AChat Forum

Discussions about AChat => Share your creative ideas => Topic started by: friskette on June 27, 2009, 02:36:16 PM

Title: Girl with strap-on & her man ?
Post by: friskette on June 27, 2009, 02:36:16 PM
Hi there !

when we configure the avatar, woman can have a dildo as underwear.
really great !
but, it disapears when having fun with boys. too bad ! I want to fuck them as I do with woman.

any chance for future to do that ?

thank you for this marvelous adult chat application. horny and addictive !
Title: Re: Girl with strap-on & her man ?
Post by: tom on July 04, 2009, 05:52:39 AM
Yes, woman fucking a man with dildo is a scene, which will come in the not too far future.

Title: Re: Girl with strap-on & her man ?
Post by: friskette on July 05, 2009, 03:25:18 AM
Hi tom !

great !
will I have to pay for it or not ? because, underwear dildo has to be paid...

best regards,
Title: Re: Girl with strap-on & her man ?
Post by: Rab on August 07, 2009, 08:16:14 AM
also the free users can play any positions and accessories, obviously the free ones (which are a good part of the game), but also the ones which are in the shop, if they find a friend via the partner search function, who has bought the items - in that case both of them can use the items in the room.
Title: Re: Girl with strap-on & her man ?
Post by: CumSlut on June 25, 2010, 09:27:11 PM
She should be able to put  her Strap-on into her man`s mouth and let him suck it for her ?
That would be so hot !
What does everyone else think ?
Title: Re: Girl with strap-on & her man ?
Post by: cook1972b on June 25, 2010, 09:31:09 PM
Title: Re: Girl with strap-on & her man ?
Post by: IluvCourtney on June 25, 2010, 09:31:30 PM
Hell Yeah, I agree !
And I know my wife will too !
mmmmmm So damn HOT !
Lets start a poll ?
Title: Re: Girl with strap-on & her man ?
Post by: bobbler on June 25, 2010, 10:22:48 PM
Oh yuck!  Really?!?!?  Is that before or after she stuck it in his ass???
Title: Re: Girl with strap-on & her man ?
Post by: apollo13nut on June 25, 2010, 10:45:20 PM
i'm with bobbler. i hate even having bought those positions and when a girl tries to use them on me, i leave the room

you have a right to request additions to positions, but i don't want fact, i'd be happy if they got rid of the mf poses with a girl using a dildo
Title: Re: Girl with strap-on & her man ?
Post by: sinnnn on June 26, 2010, 12:18:54 AM
Serious straight heteros cannot comment.  :P LOL.  We already know what your answer will be. 
I don't use the strap unless requested.  Also to remove something because its not your taste is not fair for the others who like it. 
Yes CS it is hot. ;)
Title: Re: Girl with strap-on & her man ?
Post by: Ramrod29 on June 26, 2010, 04:38:16 AM
Wow, really guys? Look I'm a dom by nature and Hetero, but let's be real people. It's just a game, it's not like some magical pixie will come and buttrape you in the night. lol Although sinnnn is pretty powerful, Hmmmmm. Anyway as a Dom I only see myself using these strap-on poses if I feel like seeing how the other half lives. That's pretty rare, I say let them have it.
Title: Re: Girl with strap-on & her man ?
Post by: bobbler on June 26, 2010, 07:23:08 AM
hot for you maybe sinnn but not for me.  trust me, i'm not gonna suck your dildo after it's been in my ass  :P

but i see what you mean's a game.  i have only had the strap-on done to me once, by a Dom, but it was by accident because she asked me if i wanted to be dominated and i said yes, not knowing what was coming  ::) (yeah sinnn i'm sure you're laughing your ass off at that  :P ) so i let her continue but it did nothing for me.  and i know lots of girls who don't like doing that to a guy at all.

but for those who want the action, sure, give it to them...right in the ass, or the mouth  ;)
Title: Re: Girl with strap-on & her man ?
Post by: sinnnn on June 26, 2010, 09:42:02 AM
Bobby I wouldn't ask you too.  I KNOW thats not your thing.  Again I have never had to ask, I'm asked to do it.  If its not requested I don't do it.  Its call respect.  Now the subject has been brought up an talked to death in humor. :D

My point was(an you got it) that it shouldn't be taken off because some do not find it hot.  If that happen it'll start an horrible trend.  Somethin you can find hot ass hell could be someone elses hell position and they can ask for it to be taken off.  You both were coming off like you are being made to do it or your force to watch it or something.  There is this beautiful word that is understood by everyone, NO.  or HELL NO. ;D

An you told me that story before, thats how I knew its not your thing babes.  ;) :P 
Title: Re: Girl with strap-on & her man ?
Post by: Lover on June 26, 2010, 09:58:08 AM
I have it and I don't like it. But for all who love it, they can add some actions, yes. If I think about, yes, I would suck - not before, but instead of getting it into my ass ;)

On the other hand, it's a game. If you do a nice RP and it's part of it - why not. It's my decision if I use it or not. I had some girls who just wanted to do this position. I said "Only for good friends and only in special moments." Some accepted, some did not. So I left them.
Title: Re: Girl with strap-on & her man ?
Post by: Lover on June 26, 2010, 10:01:56 AM
@ CumSlut:
Did you try "handjob with anal stimulation"?
Title: Re: Girl with strap-on & her man ?
Post by: Janine Dee on June 26, 2010, 10:55:46 AM
Well obviously I can't comment on the "Man" part of it, but in the Woman with Woman thread it was mentioned... and my A$.02 is that it really doesn't do anything for me to have a girl sucking on my strap on... I've been with women who have wanted to, and I pet their hair as they did so, but I didn't get any especially big charge... hand held or harness it's an item, not "me", but again just my thoughts on the matter. The fact is there are many women who like seeing their partner (whatever gender) sucking their strap on.

