AChat Forum
Discussions about AChat => Share your creative ideas => Topic started by: Janine Dee on September 19, 2011, 08:30:09 AM
Several threads have inspired this one, but I finally felt this was needed.
While we call AChat a game I think it is more accurate to call it a modified chat program.
Yes, the chat interface may at times leave much to be desired, but at it's heart it seems you have a chat program where you can customize your avatar from the available options (yes, I know they too can leave much to be desired) and then seek to chat with others which can lead to interactions with those avatars.
Which is actually pretty revolutionary when you think of it.
Some comparable programs tend to be a more sexual MMO, but they are also WELL known for technical issues. Others are known for a more stable platform, because you are controlling all the avatars yourself.
Looking at AChat as it stands it does what it seems to set out to do rather well.
So why did I do the post? I felt that defining the discussion could help, wanting things like a group chat channel, or expanded avatar options, more rooms are all fine suggestions, but some seem to want to expand this to those unstable MMOs, or think that a platform can be made as stable as a single user while having multiple systems communicating.
Still, that's just my thoughts.
I think its good that you made this post Janine... your pointing out exactly what AChat is and it might serve as a reminder to those who have ideas that are a bit far fetched. :)
Well, my impression is this: some peoples have in mind other adult format (other game first, i think!) where u can have other enterteinment and not only met a partner, chatting a little (if you are lucky!) and have sex, in different way (RL or not, depend on us!).
About this, i think aChat have a good structure afterall, but at the same time there are some missing:
1 - shemale gender: they are the only one who don't have free pose at the begin, so, if u really wanna have some good time, or you are lucky and met a lot of premium whit pose (impossible!) or u have to become premium by yourself and buy them. Well, i think it's better if the developers make this thingh visible and not hiding it.
2 - premium accout: usually, becoming a premium user give some advantage. well, here be a free or a premium user is the same thingh and this is really frustrating. give to premium something more: basic poses, basic dress or whatever!
3 - shop: work good, but a preview of the object (dress, face, ecc....) is really needed, because isn't easy see how your avatar looks from the pics in the shop. this can be solved whit an online "dressing room" . (that mean u can buy stuff online too!)
4 - about price: they are adding new poses every week and that's good. but i wanna focus on the pose similar for all the gender, like slow lap dance, lap dance or other: they have all the same price (egs 240 A$), so if i wanna take all 3 of them i need 240 x 3 = 720 A$. like i said in another tread, i'm very glad if we can have a sort of promotional package, for a better price.
I think i had write all.....have fun to all!
I am guessing this has something to do, at least in part, with the post I made - given the timing (even though I merely stated it more of a thought experiment than anything). So, even with the extensive ambiguity of “some people” tossed around, I feel the need to post, if only to play the Devil's advocate.
I have to ask, what is so wrong with consumers, us, seeking more from the product we pay for? Should we just accept the status quo as it is, or seek to see the product expand out of its current boundaries and become some more than what it is? Ideas may be far-fetched, but many great developments come from subscribers putting their ideas out there for the Devs to see, acting as a greater thought pool beyond their own creative minds. Some ideas are “far-fetched” but others are not, and the advantage of live products is that they can and are always evolving and changing – and such should be expected of live products.
Yes, Achat at its core is a chat program with some animations and avatars put in for sexy encounters. And while it may be fine for some to simply accept that, others may what to see more come from the product they are paying for and thus use this forum as a means to express that desire and generate ideas on how to keep it, at its core, from stagnating.
Let's look at it from a purely monetary format. At $10.00 a month for basic subscription it isn't bad, I paid for it, and am considering the $50 for a year. But in comparison for just pure chatting: MSN = free, Facebook = free, Yahoo and so on are free. They are chat programs as well. For the online aspect of avatars and doing things with other people, MMOs like EverQuest 2 and WoW are typically around $15.00 a month, and also feature fully customizable avatars, though with way, way more options. If I wanted to just sit there and talk in EQ2, I could easily do so in guildchat or the Level 1-9 channel, or even sit in one of the many taverns and have a face-to-face. This is all while in a remarkably stable platform that is able to coordinate thousands of people at once. If I wanted to do more, well, there is an entire world to explore.
There is nothing revolutionary about this, it has been going on for 15 years now with the launch of EverQuest 1.
Now I know it isn't fair to compare the smaller Achat to companies like SOE or Blizzard that deal with multi-millions of dollars. The cost is reflective of the company size, so I refuse to comment on it from just a personal value sense. For what it is, the cost is reasonable. But these are the options available to consumers.
What Achat has going for it that the others do not is the sexual animation aspect, which is loads of fun – but with limited focus comes limited interest. I have about 10 people on my lovers list, most of them premium members. During the last week, with myself logging on for a while at various points throughout the day (about every two or three hours when my child is otherwise engaged), I have, at best, seen 4 of them active during that entire time. That is not every time, but here and there and not at all consistent. So, 40% of my Lovers list is on sporadically throughout the week – each maybe available for 4 hours in a 168 hour period (about 2 to 3% of the time in a week). The other 60% have apparently vanished.
With that in mind, just from my own field of view, while the status quo might be fine for a limited few, it doesn't seem marketable for the vast majority of what subscribers need to keep going and giving out their money – so people who enjoy what is provided here look to find ways to enhance their experiences, give them more to look forward to, more reason to log in instead of finding something else to entertain them.
And if more ideas are generated to make Achat even better, things that the Devs themselves never thought of, and can improve the community and the experience to draw in more people for longer – well, I fail to see how telling people to keep it to themselves and just accept it is especially beneficial.
