AChat Forum

Discussions about sex => Everything about sex and love => Topic started by: jeanona31 on March 24, 2012, 09:26:07 AM

Title: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: jeanona31 on March 24, 2012, 09:26:07 AM
"Busy state - Ignore all free users "
I really do not like this option in the recent update. I have never used and think I won't.

The main reason for the poll is what I think this is really bad for the game with respect for those who think otherwise. I've already said my opinion on the subject "finally able to ignore free users"
so I'll just paste my post here.

I have some really nice friends who are free members, due respect for them and other free members, who are mostly fine,I do not want to use the option.
For me there is no problem to ignore the colds just not noticing them, generally is not so difficult.
Besides I have the impression that cold invites are attributed to free members only, I don't know why is that
cause premium members are doing the same thing.!?

Once I met premium member while I was free, we chatted for two hours, (he was Intelligent, funny etc.) he told me:"If you really want to meet really nice people should become the premium, free members are not very popular and desirable here ".
Even if we spent a nice time together we didn't  become friends probably because of his prejudices, later i didn't want his friendship.

After  I was thinking: Well that is so ridiculous, I can't believe it" !
Moreover think it is also plenty statement on the many avatars to free members which tell them in one or another way "back off", it is enough to them to know that they are unwanted as free. I was more annoyed that statement and such attitudes .
When i saw that first time i was stunned - Oh my God what is this, I can't believe it  all these divisions even in one game!! Why emphasize so much all that ! This suppose to be a nice game for all!
These attitudes certainly do not contribute to the good atmosphere at all.

I'm sure all the additional support which would even further distance the free users can only do losses to the game and all of us.
With all of the above and with the option "Ignore all free users" , all free members could,when they come to these findings and the existence of such a option, will gain a bad or completely wrong feeling and that is not something that will motivate them to subscribe but the opposite.

Let me say ,we need free members, in large numbers if we want to grow the game.
It is the responsibility of all of us who love A-chat to make them feel welcome and desirable, only then their attention will be directed to the subscription and greater opportunities in the game.
I would like that dev-team abolish "Ignore all free users"

It would be better for all that instead "Ignore all free users" we have a possibility "Ignore all cold invites". (if it is feasible)

An as would Pafe said "Thanks for letting me share"
(sorry Pafe for I stole you sentence for a short but it fits so well at the end  :-*)
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: hentaiboy69 on March 24, 2012, 09:33:01 AM
Mmmmmmm, more then remove it, i prefer it will be changed in "ignore free invite" and added "Ignore all invite", cause sometimes i'm just up for a nice chat whit other users.
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Rukya on March 24, 2012, 09:44:25 AM
totally agree with jeanona , and i'm really happy to have the oportunity to vote for this  ;D . And many free members have told me yet that with all the new things , they feel not wanted and dont see why they will have to subscribe just to be welcome by the ones who are just ignore them as free members . And its why i'm totally disagree with the option ignore all free users . so my vote will be in yes of course  ;D
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Zinah on March 24, 2012, 12:37:18 PM
I should have the option to ignore invites from people not on my friends/lovers list.  That means that my darling may invite me without me doing some clicking madness, but everyone else is stopped cold.
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: jeanona31 on March 24, 2012, 01:35:30 PM
ZinahI have nothing against the upgrade options for the "Busy State",for my own part  can be many more choices -different types of ..

I repeat that the option in which selected words are "IGNORE ALL FREE USERS" is completely WRONG !!

Very degrading to free users and from the other hand sounds like a clear recommendation for those who are already premium members.
I have to say that is not a good message - In one word it will be a very bad marketing for the game and it's progress.

@ Hentai thanks for support !!
@ Rukya - Thanks for your strong line and your courageous "YES", someone who is not afraid to stand clearly behind !
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Brandybee on March 24, 2012, 01:42:33 PM
Count me in, I dont use this for reasons as outlined previously :) 
( Beware if I find out when your birthday is hehe - rubbing my hands in glee )
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Lover on March 24, 2012, 04:56:01 PM
I'm with you - I don't use busy state cause I chat with everyone - and like to help if somebody is asking in a friendly way.
But we have to be honest: Those of us who talk to free user don't use this button. All other, who don't even wanna talk to free user do not talk. They like this button and wanna use it.
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Zinah on March 24, 2012, 05:42:27 PM
Zinah I have nothing against the upgrade options for the "Busy State",for my own part  can be many more choices -different types of ..
I'm somewhat confused by this comment. 
I don't want to ignore free users, as I did not renew my premium account, I am a free user now.
To be more clear, I voted for option 3:  Change "ignore free users" to "Ignore cold invites"
 I'd like the option, were I to take premium again in the future, to avoid "cold invites" from complete strangers.  My preference therefore, is to change the "ignore all free users" to "ignore all invites from people not on my "friends/lovers" list.
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Rukya on March 24, 2012, 05:48:45 PM
hehe zinah it mean that you want ignore all invites from the ones in your spouse list too ?  ;D ;D
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore free users"
Post by: jeanona31 on March 24, 2012, 06:19:37 PM
@ Brandybee  thanks a lot ! Need a bit humor  ;D

Lover thank you very much for you're here too...

I know some of the members like the button and wanna use it but I am sure that those users are in the minority, at least I hope so. Because if not this would be the last game that I wanted to play or participate in any way. Forgive me on my complete honesty!
I'm sure also it will be a lot more members who will like the button "Ignore Free users" if we continue to spread that kind of spirit in the game and unfortunately on the forum too.

