AChat Forum

Discussions about AChat => Share your creative ideas => Topic started by: hentaiboy69 on September 12, 2011, 10:37:18 AM

Title: New avatar customization
Post by: hentaiboy69 on September 12, 2011, 10:37:18 AM
As i said before, i think avatar setting need a good upgrade for each gender......i mean, more tits size option, height, muscle tone, penis dimension and shape (not all are straight....they can be curved too! i know this make the animation not so easy to realize, but....)......this help a lot to create avatar whit differnet look.
this can be a good upgrade for the game and give us more chance to create different style and it can be a great help in RP:
1- someone who wanna be "the Master" can be a really bumped muscle style and who wanna be a slave can have a slim but firm body;
2- if u play an intellectuan girl, u can choose a slim body whit normarl size tits;
3- more......
I know there's a lot of thingh linked to the avatar body who need a rework, cloths first but i don't think it's impossible to be realized.
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: Bear on September 12, 2011, 11:30:04 AM
Well personalizing the avatars may be more complex then you imagine. There already are some issues with breast size and pose actions. I don't think boob play has ever readjusted for the different breast sizes as it stands, and certain actions are aerial hand wavings for breast play with the smaller (but delightful ) body types.
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: hentaiboy69 on September 14, 2011, 01:40:03 AM
u are right......and i know this! but i think it's not a great problem (for poses to!) add some muscle tone adjustment! i'll hope developer gonna seriously think about it!

p.s.: sometimes, i think the staff don't pay more attentuion to our suggestion.....there's a lot in the forum and we really ignore what's up in their mind......How i say here,1151.0.html, a wip section can be really a good way to show us next release and collect some good suggestion
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: Avalucia on September 14, 2011, 02:19:38 AM
It would be more difficult for different breast sizes as, as Bear said, all the animations that affect the breasts will need to be adjusted - though I think that is in the works, given their poll about super boobs or something. Clothing is the other consideration, as the material maps can stretch and distort with too much variation.
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: hentaiboy69 on September 15, 2011, 09:20:06 AM
Avalucia, i'm sure it's difficult but this not mean it's impossible! usually MMO developer release one big update during an year, so why staff here can't work on it and release it when it's ready!? they can take all the time they need but i really appreciate something like this!
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: TightFit74 on September 15, 2011, 10:28:45 AM
I would be very happy if length-wise could be implemented, understanding the programming involved to do so. It does seem doable, since there are always 'waypoints' that are in the same place.. Using those, different avatar sizes should be possible..
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: Unhealer on September 15, 2011, 11:11:51 AM
with the way they update it seems unlikely that theyd do an overhaul of the poses to add in more breast sizes, the breast poll from earlier almost looked like it was for a different game. (which wouldnt surprise me, they must be working on something else by now)
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: hentaiboy69 on September 16, 2011, 03:20:01 AM
Really dunno what to think......only hope if they are really working on something new game, they are not going to abadon aChat!

anyway, looking better at the pics, they looks like 3d other game style.......mmmmhh......
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: strat on September 16, 2011, 04:16:39 AM
Well I do not know much about body options, i.e. "size issue" for whatever part of the body. But also surely more options to customise in term of hair cut and color that would make avatar younger or older, face related options, etc. might already add many more possibilities. All avatar tend to look alike from a first look perspective the only differenciators being apparent things such as face, hairs and clothes
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: Unhealer on September 17, 2011, 09:07:15 AM
Really dunno what to think......only hope if they are really working on something new game, they are not going to abadon aChat!

anyway, looking better at the pics, they looks like 3d other game style.......mmmmhh......
I thought it looked like one of those many Illusion games. (illusion is a japanese company that makes a bunch of sex games, graphics are usually pretty good but theyll have like 12 or so poses per a game and you'll have to keep moving the mouse while trying to jerk off, its annoying as hell)
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: Urmel007 on September 17, 2011, 09:54:05 AM
hello everyone,

there could be sooooo much overdone ... *hustle* ^^'
But as an simple thing for Avatarcustoms ... :


I find them so sweet *puppeyes* :D
This should find a way into the new avatar customization ...

best regards

Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: hentaiboy69 on September 19, 2011, 03:51:48 AM
I thought it looked like one of those many Illusion games. (illusion is a japanese company that makes a bunch of sex games, graphics are usually pretty good but theyll have like 12 or so poses per a game and you'll have to keep moving the mouse while trying to jerk off, its annoying as hell)

I know Illusion games, and about the pics they us as reference, it's look totally different, but this is not the point.
The point is: in aChat character look all similar because the customization is really poor (and the faces are not easy to see well in the shop, so it's hard to recognize them) and char look the same. Anyway, if developers don't wanna work on better customization, i hope they gonna add a "creation room" like in Sims series, so we can have a good preview of our char before we buy something in the shop (why we can't buy stuff online to!?). Plus, some better description about the pose, will be wellcome!