After reading the posts, I'd have to say both ms Avalucia and ms Janine have valid points. In my interpretation, ms Janine signals that some requests, suggestions and ideas do not match with what AChat is at it's core. I see myself that a lot of ideas are imported from other games.
Ms Avalucia states that any idea is welcome, far fetched or fitting to what AChat is. Stimulating the dev team to be more creative or to close in more to the wishes of their customers.
I don't see a problem in that, the more ideas, the bigger the pond for the devs is to fish in and add to their own imagination. Yet, it is the way that AChat is built technically that defines the outer limits of what is possible in the game/chat program.
Many games offer a world, or worlds to wander around in. Fully customisable avatars, envirornements that are actively changing (like lighting and weather in sl for instance). AChat doesn't. It can't because of technical limitations. Fully customisable avatars it can't offer, due to technical limitations. A common meeting area (other than the search window) it can't offer due to technical limitations.
This game is aiming at a specific group and it is likely that not everyone will like it. Yet I do feel there is a larger group of customers as a year ago, when i started this game. The huge amount of people coming and going is not uncommon for games like this and other forms. People hear about it, check it out and then leave again. Nothing really out of the ordinary. AChat is not as big of a hit like SL, Everquest or WoW. But it is steadily growing, also because ideas we the customers have given, were implemented.
I wonder if a full understanding of the game and its core is important for us to give our ideas.. It is the lack of communications from the dev team that allows us to ask for all kinds of things, possible or impossible. That is also at the core of the game.
I am sure that in time, while the game grows, more will be able. More of our requests implemented. Don't forget, the game is younger as 4 years and will need a lot of more time and effort to build it bigger.
well, my two cents on the subject...
Avalucia sweetie, I deliberately started a fresh post and didn't mention your because while it helped inspire me wanting to make this post I didn't want to make it anywhere near confrontational.
I just felt that defining the discussion was a needed step because some wanted leaps and bounds and while your post included right in it that your requests were a bit overreaching some come in and expect MASSIVE overhauls and they expect them yesterday.
I want to see AChat keep developing, and growing, I just thought that establishing groundwork would help because comparing AChat to other game or 3D other game is the apples to oranges (yet the one of the most popular things in the numerous other posts that ALSO inspired me to write this) but would require basically altering the very nature of what you are talking about.
I just feel that steps are better then leaps. Like a restoration of the group chat channel before the implementation of the "lounge" type area people have mentioned.
Still, people are certainly free to express all opinions they want. I just wanted to express my opinion that some requests are getting a bit out there.
Again, yours was the most recent Avalucia, but you also said you knew that you wouldn't be seeing those developments any time soon.
Yours was actually happily unique in that aspect.
Avalucia's point of fatigue factor with the site is spot on. Honestly there are very few players here that push beyond the 6 month mark. that is reality. Solutions though are not always rooted in reinventing the process, much of Janine's point is valid in that we look more for suggestions that might be compatible with the current format. Honestly I am of the opinion that the site has hardly approached ideas which could counter that fatigue level and provide a longer dedicated client base.
The format isn't for everyone. I have visited a popular sex game forum and seen many posts from people who have tried the site, and post basically what Avalucia has commented. It was fantastic graphics but little else to expand on. Many were gamers of the one person sites, which to me are hardly thrilling, but to each their own. To me the attraction of this site is hooking up with a real person and joining in a mutual fantasy, not finding my jollies with a soulless computer graphic. If you walk in this place with a hefty dose of imagination you can thrive, I certainly have. Not all are so fortunate, and need a little push ...
That really is the heart and soul of Janine's post, a reminder what ideas and suggestions under the current platform would tickle the interest of the consumers, what ideas could be implemented that might be quick and easy additions to the current format. Quit frankly the state of heavy influx of hookers is merely a sign that the large segment of the population is highly unimaginative, and of a simple a quick pound the pud and get out mentality.
I have seen a host of good ideas filter thru the forum over the past year and a half. The bulk of these are addressed towards extending the visual capacity of role play,.. outfits,... themed rooms, communication improvement. ... a healthy dose of development requests for the alternate choice groups FF, MM, SM.
IMHO the site thrives if it can reach the imagination of the subscribers, until it does then creative ideas of extreme makeovers will continue to flow thru here, nothing wrong with that, it merely is a sign of a larger expectation.
Dear TightFit74, 4 years isn't a short time for an online "games", to be honest......i see a lot of MMO whit short life then AChat evolved rapidly.
Anyway, the worst point here is the total missing about comunication whit developer, like if they are a secret group and they don't wanna show to the world them secret project to conquer it! in the "Client upgrades" last tread is on 9 march 2010! and looking at it, i don't think it help a lot.....sorry to say, but it's only trash! and now, don't tell me no one had ever think this.....i can't trust him/her!
it's normal, when u pay a month issue, looking for improvement, they are a big piece to make peoples stay here and don't go to other site (RLS or SL). I don't mean AChat have to become like other game or SL (ridicolous doing this, imho!) but there are some good idea that can be added here. most users ask for a community space and this is not impossible to do. How!? there are different way: an open space for all (maybe only premium!?) or just small room for a max of ten users, or other solution!
Anyway, i'd like to know what other users (we are allways the same here!) and (more important!) the developers thin about this.
I suppose it does make sense. If the devs ever look to the forums for ideas, they would have to sort through the impossible to implement as well as the more feasible ideas.
Maybe something along the lines of what Tight suggested, a "what would you like to see" section, with some clear guidelines of what is and is not acceptable for a rational addition to AChat. This way it would be all condensed in one place, and ideas that are too over the top can be cleared out via the kill button. And with clear titles, it would save on repostings of the same idea.