Premium users can keep statements on their avatars, their opinion and any other means which are used to show that free users are undesirable.
I don't mind and i respect all different opinions but i really don't understand- If all this bothers them that much, while their chatting with friend ,why they not just go into the room to the private chatting ?!

To make a resume - free users can not use a lot of things in the game, I'm sure they are aware of the deficiencies. Even though scarcely manage to conclude a nice friendship they will have bad taste because of all mentioned -about the statements and other things in the game.

So premium members who prefer to chat or play only with premium users should be satisfied with it, developers should not be worried about subscriptions.No need for additional button " Ignore free users", this is to much !
If this is too much for me as a premium member, some of you agree with me, I wonder how much it will actually affect the free members??

One thing is certain, If I ,while i was a free member, didn't have the opportunity to try the game certainly would not subscribed to it. If with all the bad impressions of the free users ,I had gained in two months, came to the conclusion that there is even a button to ignore me just because I'm free, I'd rather look for better place to hangout and to live my fantasies.

I hope it will soon be done chat room or so- reserved only for premiums so that everyone can be happy without any degradation.

Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: jeanona31 on March 24, 2012, 06:42:40 PM
Zinah I have nothing against the upgrade options for the "Busy State",for my own part  can be many more choices -different types of ..

I'm somewhat confused by this comment. 

Zinah sorry which I was not clear enough ... I never thought based on your comment that you voted for option 2,cause you said you'd like option to ignore invites from people not on your friends/lovers list and i understood that does not apply only to free users
So I replied that I have nothing against, means against this and similar upgrades. :)

Thank you for your support on the topic too !
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Janine Dee on March 25, 2012, 06:19:32 AM
I'll play devil's advocate here, and say the option is not locked. You actually have to turn it on each time, and while we can point out single cases of free users turning out well even the first post in this thread admits there is the desire to ignore bad frees, and if I'm given the tool to screen all them I'm not going to be ashamed to use it.

I don't use it all the time, but there are plenty of those who give me plenty of reason to be glad it's there.
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: jeanona31 on March 25, 2012, 08:03:29 AM
Janine Dee,

devil's advocate here - am I in trouble maybe  ;D
Anyway thanks for your post although I do not agree with you.

Sorry,  the first post - I don't see any desire there for ignoring free users.
Truly I don't have any reason ( and i mean any single reason) so far to ignore any frees but contrary.
Unfortunately i can't say the same for premiums.
I'm sure you have your reasons too.

Please do not understand all this as propagation frees in relation to premium members cause it is not.
Premium members ,of course and i agree ,must be first and certainly must have all the advantages as the subscribers but not to the right that all bad, aggressive, impolite, rude  etc. attributed to the group of free users.
Now we have a button so that we can simply "turn them off" from the game.

I know that this button is not locked it is not about it -  word is about existing button such kind.
which separates the people in a  bad/wrong way.

Can someone tell me why should only applies to frees (or why it would not be changed in just ignore cold invites or so ) ?!

Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Adera on March 25, 2012, 08:33:01 AM
I think the ability to ignore free users is a good option... and remember it is optional to use it. If anything should be done I think that would be to add more options so we can filter more finely.

I don't use this option all the time but if I'm already talking to a few premium members I like to reduce the clutter in my chat box.

In any case I believe that the option to ignore free users is a right premiums have as paying members, now at least I wont have to see all the bad lines sent my way from free users. Earlier I had to log off to escape all those "Ugh! Woman, I wanna to fuck you!" which just annoys me since they have no manners nor finesse.
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Rukya on March 25, 2012, 08:48:46 AM
soooo for me , dev team must create a button named "IGNORE ALL PREMIUMS MEMBERS" , and see how many messages saying "hey what is this shitting button , erase it" who will be write here in the forum . And only at this moment , peoples could see how can feel a free member actually.
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: gingerly on March 25, 2012, 09:01:35 AM

Golly, it appears that a Problem is being made out of Nothing...

The beauty of living in America is that Most of the time we have Freedom of Choice to use or Not to use an available product or service or what have you,,,, therefore why this option is being discussed is silly...

Every member should be able to Choose to Use or Not to Use the option to ignore anyone they wish...
We pay to be Premium members and the option to use or Not to use should remain a Right of Membership...

Nother words---------- Simply Do Not use it if you do not wish to  BUT,, do Not try to force, coax, coerce, embarrass or push others into behaving how You < (all those against the option)  think is correct...

Ruyka,,,, gosh,, do you not see how silly your most recent post is.?
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Rukya on March 25, 2012, 09:12:44 AM
i dont know what mean silly , but if it mean agressive i'm not . I just say that if a button "ignore all free users" exist , i dont see why there is not a button "ignore all premiums" . this dont mean i'll use it , i suppose i will not . But as jeanonna said , many use this button cause free members are considered like the spécialists of cold invit . But i receive more cold invits from premiums than from free members  :)
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Adera on March 25, 2012, 09:31:31 AM
You're so right Gingerly, it's all up to us in the end.
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Azrielle on March 25, 2012, 11:48:19 AM
Nother words---------- Simply Do Not use it if you do not wish to  BUT,, do Not try to force, coax, coerce, embarrass or push others into behaving how You < (all those against the option)  think is correct...

I agree with you, Ginger... but I do also think a modification of the original concept will make it a more useful feature.

