AChat Forum

Off-Topic => Quizz, Fav TV, Fav Music, Fav Films, Books... => Topic started by: Lover on March 22, 2012, 11:54:22 AM

Title: Should AChat have mentors?
Post by: Lover on March 22, 2012, 11:54:22 AM
As it was mentioned in some other treads, let's discuss about mentors.
You can vote and also change your vote if you change your opinion after discussing. If you vote "Yes" it doesn't mean, you also wanna be a mentor. You just agree that it would be good.

If you offer your help, also post it. So the A-Team gets an overview (if they wanna have mentors) how many members they can ask.

I offer my help in case we get enough members. If there are just 4 or 5 it could be difficult to handle it.
Title: Re: Should AChat have mentors?
Post by: Bear on March 22, 2012, 12:12:47 PM
I do know that New guest advisers/guides/mentors exist on other sites so the idea deserves some merit of consideration. However if such is created, the reality is AChat would need to create a special Avatar and profile for the volunteers which shows on ALL search lists in the top position. You certainly wouldn't want that label on you if your intent is for intimate play. There needs to be a separation between the roles.

A new guest  mentor should be accessible at all times... in essence they will find themselves thrust into the role of host/protector/moderator of the game. (Whether or not the intent of the position is made that way). Achat may want to consider the potential of policing powers in such case.

Just my thoughts on the matter

I am personally indifferent to the suggestion at this time, due to the fact I don't see the huge volume of players on necessary for it at this time. Yet as AChat grows,... it should be considered in the scheme of things.
Title: Re: Should AChat have mentors?
Post by: hentaiboy69 on March 22, 2012, 12:26:47 PM
Bear, are you talking about a sort of automatic sistem or something controlled by an human being!?

If the answer is the first one, i would remember to all of you this: achat have a treanslation pack for few language (dunno how it's updated at the moment) and maybe it's time to make it work in the right way. i mean, if this sort of "Robot Guide" will be added and translated in the most commonn language (see the "Non-english speakers" area), most of the problem will be autommaticaly solved. At this point, the best thing is to make a new installer whit multiple language option for install achat.
Title: Re: Should AChat have mentors?
Post by: Rukya on March 22, 2012, 02:07:53 PM
i said no , because if achat have mentor (i suppose that it mean sponsors or something like this) , the outfits or rooms with the logo will obligatory be more pricy  ;D
Title: Re: Should AChat have mentors?
Post by: hentaiboy69 on March 22, 2012, 02:54:55 PM
Rukya, a mentor is a sort of guide, someone who can explain you the right way to gain the max enjoy from achat and all his secret.

Like Virgilio for Dante in the Divine Comedy
Title: Re: Should AChat have mentors?
Post by: Rukya on March 22, 2012, 03:38:38 PM
oh so nothing to do with sponsoring lol  ;D
Title: Re: Should AChat have mentors?
Post by: medjai on March 22, 2012, 04:32:39 PM
I like the idea of mentors but it has to be done the right way, like bear said you can't label our self like that if you're online to play and not to mentor. You risk haveing your whole achat experience ruined from incoming messages for help.

We would also need enough members to cover a large number of people that would ask for help, so before taking this under seriuos consideration I would wanna see how many volounteers we can get.

I will gladly help metoring new members.
Title: Re: Should AChat have mentors?
Post by: MaxCraven on March 22, 2012, 05:33:45 PM
With so many different countries and time zones in AChat arranging a mentor for newer members could be a real nightmare, but it may help. Hell there are older members, like myself, who could use a mentor lol. Course with some a mentor could be mistaken for a arranged playmate so there are the downsides. Honestly I'd rather have a few people online acting as GM's instead to answer questions and deal with the daily "this person is being an asshole" problems.
Title: Re: Should AChat have mentors?
Post by: Bear on March 22, 2012, 05:38:47 PM
Hentai these are volunteers,... real people...

