AChat Forum
Discussions about AChat => Share your creative ideas => Topic started by: Lover on March 19, 2012, 04:09:03 PM
AChat seems to have much fluctuation. It's always better to have patrons then to get new members. And it's almost impossible to win back lost customers. So this thread is made to collect two different ideas:
- Reasons for fluctuation
- Ideas to keep members, which also means to make free members prem.
I know, we can say it's not our job. But we all benefit if AChat is successfull. And very often we (the customers) know better than the developer. And probably we get some good ideas for the A-Team. Of course, if I'm wrong with fluctuation the A-Team may correct me ;)
As I wanna collect many ideas, everything is allowed, but not to decline spoken opinions. We don't ask if an idea is possible - that's actually not our job. Even if an idea sounds completely crazy, there might be another great idea, based on this crazy one.
From the Office of the Superintendent of Police
Nymphomania Sex Police Department
Personally, I like the current membership system... allow me to explain further.
The current system sets up a two-tier system into itself. Those that like the game (of which I very much do!) stay and become regular patrons, while those that dislike the game, often leave for various reasons (which I'm not even going to speculate upon). Since I began my time here within the world of AChat, I have met a lot of people that I consider worthy of being called a friend, and those that are most definately worthy to be placed into the bin with rapid regularity.
To me, The Good... Far outweighs the Bad I have experienceds here within the World of AChat.
IN OTHER WORDS... Maintain the Status Quo.
Theres probably a high turn over of people as relationships fetter out. The ones who have multiple partners maybe burn out and get bored, some move on from that and have a select few and then as they dwindle down, the incentive to stay is less and less as they lose interest to start from scratch again. Others who get close to a a single partner lose heart if that breaks down.
Like most of you I've seen people come and go, all have their own reasons but I know a few guys who are fed up of the high influx of working girls that seem to be on now too.
I dont , personally, but a lot of prems ignore the free users or deny them the chance to chat to them - these are the potential new customers as a lot check the site out first before spending money to become members. Its a fine balance though to keep current prems happy with the service they are receiving with anonymous pests
Advertising is always a plus - believe it or not , i heard of this site from a TV sex education programme about disabled people. I bet when that was on there was an influx of joins from my country.
Perhaps achat could ask a question on joining how the member heard of the site - and maybe look at the best way of marketing and advertising of the site from those answers.
Keeping members is simple, yet the hardest of all - keeping them happy and interested. I think achat has helped that now listening to members from the forum threads. Membership of Forum should be encouraged, and i know current Forum members are doing this on their profiles and such like, but perhaps a forum click button next to the shop in achats charachter editor would help this process. It provides easier access and direction. If members feel more involved and have their say - they will feel they belong to more of a community and care about what goes on more.
Also I think current Achat moderators, members and Achat are doing a great job welcoming new members to Forum and encouraging their posts. I know I was made very welcome. Ty to all.
Obviously new and updated poses, backgrounds, rooms & clothing all help the interest to remain and for the site to remain current. Achat has a lot of talented members out there... the clothing thread is amazing for ideas and all the people who assisted in translating the different languages..
Achat should take full advantage of this array of talent and skills. :)
Its also the people who make the site, and I am very happy to be such a member - I've met some great people and hope to continue to do so :)
I think the means that people have to get to now the game, without being stuck to a subsctiption right away. are plentyfull. I would not change a thing about that. AAChat offers one of the most accessible games where as a free member, you can do a lot of things. I remember (mhm, have I been here too long?) that I was amazed with the possibilities as a free member, but really wanted more out of it so became prem within a week.
The threshold is where people have to decide wether they want a subscription or not. It's not the price, AChat is cheap imo. So then it is what you get when you become premium. I would suggest anyone that subscribes, get a choice out of a few poses. Some poses have been here since the beginning and have made a lot of money. I'm guessing that most premium members bought the basic poses. What if you would get 3 poses for free when you subscribe? If you can start the game better 'equiped", it would make the choice easier.
I also thought about AChat using certain members in game to actively try to help, assist and guide new members through the game. As there are many complaints about the rudeness of (tto) many members, entering the game and being bombarded with rudenss, would be a reason for me to not become a member. But if you get a warm (heated) welcome by someone that knows the game..
Maybe adding some of the quick-guides or translations as an embedded part of the game. A set of instructions so people can find out ahead how some things work. This will make them settle in easier, have some confidence before they start playing..
mmmmmhh.......mumble mumble.....
it was august when i subscrive like a premium user, so time had passed. It was an easy decision and the first time i spent real money on a "online game" and i don't regret it. i have meet lot of peoples here, most of them are nice and (my good luck) only one i really don't wanna meet anymore.
Achat is grown in 6 months, specially here in the forum, and gonna grown more, but there are some lack: most of them are about poses, all we know what i'm talking at, and even if the introduction of shemale was a big news, it will be frustrating for free users cause they don't have a starter poses kit and there is no shemale robot to test the poses you wanna buy.
dunno if this is changed recently, but i don't think. If the a-team gonna make achat more better, the second step (yes, second cause a first step trying to reduce the gap of pose is started, even if it's a long way) is to work on this, so achat will be more attractive.