Just my thoughts.
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: NewGurl on March 25, 2012, 05:09:49 PM
Rukya, you are right, we all and I mean ALL of us started out as free members. By having a universal button that says ignore all free users, makes the freebies feel like second class citizens. I once posted on here that we as premium members have an obligation to help out free members that ask for help. I was crucified for suggesting that we help out free users, cause they all rude and crude.  I help out any free member that asks as long as they arent disrespectful. I myself am personally responsible for at least 5 members becoming prem users. I we all did that, there would be more money paying members and then we would get the upgrades we want faster, since there are more Prem members. In my personal opinion, the worst upgrade we have ever gotten is the Busy button. It will be the end of Achat, because there will be less free members and untimately less Prem users.
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: jeanona31 on March 25, 2012, 07:11:23 PM

Golly, it appears that a Problem is being made out of Nothing...

The beauty of living in America is that Most of the time we have Freedom of Choice to use or Not to use an available product or service or what have you,,,, therefore why this option is being discussed is silly...

Every member should be able to Choose to Use or Not to Use the option to ignore anyone they wish...
We pay to be Premium members and the option to use or Not to use should remain a Right of Membership...
Nother words---------- Simply Do Not use it if you do not wish to  BUT,, do Not try to force, coax, coerce, embarrass or push others into behaving how You < (all those against the option)  think is correct...

Ruyka,,,, gosh,, do you not see how silly your most recent post is.?

@Gingerly welcome to forum, it is always good to hear different opinion, I respect yours...although I am bit confused your post here.

Sorry you said "problem", rather it will be a discussion about what someone is like or not like it,
free friendly exchange opinions as any other topic in this forum.
If this question for you irrelevant and you have very clear attitude, if this is for you nothing - then by that logic should not pay attention to this topic.
Moreover if the discussion or someone's post it's silly for you do not you think it is silly too to participate in such a thing?
The beauty of living in many country in Europe is that most of the time we have freedom on our opinion respecting diversities - then everything else.

"Do Not try to force, coax, coerce, embarrass or push other.." hey these are "big words" i don't think so , you can see only, as i said,free friendly exchange opinions but of course you can still think as you wish(and in any case I'm sorry for those who felt like you said),

Right of Membership is mentioned in the subject  even though the topic is not about it !

Every member should be able to Choose to Use or Not to Use the option to ignore anyone they wish

 - EXACTLY - this is the big point
Anyone They Wish NOT just free users !

At the end I can not help wondering what such a need to keep the option "ignore all free members' if you like me and everyone else have "ignore list "?!
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Rukya on March 25, 2012, 08:06:14 PM
@gingerly : hmmm i have translate "silly" , so if youre not too silly , you get your insults for you please . We are free to give our ideas even if its one like ignore all premiums . welcome to the forum  >:(
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: jeanona31 on March 25, 2012, 09:18:24 PM
i dont know what mean silly , but if it mean agressive i'm not . I just say that if a button "ignore all free users" exist , i dont see why there is not a button "ignore all premiums" . this dont mean i'll use it , i suppose i will not . But as jeanonna said , many use this button cause free members are considered like the spécialists of cold invit . But i receive more cold invits from premiums than from free members  :)

@Rukya I thought to write something like you said"ignore all premiums", before -on some of my posts on this topic. Honestly I didn't just because someone does not think that despite being seems to defend the free members (which is not just that - cause i like my premium friends very much) but arrogantly suggest something like "ignore all premiums" .I must admit that was a bit cowardly from me :-[

I am glad you did and i can say in this question it is not silly at all ! When it comes to this issue, it naturally arises if we have option "ignore free users"and if premium members think the option is not silly then can't be silly "ignore premium members" too.

In addition, thank you, with your clear proposal are managed provoke some negative reactions premium members who are sensitive when it comes to their membership ( i am saying this without intent to insult anyone) It is a very good example of pointing the finger at someone even the entire group, as potentially undesirable, not a welcome - cause more or less bad reactions and this is exactly what we do to free users.
That is quite natural -we are all human beings.
I have also more or less bad impulsive reactions when I provoked something, whether any of us that there is no similar moments....
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: West69 on March 25, 2012, 10:28:31 PM
Rukya, you are right, we all and I mean ALL of us started out as free members...........

Personally, I started out as a premium member, was never a "free" user.

I raise this issue ONLY because it illustrates the danger of generalization. When we generalize our opinions to everyone on here, the risk of inaccuracy is high. My point is to corroborate someone who already said what we need is to fine tune options. Of course options should be diplomatically worded so as not to offend anyone. However, options are just that, OPTIONS. To be utilized by each individual at their own discretion. I believe this is the key to growing AChat. A system with enough options that most people are motivated and rewarded with the satisfaction to continue playing.   :)
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Rukya on March 25, 2012, 10:45:38 PM
what you say is true , its just options , and the "problem" is that if someone want ignore only premiums , he/she cant cause he/she have not the option to do . Some could say that ignore free members must be a premium privilege without the risk to be ignored (or only in case of finishing in the ignore list) , but this will do like if there was 2 achats . One with the options (just talking options) for premiums , and one with options for free members .

hmmm not sure if i explain well what i mean . Shortly , for me , if there is the option "ignore all free users" there must be in the other way too . And again just as an option .
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Adera on March 26, 2012, 02:02:07 AM
Even with this option we still have about 46% of premium members answering a free user when they come asking us something in a polite way, isn't that quite good? Take a look at this thread where they talk about the survey they did:,1538.0.html

Some might feel that it's a premiums obligation to answer every free user, but others don't and you can't force them to do it either.