It would be more difficult for different breast sizes as, as Bear said, all the animations that affect the breasts will need to be adjusted - though I think that is in the works, given their poll about super boobs or something.
Well. if u look at some animation, u can see some bug whit them if female or shemale char hah small tits, so we have this problem now to.
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: Unhealer on September 20, 2011, 11:19:46 AM
yeah they probably regret giving the option for small tits/hips too, maybe they'll make a sequel to achat though, pain in the ass would be smaller for making new poses and stuff for a new game instead of redoing all 80 or so poses to work with different breasts etc
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: SueCB on September 22, 2011, 04:45:13 PM
And here I thought it was all about people interacting. Silly me.

Yeah, customizing an avatar is nice, I tried hard to get close as I could to being "me" ... still far off the mark, but I tried. My point is, if the person I'm talking to/interacting with, is that concerned with the pixels and how they are gyrating or whatever, pity them. Because they're missing out on what AChat REALLY is ... a place for people to come to, meet, talk and maybe, just maybe, share an intimate moment if things click. Do I care if my avatar gets off and has orgasms that leaves her quivering on the ceiling? Hell no, I only care if I do ... but maybe I'm selfish that way lmao. More importantly, I care if my partner has a moment like that too, where his whole world explodes around him and he's seeing stars, dancing dots or whatever. Because that means we shared something wonderful that transcended the limitations of virtual and for a moment maybe bordered on something real.

Bottom line is, all those guys (and girls) looking for any total semblance of reality from the pixels as more than just an indicator of what should be going on between two people being intimate is maybe a whoa moment to examine oneself and motives, desires and wants. And if what you're wanting is something meaningful from pixels, damn, you need more help than my two cents will ever give.
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: hentaiboy69 on September 23, 2011, 12:33:38 AM
Dear SueCB, i don't wanna create a clone of me here, but i think it will be nice to meet people that don't look all the same, like u are watching a mirror. a better customization can help u to create some personal identification (it's hard to forget a man whit a scar on his face). now, when u look around all are the same, just different hair cut or color
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: Keiko on September 23, 2011, 09:38:19 AM
SueCB, Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I completely respect yours. Majority of the members here would agree that visual stimulation alone is not as satisfying as a colorful description for the imagination along with the intimate connection with your partner. I've been engaged in role plays on forums just like these for years. I don't need a visual image to be satisfied but there are a lot of people that use AChat strictly for the poses, animations, and outfits. I can't criticize 1 being better than the other because it all depends on what you personally find erotic and pleasurable.

     Personally, I love to dress up my avatar and enjoy watching the animations. Sure they are just pixels and it's just an animation loop, but being able to look beyond that is where a great imagination comes into play. Please don't misunderstand, I am not implying that you don't have an imagination. You just need to look at it from a different point of view.

     I guess my point is, I agree that the encounter and intimacy with your partner is very important but because AChat offers great visual references for role play, it adds to the whole pleasure of the moment. Like icing on the cake :)
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: SueCB on September 23, 2011, 12:20:43 PM
I'm not saying that customizing the avatar isn't fun, it is. Different outfits for different moods, etc. I love that part too. But the avatar shouldn't be solely how anyone is judged or interacted with.

Anyone else get the, "Hi sexy, you look great." greeting in chat? I do. And what's my first thought? "Oh great, fixated on pixels."

For me, the avatar is my representation, so yes, I did try to make it at least somewhat like me. But just as I don't want guys in RL oggling me and judging me by my outsides, I don't want guys here judging me by pixels either.
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: Zinah on September 26, 2011, 09:14:36 PM
I think that's the whole point of me wanting customization.  When someone leads off with "Hello beautiful" or "Damn you're sexy!"  I just write them off.  My avatar looks like everyone other avatar.  The implication that my avi looks like me and is therefore your idea of beautiful is, well... annoying.  At least if my avi was more customizable, it's possible that "Hi beautiful" would mean something... then again, perhaps not.    ::)
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: hentaiboy69 on September 27, 2011, 01:04:19 AM
That's the point: in RL, the first thingh all us noticed in a boy/girl/shemale/whatever is how he/she looks, that's a thrue. Only when u start to talk whit him/her u can understand if him/her is the right one for u and u can love him/her. Here in aChat u can read the "favourite game" and if u have the same u start to talk whit him/her....but if u meet two different peoples whit same passion and u can choose only one before chatting them, how did u choose one!? using dice or a coin!? no, i think this is a totally bad, at this point a different customization come in your help....a different hair color, body shape (someone love a little curvy girl, more then a slim one....), ecc.....