I wanna warn A-team, good step were made recently, but more have to come for a better achat experience! online social games born everyday (i had found one recently just tipyng bad Achat name, lol!), different from achat but they offer a good variety of entertainment, something i honestly miss a little. but i know how achat is and i like it anyway!
I would recommend restarting the general chat options, with refinement if necessary.
I think that the AChat community will grow to fit the box it's put in, and if the box is made bigger the community will grow to fill it. With an expanded chat people can form more connections with others without the annoyance that comes with colds and gets easily mixed up with the colds (sometimes deliberately on the colds part) and it's those connections that that seem peoples commonly listed reason for going premium.
The Forum link in the game is also a great idea for much of the same reason, and could even give some suggestions for the structuring of the chat. (Established rooms for orientations like the threads for one.)
While the rooms are magnificent I think they are reaching the point where adding poses and refining graphics can only does so much. I think the next area to be developed should be the community itself.
I also thought about AChat using certain members in game to actively try to help, assist and guide new members through the game. As there are many complaints about the rudeness of (tto) many members, entering the game and being bombarded with rudenss, would be a reason for me to not become a member. But if you get a warm (heated) welcome by someone that knows the game..
This is exactly what I am already doing unofficially in the game... I do not block free users permanently and are gladly willing to assist free and premium members who are new to the game with just simple things like: how to buy and apply things in the editor, how to invite people, how to behave etc. Its just that this happened unplanned as people nicely address me and ask for help or got a hint from some other members that I was friendly and helpful in specific ways regarding the game.
I would gladly fill such a rola as a "mentor" also in an official way. I guess a mentoring system would be very helpful both to keep members as they get to learn about the game in a much better way and to encourage free members to become premium.
In my opinion there should be a team of "mentors" (in their number depending on the genereal number of Achat members) of about 20-25 mentors. The mentoring team could consist of people from different regions and time zones and should also be chosen from different age groups. And of course their should be a balance between males, females (hetero, bisexual and homo) and not to forget shemales. This would ensure that always a suitable contact person as a mentor is available.
The search should also be changed so that it would be possible to search for all or at least the mentors that are online right now. And maybe the mentors would get the possibility to set their status on "playing" if they just want to have fun and actually playing the game or "mentoring" when available for other players requests.
Just my opinions but I actually like this idea very much and would voluntary apply to be a female heterosexual mentor.
Janine, a general chat isn't necessarily a good thing if it don't work in a good (and easy) way and i think we have found a right one thanks to Fate.
To increase the comunity, you have to offer something other platform don't have or give a better version then the others and the toolset for create clothes can be one of this, but it's not enough.
Users like us can (and must) give our help whit interessing suggestion and trying to help newbie, no matter if they are free or premium: look at the forum, for example, free users can't use it, they can't post their question or suggestion, and that's wrong in my opinion. some of them simply can't subcrive for personal or tecnical issue and others cause thei don't wanna spent real money here. Maybe we can have a public side of the forum for all and one reserved for premium.
my 2 cents
I have an idea. How about offering an incentive for helping "free members/users" become subscribers? Not to toot my own horn,but I know I have personally assisted 5 free users to become premium members and subscribe to AChat. I did it by just being nice to them and as CondomGirl says, just helping by discussing how the editor works, and how to get the clothing that is available, using the forum for help, even taking them into a room and showing how the poses work along with the actions, while discussing the benifits of subscribing. I can also say 2 of these members have quickly developed very close, exclusive relationships with other members.
So maybe there could be something when a person does become a premium member where they could click on a box and type in a member's screen name, and that person would receive a small commission in the form of $A or something. I know if this had been available when I joined as a subscriber, I would have used it for the person who took the time to show me around. It may induce others to help.
Thanks for letting me share,
i don't see why for helping newbie there is the need for a sort of "reward". i know you are proposing an incentive for prem users, but the best reward for us will be to see achat grown in good stuff and in entertainment, nothing more.
Or are you proposing it cause you wanna buy an engine for your pedal car!?
Concidering the current market for this sort of virtual experience I don't seeing getting new members as a problem, but keeping them is. I've been here on and off for some time yet still find the same snags, two espically that have been brought up here already. One..the "working girls" that seem to be taking over the community, some of which now have pimps...go figure lol. And second and probably biggest one...the rudeness. It says alot when a simple hello is responded to with insults and assumptions. Don't get me wrong here, I've met a FEW nice people here I can chat and have fun with, so I'm not trying to bash others and how they want to play. I'm just saying this place is made for fun and socializing not unnecessary insults. No sense paying just to be insulted, I for one can get that for free in rl lol.
my luck i don't have found rude peoples here, but about pimp......well, yes, i know one of them. or better say she wanna me act like her long story for here, but they are here outside achat.