Max that is the case some volunteers are assumed to be ready made sex volunteers.. which really needs a firm hand in thumping that presumption down immediate. they are there as a support service. The language issue could be a problem...
Title: Re: Should AChat have mentors?
Post by: bluedenim on March 22, 2012, 08:46:27 PM
I'm sorry, I think it's possibly one of those ideas that came like a light bulb, but when looked at, you realise it just isn't either practical or desirable.

A bit like politicians..........

Anyone who wants to be a mentor definitely shouldn't be allowed to be one!

Who is watching what they are teaching? Who could police it?

How will anyone know what the newbie wants and maybe just stereotypes their own fantasy outlook onto them?

I have said before on different posts, I talk to many newbies every week and rather than ignoring them immediately I do try and teach them site etiquette which will give them more chance of succeeding in meeting the people they want to.
Doesn't always work, my ignore list grows every week and I wish someone had explained the site to me when I first arrived, but a mentor? no.
And I certainly would not want the job, which takes me back to what I said above.... who would and what motive?

There could be easily findeable guidelines for newbies, that would be the way to do it. Why don't we have a "Beginner's handbook"?
See the trail?
Mentor A's charges become Mentor A's house/faction/fraternity............................

No, leave it alone!
Title: Re: Should AChat have mentors?
Post by: Azrielle on March 22, 2012, 10:29:58 PM
From the Office of the Superintendent of Police
NYmphomania Sex Police Department

At the present time, I help newbs when I feel up to the task... sometimes it can be very daunting.

AChat for Newbs is currently under development

A mentoring program? one word - NO!

Why? - Simple... because to have some sort of mentoring program invites more problems than it solves. Why upset the status quo with a whole bunch of extra coding and labels and all that stuff. If members wish to donate their time and help out newbs... Hey, Great Idea I'm all for it. Do we need a sanctioned mentoring system that makes us appear similar to other games? Most definately not, as AChat is different and unique.

As members, we should strive to help the Dev-Team maintain Achat as it is.

Maintain the Status Quo

That is all.
Title: Re: Should AChat have mentors?
Post by: hentaiboy69 on March 23, 2012, 04:15:55 AM
Azrielle, if you don't wanna use a programm but real peoples, we need a lot of them to cver all the day and several languages. i can presume 4 or 5 peoples for any language is a good start, but this mean they get fullfilled whit messages when they are online and even when they are not, probably.

I know a programm is not the best solution, but probably is the only one reasonable to have it working 24 hour everyday. The game guide on the forum is a wonderfull idea, but something visible (dunno, maybe a short video!?) sometimes can help more, so it can be something to think of too.

Those are some opinion, just an hint.......crap, how it will be usefull in this case have an open chat to talk about it directly all togheter!
Title: Re: Should AChat have mentors?
Post by: Lover on March 23, 2012, 04:30:53 AM
I like to read all different opinions. It's great to see about the different thoughts to this and finally it's nice to read that everyone has his own idea of what a mentor is. But that's usual.
So I make one step back and start to ask about the "job" of a mentor. There will be as many ideas as we are people here.

- Is a mentor somebody who helps for the first steps? How AChat is working, how to use the game items (search-button, shop, character editor, building relationship...)
- Is a mentor somebody who helps having sex in room?

For me, a mentor is someone every member can ask about the game. This almost will be newbs, but sometimes also older members.
I don't think about explaining sex in room, but about the handling of AChat. The mentor takes you by the hand and helps if you-
- don't know how to use the editor
- wanna become prem
- wonder, why everybofy declines your cold invitations
- don't know how to start relationship
- also ask about the room - how to start poses and actions

IMO a mentor is nothing less and nothing more then we all do here in forum. The only difference is, he/she is cognizable in game. Freeuser can't post here and even if they were able to (I think it should be this way) most don't know about the forum. They start the game, make some big mistakes (inadvertently) and leave, as they are disappointed.

I agree and I have mentioned it in another post: There have to be some unique rules for a mentor. At least it's someone who is public. This can be a problem for AChat, because the users don't differ between AChat-developer and mentors.
There also has to be a big number of mentors if it really should make sense. You need members of several continents (time zone), several genders and languages.