I figure the more we try to meet them half way the more likely we'll see our ideas developed.
What success I've seen in pushing for FF has been through striving to see it from their perspective and then using that to push my suggestions.
I'd like them to update more often than they do, but honestly I dont think theres much they could add to the gameplay. they definitely could add more to the chat and such. MAYBE PUTTING THE DAMN PUBLIC CHAT BACK IN FFS. I had a lot more fun in this game when they had that up, but they pulled it down after a couple of days because it was causing "problems" (for the love of god i hope that was just technical difficulties, if it was stupid like someone bitching because they didnt know how to turn it off I will throw my shoe at someone)
(for the love of god i hope that was just technical difficulties, if it was stupid like someone bitching because they didnt know how to turn it off I will throw my shoe at someone)
never understimate human stupidity, my dear friend!
it really pissed me off when they got rid of it, thats part of the reason i stopped resubscribing and just started poking my head in every once in a while
@hentaiboy I've suggested before this game feels like a big social experiment.. we're just a bunch of lab rats... ;)
But honestly, I don't think there is big funding behind this game. Otherwise it would be pushed harder, advertised more and developed more quickly. I feel this game was created from a personal vision and desire, developed over years to achieve a good representative concept to the original idea. I have a feeling that just a couple of people started making this game because they wanted a closer, more intimate and personal connection in a virtual, sexual setting.
The aim being that sexual setting. A dream of people all over the world, connecting for an intimate encounter (evet though virtual, intimacy is so connected to sex, it can't been seen seprate from it). Because there isn't a single game (to my limited knowledge) that is aimed solely at interactive sex with a real person in a 3d environment. If anything, that is the core of achat. The possibility for intimate, sexual contact in a virtual setting.
Maybe that is the reason why the dev team is so closed about the program, why they are hesitant to communicate with us. Both with the content of the game as well as how the game is developed. I would probably want to protect my idea or dream as well...
Maybe u are right TightFit74 or maybe not.....we never know this.
anyway, yes, mayby they are working on aChat thinking about personal experience and feeling (tha's way there's a lot of MF poses and less for other, maybe)........but they don't have to forget aChat is an open community, whit different desire and fantasy (or dream, if u like it more), listen at our idea, then they are free to work on them or not (all us hope they consider our suggestion, i think!).
hmmm,... in defining AChat. in many matters and issues here it is simple demographics and common sense. The emphasis on MF poses due to the customer profile that most users on sex sites are simply hetero males. Without being redundant the with other sites;
Avalucia has pointed out already that the chat function is present (and done with better options) in other programs. AChat's hook is superior graphics. I am not a techie, so I have little to offer here, but my base understanding is that 3d rendering and high quality graphics is a memory intense function, whether AChat has the sufficient equipment or is bound by physical restraints of existing equipment is an unknown factor. A point they have not been willing to share as to that issue;
Because of the heavy unbalance in the general user profiles, gifting to women is allowed to attract partners for the men. That it might evolve into a WG subclass is to be expected, but it is a factor due to guys being willing to (due to either impatience in developing relationships or general terrible skills in chat technique) lay out scrip to attract partners. Gifting is not allowed to men simply to discourage development of premium male moochers to the system. If you are going to a premium male you are going to pay...that is the simple rule to the system, one born by economic necessity to discourage competition to those willing to lay out money for the site (a point which has been confirmed by Tom).
That being said, there are curious points of development that I have not wrapped my head around.
Why more MM poses have not been developed? Is there a high animosity towards creating a homosexual male community? Honestly does that side of the gay community find some hostility from the others? I have met a few, some more aggressive then others but nothing a bit of respect and firm resolution of my orientation has not been able to diffuse. This is a side of the paying community which has received little development.
The introduction of the shemale subclass was unique when it was first introduced. From my understanding one of the first sites to provide that option to "real time users". because of the capacity to receive gifts, I am rather surprised the class has received such accessibility to FS poses, with little development as to a recipient poses in MS orientation. To me that seemed the natural development, but has not been pushed what so ever beyond the one pose offered. To me it tends to fly in the face of the gifting restrictions that Tom confirmed. At the very least, what was offered as MM poses should have been extended to the MS options at the very least. Adaption of the programming would hardly be an issue since most poses are existing in the MF segment, the strictly anal action is not hard to accomplish (IMO). It makes common sense along that line to serve the "paying Male side"
I do not think myself too qualified to comment on the FF side, I'd rather leave that to Janine or others rational insight to expand on.
For me I take it as an extension of the "The guys have the A$." business model.
There are no guys involved in FF and FFF, so while they know there is SOME money I think there might be a perception of there being LESS money, and looking dispassionately at the numbers they're probably right.
A primary assumption that we all agree on is that there are more premium male users. Catering to them is simple economics.
Now anything with an M in the grouping can at least theoretically appeal to that customer base. (With MM and MMM seemingly ranking last in the M options.)
Anything that's all F's, by definition excludes the M's and their A$'s, so seemingly faces an uphill battle. Now when I was still premium when a new FF pose would come out the servers would light up with ladies logging on to try it out so I like to think that percentage wise we show the numbers, but even if the percent were LARGER then the mixed M sales (non MM) a larger percent of a smaller number is still a smaller number.