Max, you are right, the hard point is to make users stay and here comes our help whit suggestion and reporting abuse if necessary.
i don't see why for helping newbie there is the need for a sort of "reward". i know you are proposing an incentive for prem users, but the best reward for us will be to see achat grown in good stuff and in entertainment, nothing more.
Or are you proposing it cause you wanna buy an engine for your pedal car!?
I agree with Hentai... For me, just helping out is reward enough for me.... heck, lately I've had so many gifts from peeps, that I've just been sharing it with new members I've been helping. A great way to show new members the benefit of becoming premium is them buying a 3 day subscription with gifted A's just to try out new clothes (and several have bought themselves Uniforms too).
Psst... Pafe, there's a new audi pedal car in the garage for you...
PS: One suggestion I would like to make is to prune the membership listings for the forum (currently 78 pages totalling 2327 members). I have taken the time to look at the membership listing, and a very large number of members to the forum have ZERO (0) Posts. I stopped after the fifth page, after noticing that most new forum members haven’t been back since registering, and another large amount of these Zero (0) post members haven’t been online in more than a year too.
Is it time to clean house?
I don't want a reward, either. In fact, I believe that no one who is active in the Forum would want any form of reward. My suggestion is not directed at the Forum users, but the rest of the population in AChat. Some ask for A$'s to go into a room, perhaps an incentive to assist others would be enough for them. (Probably not). I take exception to anyone thinking I proposed this for personal gain.
(The motor pool will not release any new vehicles to Satoire and I. Especially not after the incident on Antigua.)
Thanks for letting me share, I think.
Yes, Azrielle,
I absolutely support your idea of cleaning the house :-)
Some ask for A$'s to go into a room, perhaps an incentive to assist others would be enough for them. (Probably not). I take exception to anyone thinking I proposed this for personal gain.
Pafe, i have your feeling too, probably it will never stop peoples asking for gift and it's really sad.
About my message, i know you don't want reward, i was just joking, about the chat i had whit Satoire before this post and the report on the NSPD topic.
About cleaning the premium users list, Azrielle & Daniela, you two have a point but this is not something we can do by ourself, it's on the Achat team.....yes, lot of prem users never post here, just subscrive, maybe cause they wanna just be able to use the forum if needed (IMO)
@azrielle & condomgirl : depending what you call clean the house . after all peoples are free to have an account somewhere and to dont go play.
I wanna ask everyone not to decline any suggestions. Thanks.
I made an interime report of the collected ideas and added some of my own:
- Advertizing
- Encourage membership of forum
- Simplify using the forum (button in game and also opening the forum for free user after registration)
- "Accepting" more help of users (developing clothes, backgrounds...)
- Keep the chance to start as free user and offer a starter kit for becoming prem (e.g. 3 old poses, some clothes...)
- Adding the quick-start guides into the game
- Shemale robot
- Advanced chat system (generall chat, chat rooms, group chat....)
- Improve graphic
- Develop the community itself
- Open forum for all, perhaps an non-public area for prem members
- Having a group of members being mentors
- Improve search-function (using wildcards, searching for mentors...)
- Incentives for helping free user become prem
- Do something against whores
- Do something against rudeness
- Prune membership listings for the forum
- Offering more help for new members (give them a list of mentors, link to forum and the quick-start guides)
- Keep Achat simple and unique
- Offer more body and room options for more individualization
- Make an app for tablet pc (ipad, samsung, sony...)
- Better profile system with more space for personal info (maybe an auto hide sistem for the description area!?)
- Offer some package at the shop. example: all the lap dance poses whit a 20% of low price then buy them one by one.
- offer a "test-membership" for 7 days
The test membership can be: Offer a prem-membership for 7 days (at once or after 3 days). If they accept, they get 1000A$ and can purchase whatever they want. After 7 days they can deny premium, then they "fall back" to free user. If they subscribe, they keep everything they bought. You can allocate the 1000A$ they got or give it as a gift for subscribing.
The non-english speaker thread seems to be a good idea. Since yesterday I was asked for help three times. One of these questions was about subscribing.
I have read some great ideas and I bet we get more ;)
Update 23-03-2012
Hello Lover,
Thank you for summarizing the suggestion sof all of us so far. I think that is a really nice bundle of flowers that would improve Achat a lot in the first place and in the second place might help getting new members and keeping them.
I also think that the non-english speaking thread is o good idea as I also already got two questions from people asking for help only since yesterday.
Lover, i would like to add to things on your list:
- better profile sistem, whit more space for personall info (maybe an auto hide sistem for the description area!?)
- Offer some package at the shop. example: all the lap dance poses whit a 20% of low price then buy them one by one.
Excellent job Lover. Thank you for taking the time to list everything. I htink everyone has made valid suggestions, and I hope to see some of them become reality. I like Hentai's idea about expanding the space for more information.
