AChat Forum

Discussions about AChat => Share your creative ideas => Topic started by: Azrielle on January 23, 2012, 12:58:29 AM

Title: Signatures, Avatars & Graphics
Post by: Azrielle on January 23, 2012, 12:58:29 AM

I have been on quite a few forums (and I won't say how many, or for how long), and one thing that does stand out is signature blocks that people create.

Well, what can I offer? - I am most glad you asked... I do graphics. For the most part, I like to keep them simple... because in the end, they are an image, and images do take time to load!

so, without further ado, I'd like to ask if it is appropriate to open a "Graphics shop" here within the forum (in a location approved by the moderating team of course) and offer to any and all members my services to them in a standardised form that meets with full approval.

Signatures would be available in what I refer to as "standard" at 235px x 500px image size, no larger than 80kb.
Avatars would be available in 200px x 150px image size, no larger than 25kb.

I also do "Identification Cards" at 235px x 375px, no larger than 130kb. Examples of my work I have available on my skydrive. I can provide links upon request, or in lieu; post them into the graphics shop for peeps to see them.

It has been my experince that these little perks are important to some people, and they can be a great novelty too. Perhaps even introduce them as a "SHOP ITEM"... just a thought.

Okies! MWAH!!
Title: Re: Signatures, Avatars & Graphics
Post by: hentaiboy69 on January 23, 2012, 03:07:01 AM
well, Azrielle, first of all, i think you have to wait an answer from Susy or Tom (IMO), then who know......
For my self, i can say i'm really curious to see some of your works, really!   ;D
Title: Re: Signatures, Avatars & Graphics
Post by: Adera on January 23, 2012, 04:08:40 AM
I'm not sure, it can get very cluttered with images screaming for attention between each post... though I would probably get a signature of my own if lots of people started to use them.
Title: Re: Signatures, Avatars & Graphics
Post by: Keiko on January 23, 2012, 11:07:13 AM
     Azrielle, welcome to the forums. I made my signature just because I was bored one day and I like to design. Forum signatures are fun to have. Yes, some can be too big and flashy but it is actually an easy way to identify the user who posted without checking the name which would be mostly effective if you're just scrolling through a topic really quickly. Plus, from my personal standpoint, it's fun to see people's creativity.
     Oh, and you mentioned something about a graphics shop? Does that mean you intend to sell these banners? That would seem a bit much because it's easy enough to make one that I'd do it for free. :)
Title: Re: Signatures, Avatars & Graphics
Post by: Urban on January 23, 2012, 11:13:25 AM
As we say here : Show it before selling it  ;D
Title: Re: Signatures, Avatars & Graphics
Post by: Azrielle on January 23, 2012, 08:40:30 PM
from Hentaiboy69:
well, Azrielle, first of all, i think you have to wait an answer from Susy or Tom (IMO), then who know......
For my self, i can say i'm really curious to see some of your works, really!
as far as starting the shop, well... that is up to the powers that be. If it's approved, then I'm quite certain to also be informed of where such a thing as a graphics shop could be located and how the members would be invited to fiind it. Until then, I must not only respect the posting rules, but also respect the admin's & mods by not posting anything that could be deemed outside of the normal and/or allowed practices.

from Urban:
As we say here : Show it before selling it
While I most certainly welcome everyone's input so far, selling?? oh gawd no! I'd offer my graphics services free of charge, the only thing I am insistent upon is that someone doesn't claim it as their own work. That's just wrong... lolz.

from Keiko:
Oh, and you mentioned something about a graphics shop? Does that mean you intend to sell these banners? That would seem a bit much because it's easy enough to make one that I'd do it for free.
By having a "Store Front" established, it can become an place that the members will become aware of , making it eaier to find for those that have little or no ability to do it themselves.

okies, Nuf Said!
Title: Re: Signatures, Avatars & Graphics
Post by: hentaiboy69 on January 24, 2012, 02:20:06 AM
from Hentaiboy69:
well, Azrielle, first of all, i think you have to wait an answer from Susy or Tom (IMO), then who know......
For my self, i can say i'm really curious to see some of your works, really!
as far as starting the shop, well... that is up to the powers that be. If it's approved, then I'm quite certain to also be informed of where such a thing as a graphics shop could be located and how the members would be invited to fiind it. Until then, I must not only respect the posting rules, but also respect the admin's & mods by not posting anything that could be deemed outside of the normal and/or allowed practices.
Azrielle, i said it cause i usually follow DeviantArt artist and i had found some of them really good, so i am curious about your style and work, that's all. I had try to do something on my own, but i'm far away from what i had see on DA, eh eh!

from Urban:
As we say here : Show it before selling it
While I most certainly welcome everyone's input so far, selling?? oh gawd no! I'd offer my graphics services free of charge, the only thing I am insistent upon is that someone doesn't claim it as their own work. That's just wrong... lolz.
I agree whit you......nothing is worst then presuming you did an artwork when it's not true.

btw, if you wanna have a faster answer from the dev-team, can i suggest to you to send mail using support section!?   ;)
Title: Re: Signatures, Avatars & Graphics
Post by: Rukya on January 24, 2012, 08:11:04 AM
hi azrielle , i love my signature like it is , i love my pic like it is , this is me . and i dont like the standards  ;D . Yhere is enought rules her , no need of a standardised signature or pic . oh i forgot welcome in this forum  ;D
Title: Re: Signatures, Avatars & Graphics
Post by: Urban on January 24, 2012, 08:26:43 AM
@Azrielle It is only a local sentence (dicton) not a first degree call. It could mean :