If I'm not too busy I try to answer free users that actually have real questions, but not the ones that are just looking for cheap thrills.

Actually, I wouldn't care if they added a "Ignore all premium members" option, it wouldn't make any difference to me.
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: hentaiboy69 on March 26, 2012, 02:24:30 AM
well, at the end everyone is free to use it or no. we have it now, but it's on us abuse of the ignore button or not.

as more of you had mension, i have plenty of free users friends, so blocking them isn't in my mind. The forst time i used it (when it was added to acht) a friend tel me he was thinking i don't wanna see him, but i had explain him it wasn't on my mind, i was just trying it blocking all the users and using the editor, so no one can interrupt me.
so, yes, i think blocking cold invite can be good, but not block the chat!

and, well, i tend to ignore some chat couse i'm talking whit 2 or 3 peoples at time, and adding more will be a mess, so why don't set the chat sistem before going on whit the busy button!? i think the chat sistem need priority then more other stuff!
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Janine Dee on March 26, 2012, 06:01:34 AM
For me it's about having options. Honestly I almost always forget to turn it on until the lame pick up lines have me remembering "Oh right, I CAN shut them up."

As far as personal experiences, i was a free less then a day... I think it was less then six hours. I logged on, had a guy try to "help" me by inviting me into a room (I thought that meant a private channel like in most chat programs) and then try to get me to click the flashing box so he could bend me over and fuck me.

In spite of that I left, and discovered Robot Girl, saw what poses I could use, and saw what poses I could use if I went premium, and went out to get a prepaid card to pay for my first years membership.

Even with the free blocking option AChat still offers an impressive level of access to free users.

Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: NewGurl on March 26, 2012, 02:27:28 PM
I will relate an encounter I had.  I was in a room, and I said goodbye and left, then clicked the bust to all users button soI could change clothes and backgrounds. When I returned the person I was with was very distraught, because I left being in a room with them, and then by what they say I went into a room with another. This happens because the busy button sends out a "In Room" on your profile. I had a hard time explaining that I wasnt in a room with someone else, I was using the busy button. There comment was "But It said you were in  a room, not busy". I had to have the person set there own busy button and then look at their own profile to see it said Im Room.

That is the main reason I will not use the busy button. It upset my friend to the point of tears. If they would change the button to say "Busy" instead of In Room, I might Use it once in awhile,

Just last night I was approached by a free user, he asked to chat amd said he was new. I talked to him and found out that he had been on 2 hours, had tried several Prem members and I was the first on to even say Hi To Him. I know that we sometimes are on here for certain people, but come on,no one would even talk to the poor guy for 2 hours. I am ashamed. I took him in a room and showed him around, told him as a free what he could do and couldnt do. He was polite and very thankful for the help I showed him. And yes I showed him several of the sex poses, I dont know whether he will or not, but he said that he was going to go prem as soon as possible. All it cost me was time.

I have an Idea, when a free user becomes prem, why not have them recommend someone who helped them out and made their mind up about going prem. Maybe give the recommended person a bonus for having the most recommendations in a month, Achat wins with more prem members and gives Prem members incentive to talk to free users, just a thought.
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Rukya on March 26, 2012, 02:46:35 PM
its not a bad idea NG , i must say that its even a good one  ;D maybe like this less free members will be ignored
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: NewGurl on March 26, 2012, 02:55:25 PM
Maybe Rukya, I feel sorry for the free members. They deserve to be talked to as much as us Prem users. I consider myself lucky to have the money to gey a membership. I know for some of the free users they just cant afford to get a Prem membership.
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Lover on March 26, 2012, 03:02:31 PM
@ NewGurl:
I have an Idea, when a free user becomes prem, why not have them recommend someone who helped them out and made their mind up about going prem. Maybe give the recommended person a bonus for having the most recommendations in a month, Achat wins with more prem members and gives Prem members incentive to talk to free users, just a thought.

Pafe also suggested it here,1540.15.html
You see, you are not alone and we need polite prems to keep members. But of course, it depends on both sides - also a free user should know, he/she has to be friendly. We all are human and not any fuck machines.
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: jeanona31 on March 26, 2012, 11:50:00 PM

Just last night I was approached by a free user, he asked to chat amd said he was new. I talked to him and found out that he had been on 2 hours, had tried several Prem members and I was the first on to even say Hi To Him. I know that we sometimes are on here for certain people, but come on,no one would even talk to the poor guy for 2 hours. I am ashamed. I took him in a room and showed him around, told him as a free what he could do and couldnt do. He was polite and very thankful for the help I showed him. And yes I showed him several of the sex poses, I dont know whether he will or not, but he said that he was going to go prem as soon as possible. All it cost me was time.

I have an Idea, when a free user becomes prem, why not have them recommend someone who helped them out and made their mind up about going prem. Maybe give the recommended person a bonus for having the most recommendations in a month, Achat wins with more prem members and gives Prem members incentive to talk to free users, just a thought.