Thanks for letting me share,
I updated the list (added HB suggestions) and started a new thread in off topic about mentors.,1551.0.html
What would hinder non premiums from creating new accounts all the time? I don't think anyone should get to be free premiums, we get a lot from AChat just being free members imo so I don't see the reason for it.
I think you are talking about this:
"... The test membership can be: Offer a prem-membership for 7 days (at once or after 3 days). If they accept, they get 1000A$ and can purchase whatever they want. After 7 days they can deny premium, then they "fall back" to free user. If they subscribe, they keep everything they bought. You can allocate the 1000A$ they got or give it as a gift for subscribing. ..."
You have a point on it, but offering the chance to try premium membership, isn't so bad. if i remember it right, we talk about this chance and i suggest to link an account to a mail even for free users and not allow to to link a mail to more then one username. Personally, i have 3 mail (now four whit the one i had create only for achat) but i'm sure i don't gonna use one of them, couse it's my personall one for work and i don't wanna mix it whit achat.
A good hint Adera. We could solve this problem if they get less money (500A§) and as HB mentioned, just one username for one email. Of course, they can create new email-addresses, but the effort for always doing this againa and again is much to big imo.
A$ given for the trial isn't the real issue, 500 can be less to enjoy the trial, it's all on how it works.
Yes, 500 can be less to enjoy the trial, but it's enough to see how it's working. As you can't say "You just can purchase 2 poses, 2 dresses/pants" they really could make new accounts everytime. Then they are shown as prems and get all the benefit prem have - like speed controller, cumming...
This is one big advantage or being prem. And Adera is right, as long as there is no technical solution to fix this, it's dangerous. I don't believe it really is funny to create one account, next one, next one... but some people are really crazy :)
Mmmmhh, i was thinking something the trial you can gain 3 or 4 random poses (or between the oldest one!) fo all orientation eccept threesome and we can leave the A$ for clothes and body option. at this point, 500 A$ can be a reasonable offer.
when the trial end and if a user decide to subscrive premium, the poses you gain to try the trial, are not allowed in yours poses list. well, this will be like this till dev-team don't gonna decide to give some plus benefit to premium....mumble mumble.....not bad to have some of the real old pose like a surplus when you subscrive like premium user!
oh...and whit this one, in 7 months i had reach Tight post count! :D ;D
But why? Why do we need a free premium period with free A$ when people can experience almost everything AChat offers with the free membership that we have now?
The reason to offer a trial period is because you want people to get a feel of something so they can decide whether they like it or not, so why would AChat offer even more and create problems for themselves?
Amass lots of free accounts, gift all the free A$ to one account = profit?
There's lot's unnecessary problems our devs would have to deal with if they made this which would effectively affect the number and quality of other releases because they'd be wasting time on something that isn't needed.
I don't think a trial period with free A$ is the right way to go if you want more people to join AChat.
But why? Why do we need a free premium period with free A$ when people can experience almost everything AChat offers with the free membership that we have now?
The reason to offer a trial period is because you want people to get a feel of something so they can decide whether they like it or not, so why would AChat offer even more and create problems for themselves?
Amass lots of free accounts, gift all the free A$ to one account = profit?
There's lot's unnecessary problems our devs would have to deal with if they made this which would effectively affect the number and quality of other releases because they'd be wasting time on something that isn't needed.
I don't think a trial period with free A$ is the right way to go if you want more people to join AChat.
you hit the real problem, Adera....there are no really big different between premium and free (eccept men.....all know free men can't join threesome!) and this is a big lack in achat. And you are right, a trial have no more sense till this gap isn't created by the dev-team, so i think we can start to consider that trial only when things are a little settle in this dirction.
about the A$, well, must be a way to make them not used for gift......don't ask me, cause i'm no good in programming!
Adera, what you are unfortunately doing at the moment: You stop each creativity. I know you don't want it, as you're really thinking about this, but it happens. I started this thread just to collect ideas. We don't have to ask if possible or not, that's not our job. At the moment we do this, we stuck in a problem state.
To discuss about single suggestions I made the mentor-poll. There we can check if it is a good idea or not. And the A-Team is able to see, if they want it, how many members are willing to help.
So this thread is just for collecting ideas, just for area thinking.
If they take some of our ideas, at least it's their decision how to do it. I (together with you all) wanna offer a pool of ideas and they have to decide, which is useful and also able to handle.
Probably 8 of 10 ideas will be silly - but the other 2 might be fantastic.
I agree that freeusers should not get a trial period. They can try their chat up to bag a premium and try the whole range of poses. Their success will depend on their social skills . I was a freeuser for about 4 or 5 weeks before coming premium. I guess being a girl is easier as there are way more guys but I , like others here, have shown new guys around and some have gone on to be prems. Obviously rude ones dont get the time of day, but we dont want to attract people like that here in any case.
The trial period would only be taken advantage of by unscrupulous multi- avatar users - free users and prems alike.
