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Discussions about AChat => Share your creative ideas => Topic started by: WilliamXS on November 05, 2011, 02:13:41 AM

Title: Invite a 3th persome while in room !!!
Post by: WilliamXS on November 05, 2011, 02:13:41 AM
What I mean is...when your in room with someone and both like to have a 3some then it must be posible to invite someone that you have as friend, lover or spouse.

But that means you must see who is online  at the moment and that brings us how to see who is online.

But of cause there must be away to see if the person you want to invite and know the person is willing to be invited to a 3some.

So I think there must be a list of you friends, lovers and spouse(s)  to choose from and maybe somewhere it must be knowing that person  like having a 3some's.

My idea is to add that to the 'Character type' settings of that person and you'r own setting of  'Character type', like check the options of 'Favourites' ( O Threesome (maybe looking like this and the combinations of the 3some'  checkboxes what you are into FFM, FMM, MMM, FFF, FFS ...and so on)).
For example :
 O Fuck              O Threesome  ( If checked then a dropdownlist will come down with boxes to check )
 O Oral                       FFF      (               for what combinations of 3somes you choose                  )
 O Anal                       FFM     (       what combinations your into like FFF, FFM or what ever......      )
 O handjob                  FMM     (   So the checked boxes will appear below the checked 'threesome'   )
 O SM                        ALL       (                              choices you made.                                      )
 O Fetis
 O Masturbation (Notice ...not much room  the place for the option for 3somes at  top right of the 'Favourites' settings).

So those persons on your friends, lovers and spouse(s)lists letting know what  their are into a 3some.

Next problem hmmmm how to message the person you like to invite while in room with someone.
I see it like this...a kind of privite message fromout the room  with the info of who and what gender you with and the invited person knows how the  3some looks like (of cause it must be realtime info and the invited person can be in or out a room and only friends, lovers and spouse(s) are able to do that.)
The invite come with info and a few options of the invited person like: O No thanks, O To busy, O Laters or O Like other combination (means like for exsample: Not into MMF today but likes FFM at the moment).
Maybe a  friends, lovers and spouse(s)list 'TAB' at the top would be nice on it and you'll see a instand list of those who are online.

Well thats it....if some topics of the issues were allready made..sorry for that...I checked for some though.
I just want to see doin things easier
Title: Re: Invite a 3th persome while in room !!!
Post by: hentaiboy69 on November 05, 2011, 04:46:27 AM
Adding 3some to favorite option it will be nice, like add RP on.....the hard point is to add the option to invite someone when u are in room. at the end, exit the room for a look at your friend, love and spose list, don't take a lot of time, so i think there is no need of it at all (IMHO)
Title: Re: Invite a 3th persome while in room !!!
Post by: Janine Dee on November 05, 2011, 06:20:45 AM
Sorry William, but one truth that seems undeniable about AChat is that a great many people don't bother reading profiles. I am a gay woman and still get a great many cold invites and lukewarm hi then invites from males.

I'm not saying it's a BAD idea, but if I personally were on the development team I know I wouldn't make it a huge priority, simply because I know how little use it would get.

As far as being able to invite from in room, I actually think that's a pretty good idea. I think it would be a good way to drum up interest in the threesome positions. Getting three people in the room can be taxing, and a tool to facilitate that could only up the use of the poses which would up sales.

So Susy dear, if you see this you may want to pass that idea on to the development team. I don't know how difficult it would be to implement, but it could drive up threesome sales.

The big obstacle would be the understandable fear that people would invite Robot Boy or Girl and then use the system to chat with people in the lists while effectively hidden, but something that would make it Robot Boy or Girl block that system if they are in the room could overcome that.

The multitude of replies  does not seem worth it to me though. Accept/Decline  seems just fine. If you've been talking to me in advance you'll know my answer, and if you haven't you don't deserve me bothering to give you anything other then "no".
Title: Re: Invite a 3th persome while in room !!!
Post by: Rukya on November 05, 2011, 08:50:15 PM
yes it will be nice to invit a third person while we are yet in room . And , talking about 3some , could be nice too to know who is the second person when we receve a 3some invit  :D

and your right , the infos on profile are rarely read by men  ;) , but by all sex too . In my , i write in big I'M FRENCH and the first question frequently asked is where are you from .

