AChat Forum

Discussions about AChat => Share your creative ideas => Topic started by: bluedenim on December 07, 2011, 03:26:17 PM

Title: facial options, what about my freckles?
Post by: bluedenim on December 07, 2011, 03:26:17 PM
Ok I'm a redhead.
I like being a redhead and I can get the right skin color and almost the right hair length, if nothing like the real hair color, here on AChat
Redheads have freckles.  ::)
I know some girls really hate freckles and plaster make-up on with a trowel to hide them  >:(, but..
I like my freckles and try not to wear any make-up. :)
Can we have a face  option to wear freckles or not?
not an unsurmountable task I think.
Title: Re: facial options, what about my freckles?
Post by: Adera on December 07, 2011, 03:53:24 PM
I had some freckles when I was a child, though they have disappeared now.

I don't think people should hide their freckles, they can look cute imo. :)

Anyway it would be nice if the option was there for those that want them.
Title: Re: facial options, what about my freckles?
Post by: bluedenim on December 07, 2011, 04:00:32 PM
I had some freckles when I was a child, though they have disappeared now.

I don't think people should hide their freckles, they can look cute imo. :)

Anyway it would be nice if the option was there for those that want them.
Thank you Adera, I'd be happy to let you see my freckles close-up.  ;)
Title: Re: facial options, what about my freckles?
Post by: Bear on December 07, 2011, 05:14:09 PM
mmmm... well with freckles or not, always found redheads incredibly sexy. The freckles were a bonus feature of character.

So nice to hear you are proud of them!
Title: Re: facial options, what about my freckles?
Post by: bluedenim on December 07, 2011, 05:35:15 PM
mmmm... well with freckles or not, always found redheads incredibly sexy. The freckles were a bonus feature of character.

So nice to hear you are proud of them!
why thank you sir.
Title: Re: facial options, what about my freckles?
Post by: Rukya on December 08, 2011, 02:33:59 AM
uuh what are freckles ?
Title: Re: facial options, what about my freckles?
Post by: bluedenim on December 08, 2011, 04:11:36 AM



Title: Re: facial options, what about my freckles?
Post by: hentaiboy69 on December 08, 2011, 05:12:33 AM
Blue, Adera.....i support u in this request!

oh man.....redhead whit freckles.....u will be really cute!
Title: Re: facial options, what about my freckles?
Post by: Fantasy on December 08, 2011, 09:11:16 PM
put it to a vote n maybe dev team will take notice
jus my 2 cents worth...
Title: Re: facial options, what about my freckles?
Post by: bluedenim on December 09, 2011, 12:58:48 AM
Put it to a vote?

How do I do that?

I'm still feeling my way around in here  ;) I've no idea how to do that.
Title: Re: facial options, what about my freckles?
Post by: Adera on December 09, 2011, 01:53:54 AM
You have a button that says "Add poll" somewhere, if you click that one you can add voting options.
Title: Re: facial options, what about my freckles?
Post by: Bear on December 09, 2011, 02:49:54 AM
Poll option  shows on the last comment of the thread, ...bottom right corner.
Title: Re: facial options, what about my freckles?
Post by: bluedenim on December 13, 2011, 11:48:39 AM
I'm not gonna let this topic die, if I have to reply to myself every day!

I like my freckles, why can't they be a facial option? We have enough choices of mouth color!

*stamps foot and pouts*
Title: Re: facial options, what about my freckles?
Post by: Adera on December 13, 2011, 02:16:21 PM
Oh sweetie, too bad we can't jump onto a bed in our jammies where I could paint them onto you avatar. :)
Title: Re: facial options, what about my freckles?
Post by: Bear on December 13, 2011, 02:46:00 PM
A good topic to keep pressing on Blue'. May not happen overnight but as long as you keep it in the forefront it will at some point.
Title: Re: facial options, what about my freckles?
Post by: bluedenim on December 13, 2011, 05:06:21 PM
Oh sweetie, too bad we can't jump onto a bed in our jammies where I could paint them onto you avatar. :)

Well we can do the first 2 bits and pretend about the freckles.......... :) :) :)
Title: Re: facial options, what about my freckles?
Post by: Rukya on December 14, 2011, 01:09:55 AM
Dont worry if they give codoms , you surely will have these things that i dont know what it is
Title: Re: facial options, what about my freckles?
Post by: Adera on December 14, 2011, 02:08:39 AM
Rukya, look there
Title: Re: facial options, what about my freckles?
Post by: prias on December 15, 2011, 05:00:59 AM
you already have some freckles, it's the 3rd make up in the shop even it's light freckles, desperatlty as it's a make up you can't have freckles and Khol eye liner...
Title: Re: facial options, what about my freckles?
Post by: hentaiboy69 on December 15, 2011, 05:04:28 AM
But that work only for the face......a body option will be nice too!
Title: Re: facial options, what about my freckles?
Post by: Unhealer on December 15, 2011, 09:25:04 AM
i have freckles on my dick
Title: Re: facial options, what about my freckles?
Post by: hentaiboy69 on December 15, 2011, 09:31:00 AM
Un, isn't time u stop to play whit spins on your dick!?   ;D
Title: Re: facial options, what about my freckles?
Post by: prias on December 15, 2011, 09:45:53 AM
True, and it could be good to have patches too on the face for the girl who want to play Marie Antoinette (XVIIIth century suits could be nice to play Marquis De Sade games...) or Nathalie Portman... or just to sublimate the curve of a breast or near the pussy
Title: Re: facial options, what about my freckles?
Post by: Adera on December 15, 2011, 09:57:33 AM
Prias, they don't have freckles... righ?
Title: Re: facial options, what about my freckles?
Post by: Bear on December 15, 2011, 10:12:28 AM
Well should be a facial option then rather than makeup.  Sucks that it limits the other options if used, which it shouldn't