I'm also loathe to allow anonymous freeusers to post on the main forum, as I think this could also be open to abuse. Far better to allow them perhaps limited access to a separate topic area , where they can voice their ideas and questions and perhaps the chosen moderator, then, transfering it to the correct topic platform for discussion. Then any abusive freeusers can be banned & barred.
I just think, there should be some kind of commitment from a member, usually monatary , before they are upgraded to full use of the Achat facilities.It just leaves it wide open to be abused and no doubt annoy fully paid up members. The separate topic area would give them an idea of how Forum is used and posting etiquette. They can read the main Forum platforms in any case and also access the game.
I think there is enough there for them to make an informed decision then on whether to subscribe or not.
@hentai and adera :yousay " people can experience almost everything AChat offers with the free membership that we have now?" , not really true. they cant :
- cum /pee
- use the slow bar
- use others clothes than free clothes
- use others poses than free poses
- create clothes by editing and post them here
- ask someone to be lover or spouse
- room for a 3some (men)
and maybe some others i forgot , so no they cant experience all things achat offer with a free membership :)
Rukya, you are right talking about a meeting of two free users.......but if a free user meet a prem, all the poses are working, no metter if free one have them or not. and clothes....yes, they can't use them, but i don't think a free user is so interssed in them!
Anyway, no one have to forget we are collecting idea and the last word on them isn't in our power but in the hands of A-team.
It's under the eyes of all of us how dev-team is following our topic and we can see some really good release (speed bar, tab sistem for poses, ecc...) born thanks to our suggestion, so i think every new idea will be analized by them and the goods one elaborated. So, before telling yes or no, lets see all the idea we can collect and start to talk of them.
Adera & Brandy, i understand your point of view, but let's wait for others comment before being so negative whit it! Wonder if things gonna change so soon or not!
*Sigh* so as long as I only have more ideas than those already posted here or have positive feedback to give on the ideas I should post here? Oh well, sorry.
Lover, please change the topic from "How to get and keep members" to "Collecting ideas for AChat (topic not open for discussion)" so it clearly shows that this is a thread where we're amassing ideas and not actually discussing them. The current topic of the thread is very misleading since it implies that the content of the thread is to be discussed upon.
Not what i mean, Adera......i think we have lot of material to talk about.
Any criticism is wellcome, you know, just don't be so closed in the view of all the full thing. I know the trial period isn't really necessary now, cause at last free user can experience most of the things we have now if they meet a premium, so basically you are right for the moment. in the future, maybe (but i don't bet on it!), things can change, so talking of it can't be so wrong.
so, please, remove that ugly expression on your face or i'll come to your room, pinch your cheek and pull them up in a forced smile!
Duly noted. Ideas. Got it. Apologies.
If you are trying to recruit more premiums, then the site has got to create a product with premium substance that make people want to upgrade and stick around. I see no need to offer free trial. This site already provides the greatest access to "sex " of any site out there for non paying member. Period. I don't see a need for further enticement.
Diversity into more theme specific driven rooms (ie... bdsm) which are premium only...options for clothing design, access to multiple chat channels, these are ideas which create a wider gap between the paying and non-paying clientele... the are substance of service that will encourage more to join.
I am with Adera that there is no need to provide a "free" sample period. That only encourages free users to make multiple accounts.
Make clothing changes, add piece, or remove piece accessible while inside a room.
Bear, the chat can't be different for free or premium user or it will be a mess. maybe just add an option for prem to create a personal channel for small group, a sort of "guild channel"
Update interime report of the collected ideas and added some of my own:
- Advertizing
- Encourage membership of forum
- Simplify using the forum (button in game and also opening the forum for free user after registration)
- "Accepting" more help of users (developing clothes, backgrounds...)
- Keep the chance to start as free user and offer a starter kit for becoming prem (e.g. 3 old poses, some clothes...)
- Adding the quick-start guides into the game
- Shemale robot
- Advanced chat system (generall chat, chat rooms, group chat....)
- Improve graphic
- Develop the community itself
- Open forum for all, perhaps an non-public area for prem members
- Having a group of members being mentors
- Improve search-function (using wildcards, searching for mentors...)
- Incentives for helping free user become prem
- Do something against whores
- Do something against rudeness
- Prune membership listings for the forum
- Offering more help for new members (give them a list of mentors, link to forum and the quick-start guides)
- Keep Achat simple and unique
- Offer more body and room options for more individualization
- Make an app for tablet pc (ipad, samsung, sony...)
- Better profile system with more space for personal info (maybe an auto hide sistem for the description area!?)
- Offer some package at the shop. example: all the lap dance poses whit a 20% of low price then buy them one by one.
- Offer a "test-membership" for 7 days
- Allow free user limited access to one board (after subscribing to the forum)
- Diversity into more theme specific driven rooms (ie... bdsm) which are premium only
- Options for clothing design
- Access to multiple chat channels
- Make clothing changes, add piece, or remove piece accessible while inside a room
More suggestions?