It's why I certainly want MORE before I'll resubscribe, but I have no illusions about equaling it out.
im pretty sure guys arent even paying hookers anymore, i STILL see them all over the fucking place on that game. but on my female avatar I tried it and I really get no offers aha (my avatar looks good and everything, half the guys on this forum tried to fuck it)
So... did you like it? ::)
I wonder why they'd be idling online if they can't get anyone to pay them then... wouldn't that be a terrible waste of time? :-\
@Adera Not necessarily, the comment has been made by id'ing as such there is better likelihood of diminishing some of the chatter, an easy out for discouraging non-premiums. There are a few that hold the line, and play it out simply because that is their fantasy, which I can respect. The bantering of the bargaining session is part of the turn on for them. It wasn't so important that scrip was being paid as much as the illusion of selling themselves off which was important.
An interesting topic and some interesting points from different viewpoints.
The thing that sticks out (besides male pixels lol) is that the word "game" is used, not only here but within AChat itself. The same is true for other game or SL or any online place where there are real people behind those avatars. Comparing AChat to other game/SL and the like is unfair, those are 3D virtual worlds, not a chat app with animated graphics, the whole purpose of each is totally different. And to compare AChat to something like EQII is absurd: EQII is a roleplaying MMO fantasy game and while there are social aspects, that isn't the focus.
AChat is a social site and they make no bones (ok, so the pun was kind of intended) about the fact that the focus is a place for people to hook up and well ... basically cyber. That stuff was going on in Yahoo and AOL/AIM Adult chat rooms long before there was AChat. And there was lots of the same kind of behavior that you find in AChat, including people (almost all guys) asking for phone or cam.
So to keep it where Jasmine intended, AChat's improvements really should focus on two aspects: chat and personal interactions. They do put a lot of effort into the interactions part, with frequent updates. Where I feel they've been lagging is in the chat aspects. Come on, tabbed chat isn't that hard, nor is public chat. If there's a Free user concern about abuse with global chat, have two channels: one for anyone and one for Premium only, but that's presuming there's a user base demand for it. From my previous online Yahoo and AIM days, I'm not a big supporter of global chat ... who wants all that bot traffic anyhow?
More important in the chat aspect is making it more user friendly and one of the easiest things to implement (imho) is tabbed chat. That alone would improve an ok chat system with a much better one. Come on, devs, it can't be that hard and there's tons of examples of that feature online already.
So on to the the in-room stuff. Used right, it sure can help the person to person interaction going on in text (until things get to the really steamy omg now I can't type stage), if I have one "beef" with it, it's way too static. Like where's my option to be a seductress and slowllllly strip tease for my partner? Or take his hand and yank his ass to the bed to convey my need without having to type that? So a bit more fluidity would be a great add. From the dev's standpoint, there's already tons of animation examples out there, other game and SL surely, but also in the game community ... look at what users have done for things like Fallout 3 (animated prostitution, additional poses and animations).
Lastly and also an easy fix most likely, is give people a text box to say a bit about themselves. There''s been some creative use of City, Country etc. to add in a bit, but come on, adding a text box for a bit of description can't be too hard. If there's a concern about size or something, make it have a 800 character limit or whatever. Of course that presumes guys actually READING the damn thing to begin with lol. Like "Cold Invite = Ignore" should be a huge clue you'd think. A bit of text would be great and save a lot of time wasted on answering repetitive questions.
Lastly, and this isn't really a AChat wishlist thing, it's more a rant to stupid people thing ... wtf part of Hetero don't some of you "women" get? As much as cold invites piss me off, cold invites from other women/shemales piss me off way more.
All the rest of what goes on is what goes on in any social environment to some extent. I'm just as apt to get hit on clubbing as I am here. And yes, really, just as rudely sometimes (I know, that seems like a shocker, huh?). But for all the jerks whose idea of award-winning come-on lines* is "Hi, wanna fuck?" (really, does that ever work? A quick reply of "Yes, just not with you." and clicking Ignore works great btw), I've also got to meet a lot of really NICE guys (you know who you are!) too. And really, isn't that what socializing is about? Meeting others that you can share with? And for that aspect, AChat does a great job.
* I waitress at a bar, trust me, I've heard a LOT of lame pickup lines. I used to think I'd heard all the pickup lines, but some of the stuff I've seen here gives new meaning to Creative Stupidity. Guys, really, do yourself a favor: A simple "Hi" (or Hello or whatever) is much better than some lame-ass attempt at being clever (and unless she just fell off the chuck wagon she will see right through it) and likely improve the odds that she'll answer.
Ahaha, the lame pick up lines can be quite funny afterwards... probably the reason why we have a thread about it here that is 44 pages long. :D
We do kind of have a description but everyone use it as a banner of sorts now. A big problem is as you said Sue, that very few seem to read the profiles... I've clearly written where I'm from but nearly everyone asks anyway. If people actually read the profiles it would be nice if they could say more about you, now most people seem to go after looks, if I put on a hot leather outfit I'll suddenly have more guys asking me to dominate them even if that wasn't my intention.
The banner space allows only 64 characters. That isn't a lot if you want to give a little info about yourself. There have been requests for a bigger banner space, but no reply or action from the dev team. If there is any concern about doing it, I can only imagine they don't want the windw in which a selected avatar is shown, to get smaller.
Since the game is very visually oriented, I think it is rather logic why guys/girls go for looks first before reading a profile. Not that I approve, I have been asked questions of which the answer is written in my profile. I think it is also a way of making conversation, not knowing wha to say at the moment?
SueCB, I think you are making a valid point when saying the chat-possibilities in AChat have been lagging development. There has been none since I became a member. Just the general chat they had running for a few days, other than that it is still the same. The general chatbox was a lot of fun, but it could have been set up in a better way. When it was removed, the dev team promised (or mentioned) it would return in some form or another, but it has been over a year. So I am not holding my breath over it.