Rukya, you are right, we all and I mean ALL of us started out as free members. By having a universal button that says ignore all free users, makes the freebies feel like second class citizens. I once posted on here that we as premium members have an obligation to help out free members that ask for help. I was crucified for suggesting that we help out free users, cause they all rude and crude.  I help out any free member that asks as long as they arent disrespectful. I myself am personally responsible for at least 5 members becoming prem users. I we all did that, there would be more money paying members and then we would get the upgrades we want faster, since there are more Prem members. In my personal opinion, the worst upgrade we have ever gotten is the Busy button. It will be the end of Achat, because there will be less free members and untimately less Prem users.

NewGurl -Everything you said is absolutely true, in my opinion.
 I'm glad that someone sees the consequences of this it seems quite ordinary options. I do not have as much time as I would like to have support free members, but each time when i have I hear the same thing.
" Here hardly anyone wants to talk to free members " and similar.. .
Every time I stay surprise, how come they so fast knew that the reason for this is cause they are free users. Guess that is not so hard to know at the end.

I am sure that Adera and Jeanine absolutely right when it comes to their experience with frees but  I'm also right when it comes about mine with premium. Therefore I insist every members including premiums user should know have to be friendly and polite , especially premium members because they have more and better chances for talking, knowing the game etc.
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: bluedenim on March 27, 2012, 01:22:18 AM
I will add some weight to what NewGurl has said.

It was me that she is talking about and yes it did reduce me to tears as I was unaware that the busy button showed as "In Room"

I'm not posting another essay on helping Newbies, if you haven't read my previous posts where have you been?
I think perhaps the DEV Team could scrap the busy button and maybe replace it with an "I only want to talk to friends for a few minutes" button.
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: sm3369 on March 27, 2012, 03:16:01 AM
I initially thought this was a good idea at first. Only thing is that this option does not separate those who are total free users from those who were once premium & did not renew. Unfortunately, I found this out the hard way. I turned this on and at this time, my own spouse had not renewed her membership, so I ended up blocking her. I felt like the worst person in creation after that.  :'(  From what I see, many of the total free users (ones not having any blue star on their profile) just look to use the members for the poses, & it's these types of users that I want to ignore, not anyone on my lists who's premiums have expired. As Newgurl said earlier, I'm glad I can currently afford to have this membership, sadly, there are some who can't, for whatever reason. A friend of mine left recently because she lost her job, & couldn't pay for this anymore, & was too embarrassed by it. Anyway, let me get back on point here as I don't want to be scolded by a mod for getting off topic in my 1st post in months. I feel that there should be a differentiation between free users, & those who were premiums at one time but have since not renewed. I have several of these types of relationships, & this option right now gives potential to damage those relationships. And it's not that I want to ignore all of the free members, primarily just the known pests. This is not the way to encourage people to join the site, it actually can be a turn off to new members.

Just my two cents here  :)
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: sm3369 on March 27, 2012, 03:26:08 AM

Golly, it appears that a Problem is being made out of Nothing...

The beauty of living in America is that Most of the time we have Freedom of Choice to use or Not to use an available product or service or what have you,,,, therefore why this option is being discussed is silly...

Every member should be able to Choose to Use or Not to Use the option to ignore anyone they wish...
We pay to be Premium members and the option to use or Not to use should remain a Right of Membership...

Nother words---------- Simply Do Not use it if you do not wish to  BUT,, do Not try to force, coax, coerce, embarrass or push others into behaving how You < (all those against the option)  think is correct...

Ruyka,,,, gosh,, do you not see how silly your most recent post is.?

Hi gingerly, Welcome to the Forum by the way.

I get your point, but then if I'm correct, every single Friend, Lover, or Spouse on your list is a paying premium member? Using that "Ignore All Free User" button will also block anyone who is on your list who was once a premium, but not currently one. As I said in a previous reply, I have found this out the hard way.
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: hentaiboy69 on March 27, 2012, 03:46:15 AM
Stephanie, your point is true, there is no difference between free users and ex premium. and honestly, i'm glad to meet free users too and i had found some really cute. Just in this this last days i had meet a girl really cute and i spend really good time whit her yesterday after 3 days of chatting.

At last, i think we can ask for another option and leave "ignore free users" for the one of us who wanna use it (respect for every opinion, in first!), but it will very usefull to add an option "Block all invite" and modify the message and the colour of the icon to make it appear different to the one when we are in room.
At least, this is the reasomnable solution, i think
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: sm3369 on March 27, 2012, 03:54:49 AM

NewGurl -Everything you said is absolutely true, in my opinion.
 I'm glad that someone sees the consequences of this it seems quite ordinary options. I do not have as much time as I would like to have support free members, but each time when i have I hear the same thing.
" Here hardly anyone wants to talk to free members " and similar.. .
Every time I stay surprise, how come they so fast know that the reason for this is cause they are free users. Guess that is not so hard to know at the end.

I am sure that Adera and Jeanine absolutely right when it comes to their experience with frees but  I'm also right when it comes about mine with premium. Therefore I insist every members including premiums user should know have to be friendly and polite , especially premium members because they have more and better chances for talking, knowing the game etc.