Yes, a good guide "How to..." is helpful and needed. This is what we are doing now. But we don't reach enough people, as long as it's hidden here in the forum. Even when it's visible in game for everyone, from my own life experience with instruction books (and many people think so) I know, a lot of people don't wanna read. They wanna ask their own specific questions or have someone explaining it. Most feel better when they can ask an existent person instead of reading.

Title: Re: Should AChat have mentors?
Post by: Adera on March 23, 2012, 04:38:12 AM
I agree with Blue and Azrielle on this, there's no need for any mentors. As it is people get help anyway and I think new users can get a more diverse introduction which will help them make up their own minds about things.

If, on the other hand mentors where to be introduced I want the mentors to have specific mentor accounts with restrictions lilke:

In essence I don't want a mentor to draw any benefits from the status at all other than to be recognized and get a good chance to help people while in their mentor account.
Title: Re: Should AChat have mentors?
Post by: hentaiboy69 on March 23, 2012, 04:46:39 AM
Adera, it's a reasonable point, but have some limitation too. i mean, we need ton of peoples who have to work like mentor, or at last (thinking about when i usually log in) you end to use allways the mentor account and not yours. basically, a mentor need lot of free time to spent here on achat!

mmmmmhhmm, i vote i don't care, but i'm changing my mind and i think i don't wan it....not in this term!
Title: Re: Should AChat have mentors?
Post by: Rukya on March 23, 2012, 07:38:33 AM
i dont see why someone who will use her/his mentor account must have so much restrictions . Adera , you say :

- a boring sex uniform . why ? it will be the mentor fonction too to explain how have the clothes in the shop

- cant make spouses , lovers and friends . i agree only with spouses and lovers , but making friends could help the newbee to retrieve this mentor .

- you say not be contactable with their normal account for 48 hours or more in case of talk/room . Again why ? When they will be in their normal account , they will be premiums like others , i dont see why they will be restricted in their friends list .

lover , you say a mentor could be a newbee too , i dont see how . For this , it need that they come read the forum , and i dont know any new member who come or even know that achat have a forum .

i'll change my vote to "dont care" , who is not a yes , but not a no  ;D
Title: Re: Should AChat have mentors?
Post by: Adera on March 23, 2012, 08:51:25 AM
i dont see why someone who will use her/his mentor account must have so much restrictions . Adera , you say :

- a boring sex uniform . why ? it will be the mentor fonction too to explain how have the clothes in the shop

They don't need to be able to change their own clothing to explain that to someone and there is no reason for the mentors to look sexy, rather the opposite because if they look sexy people will just pester them because they want to have fun with them.

If they have the same clothing they're easily recognized as well.

Mentorship should be seen as an official job where your helping out newbs, not a chance to meet partners.

- cant make spouses , lovers and friends . i agree only with spouses and lovers , but making friends could help the newbee to retrieve this mentor .

While a mentor is working they are doing a job and should concentrate on that, not flirt around with people. If they want to flirt and chat they should just log on with their normal accounts instead.

- you say not be contactable with their normal account for 48 hours or more in case of talk/room . Again why ? When they will be in their normal account , they will be premiums like others , i dont see why they will be restricted in their friends list .

Because they'll be able to abuse the mentor status they have and are able to build up their harem by giving people a false image of authority. If they are genuinely interested in someone they should have to wait before they jump into bed with that person.

Another thing I want to point out is that I think that everyone should be able to be a mentor, but that they should only have access to the poses they have on their premium account... if you want to be a good mentor you better unlock all poses. If mentors have access to everything it will immediately be abused.
Title: Re: Should AChat have mentors?
Post by: hentaiboy69 on March 23, 2012, 09:18:35 AM
Adera, so at last the mentor account its sorta linked whit your normal account!? NO WAY!