Maybe they must change the color of the words we write  :)
Title: Re: Invite a 3th persome while in room !!!
Post by: WilliamXS on November 06, 2011, 12:34:18 AM
yes it will be nice to invit a third person while we are yet in room . And , talking about 3some , could be nice too to know who is the second person when we receve a 3some invit  :)

Sure is good to know who else was invited for a 3some.
Can be hard some times to find a 3th person.
And I had a few good ones and some bad ones.
I sure as hell not wanna go in 3some's with a few guys again for some reasons, so it would be nice to see who else is in 3some in a invite
Title: Re: Invite a 3th persome while in room !!!
Post by: hentaiboy69 on November 06, 2011, 07:42:03 AM
yes it will be nice to invit a third person while we are yet in room . And , talking about 3some , could be nice too to know who is the second person when we receve a 3some invit  :D

totally agree......till now i don't have problem whit other achat user, but it can be really embarassing if you gonna accept a 3some and discover the third is someone you have some bad relation
Title: Re: Invite a 3th persome while in room !!!
Post by: Rukya on November 06, 2011, 11:17:47 PM
Yes and you are more surprised when the 3rd is a man and you a lesbian  ;)
Title: Re: Invite a 3th persome while in room !!!
Post by: Janine Dee on November 07, 2011, 08:16:01 AM
It can work if he understands that you were there to have sex with her. As long as that boundary is respected fun can be had by all, and I haven't even had a chance to try all the new MFF poses that seem to have just that in mind.
Title: Re: Invite a 3th persome while in room !!!
Post by: Adera on November 07, 2011, 08:39:45 AM
When I've been in 3somes the combinations when switching to a new pose have seemed quite random so in a MFF 3some where one female is lesbian in think everyone have to be a bit forgiving since the client will most likely slip up.

One thing I've found that can be a little bothersome is when in a SSS 3some and your switching around. You will only rotate the positions when switching around so some combinations wont be possible unless you reenter the room in another way... I guess?
Title: Re: Invite a 3th persome while in room !!!
Post by: Bear on November 07, 2011, 08:54:18 AM
Yeah still seems random in pose position to me. I have been trying to figure that at myself.

With the FFM play where one is a lesbian  it would have to be made with a forgiving attitude... though if the bi woman made the request perhaps it go smooth. Been too long since I have played FFM for me to remember.
Title: Re: Invite a 3th persome while in room !!!
Post by: hentaiboy69 on November 07, 2011, 09:09:01 AM
One thing I've found that can be a little bothersome is when in a SSS 3some and your switching around. You will only rotate the positions when switching around so some combinations wont be possible unless you reenter the room in another way... I guess?

i have notice this too.....dunno why it happend (programming error!?) and how it work, but hope they gonna fix this.   mmmm,maybe it depend about sexual orientation!? naaaaaa!
Title: Re: Invite a 3th persome while in room !!!
Post by: TightFit74 on November 07, 2011, 09:44:13 AM
Actually, if they would give us the option to look for anyone online who is in for a 3some (wether it be a friend/lover/spuse or a random partner), they can just as well give us the opportunity to be in our 'dressingroom', hidden but still able to chat. A suggestion Janine made, does open up possibilities for both options.

I don't do 3somes often, so my need for it would not be great. I have found it difficult to find partners I'd want to play with again. The few that I found amazing, all seem to have left. But I can see a big use for expanding the profile info with the choices William offered. Even though most people don't read profiles, this bit of info could prove useful when peopleare looking for a 3rd party. It happens to me often that I am asked to join a 3some, because I am a perem male. If profiles could be checked, maybe a few unwanted approaches/cold invites might be prevented. I can see a future in that :)

For me, I take my time building up tention and anticipation before entering a room. The subject of a 3some hardly ever comes up after entering the room. I like to give my partner all the attention she deserves. But I can understand that other people have a different style of playing, so for them I hope the option will be made. I see no bad thing in it... :)
Title: Re: Invite a 3th persome while in room !!!
Post by: hentaiboy69 on November 07, 2011, 11:53:04 AM
I understand what you mean, Tight.