Jeonona, part of the biggest problem out here is that many of the premium members feel that they are "too good" to associate with the free members. Unfortunately, this is the type of behavior that in instilled by this site. I'll be so bold as to say that I'm guilty of this sometimes myself. There are also quite a few of these members here in this forum as well. They all accuse the free users of being rude, meanwhile, some premiums I know are more rude than any free user on the site. They should look in the mirror once in a while & clean their own house before they call someone else rude or consider them "not worthy" of talking to.
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Pafe on March 27, 2012, 07:03:31 AM

  I, for one, would be very happy if we could exchange the "busy button" for an "ignore invite" button.  I don't mind chatting with new members at all, in fact I've met some very nice people that way.  I remember how it was when I was "free", and all I wanted was some answers to questons.  Many premium members helped me, but I think it was easier for me because I am female.  I've talked with a male friend who did that survey for us (see other post) and he said it was amazing to him how many "sorry, but I don't reply to free users" he got.  But as his survey pointed out, 46% answered his initial question, which I think is pretty good (wanting that donut).

   sm3369.. I'm so happy to see you posting again, I wish to offer a sincere "Welcome Back" to you.
   Gingerly... Welcome to the Crazy House that's called the Forum...
   Please keep posting you two.

Thanks for letting me share,
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: West69 on March 27, 2012, 08:25:44 AM
......... I feel that there should be a differentiation between free users, & those who were premiums at one time but have since not renewed. .......

My apology for abstracting your post because overall it was excellent. However, I wanted to highlight the one sentence above because it sparked a possible way to deal with the problem.
One potential solution would be to give "lapsed" premium members a different color star. For example, premium members with expired memberships could be designated with a red instead of a blue star.  :)

PS Anyone tempted to crucify me over my choice of color, please select any that you believe are constructive. I don't want to revisit Hester Prynne's "Scarlet Letter". :-X ;D I also knew that if I offered a suggestion for an "X" instead of a "star" that would get me pooped on. :o ::) I am simply looking for a compassionate way to solve the problem, without offending anyone. :-*
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Rukya on March 27, 2012, 09:10:05 AM
hehe west , there is few month yet , the idea on differenciate the premiums who are no longuer premiums from the others was aborded in a topic who is surely lost in the end of the list now  ;D . The anwser was something like "ooh , no need , there is more important things to do" .
Not sure if it was me who proposed this (i think if i remember well) , but finally it seem that it was a good idea .
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: jeanona31 on March 27, 2012, 12:43:04 PM
I initially thought this was a good idea at first. Only thing is that this option does not separate those who are total free users from those who were once premium & did not renew. Unfortunately, I found this out the hard way. I turned this on and at this time, my own spouse had not renewed her membership, so I ended up blocking her. I felt like the worst person in creation after that.  :'(  From what I see, many of the total free users (ones not having any blue star on their profile) just look to use the members for the poses, & it's these types of users that I want to ignore, not anyone on my lists who's premiums have expired. As Newgurl said earlier, I'm glad I can currently afford to have this membership, sadly, there are some who can't, for whatever reason. A friend of mine left recently because she lost her job, & couldn't pay for this anymore, & was too embarrassed by it. Anyway, let me get back on point here as I don't want to be scolded by a mod for getting off topic in my 1st post in months. I feel that there should be a differentiation between free users, & those who were premiums at one time but have since not renewed. I have several of these types of relationships, & this option right now gives potential to damage those relationships. And it's not that I want to ignore all of the free members, primarily just the known pests. This is not the way to encourage people to join the site, it actually can be a turn off to new members.

Just my two cents here  :)

Stephanie do not know if I welcomed you in some of the previous topics but anyway welcome! :)

Thank you for expanded and pointed to further complications when it comes to this.
I was not sure that it is indeed possible to premium members who have not renewed membership, but still have a blue star, thanks to the option can be ignored in the same way as free users.

There would certainly have to be a difference, it's just not fair because the permanent premium members same as premium members who are not, cause of the certain specified reasons -suppose the current, renewed membership held this game alive but also free members make it possible to grow.

Direct exclusion of both (thanks to the " Ignore all free users) I believe , certainly be damage the mentioned.

Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: bluedenim on March 27, 2012, 02:11:25 PM
I keep seeing repeated........

"I wish there was an ignore (cold) invites button"

it's funny and please I'm not being sarcastic here, but every time a box appears on my screen with a cold or unwanted invite on it and I can't be bothered to wait for the time it takes to expire (which if I'm busy chatting I usually can) I press the "decline" button, so the invitation is declined.
Whilst there is one unwanted invite on my screen (which I have moved to the side so it doesn't block my view of my conversation) there can't be any others.
Are we not trying to make unnecessary improvements here?
I do on occasions when I am not busy chatting with my friends find out who is sending the cold invites and talk to them. I've said it before, but we could all do a bit (more) to help newbies, couldn't we?

Keep posting and keep smiling.

Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Adera on March 27, 2012, 02:42:38 PM
If there was an option to only block invites from free users I think I would have that on almost all of the time. I don't think an option like that would hurt at all since it would promote more social interaction.

It annoys me when I get a cold, I decline that cold and the same person immediately sends another cold... almost makes me put them on my ignore list. I have put one or two on my ignore list because they just kept sending me colds over and over.

I have no problem with talking to newbies and I do help them if they've got a question that I can answer... but I don't jump into a room with just anyone and I definitely don't do pity sex. I don't care much for those that just want to jerk off to the avatars without chatting to me since for me that's a waste of time.
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: jeanona31 on March 27, 2012, 07:33:02 PM

Jeonona, part of the biggest problem out here is that many of the premium members feel that they are "too good" to associate with the free members. Unfortunately, this is the type of behavior that in instilled by this site. I'll be so bold as to say that I'm guilty of this sometimes myself. There are also quite a few of these members here in this forum as well. They all accuse the free users of being rude, meanwhile, some premiums I know are more rude than any free user on the site. They should look in the mirror once in a while & clean their own house before they call someone else rude or consider them "not worthy" of talking to.