Sorry to say, but better if they have some random poses, even if it's not really necessary, cause a mentor don't have to show all the poses to a newbye, just one or two for giving better explanation about selecting pose and option.

mmmhhm, more i read and think, more this story look a little too complex to work all on the shoulders of users like us....mumble mumble.....
Title: Re: Should AChat have mentors?
Post by: Adera on March 23, 2012, 09:34:12 AM
The main problem I see is that this can hurt the community more than actually help it. It will probably help new users but if this can be abused it will hurt the other objective which is to keep users... that's why I want the mentorship to be more of burden to the ones who are mentors rather than a benefit or an elevated status.
Title: Re: Should AChat have mentors?
Post by: hentaiboy69 on March 23, 2012, 09:43:23 AM
I agree whit you......being a mentor mustn't be a privilege! and we need the right peoples to do it or at last it will be a total mess and all we gain is peoples worshipping a full idiot and leaving Achat.....mmm, really a good scenario!   >:(
Title: Re: Should AChat have mentors?
Post by: Brandybee on March 23, 2012, 10:45:26 AM
Ok, Maybe we are all looking to deeply into this -  Maybe Mentor is the wrong name and we just have " Friendly Face"  logo colour coded for the different languages - Bagsy  " Red" for UK lol

And basically volunteer members display it on their profile to show they are willing to assist in explaining

1) Profiles and how they work
2) Forum and what its for
3) Directions to Robot girl and Robot boy to see how poses / actions / exit / room works. Any questions come back.
4) Manners and  etiquette and Hot talk for some lol
5) Any other basic stuff I might have missed :)

Its something I end up doing most days anyway - damm I even started to tell the newbys a red rose is hot on their arm so they have been Brandybee branded lol . Check out the Newby guy  profiles - you'll see mine by the brand lol

Keep it simple Folkes. A coloured smily face or similar logo is much better , less time consuming and if you are playing, tell the newby, you are not available at the moment and to look for another volunteer or to come back in ... when ever time frame is convenient.

Simples :)

I'd volunteer for the above - I do it anyway :) 

Title: Re: Should AChat have mentors?
Post by: Brandybee on March 23, 2012, 10:58:56 AM
I voted No to Mentor but Id vote Yes to a colour coded smiley face or similar  :)
Title: Re: Should AChat have mentors?
Post by: Bear on March 23, 2012, 11:35:39 AM
I have to agree with Blu' I see a huge potential for abuse.  The mentor should be an official designation with a strict code of conduct.
 Official designated, or not at all.

 Otherwise just banner your availability to mentor noobs... nothing stops one at this point. However representing oneself as  an "authority" figure should be a bannable  violation. That is opening the door to pandora's box of unscrupulous behavior.

I see no need for additional poses... they can demonstrate the options with the free ones provided. It might be a place where the speed bar and excitement level be available to demonstrate. This would serve as a sample for noobs of the potential for conversion to premium status.
Title: Re: Should AChat have mentors?
Post by: Rukya on March 23, 2012, 12:07:40 PM
Quote from adera :

 Because they'll be able to abuse the mentor status they have and are able to build up their harem

No need to be a mentor to build a harem , have you look the number of lovers i have  ;D . I dont think peoples who will be choosen will be tempted to abuse of their power :)
Title: Re: Should AChat have mentors?
Post by: Lover on March 23, 2012, 01:33:42 PM
@ Rukya:
over , you say a mentor could be a newbee too , i dont see how
No, I didn't mean newbs can be mentors. I said, most of the questions will come from newbs and some also will come from elder members.

No matter how they could work: There have to be strict rules. There is a danger of abuse - I don't see any people of this forum to abuse it, but if there are mentors you need more then just 5 or 6.

Though one of my ideas was to offer a trial-membership I don't say, free user don't get enough stuff. There has to be a difference between free user and prem members - there won't be any reason to become premium if you get most things for free.
But this is another discussion.