Another good hint on 3some, can be this: give the opportunity to leave a 3some room whitout make it aborted! maybe this isn't usefull, but if A-team give us the possibility to enter in a room via invite, why we can't leave it if the other two partner wanna continue to play alone or if i meet someone i really don't wanna see!?
Title: Re: Invite a 3th persome while in room !!!
Post by: Rukya on November 07, 2011, 11:14:59 PM
yes youre right , what work in one way must work in other way  :)
Title: Re: Invite a 3th persome while in room !!!
Post by: hentaiboy69 on November 08, 2011, 02:43:38 AM
This idea of invitation inside a room, remind me to our request for a peep show room.......the third "player" (bad word, i know...) can join like a watcher or can take part at the play!

and here start the idea for a big update on 3some poses: why creating some poses where one of the player have to whact the other two when we are full of 1 on 1 poses!? maybe is simple (don't bet on it!) to add a peep pose and make it work combined whit the actual 1 on 1. i wan to whact Adera nd Bear have fun togheter!? ok, i use the peep pose and i can do it (well, need some option on it....). so, basically, A-team have to work only to 3some who involved all the partner at the same time.
I know this request a lot of work, code to modify, etc.....but i think it will be a nice idea and a big revolution!
Title: Re: Invite a 3th persome while in room !!!
Post by: Janine Dee on November 08, 2011, 08:12:14 AM
You certainly have to accept that the server can't id which female is which, but you just keep the mouse by the "Change Position" button until it's set up properly. It's kind of like how you are dressed, and then you are not, just part of the accepted nature of the beast.

Here it really is the thought that counts.
Title: Re: Invite a 3th persome while in room !!!
Post by: Bear on November 08, 2011, 09:52:52 AM
hopefully not everyone reacting with that sending you  back into the unwanted position...

My own thing is that I want to know who I am sharing a room with a by product of  accepting a blind invite and ending up in a room with 2 other guys,.
I kind of see the point of the request, since I will room chat and sometimes the conversation drifts to doing 3 some play.
Title: Re: Invite a 3th persome while in room !!!
Post by: hentaiboy69 on November 08, 2011, 10:23:11 AM
Bear, yours is a good point......but look at the actual 3some request: u can see only the one who is sending you the invitation, so at the end it's the same. well, now u can talk whit each partner before entering the room, so can learn about the peoples you gonna meet. mmmmmh, dunno what to think.....
Title: Re: Invite a 3th persome while in room !!!
Post by: TightFit74 on November 08, 2011, 12:30:20 PM
In the invite it should be clear who the designated partners are. It must be possible to show both other names to the one that receives the invite. That goes for both recipiants. The sender knows who he/she invited. Would like to know if it is possible in principle, not asking for an update The same should be applied for an 'in room' invite, if that would be developed.

Imho it shouldn't matter much for how many people an update is necessary or wanted. If it enhances the game play, it is good for the program. And if costs of implementation are low, there should be a quick reaction.

Ofcourse there will be people who would hate and scold such a new release. But as with all updates of any prgram, that influences the way the program works, asks for criticism. If the criticism is grounded, then it should ofcourse be turned back..

Title: Re: Invite a 3th persome while in room !!!
Post by: Rukya on November 08, 2011, 02:06:19 PM
Another stupi idea by Rukya  ;) : could be fine too tho choose with what partner we switch when 3some . Actualy its only chosen by who is asked first and who is aked second . Why dont put two change role buttons in 3 some ? like PARTNER 1 / PARTNER 2 . But maybe its not realisable .
Title: Re: Invite a 3th persome while in room !!!
Post by: hentaiboy69 on December 03, 2011, 04:06:03 AM
I don't think this is something impossible to, this gonna solve another problem: if you are in a 3some like FFF, MMM or SSS, there is allways a miss combination (that's really bad! ) and to solve it, u have to re-enter room. if we can choose whit which one i can swhitch position, re-entering is not necessay
Title: Re: Invite a 3th persome while in room !!!
Post by: Rukya on December 03, 2011, 07:47:26 AM
yes that what i was thinking , i hope dev team think of it it wiil be cool