As a note though, it isn't necessarily post-insertion. It could be pre, with the saliva as a lubricant.
Title: Re: Girl with strap-on & her man ?
Post by: bobbler on June 26, 2010, 12:07:51 PM
sinnn: who were you referring to when you said this?

"You both were coming off like you are being made to do it"
Title: Re: Girl with strap-on & her man ?
Post by: sinnnn on June 26, 2010, 01:20:32 PM
Typo, stopping having a baby. You know I love fucking you Bobby(well not literally, rotfl). I mean fucking with you, my bad. ;) ;D

Beside if you notice the title, "her man".  Its like what Lover said, with someone special.  The time I have done it is with ppl on my lists. 
Hell, one guy suggested it in such a way it floored me.  I didn't think that was his thing at all.  I ended up with new repect for him, hmmm I might see if he wants to be a lover.  Anyhoo like Ramy said, its a game.  Have fun.

But I do understand you do things for the enjoyment for your partner, even tho thats not your thing.  That shows what a cool person you are.  Me, don't do it because I would like it.  I get turned on when I know my partner is enjoying him/herself. if I am doing something thats not there thing and they don't tell me I would be pissed. 

Again, strap-on/strap-off its to each his own.  Just have FUUUUUN. ;D  (Ramy :-*)
Title: Re: Girl with strap-on & her man ?
Post by: Janine Dee on June 26, 2010, 03:24:51 PM
Oh and Ramrod? Yes, AChat is wonderful for someone who is typically dominant to explore their submissive side. It's a safe environment where one's standing is in no danger while they can still allow themselves to see the world through the eyes on those they would command.
Title: Re: Girl with strap-on & her man ?
Post by: sinnnn on June 26, 2010, 03:28:47 PM
Totally off topic, just notice something.  They have Hero members?  I want to be a villian. ;D
Title: Re: Girl with strap-on & her man ?
Post by: bobbler on June 26, 2010, 04:33:47 PM
i'm not having a baby silly sinnn, i was just trying to understand your comment  :P

after i said yes i didn't want to tell her to stop because that would have ruined it for her.  that's why i let her continue.  sometimes you're in the moment like that and you have to let it go.  other than that, i agree with you, i do things that i enjoy and that i know my partner enjoys, knowing that we both are getting off on it.  there have been a few times when i got off (cummed) knowing just how good i have made my partner feel, without getting much interaction back from her.  you know how powerful words can be.  i like to give *special* partners know that   ;)

hero members are those with 500 posts...though i'm sure you already figured that out.  think you can beat me to 500?   :P  :P
Title: Re: Girl with strap-on & her man ?
Post by: sinnnn on June 26, 2010, 05:55:02 PM
If I do beat you what do I get? ::)  You can't have a race without a prize. ;)
Title: Re: Girl with strap-on & her man ?
Post by: bobbler on June 26, 2010, 06:07:20 PM
yeahyeahyeah you already got your 10 wishes  ;)

and knowing how much you hate to lose, you'll just go you are tonight...until you get there first  :P
Title: Re: Girl with strap-on & her man ?
Post by: sinnnn on June 26, 2010, 06:18:29 PM
Can't blame a chic for trying.  ROTFL.   ::)
Whose to say when I'll ever cash those in. :-\
Posting crazy, plllzzzz.  I think you went a lil postal yourself. :-*
I have np losing, you just got to know how to beat me, or should I say top me ;D ;)
Title: Re: Girl with strap-on & her man ?
Post by: Janine Dee on June 26, 2010, 06:43:23 PM
Sinnnn sweetie.... topping you wouldn't be the kind of thing that could be just done. You would have to watch, and wait, and be patient, working for the right mood and waiting for the right moment... not that I have any plans of that sort.  ;)
Title: Re: Girl with strap-on & her man ?
Post by: sinnnn on June 26, 2010, 06:56:40 PM
Shhhh, don't give anyone techniques.  Mums the word :-X
Title: Re: Girl with strap-on & her man ?
Post by: Janine Dee on June 26, 2010, 07:08:41 PM
 :-X :-* :-X
Title: Re: Girl with strap-on & her man ?
Post by: bobbler on June 26, 2010, 07:17:56 PM
ok i just counted.  you've made 27 posts so far today and counting  :P

shouldn't we be talking about strap-ons?   :D
Title: Re: Girl with strap-on & her man ?
Post by: bobbler on June 26, 2010, 07:21:16 PM
ps don't worry, you will cash in those wishes...promise  :)

and i've already been on top of you so i know how to get there  :-*
Title: Re: Girl with strap-on & her man ?
Post by: sinnnn on June 26, 2010, 07:27:58 PM
Thats not topping, thats a position. :P
So you want to talk strap-ons?  Which ones do you like and want to try first? Didn't think it was your thing but I'm game.  LOL ;D