The best would be, all members who brought up this idea (I just took it and made this poll) tell us about their thoughts. What do you mean mentors should be or do? Perhaps we are talking about something completely different...
Title: Re: Should AChat have mentors?
Post by: Pafe on March 24, 2012, 04:30:08 AM

   I've been reading this for a while now, and I'm ready to put my two cents in, for what it's worth.  I think we're all mentors in our own way, without having to be designated as such.  Lately, since the quick start guides are here, I've been referring people to the Forum to get answers to questions.  Once the "Newbie Guide" is in place, I will refer them directly to that.  I tell them that they do not have to "sign up" to read the Forum, they just won't be able to post anything.  Some have told me that they have used the Forum to get their answers, so it seems to work.  (Others can't be bothered)

Thanks for letting me share,
Title: Re: Should AChat have mentors?
Post by: Janine Dee on March 24, 2012, 05:26:45 AM
I guess the question becomes... what has lead us to think this is really needed? From what I have seen we're doing rather well with the resources we're providing. I'm thinking it was sort of a brainstorm kind of suggestion that's being explored, but the reception seems... cool at best.
Title: Re: Should AChat have mentors?
Post by: Azrielle on March 24, 2012, 08:37:57 AM
Once the "Newbie Guide" is in place, I will refer them directly to that.  I tell them that they do not have to "sign up" to read the Forum, they just won't be able to post anything.  Some have told me that they have used the Forum to get their answers, so it seems to work.  (Others can't be bothered)

I guess the question becomes... what has lead us to think this is really needed? From what I have seen we're doing rather well with the resources we're providing. I'm thinking it was sort of a brainstorm kind of suggestion that's being explored, but the reception seems... cool at best.

Personally, I think maintaining the status quo is easier than having some sort of special coding added to the game. Secondly. having some sort of OFFICIAL mentoring program will make AChat into too much similar to other games that are out there. AChat is unique... let's strive to keep it that way.

The Newb Guide is a work in progress and hopefully it will be something that the Dev-Team may consider adding into the game module to help newbs and experienced users alike to remember some of the finer points of the game features... again, it is a work in progress.

Title: Re: Should AChat have mentors?
Post by: AngelicDream on May 04, 2012, 01:40:30 PM
Achat is a basic program. Not complex to use at all. The only mentoring that I could see here would be the mentor being like a "pimp". And for me that just is not very appealing. To feel I'm subjecting myself to some man that considers himself a virtual Achat "pimp". So I will unequivocally state no.
Title: Re: Should AChat have mentors?
Post by: TightFit74 on May 08, 2012, 01:37:24 PM
I can see merit in the idea of mentors when this game has over 500.000 active! users. They advertise they have 500.000 + members, but that is counting all accounts since the start of this program. I think it will serve a purpose when it takes you more as 20 minutes to tet through the profiles. Hoping by that time we have a more refined search filter ;D

I do think it is very important that the guides that are now being compiled, find their way into the download of the game and are sown during or right after installing the game. If the guide would be available through a button in the game itself, like a F1-help function, it would mean even more acessibility to answers. I think 90 out of 100 programs have such an option.

It is about making it easier for all users, but specifically new members. When I started this game, I had to find out everything myself and had the help of some nice free and subscribed members. It took me a few weeks before finding the forum itself and the help button didn't offer much solace.

If in the future mentors are needed, eg when the game becomes big enough, I'd rather see a mentor as a paid employee of achat so there is control over the actions the mentor undertakes in the game. The danger of abuse, mentioned multiple tmes before, is very current.
Title: Re: Should AChat have mentors?
Post by: analetta on July 14, 2020, 02:20:40 PM

Well, I sure dunno about that dearie, but we definitely need some o' these 'ere


Some people's breff ain't  arf whiffy
Title: Re: Should AChat have mentors?
Post by: JessiCapri on July 14, 2020, 03:27:12 PM
Vaughan is a mentor.
Title: Re: Should AChat have mentors?
Post by: Stone on January 20, 2021, 04:24:30 AM
Jade_Kali  &  I  are Mentors too.

We were asked by Achat a few years back.  I don't think they expanded it further though.

Most old members are willing to help, so just ask.