I think all the suggestions are valid and should get consideration. My only snag is the "free trial". I am so afraid that people who are not old enough will gain access to the site (it only takes a mouse click). My worse fear is that somehow it will spill over into the real world, and the too young user will have met the person here and then blame AChat. Maybe my fears are groundless but it still gives me concern. Back in my social working days I saw way too much abuse, and some of it came via the internet.
I'm sorry if this is a bit hard to understand, I was trying to pick words that would not be taken out.
Thanks for letting me share,
pafe , there is yet some youngers peoples in achat i think , azrielle gave an exemple . so its not a free trial who will change things :) .
Even now those that are too young can get access to the free membership... which is just too bad. I just hope I don't run into those too young.
On this subject, here is what happened today, one example of what can be done and two of how not to "approach" people. I have not changed any names to save the innocent lol, dtrain08 is already a long-standing friend of mine, he is also "free"
shedom963: want to be dominated?
dtrain08: how you doin?
bluedenim to shedom963: lolz, what do subs usually want?
brock69: hi blue :)
bluedenim to brock69: Hi
Brockshedom963: touche, bitch. wasn't sure how you felt about shemales.
brock69: how r u tonight?
bluedenim to shedom963: I'm a bitch?
bluedenim to shedom963: :p
Ezma: hey sexy
shedom963: you can be my bitch, if you'd like
Ezma: hot pic:)
ak105: hi sexy
brock69: do u mind that im not a prem member?
bluedenim to shedom963: I have a Mistress, bear this in mind
ak105: not now
shedom963: damn. so hard to find women to dominate these days
bluedenim to brock69: Brock honey, if we didn't talk to freebies, how will they ever learn enough to want to become premium?
brock69: that's my problem lol
bluedenim to shedom963: I am available to "play", just not to possess
shedom963: Sorry, you are on my ignore list...
brock69: nobody wants to play with me lol
emilian: hi
brock69: no chat rooms here is there?
bluedenim to brock69: Ah well, they are a bit cliqy on here!
dtrain08: i miss you
brock69: no 3D other than sex?
imasexmonkey: hey babe u wanna fuck
bluedenim to imasexmonkey: love to but not with you !
brock69: everyone wants a prem or gifts..or both
imasexmonkey: wow thats cold
bluedenim to brock69: don't understand the question?
imasexmonkey: i can heat u up
bluedenim to imasexmonkey: you need to work on your chat-up lines!!
brock69: well, i have tried other s, but the others had rooms to dance & meet in 3D 1st
brock69: here doesn't seem to have that
bluedenim to brock69: oh you mean other sites, sorry I didn't get it
brock69: lol it's ok
bluedenim to brock69: have you been in a room with amyone yet?
brock69: no
brock69: nobody will answer me
bluedenim to brock69: ohhh, bummer eh!
brock69: ikr
bluedenim to brock69: there's always robotgirl
brock69: im just trying to figure things out here
dtrain08: i want you
bluedenim to brock69: she never says no! lol
brock69: lol
brock69: it's not a real person?
bluedenim to brock69: nope, but apparently she's a good fuck!
brock69: lol
bluedenim to brock69: however, you have to have the poses, she doesn't have any
brock69: i'd rather meet a real person i think lol
bluedenim to brock69: tell you what
itisjustmeM: hi there
bluedenim to brock69: my Mistress is late, so if she turns up & I'm in a room, it will make her mad, so would you like me to show you round?brock69: that would be great blue :)
bluedenim to brock69: ok, I'll invite you, you accept ok?
dtrain08: sexy outfit
brock69: ok
bluedenim to brock69: Hi Brockbrock69:
Hi :)bluedenim to brock69: This is the log cabin
brock69: how do i get here?
bluedenim to brock69: there are choices of rooms, but they all cost $Achat
brock69: oh okbluedenim to brock69: you have to buy them from the shop
brock69: ok
brock69: cool room
bluedenim to brock69: if you look at the arrows and rotate controls, you can have a look right around the room
brock69: got i
tbluedenim to brock69: the rose & champagne & teddy bear are extras i bought for my wife
brock69: i see them
bluedenim to brock69: on the left hand side, the pictures you see are the poses
brock69: what is 1st person tab 4?
bluedenim to brock69: each one has several attached to it
bluedenim to brock69: ok
bluedenim to brock69: that's the view from your eyes
bluedenim to brock69: you should be looking right at my freckly face
brock69: oh ok :)
bluedenim to brock69: on the right hand side you see "actions"
bluedenim to brock69: each pose has different actions
bluedenim to brock69: try clicking on one or two
brock69: lol
bluedenim to brock69: mmmmm just looking at the front of your jeans
bluedenim to brock69: seems to be a swelling
brock69: mmm it does? :)
bluedenim to brock69: ok just above the "conversation "box
bluedenim to brock69: there are 2 bars
bluedenim to brock69: one says excitement bar and the other speed
brock69: i see one
bluedenim to brock69: you see them?