@Zinah: i agree whit u, this is why i'm asking for a better customization....anywway, some girl wanna hear this from her partner, u know....

P.S.: SueCB, dear, if u don't wanna be judge by your avatar, u can leve it whit the basic option, no one wanna force u or other people to customize it if u don't wan.....this is an open community, when everyone is free to exprime himself, but all us don't have to forget the only one thingh: respect for other come in first place.
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: Adera on September 27, 2011, 02:14:44 AM
I agree with Keiko, I think its fun dressing my avatar and I think the visual can add to the experience. Its quite fun to browse other girls since I can see how they've dressed their avatars, too bad its not as fun to browse the male avatars right now, I really wouldn't mind well dressed hunks. :P

However, I do see some girls that should put a little more thought into how they dress their avatars... I mean... sexy lingerie under a swimsuit? :-\

More customization for the body, like sizes and such do seem a little tricky in AChat since so many animations are depending on it. Though it would be nice if they could add a few smaller adjustments, like how much body fat or muscularity you have. One of those tricky options that I would like is where I would be able to have a smaller cock or men a larger one, men are usually larger there than me irl and its kinda of a turn on when they are. :P

About the lame pick up lines... not much one can do about that but I don't mind them the few times when its actually someone who's fun chatting with.
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: hentaiboy69 on September 27, 2011, 02:35:17 AM
And don't forget about the face....looking at the preview pics in the shop, is impossible tell where are the difference between them. so, it's better if we can have an online preview (let's call it "the dressing room").

@Adera: i agree whit your idea, it's an easy way and there's no need to rework on the pose (well, few of them need a fix anyway)
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: Bear on September 27, 2011, 07:39:14 AM
I think the influ of hair designs was a response to the avatar customization... facial characteristics should be easy to accomplish,... I am not certain if body modifications are as easy since these require adjustments to some aspects of the poses... unless one is willing to accept the avatars actions being off..a hand disappearing into the body, or waving over the skin without contact.
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: SueCB on September 27, 2011, 11:07:27 AM
Hentai: It's not really about being judged, we all do that subconsciously anyway. I was more pointing out how silly it is to judge someone based on an avatar's pixels. I worked at getting mine close to real, but even so, it's nowhere near close and it sure isn't who I am inside. So what I said mainly applies to those that get all fixated on the pixel's appearance. Trust me, I know all too well what getting judged (in RL) just on appearance is - happens every day.
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: Janine Dee on September 27, 2011, 05:50:48 PM
The weird thing is I am now at the point where my avatar's face is "me" on AChat. I mean I could customize body maybe with things like tats or muscle tone, maybe a new hair style, but the face is my AChat face. I've bought a couple and even though they looked all right when they were on "me" it felt wrong.

Still, after a year customization for me is clothes more then anything... that is if I still had the option to change.  :P
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: Adera on September 28, 2011, 12:37:07 AM
You have worn your current outfit for some time now. :D
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: WilliamXS on September 28, 2011, 10:01:29 AM
Hmmmm there is a Program called 'Makehuman'...would be awesome to have it intergraded on/in AChat.

Name it..and it can be custumated.

If interested

Just copy and paste (an other issue......... why we cant give links on here ?)
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: hentaiboy69 on September 28, 2011, 10:39:00 AM
mmmhhh....sounds interessing!

about the link, i agree whit u.....another mystery of aChat
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: SueCB on September 28, 2011, 12:44:02 PM
Which all goes back to what I was saying ... while all the customization options are nice (and new ones are great!), in the end it's mostly about sharing it with someone.
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: bluedenim on February 29, 2012, 03:17:03 PM
hello everyone,

there could be sooooo much overdone ... *hustle* ^^'
But as an simple thing for Avatarcustoms ... :


I find them so sweet *puppeyes* :D
This should find a way into the new avatar customization ...

best regards


Urmel! Welcome to the forum!, I am also a big freckles fan and I did start a topic on them. The Dev team said that there were some in the make-up area and they would not be adding any more!  the ones available look like I forgot to wash for a few days! BOOOOOO!
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: TightFit74 on March 04, 2012, 05:58:31 AM
Trying not to create a new one, but not exactly finding the right topic, I though I'd post my idea here, since it does touch some points of the original post.

