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Off-Topic => Quizz, Fav TV, Fav Music, Fav Films, Books... => Topic started by: Lover on December 21, 2011, 03:23:15 AM

Title: Hi to all
Post by: Lover on December 21, 2011, 03:23:15 AM
Hi to all my old friends of AChat. I've made a long break I know. As I wrote to you, I had a lot of work and many projects running. But I also had an accident so I wasn't able to use the internet.
Now I'm almost completely in health but there is still a lot of work to do. The work I wasn't able to finish. So probably I will read here from time to time.
Hope you all are well and having a lot of fun.

Have a good week and a merry christmas.

See you,
Title: Re: Hi to all
Post by: Adera on December 21, 2011, 04:14:16 AM
You too Lover, I hope you're good after your accident. :)
Title: Re: Hi to all
Post by: Janine Dee on December 21, 2011, 07:35:12 AM
Yeah, I hope you are doing alright Lover. You have been missed. Hope to see more of you soon.
Title: Re: Hi to all
Post by: strat on December 21, 2011, 08:55:32 AM
All the best Lover, and wish you the best health back
Title: Re: Hi to all
Post by: Bear on December 21, 2011, 09:49:59 AM
Merry Christmas too you my friend, and hopes to a speedy recovery...

We do miss your balanced voice of reason here and hope to see you back soon!
Title: Re: Hi to all
Post by: Lover on December 24, 2011, 04:24:13 AM
Thanks for your welcome my friends. It's nice to see, I am not forgotten :)
As I wrote, I'm almost "the old one" lol. Just some little problems with my left hand, I'm not able to hold heavy things and to close my fingers completely. But as I was in danger to loose my left arm, this is really not a big problem. And of course I'm working and believing to recover. My faith is strong and lots of good wishes and positive emotions gave and give me the power I need.
It's nice to be here again - a little bit like coming home :)
Love to you all!
Title: Re: Hi to all
Post by: Pafe on January 27, 2012, 10:43:52 AM

     I was reading this and just couldn't help but comment.  I am glad that you are on the mend.  I enjoy reading your posts (along with all the posts of the other nice people here) and it would have been unfortunate for me if I had missed out on your thoughts.  I really hope you make a complete and full recovery.

     Perhaps you could use something to squeeze with your left hand.  Something soft and warm perhaps?    You know... to recover your strength.   ;)

Thanks for letting me share,
Title: Re: Hi to all
Post by: Lover on January 27, 2012, 04:47:49 PM
Your wonderful words are helping a lot and I'm much better now, thanks Pafe. Using something soft and warm to reover my strenght...dunno what youre talking about, my english is too bad... think I have to ask you next time I see you online ;)