brock69: oh, okbrock69: i see em both
bluedenim to brock69: one says "your excitement"
brock69: yup
bluedenim to brock69: that's how you react to your partner
bluedenim to brock69: that's it!
brock69: i can't adj the speed it says
brock69: ty for helping me blue :)
bluedenim to brock69: now when you are a "premium", you can go right to the end of the excitement bar and a "squirt" button will appear
brock69: lol
bluedenim to brock69: and you can cum
bluedenim to brock69: either all over your partner
bluedenim to brock69: or inside her/him/whatever
brock69: noooo hims lol
bluedenim to brock69: it's really good, i have taken several screen-prints of me with cum all over my face
brock69: can i cum without the prem
bluedenim to brock69: the speed bar won't work unless we're moving, so let me choose a pose
bluedenim to brock69: no no prem no cum,
brock69: figures
bluedenim to brock69: ok up to the top of the poses
brock69: yes
bluedenim to brock69: "talk & dance"Info: : You asked for pose change...
bluedenim to brock69: now we can slow down (which i like) or speed up
bluedenim to brock69: try it
brock69: i still can't, it says i have to be prem
bluedenim to brock69: ohh rats
bluedenim to brock69: i'll do it then
bluedenim to brock69: silyy eh!
brock69: yea slow is better lol
bluedenim to brock69: mmmmmmm
bluedenim to brock69: niiiice
brock69: much better
bluedenim to brock69: now try an "action"
bluedenim to brock69: mmmmm
brock69: small kiss
bluedenim to brock69: i like you
brock69: tyvm :)
brock69: i like you :)
brock69: your very sweet :)
bluedenim to brock69: *blushes*
bluedenim to brock69: i'mnot really
brock69: you have been with me
bluedenim to brock69: i'm a very horny naughty girl!
brock69: nothing wrong with that :)
bluedenim to brock69: ok lets try
ok, you get the idea...... this went on for an hour!
poor little Blue!
You have done a good work whit brock69 and, crap, two of them are really dumbass!
Anyway, please, next time i think you have to hide the name, i don't think it's to much correct showing them, even if they are totally idiots!
Oh... so shedom963 was a shemale? I would never have guessed that if it wasn't for "her" message saying so.
Other than that it looks like any other day on AChat ::), well with the difference that as a tgirl you get other people approaching you. Most news that approach me are curious about shemales and sadly mostly interested in me fucking them.
Well done Blue :) You helped a freebie and probably got a new prem for AChat.
I give you one diligence asterisk ;)
Well done Blue :) You helped a freebie and probably got a new prem for AChat.
I give you one diligence asterisk ;)
Is that like a stripe?
I like them ;)
@Adera, I somehow doubt that shedom was a shemale too, but that could just be me. I do have several shemale friends including you and no-one has ever called me a bitch before.......
@Adera, I somehow doubt that shedom was a shemale too, but that could just be me. I do have several shemale friends including you and no-one has ever called me a bitch before.......
Not only that but also from all of it, I just got that feeling but I can also be wrong of course.
Dont know if someone already said it but what is with a bonus from time to time. You buy one month premium and get 2000 a$ for a limited amount of time or the same for buying a$
Or some official contest like the cloth thing which is on the run maybe.
Well, Evi, something had started! look here!,1465.0.html
it's a contest about erotic story. every one can join it!
What blue did was what I have said before, there are some good users out there all they need is some prem user to chat with them and "show them the ropes" I have done this several times and sometimes they are nice and sometimes the want to go on a cam or act rude. Its a chance you take, but it is a way to get a good free user to go prem. Good job blue (my wife) The more good respectful members the better.
I know this is an old topic I thought it better to post here as it gives people an idea of what has been said before. I have to admit I fit to the category of newish premium that is already beginning to lose interest.
Thank you Mercer78 for letting us know, but we are unable to try and improve the experience without your reasons as to why and your views on the solution to the problems you are experiencing. We are not mind readers.
We try very hard to meet and greet new members and make those members feel welcome & accepted, but you also have to stand up and be counted and meet us half way. If you don't also make the effort and respond in kind , then I'm not sure what you expect or how we can help you and others who may feel the same.
We all have to work together to ensure that Forum and the game is successful. Each of us has that responsibility and on the whole, the members here are the most friendly and helpful I have ever come across.
So, I give you a direct challenge Mercer78, tell us the problems you are experiencing, tell us your solution and we will try our best to solve and resolve them.
Just saying you are losing interest doesn't help me or others to root out whats wrong.
I agree with Brandy. We want this a place to be for everyone, no matter for how long he is a member. So help us, help yourself and help other and tell us your reasons please.
Sorry I wasn't being deliberately vague it's just that my two biggest gripes have already been mentioned elsewhere in the thread being the "working girls" to coin a phrase and ignorance or rudeness. I don't really have any real issues with the forum as such other than it almost seems to operate almost as a completely separate entity from the game itself. I do have a possible solution but I'm reluctant to share since I've upset people already and the last thing I wanted to do.
Mercer, thanks for your reply.