I do hope they will improve the way the chat works, because so many posts have been complaining about it. I don't think there is a single person who has never sent a message to the wrong person. Which can be very embarrassing at times..
A statement from the dev team on the presented view points would be greatly appreciated..
A big problem is as you said Sue, that very few seem to read the profiles...
very few!? well you are optimistic.......maybe 3 on 40 read all the info u add in your profile.
Very few take the time to read. Yet, a longer tag line would be appreciated. No doubt the capacity to inject additional information would be nice, however it kind of takes the mystery away if too much is revealed.
When active I use the tag line in a fairly dynamic fashion, often post lyrics there, and the space is seldom sufficient to do it justice. 800 characters is a pretty large field, I myself would be happy at 128 characters,...that serves my purposes. As hentaiboy' points out, they seldom read the 64 provided.
@SueCB The task of creating a fluid flow would require a rewrite of the platform. and quite frankly in my opinion the seduction is best served by the ability to express oneself. I understand your point, there is little visual compliment to the pre coitus action,...of sheer sensuality. My opinion though is I can accomplish that task with my words, to being led to the bed...(lol... I am straining to remember the last "bed" session... lets see...hallway, table,. chair.,... desk,... window (kind of... we won't go into the "how" of those session... a multitude) ,...window........couch,....wall,... (sorry lingering on that memory) ....
AChat is a chat platform in it's core, the poses are merely visual extensions of the action we hold in the minds eye in our exchange., as you you comment, a nice nudge when things are are so hot and the hands preoccupied... good cyber will take it beyond the limits of poses. After all the imagination is most powerful tool we can employ.
I'm gay. I have Homo clearly clicked, and mention it in my tag line, and I still have guys trying to hump my leg.
Some won't even accept when I type it to them directly.
While I don't think an expanded tag line would help with those people, you shouldn't focus implements on the bad elements, they will always ignore, or work around, or whatever.
An expanded tag line would however help those of us who DO read profiles, and someone who took the time to fill it out could help distinguish themselves in that initial screening process.
The fluidity thing is more as a visual enhancement, I'm perfectly fine typing it ... after all, that's what existed before fancy graphics anyhow. A great experience is about two people (or 3 in some cases) connecting. While the pixels help to convey certain things, mostly what's being conveyed is in that text box below.
As for the 800 char description, that was just a number to throw out, but 64 characters is way too limiting. I think the banner thing is great for some kind of teaser, lyric, quote or whatever, but it isn't suited really for giving some basic info. Sure, there's wanting some mystique and all the cool aspects of first meeting (you can tell a lot about someone by how they get over that awkward first step). But at least enough text space to maybe expand on preferences, fantasies, kinks whatever.
And I do agree, there's way too many that don't read profiles at all. Too bad for them, because it'll be obvious and they won't get far anyway. Like I said, "Cold Invite = Ignore" should be a clue, you'd think. Yet, I get bombarded by them anyway. Go figure.
for you and me and a number of other members, the imagination is the main tool, translated into words, complemented by the poses and graphics presented in AChat. But for most (correct me if I am wrong), the graphics are the main drive for their imagination, not the words.
For us AChat might be a chat platform, I am guessing for most it is more a platform for interactive porn, being their own director, doing the poses they like most. A detached mode, seeing the avatars as actors.
Looking at it from that viewpoint, a cold invite is similar to going to the videostore and picking out a movie...
That's a very unique way to look at it, Tight. In that case, I should mention in my description that I don't do short films. I only participate in feature length movies with an actor of comparable experience. No commercial add actors. And high production value for good special effects would be a plus. :P
ms Keiko,
If you are ever looking for a quality actor for a long, feature movie, one with an actual story, contact my agent ;D
(sorry, can't help this light comment in this serious thread ;) )
Aww so I don't get to be an actress in an AChat commercial? Hmm make Alexander Skarsgård model the male clothes and I'd be drooling. :P
Watches as the thread quickly hangs a right and speeds down glittery Off Topic Avenue...
With a sigh, I slip my hands back into the dishwater... someday.. someday some agent will come about and discover my abilities... then, then on to Tinsel Town...
Sorry *looking at Bear with sad puppy eyes* I think I'm a great offender in this. :P
I'm gay. I have Homo clearly clicked, and mention it in my tag line, and I still have guys trying to hump my leg.
Some won't even accept when I type it to them directly.
While I don't think an expanded tag line would help with those people, you shouldn't focus implements on the bad elements, they will always ignore, or work around, or whatever.
An expanded tag line would however help those of us who DO read profiles, and someone who took the time to fill it out could help distinguish themselves in that initial screening process.
its just a really nice leg yknow
Seems likes there's lots wanting to be leading ladies ... so I'll settle for stunt double ;D They can get the glory, I'll settle for ... well umm, you know...
I might become a bit cross if I have to step aside ::), maybe I can drag the actor into the showers. :P
A utility assistant wanders by,... clipboard in hand as he notices you squirming in the chair.
"ah, Ms. Adera... this scene shot may take a while, is there something we can do for you?"
I look up at the man "Well, I seem to be missing out on something thick and juicy... any idea where I could find such a thing to play with?".
He glances at the woman, noting her sultry smile and mischievous eyes. The moans and groans of the hot action on the set have not excaped his attention.
He leans in whispers..."Well the catering truck did not bring any oscar meyer wieners.. . but perhaps I do know of something that will plump up nicely when things get hot."
