but they don't wan loose their allwais make the world (and the whore!) turn around!
Title: Re: gift minimum 100a$
Post by: Adera on October 31, 2011, 03:10:44 AM
Look at my avatar and you'll see the latest dresses ::) but then I don't have much else to spend my A$ on.
Title: Re: gift minimum 100a$
Post by: susy_a on October 31, 2011, 04:20:37 AM
There isn't "gift minimum 100a$" any more, so I'm closing this thread.