With the new pose, pampering man, the excited state of the male is very much appareant. But I think that in this pose, as well as other pose where there is no penetration, it would be nice to have control over the erection, so show my partner what kind of effect she has on me when she pleasures me.

Maybe that action could be directed with the excitement slider. I think a 3rd slider in the screen would take too much of the picture away, and I think it should be adaptable. I am also thinking, they might be able to add a 'wet' effect.. as the excitement rises, the cock could start to glisten. And, it would make it adaptable for females as well.

This idea isn't new, but I think very much worth too bump again. For references:,1425.0.html,1190.0.html,160.0.html,1216.0.html
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: bluedenim on March 04, 2012, 12:04:04 PM
Tight, if you are trying to tell me that as a man you can control your erection, then I want to meet you in rl because you'd be a first for me..........
 ;D ;D
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: Bear on March 04, 2012, 02:31:47 PM
interesting idea Tight... though if I have my lady naked.. I am already at that state...I'd need a quick bit of clicking for the avatar to catch up apparently.

perhaps to tied to excitement button?  but that would require them to correct the slow fade already existing.
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: TightFit74 on March 04, 2012, 02:52:04 PM
Blue :) ofcourse I can't...

well let me alter the suggestion... I have talked about small interluding actions to change from pose to pose..(which is a programming nightmare, I understand that. More an ambitious prohect for an independant programmer ;) ) Why not show a slow (or quick) rise when the pose is loaded?

Imagine being with your partner, comfortable in your relationship, knowing the attention will bring that rise eventually, wether you want it or not.. But in those intial moments of the meeting, when the passion slowly starts to flutter in your stomach, it doesn't necesarily mean you are at attention right Does this sound better?
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: NewGurl on March 04, 2012, 03:14:55 PM
We have to be realistic, access to achat is relatively cheap. We cant expect full total control over our avatars unless we are willing to pay extra for it.  Granted it would be nice to play with a man and make him aroused and watch it grow. As for a woman watching her nipples get erect as she gets excited.  Not only would the coding be tough, but it would definately incure more cost on our part. Are you willing to pay triple to do this, Im not.
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: TightFit74 on March 04, 2012, 03:54:20 PM
The coding should not be the problem. If they can create an intricate collection of actions as in the pole dance, or mmf standing dp, making a cock grow or nipples harden shouldn't be a hard task. And this request is not for tomorrow to be realised, if realised at all.

There have been many remarks about the suddenness with which most poses begin. Switching from one pose to another and you are right in the middle of the action, while that might be the last thing you have in mind. Players often have a certain sequence in mind, of poses and actions to play when in a room. A short interluding action would provide in the necessary time to choose an action that is different from the default one.

If introduced as a pose update, instead of a different feature, this could be introduced gradually and it wouldn't have to have a big effect on the subsctiption cost. Acaht makes most revenue from the shop and gifts. The subsctiption is there to facilitate that. Almost of all of your subsctiption fee, is returned to you by a$..

It's asuggestion to make the change between poses less abrupt, not sure of anyone could be opposed to that :)
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: Bear on March 04, 2012, 04:46:40 PM
Close to 150 poses to be reprogrammed... probably easier to set the default of the start speed to near 0, and allow folks to increase instead at the moment
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: NewGurl on March 04, 2012, 04:53:29 PM
Oh Tight I see what you mean, yes i think it could be make a more seamless flow between the poses. I guess the best think to dp would hav every pose have a starting point, where the action could go from there and return there when finished. To make it work alll poses would have to start ans=d stop at the same point.
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: TightFit74 on March 10, 2012, 04:06:32 AM
No, there is no MS version of the pose yet, I hope they'll make one.

It's going to be fun to take a look at the pose later, I'm looking forward to see what it's like. :)

About the erection thingy, if it had been flaccid people would've complained about that and the option to go from flaccid to erect isn't here yet so it has to be either now. It would be nice to have an option like that but I think this will be good for now.

Maybe there is some merit to my idea... :)
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: xSpartan on March 24, 2012, 11:10:26 AM
I think with the avatar customization you should be able to have mystical creatures like elves fairies that sort of stuff and be able to add elf ears onto any sex and choose the size of how big you want them etc.
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: Rukya on March 30, 2012, 08:14:30 PM
hmmm this post just to remind to dev team one of my first requests on this forum  :)

have you pay attention that on the avatars all parts of the body are flexibles or bouncing ? hmmm in fact , i must say all but one .

what is this part will you say ? Its simple : THE FEET of the women .

with or without shoes , we still always make love with just our toes on the ground  ;D . and i can say that one year soon on my toes beghin to be verry hurting .