Agree fully with you, very open and well told.
I have to say something, since I became a premium and solved all the bad impressions as a free, somehow, by default, less started to pay close attention to the messages in my chat window.
Those that were nice, cute and funny -somehow were less attractive as soon as I saw it coming from free, I even began to think of them with trepidation, as said NewGurl, as second class citizens of which you can expect only the inconvenience. I have no idea how that happened, I have no reason for such a feeling :-\  :-[  Seems maybe, like some kind of disease  ;D
 I am so glad that my behavior did not last long.
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: jeanona31 on March 27, 2012, 07:52:47 PM

  I, for one, would be very happy if we could exchange the "busy button" for an "ignore invite" button.  I don't mind chatting with new members at all, in fact I've met some very nice people that way.  I remember how it was when I was "free", and all I wanted was some answers to questons.  Many premium members helped me, but I think it was easier for me because I am female.  I've talked with a male friend who did that survey for us (see other post) and he said it was amazing to him how many "sorry, but I don't reply to free users" he got.  But as his survey pointed out, 46% answered his initial question, which I think is pretty good (wanting that donut).

   sm3369.. I'm so happy to see you posting again, I wish to offer a sincere "Welcome Back" to you.
   Gingerly... Welcome to the Crazy House that's called the Forum...
   Please keep posting you two.

Thanks for letting me share,

It's always good to hear your thoughts Pafe, you're always so kind, caring and careful .

Will you forgive me for I stole your sentences in short, hm you didn't you say anything ...
I hope have not gone too far and maybe offended you in some way ? >:(
Sorry if i did   :-[
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: gingerly on March 28, 2012, 12:31:32 PM
Gosh, it's only been 4 days since this thread started and look how big it has gotten...
I mean NO insults,, I do not ever wish to appear as Mean to any "class" of member and Absolutely Never wish to take any other Free or Premiums Members rights or Options away...
But,,, I do think this tiny Mole-hill of a Ignore Button has been made into a giant Mountain...

Some of you actually want to take that option and button away,, to you all I say I can never trust or be friends with you ever..
It is you people that wish to force what YOU think is best,, upon me,, shame on you...

Some of you want to see even More options,, That I applaud,, more Options to use if we, the individual chooses to use or NOT to use...

I will never understand why some people want to force upon others what they think is right...

Bottom line-------------- use it When and If you choose and/or Don't use it if you choose,,, YOUR decision...
Do Not make my decisions for me...

TO the Dev team------ Thank you for giving me the Option and Please Never take that Option away..
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Lover on March 28, 2012, 12:50:59 PM
@ Ginger
Some of you actually want to take that option and button away,, to you all I say I can never trust or be friends with you ever..
I believe, those who say "remove this button" don't wanna be your friend - if you can't accept that a friend is allowed to have another opinion.

The busy-button was an idea of this forum. We members are the forum - every one of us.
If  a member is having an idea, we post and discuss it. Sometimes the majority is pro, sometimes not. But everyone is allowed to give his opinion. We want to discuss - but in a friendly and construcitve way.

I am for more options - ignore cold invites, but I don't see any reason to ingore incoming chats, as long as they are friendly and not just "Fuck me". I also get more "Do you wanna buy pics of me?" or "Fuck for 250?" from prem members. I'm sure every woman gets more invites and messages from men as we men get from women. And probably there are more colds from men - this is exactly the reason I wanna decline them.
I do believe it's not a question if the A-Team wants to change it. Probably it's a technical question - it might not be possible to block just invitations. I think we have to take it as it is. Even if all would agree that it is good to have more options.
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: sm3369 on March 28, 2012, 01:24:36 PM
Some of you actually want to take that option and button away,, to you all I say I can never trust or be friends with you ever..

Hello ginger,

Not to worry...I don't need your trust, & I certainly don't need you as a friend if this is how you feel. As Lover said, everyone here is entitled to an opinion, be it right, wrong, or indifferent. ::) It's your right to use or not use this function. I can tell exactly where you are going with your words here, & that's if a person does not agree with everything you say, you can't trust them or be friends with them. Real life does not work like this, & that type of thinking is definitely unrealistic here.

Bottom Line - I don't like the idea of that ignore button for reasons I have spoken about earlier in this thread. Do I use it from time to time...yes, although not for the purpose that some use it for. I definitely don't expect all to agree or follow my lead, but this is my feeling on this matter.  :)
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Pafe on March 28, 2012, 02:49:11 PM
Will you forgive me for I stole your sentences in short, hm you didn't you say anything ...
I hope have not gone too far and maybe offended you in some way ? >:(
Sorry if i did   :-[


  To Jeanona31... it okay if you use "Thanks for letting me share."  In fact, I encourage you to do so.  I am definitely not offended in anyway.  It is not mine... I got it from a self-help group I belong to for grief counseling.  We have discussions, which we call "sharing", with each of us taking a turn to tell our experience, strength and hope (which we got from another 12 step program) and most of us at the end of our "sharing" will end with that statement.  It is just a carry over and after all these years, it feels natural to me to say it.  So please feel free to use it... I think it fits so well in this venue, because that is what we do here, we share ourselves in our own way.

   Thank you Adera... I re-read Gingerly's statement and have removed this part of my post.  It was wrong of me to jump to a conclusion, so quickly and I wish to apologize to everyone.   However, I (and this is only my opinion, so please don't hate me for it) would like to see the "busy" button repleaced with an "ignore invites" button.