Good find prias.

suzi is there any way around this? I am certain bluedenim would like to maybe use the varied eye liners even if she opts out the other make up. There just appears to be a need for a darker form of freckles at the moment.
Title: Re: facial options, what about my freckles?
Post by: prias on December 15, 2011, 10:25:05 AM
@ adera : there are freckles for the face, it's a make up, check in the shop it's the 3rd make up starting from the left in the top line
Title: Re: facial options, what about my freckles?
Post by: hentaiboy69 on December 15, 2011, 11:00:38 AM
I think adera is talking about Marie Antoinette and Nathalie Portman, not about freckles on achat
Title: Re: facial options, what about my freckles?
Post by: prias on December 15, 2011, 11:20:10 AM
lol sorry Adera I misunderstood, and thanks Hentai for catch me back :)

No Nathali Portman has a patch (a real one) on the cheeck something we call a "mouche" in France, it was very hype in France during XVIIIth century in the nobe socity. Women draw some with kohl as a make up. I said Marie Antoinette to figure the period easily.

Personnally I find a patch on the curve of a breast near the nipple very sexy.

By the way, any options like patches, freckles and so on that could make our avies less polished, less "perfect" could be good and then a bit more realistic could be good....
Title: Re: facial options, what about my freckles?
Post by: Unhealer on December 15, 2011, 01:02:19 PM
haha redheads shouldnt be allowed on achat
Title: Re: facial options, what about my freckles?
Post by: Adera on December 15, 2011, 02:08:13 PM
Yes, I was talking about the persons, there is a make up with a mole in it for those that want that as well.

Unhealer, don't you like fiery women? I think redheads can be very beautiful, the thought of colouring my hair has crossed my mind.
Title: Re: facial options, what about my freckles?
Post by: hentaiboy69 on December 15, 2011, 03:58:02 PM
dunno why Unhealer hate redhead.......maybe is he scaried by flame and redhead make him think of them!? Un, i think it's time you come out ov your cove! aren't you bored to live there!?   ;D
Title: Re: facial options, what about my freckles?
Post by: NewGurl on December 15, 2011, 05:19:16 PM
I personally think freckles are sexy. it adds another personalization to the avatars, Furthermore we should have the option to make the face the way we want. Frechles type of eyes, moles where we want them. There should be a facial management section where we could adjust our faces the way we want. You know, move moles adjust shapes of our faces and other options.

You are allowed to do this on a nintendo WII, It should be available here.  That way every avatar wouldnt go around looking like Angelina Jolie in "Tomb Raider"
Title: Re: facial options, what about my freckles?
Post by: bluedenim on December 15, 2011, 05:21:28 PM
@ adera : there are freckles for the face, it's a make up, check in the shop it's the 3rd make up starting from the left in the top line

I've got them, they look like I forgot to wash for 3 days! freckles? hah!
Title: Re: facial options, what about my freckles?
Post by: prias on December 16, 2011, 04:30:01 AM
yes quite true, seems like dirt more than real ones, but better than nothing ;) but it's true that it could be good to have some realistic ones as body options, most of time when you have some on the face you have some on the rest of the body. Personnaly my body is full of patches
Title: Re: facial options, what about my freckles?
Post by: bluedenim on December 20, 2011, 05:38:37 PM
Nobody posted on here recently!
What about my freckles?
I won't give up!
Title: Re: facial options, what about my freckles?
Post by: Adera on December 21, 2011, 01:26:46 AM
You might have to wait for quite a few months before they're released.
Title: Re: facial options, what about my freckles?
Post by: bluedenim on December 21, 2011, 01:33:11 AM
Thanks Adera.

I can wait.

Title: Re: facial options, what about my freckles?
Post by: Bear on December 21, 2011, 01:36:07 AM
lol... we have your back there blu'... don't let the request die...
Title: Re: facial options, what about my freckles?
Post by: tom on December 21, 2011, 02:43:30 AM

we don't plan better option for freckles in the near future, please use the make-up possibility.

Title: Re: facial options, what about my freckles?
Post by: bluedenim on December 22, 2011, 10:59:36 AM
Thanks for noticing me Tom.
I know I'm new to tje site, but I don't think I cab "make" freckles with the make-up options.

I shall keep on asking, I am noted for my persistance and frequently chided for it.