*Walks over and leans against Adera while holding a film camera.* Don't mind me, I'm here to record "behind the scenes" footage. *smirks and winks* ;)
And the whole past few posts is what really defines AChat! :)
"Oh I wonder how I can make it harder then?" with a wink at the man I turn to Keiko and step in really close to her, our bodies touching, my breath against hers "Think you could help me get him ready? As an artist I'm sure you'd like a better feel of your subjects?" and I lean in to give her a soft kiss... glancing at the man briefly from the corner of my eye seeing his gaze fixed on us.
He feel that quick rush to the loins watching Adera's kiss be met with an eager response, ...
"No doubt,..." replies the man, "and we can certain fill her with the details as we go along here...", tossing the clipboard to Adera's chair, he slides slowly behind the the camera woman and reaches down gently easing the camera from the woman's grip, and sets it nearby,...taking care to make certain the camera is on. No sense losing the potential clips of interest.
Pressing closer to the young camerawoman, steps in close to the young woman. Gliding hands brush soft along Keiko's side, resting lightly there as the other hand slips around her and brushes softly against Adera and drifts between the women until it finds the end of the sash holding Adera's dressing gown closed. He pulls on it slowly certain that this performance will more than rival that being filmed behind them.
*My deep ebony petals part slightly as our lips lock in a passionate kiss. The corners of my lips curl into more of a mischievous smirk, shivering a bit from your warm breath against my soft, ivory skin while exchanging glances between Adera and Bear*
Of course. There is no better way to understand the motivation of a scene than by experiencing it for yourself.
*As my camera is removed from my hand and the man slowly presses close against my back, a short burst of giggles escaped from my lips. Watching his skilled hands brushing over me as they undo Adera's sash, I can feel the growing excitement from both of them pressing against my thighs.
A spark inside me ignites a burning hot sensation which fuels my body full of adrenaline and lust. Slowly, my tongue slides over my lips, savoring the kiss Adera and I exchanged and anticipating the excitement of more to come.*
The cool air lick over my excited nipples when my sash is opened, a hand caressing Bears arm takes a gentle hold of it guiding him to the small of my back and he softly presses all of us together. My hard nipples press into Keiko's soft breasts, my excited dick mashing in between us but her blouse brushes against my nipples and I frown a little in disapproval "So much clothing on you two, guess I'll have to peel it off" and I smile naughtily.
Placing my hands on Keiko's waist I let them slide up under her blouse and enjoying the feeling of her soft skin before helping her out of her blouse. I notice her cute bra encasing her ivory breasts and can't help but lick my lips... but I have to help Bear out of his clothes as well.
Sliding around them I pull his shirt off of him revealing his strong back and I can't help but slide my hands over his skin. I lean in close to smell his manly scent which affects me so nicely and I press my breasts against his back while I let my hands wander over his body.
Tearing myself away I go back around to Keiko... my excitement probably very obvious at this moment from various signs but I don't care about that as I flash Keiko a playful smile. I let my nails run over her bra and I gently cup her breasts with my hands feeling her softness "mmmm" and a soft giggle escapes me. Sneaking a hand inside a cup I tease her delicate ivory skin with my long nails, circling a nipple and letting a nail trace it before I give it a playful flick noting her widening eyes with a smile. I step in close to her, close enough so I can feel her breasts against mine and let my hands in between the two of them so I can undo her bra, pull it off and fling it casually over the chair.
My hand drifts along Adera body under her guidance, slipping under the silk gown across her smooth pale skin...I feel the gentle urging of pressure and understand with fingers spreading wide my hand cups her sweet flanks pressing her body against Keiko. A tight mesh as our bodies rock and shift undulating as one. in tight contact, the thickening mass of my engorging member slides against hip of the camera woman, rising in heated need, bent though in awkward angle by the restraints of my slack.
As Aderas words flow, I catch her glance, that sultry fire holding my gaze briefly, my hand slides from her bottom,... flowing instinctively to clamp on Keikos hip. Assured that her hips are tight to that hardening mass, I let my hands roam,..brushing under her blouse,...a slow light stroke on her sides as I feel the fabric slid from her. Its only as Adera moves away that my hands glide slow across Keikos abdomen, fingers again spread wide as they drift across the fabric of her skirt,... when my thumbs meet in contact, I send the hands sliding lower in firm contact of her skirt and body, dipping until I feel the edge of that pelvic bane...then in a synchronous move... I lean and my lips brushing against her shoulders, as strong fingers curl and grasp to her inner thighs... the firm pressuring roll of the thumbs against that pelvic bone, asthe stong fingers massage. My hips dance against Keiko, and I feel her own pressure pushing back in that erotic dance.
Suddenly it is I sandwiched there,...the press of Adera against my back... her hands wandering, dragging against me....the pull on the fabric of the shirt makes my hands reluctantly yield their grasp on the young camerawoman. A rush of cool aair brushes my body as Adera peels the shirt from me. It's here I find my senses are firing in concert,...that heady rush takes me....lost to the essence of sweet perfumes... the rake of Aderas nails... her hard nipples dragging against by back...the continued pressure of Keiko against my body..the silky pink hair slipping teasingly along my chest....the loan moans of escaping wonder I feel the seepage of hot desire now dripping from my cock.
