AChat Forum
Discussions about AChat => Share your creative ideas => Topic started by: Urban on January 24, 2012, 04:07:06 PM
Possible to open topic in other language than english ? Some people are not speaking english, so they can not give theyr tough about the game.
Try it Urban. Actually there has been a French language area. It extincted...
For me a German area would be nice, but I know I would rather be the only one - and the few german coming around usually speak english.
But just ask the A-Team about a new board and start it, perhaps it works. As long as you all nice, wonderful and lovely french also go on posting here ;)
Possible to open topic in other language than english ? Some people are not speaking english, so they can not give theyr tough about the game.
The official language of this forum is English. Please try to use a translator.
Is that due to Moderation purposes suzi?
I cannot help but think having a thread for other languages would be a good idea. But I can see your concerns on monitoring such.
Perhaps you might designate someone to watch over the thread and report troubling posts so you are encumbered by constantly translating. Just a suggestion...
and translators dont know how talk ;D if its for translate lines like "je vous aime" in "i you love" its no use lol
Rukya...... tu taquiner, Je pense que tu as le cul plus mignon d'Achat... my bad schoolgirl French!
and thro Google = Ruqya, vous avez peu taquine, je pense que vous avez le plus mignon cul sur Achat
It remain "painfully" understandable :-[
painful is when she catches me! ;)
Hate being a wet blanket, but if you want this, please don't hijack the thread off topic...
I hope a few lines in different languages are fine now and then? I can understand that they rather not have a section or topic for different languages on the forum but a few lines here and there shouldn't hurt.
In all honesty I would most likely cry out in Swedish irl rather than English in some cases... like when it gets way hot. ;)
Rukya...... tu taquiner, Je pense que tu as le cul plus mignon d'Achat... my bad schoolgirl French!
and thro Google = Ruqya, vous avez peu taquine, je pense que vous avez le plus mignon cul sur Achat
thanks blue , let me move the words in the right order :) and correct errors (shown by BIG LETTERS)
first line : Rukya...... tu RIGOLES, Je penses que tu as le plus JOLI cul d'achat... my bad schoolgirl French!
google : RuKya, vous RIGOLEZ un peu (?why the un peu), je penses que vous avez le plus JOLI cul sur Achat.
Personnaly , i think blue translate better than google cause she is a friend and use TU and not VOUS ;D
So what i say is right , translators dont understsant the meaning of the lines , they just translate words ;D
ps : Thanks blue for the second part of your line who say i have the most beautyfull ass in achat lol :-* :-*
looking around... whispering.... "just a small hint... the French thread is still existing in this board"
Rukya...... tu taquiner, Je pense que tu as le cul plus mignon d'Achat... my bad schoolgirl French!
and thro Google = Ruqya, vous avez peu taquine, je pense que vous avez le plus mignon cul sur Achat
thanks blue , let me move the words in the right order :) and correct errors (shown by BIG LETTERS)
first line : Rukya...... tu RIGOLES, Je penses que tu as le plus JOLI cul d'achat... my bad schoolgirl French!
google : RuKya, vous RIGOLEZ un peu (?why the un peu), je penses que vous avez le plus JOLI cul sur Achat.
Personnaly , i think blue translate better than google cause she is a friend and use TU and not VOUS ;D
So what i say is right , translators dont understsant the meaning of the lines , they just translate words ;D
ps : Thanks blue for the second part of your line who say i have the most beautyfull ass in achat lol :-* :-*
Mwah! meant it too!
welcome back sweet blue ;)