Sounds like you been plotting like crazy to top me Janine.  Good luck with that. I love a determined female/male ;)
Title: Re: Girl with strap-on & her man ?
Post by: Ramrod29 on June 27, 2010, 02:33:15 AM
Oh and Ramrod? Yes, AChat is wonderful for someone who is typically dominant to explore their submissive side. It's a safe environment where one's standing is in no danger while they can still allow themselves to see the world through the eyes on those they would command.

I like the way you worded that Janine. Your right, it's how I think you can achieve my goal of being a better Dom. Just relax, bend over and take notes. Hehe  :P 
Title: Re: Girl with strap-on & her man ?
Post by: Janine Dee on June 27, 2010, 04:53:26 AM
Your still a boy right? I can take notes, but from the sidelines.  ;D

In all seriousness though, those I've come to respect talk about how a Dominant is best served by serving, but in my real world kink community the doms don't see it as a chance to help a sister dominant truly hone her craft, but rather being able to say they topped a dom. "Or she thought she was a dom till she met me." Or the straight male doms who I heard were saying "She just thinks shes a dyke, I'll set her straight." Hence my only being able to learn those vital lessons here.
Title: Re: Girl with strap-on & her man ?
Post by: bouli on June 27, 2010, 05:08:56 AM
To add to the things mentioned in posts (far) further up in this thread, when it comes to certain things I think even in this, a playful environment, there needs to be a consensus for it to be enjoyable or even fun.
Getting something pressed up your anal is something that both men and women may find extremely awkward and quite a turnoff (me being one of them, apparently). Having the option is great as some find so much enjoyment in it, if nothing else for knowing what it means to their partner(s). With your friends and lovers in here, you probably already know very well what they like and don't like, but for more temporary or initial encounters you might not have discussed it at all and suddenly you find something pressed up deep inside of you totally killing the mood.
Switching scenes in one-on-ones requires a mutual agreement, but in a threesome only two have to agree on something the third might not enjoy at all and within many positions, some actions could actually do with a similar mechanism.

This is not a big deal, like I mentioned it's something you quickly learn about your partners, but if they were to add BSDM poses and "toys" it would be nice to be able to draw the line somewhere without agreeing on details beforehand.
Sorry if I'm just rambling, I hope you do see my point and make some sense out of it.
Title: Re: Girl with strap-on & her man ?
Post by: Janine Dee on June 27, 2010, 05:29:32 AM
Even as someone who has had her mood killed by unexpected anal I have to disagree. Part of AChat is the interaction, a mechanism could keep people from talking about their likes and dislikes. I see what you are saying, and agree to a certain point, but I prefer just screening my lovers carefully, and telling them my boundaries.
Title: Re: Girl with strap-on & her man ?
Post by: sinnnn on June 27, 2010, 07:18:54 PM
I screen an I also look at their profile.  Because someone has anal on it does not mean they want anal, that they might be the type to give it.  Again cold screws just don't do it for me.  So talking and finding out likes an dislikes might save your avatar unwanted pop goes the weasel incident ;D
Title: Re: Girl with strap-on & her man ?
Post by: bobbler on June 27, 2010, 09:08:48 PM
I screen an I also look at their profile.  Because someone has anal on it does not mean they want anal, that they might be the type to give it.  Again cold screws just don't do it for me.  So talking and finding out likes an dislikes might save your avatar unwanted pop goes the weasel incident ;D

i don't have it checked on my profile because i don't want a girl to think i like it.  and i only do it to a girl if she likes it.  if they don't bring it up at all then i don't either.  normally girls who like it ask for it.
Title: Re: Girl with strap-on & her man ?
Post by: apollo13nut on June 28, 2010, 12:13:10 AM
To clarify my suggestion of removal, I mean I wish I hadn't bought them and if there was a "return" or "sell back" feature, those poses would be out for a new one (probably one this week).
Title: Re: Girl with strap-on & her man ?
Post by: Lover on June 28, 2010, 02:44:32 AM
It's not the question if you have checked it on your profile. Some people take it literally, as there is written "Favourites". You habe to talk and you have to ask, that's my opinioun. Even if you have activated it, that doesn't mean you will do this every time and with every person.
Title: Re: Girl with strap-on & her man ?
Post by: Janine Dee on June 28, 2010, 04:32:45 AM
I can agree with most every post here, especially on whether or not it's checked on the profile (mine's not), but there's also the fact that some positions have it as a add on. Like in the FF 69 the girl on the bottom can slide her finger into the top girl's ass. So in a great many of the positions you are left having to trust a partner not to go there... which is sort of realistic when you think about it.