AChat Forum
Support => Got any problems running AChat? => Topic started by: hentaiboy69 on March 02, 2012, 03:57:27 AM
Ok, here i go to try to make my part to creat a more clear forum.
I was looking to BB code cause i was sure there is one to resize image and i had find this:
usefull code, so i had try it. As it's write there, seems like achat forum don't allow resize pic. i know i can simply add the link, but for some post a pic works better (look at clothes poll). so, i'd like to ask to dev team if they can add this option to the forum.
Did you try something like [img width=200] ?
i had trey this: [IMG=100x100].
I'll try your suggestion, then i let you know
had try it and it works! thank you susy!
Hentai, would you explain this all exactly and post it in quick-start guide for this forum, please? Thanks a lot.,1405.msg29271.html#new
Whit pleasure.....i had resize more of the big pic i had submit!
done, so i'm going to close this tread.