- Show us your work, we could be able to give you an opinion
Title: Re: Signatures, Avatars & Graphics
Post by: hentaiboy69 on January 24, 2012, 08:58:06 AM
You it the point, Urban!
Title: Re: Signatures, Avatars & Graphics
Post by: Rukya on January 24, 2012, 04:52:09 PM
i'm behind (hehe) keiko , i love the signature
Title: Re: Signatures, Avatars & Graphics
Post by: Adera on January 24, 2012, 05:04:20 PM
I wonder who I should ask for a signature if it comes to that... I'm not too confident in what I can do myself.
Title: Re: Signatures, Avatars & Graphics
Post by: Keiko on January 24, 2012, 06:36:28 PM
     Well if there are people interested in getting a custom signature banner from Azrielle, then I see nothing wrong with that. She made the offer so it's only reasonable to see what she can do. Nothing wrong if you decide not to have one. It's personal preference. I don't mind making them either if someone has a request. Just message me. However this is Azrielle's topic so respectfully, all questions regarding signature banner making belong to her.  :)
Title: Re: Signatures, Avatars & Graphics
Post by: Azrielle on January 25, 2012, 12:59:00 PM
However this is Azrielle's topic so respectfully, all questions regarding signature banner making belong to her.  :)

Thank you Keiko... as they say; Respect Earns Respect. Sounds like you and I are going to be good friends on here because we both think alike... lolz. Anyway, until it has been approved by Management, having this discussion thread is about as close to a GRAPHICS SHOP as it will get for now.

Some of my past work... Fairly simple stuff. (warning - Image Heavy) Please feel free to add your comments and/or suggestions.


Buttons: 256 colours available and 256 colour backgrounds. Just describe what you want, and I can make it!


Signatures: Utilizing stock photo’s and script editor. I have almost every possible font available.


ID Cards: Come in standard size. Custom watermarks available upon request. The barcodes are also custom as well as serial numbering available.


Title: Re: Signatures, Avatars & Graphics
Post by: Rukya on January 25, 2012, 07:02:25 PM
nice work , but if everyone have some so large signature we will need hours to read a page of a topic the time to reach the last . the fingers will have work on the mouse  ;D
Title: Re: Signatures, Avatars & Graphics
Post by: Keiko on January 25, 2012, 08:55:52 PM
     The most used "standard" size for forum signature banners is 728x90. That's the size of mine. It fits comfortably for most monitor resolutions. Those images are nice but I agree with Rukya, they are a little large. Do you have any 728x90 signature banners, Azrielle?
Title: Re: Signatures, Avatars & Graphics
Post by: Azrielle on January 25, 2012, 10:21:31 PM
     The most used "standard" size for forum signature banners is 728x90. That's the size of mine. It fits comfortably for most monitor resolutions. Those images are nice but I agree with Rukya, they are a little large. Do you have any 728x90 signature banners, Azrielle?

I regret to inform you, the most common width is no more than 600 so it doesn't stretch the board... and again, it's not up to me to determine the allowable width. That will be the decision of our board's Admin; Tom & Suzy.

... so to answer your question; NO, I do not have any 728 px width samples, but I can whip one or two up... Anything in particular?


Title: Re: Signatures, Avatars & Graphics
Post by: Keiko on January 25, 2012, 11:33:09 PM
     The most used "standard" size for forum signature banners is 728x90. That's the size of mine. It fits comfortably for most monitor resolutions. Those images are nice but I agree with Rukya, they are a little large. Do you have any 728x90 signature banners, Azrielle?

I regret to inform you, the most common width is no more than 600 so it doesn't stretch the board... and again, it's not up to me to determine the allowable width. That will be the decision of our board's Admin; Tom & Suzy.

... so to answer your question; NO, I do not have any 728 px width samples, but I can whip one or two up... Anything in particular?



     Well that's just from my own experience and not sure if my sig stretches the board or not. It appears to fit nicely on my screen. But, again, personal preference. Also I doubt Susy will have a problem with any signature as long as it's not too extreme in size, offends any of the forum's members, or conflicts with any of the forum rules. I think it's the least of her worries.
Title: Re: Signatures, Avatars & Graphics
Post by: hentaiboy69 on January 26, 2012, 02:35:06 AM
I think it's all my fault....from the first post here of Azrielle, i had the impression she wanna sell the banner, even if she don't havd talk about price.
If this is not your intentio, Azrielle, i have really to apologize whit you!
Title: Re: Signatures, Avatars & Graphics
Post by: Azrielle on January 26, 2012, 01:10:31 PM
I think it's all my fault....from the first post here of Azrielle, i had the impression she wanna sell the banner, even if she don't havd talk about price.
If this is not your intentio, Azrielle, i have really to apologize whit you!

No worries, from reading your posts I can understand you may not have fully understood my meaning... But obviously you do now, so that's what is important.

Title: Re: Signatures, Avatars & Graphics
Post by: Adera on January 26, 2012, 02:09:32 PM
A neat banner would be to have my avatar lying on the side, like in the foreplay pose where we lie side by side facing each others. It would probably be very hard to get an image like that since your partner is kinda in the way if you want to take a screen shot like that. I wouldn't want the background in the banner, a cut out would be the best and maybe some text.

Otherwise I think I'd like a cute banner. :P
Title: Re: Signatures, Avatars & Graphics
Post by: Rukya on January 27, 2012, 01:31:52 PM
i think it could be more difficult to me , you can only have the eyes of my little pic but it could be nice to have "People who know hear others /eyes/ always do great things"