So please dev team , can we have all the feet on the ground when we dont have shoes please ? My toes thanks you in advance  ;D
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: hentaiboy69 on March 31, 2012, 01:49:53 AM
Easy thing to do, but it need a titanic rework on the poses where you stand in front of your partner: i mean, whit all the feet touching the floor, female and shemale avatar posture chage a little. the face will be move a little down, so in a nude dance pose whit a man and a woman, the kiss will be fixed and all the other option too! moving down the face, means all the body is lifting down a little.

They can do it, but need time.

I would like to add a request: new colour for the hairstyle and new hairstyle off course! i know we had mention this before, but never talk about it deeply.

For example, i will like to see a long ponytail for girls or long and straight (or curly, why not!) one!
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: chasxxx on April 01, 2012, 05:34:49 AM
actually, i am surprised at how much variation is actually available on the avatars. the one thing i would say DEFINITELY needs to be done is a large view or face close-up in the store to allow you to try on faces, noses makeup etc before purchase. many/most (guys anyway) don't even try, but it does make a difference. my avatar is very close to how i look(ed)(20 yrs ago! lol), except i didn't shave my head then. maybe i'll put up an old pic on my profile for a while, just for chuckles... also, the clit rubbing games pose has great (imho) tit fondlinf action for small tits, si it can be done... ;D
Title: New avatar customization
Post by: Brigitte55 on May 18, 2012, 12:16:07 AM
Hello! I suggest  it will be possible to customize the bodies of mature women. With generous forms: large breasts, wide hips, big buttocks. To be most similar to our reality. Like this pic.
Is this possible? It would be very nice.
Thank you! (Brigitte, France, 55 yo)

Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: hentaiboy69 on May 18, 2012, 02:22:55 AM
Brigitte, you are really wellcome in this madness sexual world called "Achat forum"!

and about your request, the real problem is how this update gonna work whit the poses: there is the chance it will need a full rework on some (or all, maybe!) to fix interactio between poses and new body shape. this is something we all had learn talking about it in the past months....but, ehy, hope will never die!
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: taztexan on May 18, 2012, 04:23:43 AM
Yes  having more options to body size would be nice and if not already mentioned, a lady in different stages of poignancy would be HOT HOT HOT!! *drool* I've met a lot of ppl who strive to make their avi close to what they are irl. I for one tried my best to make mine look as close to me irl. All that's missing is a little bit more of a belly.. The kind of middle aged gut the ladies love to rub. =)~

Programming in more body types would be a chore no doubt as all poses and clothes would need to be done to include new maps. Maybe in time this will come to fruition. I'm sticking around to find out.. *wink*

Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: mooncalf on July 08, 2012, 07:50:24 AM
Yes.  More options

If I want saggy tits and a fat ass, then I should be able to have saggy tits and a fat ass.

Oh yeah... and please... REAL red hair.
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: Rukya on July 08, 2012, 01:13:35 PM
i think different size of body will be a difficult work to adapt the poses . But , i have remarqued that now when i massage small breasts in game , my hands touch them now . It was not the case when i started achat  ;)
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: prias on July 10, 2012, 02:42:06 AM
and you may not have knew the time when small boobs was changing in big ones from a pose to another, it was quite fun :D
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: Rukya on July 10, 2012, 06:52:49 AM
lol , yes this was surely strange  ;D
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: christinak on July 10, 2012, 10:09:08 AM
I would be happy if the feet could be removed from the avitars on all the women.  So that feet appropriate to the shoes being worn or not worn would look like they should.  I would really love for my avi to have some sandals. **hint hint hint**
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: bluedenim on July 10, 2012, 01:03:12 PM
And trainers, please? I can't run in boudoir shoes!

Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: Rukya on July 10, 2012, 03:43:44 PM
hehe its many months i ask this , but its impossible it seem  ;D
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: prias on July 11, 2012, 02:25:57 AM
I guess that if you have flat shoes as sandals, the dev team will have to resolve the problem of the different size between male and female or you're gonna levitate for social interactions such as stand up kissing or dancing... It's already the case when girls wear platform shoes, the guy is levitating up to a few pixels from the floor :p
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: Rukya on July 11, 2012, 10:09:35 AM
hehe and the advantage of levitation is that my toes will stop to suffer  ;D
Title: Re: New avatar customization
Post by: hentaiboy69 on July 11, 2012, 01:57:23 PM
no, seriously.....if they gonna release flip flop shoes, they have to adjut all the standing pose....lot of work!