My first question now... are you talking about the game or the forum? I also ask you to add your thoughts even if you fear to upset someone. Finally this thread is about getting and keeping members and every thought is welcome asl ong as you don't insult someone personal.
Like I said don't really have any problem with the forum only suggestion I would make is more visibility you must know that a lot of users never come here maybe like someone else suggested a link in the game itself. The game itself isn't that newbie friendly I got lucky in that I met a few nice people very early on, I get the feeling a lot of newbies aren't so lucky and probably through in the towel after a few days. This is a hard issue to solve since it's a community issue rather than a problem with the software itself. One thing that might help is tighter controls on the gift system so that people who abuse it can be stripped of the ability to use it. I don't know practical that would be but it's the best I can come up with other than removing the gift system all together, and we all know that will never happen.
You know all we can do here in forum is welcome every member, offering him a place to feel good, having fun.
And we can talk with one growing voice, telling our wishes and ideas for improvements and repeating them again and again.
I also believe, if we get more members to this forum, the publicity of this place will grow and more new and old members of the game find new friends and have fun in game too.
I think it would be great to add one major function to free users... maybe to use theyr buyed pose, or clothes, free user is really limited. When my subscription expire I really cant do nothing here, I lose my interest and I'm not so active..
Mercer78; I agree with you that the game is not friendly to free users. I will chat to free user but thats all i will not go into room with them.
As for the gift system i do not agree with you only for the gift system i would have left the game in the firat few weeks. how that im prem
i do my best to help new girls
@ honeeey
This is just plain economics. This game is a business for the Achat Gods & therefore they wish to make a profit from the site.
Once your subscription has expired, all your "bought goods" are locked back in the cupboard. They are released again when you pay your subscription, whether that is in real money or by the $AS in your account. Once registered as a member here, even as a free user you can still post and be involved in Forum.
You can continue playing but obviously only have access to the limited free items on offer. This is to encourage you to renew your subscription.
It is unlikely that this will change.
@ Mercer.
The "working girl" situation has been here awhile now. Personally, I would like you guys to discourage it by refusing to pay for virtual sex but the very fact that it has continued to survive here shows there is a market for it.
Some guys may like the seediness of that kind of sex, the power to call the shots in the room or may not have the social skills to develop a relationship to lead to rooming, who knows. Each player has their own reasons for deciding to pay the " working girl" involved.
Again, the situation is unlikely to change as whether we like it or not, it is also a money spinner for the Achat Gods.
We have tried to campaign for a Forum button to be included in Charachter Editor for easier access to Forum but until that time, most Forum members have something in their profiles to advertise of its existence. We want to encourage new membership and for members to stay and be active in their views and ideas.
I constantly campaign for new members, some of whom have stayed, some of whom have lost interest. I try and point out the topics that they may find interesting .
In particular the AB&G which I think is an easy topic to gain confidence in posting in and practice story telling and meet other regular Forum members. To this end, I have also included a useful tips to posting in there and other similar topics for new members to read & assist their postings.
I also use the Erotic Story Contest and the past stories and the very clever NSPD topic, as I find, even if potential members do not feel up to writing a story yet , they certainly like a good story when they have a spare few minutes.
There's also the funny games section, the anagrammes and the funny time game which I point out to have a try at.
And of course the Achat Tattler to catch up on the news and interviews with the Moderators or interesting Forum members.
As you can see, we are trying to encourage new membership here. Other Forum members campaign too, not just me and work very hard at it.
Mercer, all I can say, is please don't lose heart, jump on board, post your views and ideas - work with us in a positive way - to try and improve the game & the experience of it.
There are good and bad on all sites on the internet, particularly rudeness, but then, after you have suitably admonished the " Honey Monsters" there is always the " Ignore " button or be like me and some other members here, turn their rudeness into a game, see if they will ignore you first - some have the wrath of my " Bible Scriptures according to Brandybee" or browse some of the topics - Rukya and Pafe have some fabulous tips on these people.
Its about having fun. The Forum Village is full of good people. Join our community and don't be shy ... we are interested in what everyone has to say.
Thanks for taking the time to answer me guys Brandybee in particular has been extremely helpful to me both here and in game so I just wanted to take a moment to say a Thank you to you for all you've done. I suppose I just needed to get these things off my chest and I may have chosen the wrong place to vent my frustrations if so I apologise. Most of the time I'm a happy friendly guy and I've already made a few friends on here in fact its them that keep me coming back so if my posts have offended or upset anyone then I am truly sorry.
It's better to vent sometimes, then getting help and calming down again, then just leaving.
We all are here for fun and meeting our friends, so there is a common goal. We help and support each other as long as possible and try to make this a special place.
We may discuss, we may have different opinions and we also don't have to like every opinion. But there has to be respect and we have to accept other people opinions. I think you didn't offend anyone in personal, just felt bad. It's ok as long as it's not each day ;)
I hope you feel welcome and I wish you as much good luck as I have!