I close my eyes and yield to those senses... my hands again drifting to Keikos body,... slow strokes as I feel her move against me...yielding to Adera as she returns before Keiko...drifting in slow contact to waist of Keikos skirt...they trace slowly along its edge until I find the binds that hold it there...and as Adera plays at Keiko's breasts... my own hands loosen the womans skirt... I ease back slowly breaking that contact...slipping the fabric off her hips, releasing to let it to puddle at her feet. My eyes open catching the blur of the tossed bra... following its slow fall to the chair...over the camera...and a quiet assurance as I look it's it's red light shining yet as if burning in its own excitement and anticipation,... the lens still focused upon us, unimpeded of view.
Director: Cut. Bring in the stunt double...
Me: On it...
Director: And ... action...
;D I think that is what got us off topic... soothing Adera's pout over a stunt double.... ;)
Well that's the SAG rules ;D Can't fight the union and all...
A sweet smile shapes my raven-glossed lips once my gaze fell to Adera's perfectly round breasts. Her nipples hard against my own perky, soft breasts as Bear pushes us closer together after carefully sliding off my blouse. My smile grows brighter as Adera's nipples weren't the only things hard pressed up against me. Her stiffening cock was pinned between us. The urge to touch it and taste it was overwhelming while it grew larger and harder between us. Wanting to savor that rush of lust and longing, my slender fingertips caress gently over Adera's cheek as her own hands explore up my blouse. My hips begin to sway gracefully, lead by Bear's in a slow dance motion. Extending my other hand to her cheek briefly only to let my fingers trail down her neck so I could cup my hands around her lovely breasts, giving them a playful squeeze before she slips around to Bear's back.
While Bear's senses are distracted by Adera's passionate playfulness, I begin to gyrate my hips against his, rubbing and feeling that bulge between his thighs growing larger, desperately trying to escape his tight jeans. I giggle, enjoying the pleasurable torment we are both giving him while his strong hands rest on my hips. Reclining my head back over his shoulder, I extend my arm up around his cheek to the back of his head and comb my fingers through his soft, bleach hair. I exhale a soft moan as I feel Bear's thumb rubbing me, causing me to burn hotter inside.
After Adera slips back infront of me, my finger tips trickle down her abdomen very slowly before sliding around to her back, pulling her close to me as her curious hands fondle my breasts within my Lacy, ebony bra. Closing my eyes and leaning forward to kiss her neck, a soft moan escapes my lips as Adera's touch sends chills of pleasure down my spine. Once she reaches behind my back to undo my bra strap, I give her firm butt a playfully squeeze.
I am left wearing a cute pair of black panties with a tiny red bow just below my navel after bear relinquished me of my skirt. My hands move to my back, fumbling for a moment to find Bear's belt, working slowly to remove it while I lean in to wrap my lips gently around Adera's right nipple, swirling my tongue around it and suckling tenderly. After I feel the buckle release on Bear's jeans, I blindly feel for the button before tugging them down over his hips as far as I could reach without breaking contact with Adera.
I sigh in pleasure when Keiko wraps her lips around my hard, tender nipple, almost unconsciously I cradle her head with my hands holding her close. Her sucking and swirling tongue sending waves of pleasure through me, my dick twitch involuntarily in response and making me mew softly while running my hands through her hair.
After a while I can feel the pleasure building inside me and a little precum leaking from my dick. I concentrate, open my eyes fully and try to move back from her but only escaping after an audible pop when her lips releases me and I can't hold back a shuddering moan from the sensations coursing through me. I see the mischievous smile on her lips "bad girl, that was far too close" but I say it with a smile on my lips and I lean in to kiss her passionately again.
Releasing her lips I slowly start to kiss and nibble my way down the soft ivory skin of her neck, then down to her breasts, kissing my way to her nipple and with my right hand tracing my fingers in mimic. Reaching her nipple I flick my tongue over it before wrapping my lips around it and savouring her taste all the while teasing her other nipple with my fingers.
Suddenly a big pair of hands cup her delicious breasts so I move away, down her body, licking up a spot with my own precum from her skin. Standing on my knees in front of her I lean back looking up at her, coyly licking my lips while I let my fingers trace the hem of her panties. With a smile on my lips I move in between her legs, breathing hotly over her pantied crotch before reaching out with my tongue and tracing her wet lips through her panties while I slowly pull them down over her hips.
The release of the buckle and button is like pulling a drowning man to the surface. I ease back,..kicking shoes free,..a frantic pul of the trousers and briefs as they slide from me...all the while my engorged member jutting out,...bobbing and weaving under my frantic movements to undress as Keikos fingers blindly brush against it,.. seeking My body trembles as if it taking its first breath of the sexually fused moment...Heavily engorged as it was my cock completely stiffens with the hot rush that sweeps. As Keikos hand finally finds its firm contact with me I slide in close,... the firm shank of lust brushing against her skin leaving it smearing mark of desire against her skin.
My arms slide around her,... hands slipping up to cup her her breasts. brushing briefly against Adera's play, there,... I gently knead squeezing the flesh where Adera offer a more pronounced nipple to her lips before she pulls away and down. My fingers replace the tease at the nipples...sliding against the wet skin thumbs curling along the areola,.. a slow circle, tracing there gentle rolls across the nipple as the stroke and caress.
I lean in and down, pulling my hips slightly so my lips can brush along her shoulder, creep to her neck which she offers in a subtle tilt of the head. lips kiss, caress her soft skin..the teasing dart of the tongue, to taste, caress...a light brush of teeth...inching ever slowly higher, to the jaw line. Her silky pink hair brushing against my face as work higher until the sweet warmth of breath spills across her ear My right hand slips from her breast, dragging slow down her abdomen and across her waist as she shifts in weight against me. Another shift, as my hands slip to her thigh,...the coincidental contact as Keiko raises her foot for Adera in order to slip that panty from her.
it was instinctive, perhaps for her as much as me,...that subtle contact and movement led us to its own point. Mindless,... will less we react together. Her leg lifts, my hands continue to slip along and under the rising thigh....
