AChat Forum

Discussions about AChat => Share your creative ideas => Topic started by: jessiku on March 17, 2012, 01:08:15 PM

Title: name change?
Post by: jessiku on March 17, 2012, 01:08:15 PM
is there someway to change your achat name? because i would like to change it without losing any of my stuff.... even if it would cost you a$ to change it, could this feature be added to achat or anything?
Title: Re: name change?
Post by: Azrielle on March 17, 2012, 02:16:50 PM
heya, you can try asking for aname change by sending a request to support section on the website... but no promises.

Title: Re: name change?
Post by: jessiku on March 18, 2012, 09:59:26 PM
ok, thnx you xx