Keiko's petite and slender body is but a feather to me as she settles against the pillar of the concrete embrace of my left arm. As she steadies herself on one foot, we raise her leg, my right hand slipping in gentle firm support under her thigh until the fingers bump to the bended knee, if smoothly choreographed,...the grip clamps I pull back on her knee, hips press forward and the flower of Keiko's sex blossoms open before Adera,...and its sweet temptation of the nectar within.
With a loud pop, the suction grip of my lips are severed from Adera's succulent nipple. Naturally I couldn't help but flash her a mischievous grin as she tilts my chin up with a curled finger to meet my gaze. her words brought a short burst of giggles to my lips for a brief moment before they were silenced by Adera's deep, passionate kiss. Lips parting slightly as my moans are muffled within her mouth followed by my tongue, taking only a moment to find its way over to Adera's. My body shivers slightly when the warmth of Bear's skin presses against mine while the precum from their growing excitement drips and smears over my thighs.
A thin string of saliva still connects our tongues when our passionate lip lock breaks before kissing slowly down my chest. My jaw drops as a pleasurable sensation burns in my chest before glancing down to watch as Adera passes the same delightful tingle that I gave her. Leaning back against Bear's chest, my fingers trail slowly up his sides while cooing softly from the stimulation by Adera.
Once Bear's strong hands slip around my sides and gently caress my breasts, I watch as Adera's kisses continue a quest down over my abdomen before stopping at the last barrier that seperates my sweet, pink love petals from her. My cheeks flush a bright red as Adera's dazzling eyes look up at me from her kneeling position. I was clearly wet from the provocation I was receiving. Even the strong intoxicating scent from between my legs was filling the air around us as Adera's fingers tease me through the damp fabric before slowly peeling it down my long, slender legs. I felt like a doe in heat, causing me to blush even brighter. Panting softly, I felt Bear's guiding hand drift over my hip and move along my thigh, raising the toes of my right leg off the floor as Adera removes the last piece of clothing that was in the way, revealing my glistening, shaved sex.
Leaning back against Bear's arm for balance, I turn my head to meet his lips with mine, tasting his sweet, soft tongue while only giving him a sample of the lingering flavor of Adera still clinging to me. My palm glides slowly over his firm, muscular chest while my other hand reaches around to his back, my nails carefully tracing up and down over his skin. I could feel his hips roll under my thigh after raising my leg completely horizontal. Closing my eyes slowly, I could feel a thin stream of my juices trickle down my inner thigh.
The taste of Bear's lips, the strong grip of his hand on my thigh, the soft touch of Adera's fingertips, and the sounds of the moaning from the video shoot nearby. It felt like a dream, my eyes refusing to open for fear of waking up. Although far from my thoughts at that moment was the camera I was once holding which still records the action unfolding intront of it's lens. That will be the evidence of my heaven on earth experience.
As Bear lifts Keiko's leg I stare at her steamy hot sex, my hands wandering over my body as I smile at her beautiful pussy. Noticing her apparent excitement I lean in to catch the juices trickling down her inner thigh with my tongue... mmmm, then I slowly lick my way up her thigh circling around her pussy and breathing hotly over it. Then slowly approaching her folds I let my tongue trace her lips lightly, not able to hold back a smile as I hear her lovely moans. I continue my way, closing in on her clit which I circle closer and closer, my breath hitting it before my tongue. I give her clit a quick little flick with my tongue, then I lean in to kiss it softly, suck lightly on it and then tease it in earnest with my tongue.
After a while I lean back a bit and work my way over her lips tasting her wet juices. I nuzzle in against her, consciously moving my nose tip against her clit, not going to ease up on it and then working my tongue slowly out from my mouth. I let my tongue move teasingly slow into her, nuzzling in closer and closer while sticking my tongue out more and more. I let my tongue twist, thicken, turn and curl inside her while I kiss her with my lips. I brush the tip of my nose against her clit while kissing her deeply, working my tongue around inside her and tasting her delicious taste. Curling my tongue and turning the tip of my tongue around some I bob my head back and forth giving her a little tongue fuck.
I lean back catching some breath and take a peek up at her while licking her juices from my lips... sending her a wide grin "Hope you liked that".
Looking down its kinda hard to miss Bears balls hanging down, mmmm, I lean in wrapping a hand around them and caressing them in my hand "Mmmm feels like its full of delicious cum". I move in and lick them all wet, then I suck one after another into my mouth, slobbering them up good with my tongue inside my mouth and getting a groan from him in return.
I move a hand up between their bodies grabbing his hot hard cock and pull it down between Keiko's legs... noticing Bear lifting her up. I start stroke his thick shaft and give the head a little lick to get the dab of precum on it... savouring the taste in my mouth. Releasing my hold it quickly rises against Keiko's pretty pussy and nestles against it. I can see Bear rolling his hips a little, making him rub against her with the head jutting out a bit in the front. I move in on the head and I start to lick it, my tongue swirling around the head, over the ridge and tracing his thick shaft, licking up some of Keiko's juices from it.
Moving back a little again I place my lips pursed at the tip of his cock and look up at Keiko. Holding her eyes I slowly wrap my lips around his cock, moving my tongue around it inside my mouth and giving this hot manly meat a teasing but soft bite. I can feel him throb in my mouth and hopefully against her clit as I continue to suck his cock... hmm might be a little tricky deep throating him like this tough.