Thanks for letting me share,
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Adera on March 28, 2012, 03:59:44 PM
Umm... three people in a row that have misread Gingerly's post? I'm surprised, I though we actually read what people wrote here before we judged them?

Seems like all of you missed what comes after "ever.." in her message so I think you all better read it once more... and this time, please do it thoroughly.

Some of you actually want to take that option and button away,, to you all I say I can never trust or be friends with you ever..
It is you people that wish to force what YOU think is best,, upon me,, shame on you...

As you can see there's a connection between the lines so you should interpret them together.

She never says she doesn't accept your opinion, what she says is that it's wrong of you to force your opinion on others by removing the option... quite the opposite from what many have read from her post.

Well I could be wrong of course, you might actually have read her post correctly and still feel the same about it. ::)
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Lover on March 28, 2012, 04:08:51 PM
Adera, there are 3 points....  "to you all I say I can never trust or be friends with you ever.."
Perhaps I'm wrong, but I understand she never can trustthe people who wanna remove this button or be a friend to them... just because they have another opinion.
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Adera on March 28, 2012, 04:36:08 PM
Lover you're missing the whole context by breaking it down and just reading that part.

What she says is that she can't trust nor be friend with people that try to force their opinions on others.

What if EU decided that everyone had to be muslims because they thought that would be for the best. Would you be fine with them forcing that on you?
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Janine Dee on March 28, 2012, 04:49:29 PM
Umm Adrea dear as a semi-professional Devil's Advocate I would suggest not taking such an extreme example.

Perhaps to say... what if to make free users feel more welcome they take away the ability to refuse invites? You can still leave the room, but if they feel they want to get to know you better they can pull you into a room so they can make their request in a more personal way.

I will however say that this thread seems designed with the idea of "I don't like people having this choice available so I want to take it away from them."
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Brandybee on March 28, 2012, 04:59:34 PM
mmmmm ....  Are there handbags and hissy fits going on here ....  Come on Folks ...

I read Gingerly's post as everyone is entitled to an opinion and freedom of choice ... thingy  :) and So keep the option of ignoring free members so members can use it if they want to.

Welcome Gingerly

I am one who thinks it should be abolished though. Cold invites are a nuisance ... but I can up with them,  1) to have a bit of fun as outlined in my previous post hehe 2) I have made great friends with free members and members whos subs have expired 3) I dont think Achat can distinguish between cold invites and invites from people you are chatting with, so to have one, you have to have the others 4) Most prems start out as freeusers ( I know there is always exceptions ) and Achat needs to grow. I have no problem with helping with that & it would be nice to think other members feel the same.

Sure I can choose, the option of never using it , if it stays ...  but you can also choose the option of letting the timer run out or declining those red boxes if it doesnt.  So my friend , lets just vote and see which majority rules :)  Isnt that what democracy is all about :)

oh btw, I have this terrific handbag ... black leather with gold studs and a great logo on the side - says in massive gold lettering " Its nice to be nice"  Perhaps I should post it as an accessory  hehe.

Love and luck to all, however you may vote :)

Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Adera on March 28, 2012, 05:03:40 PM
Ahaha I guess you're right Janine, I was just looking for a simple example but yours better. Yes, the thread does seem designed with that idea in mind.
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Lover on March 28, 2012, 05:35:12 PM
Adera, Ginger is making a connection between people who gave their opinion to remove this button. She has another opinion and it's absolutely ok. But then she says those people force what she has to think. She might feel so, but I don't feel it.
Here are several opinions - from keeping this button as it is to adding more options and to abolite it (yes, this is actually the headline, but in the poll are several choices).
If Ginger is really meaning, she cant be friend to someone who forces her she is right. Imo I read she feels to be forced, as there are other opinions. This is not correct.
If I'm wrong (and at least only ginger is able to answer) I apologize.
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: bobbler on March 28, 2012, 06:21:42 PM
i voted "no" for the simple reason that using it means my ignore list stays small. if they can't contact me then they will never be added to my list ;D
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Rukya on March 28, 2012, 07:28:56 PM
Ginger you say that you dont insult , how about this ? "Ruyka,,,, gosh,, do you not see how silly your most recent post is.?" . i translated silly , it mean : idiot , stupid ect.... so if my post is stupid , mean i'm too . And personnaly i dont know why ask "ignore all premiums" is more idiot than ask coddoms in a video"game" (no offence , its just an exemple  ;D)

you say someone try to force others , show me where someone tell "do this its an order"

you say you cant be friend to these peoples , good they dont really need to be friends with all members of achat , and i dont think that not be your friend will make them have less fun in achat or in the forum .
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Zinah on March 28, 2012, 09:04:18 PM
~sighs and gets out the cookies, cake and ice cream~  Eat sugar and play nice.

Now then.

You know, I have never, in my year+ on AChat stopped to check if the moron who sends me "Hey bb u r hawt wanna room?" is a free or premium member.  I've never once cared, because it's not about how much they pay AChat, but about the fact that they are being uncouth jackasses and lazy as fuck and that approach indicates I want nothing to do with them, ever.  My only effort after I get a line like that is to slap an ignore on them and move along with my day.  Nor have I ever, ever stopped to check if the string of uninvited, cold invites to room from complete strangers, are premium or free members.

What's more annoying to me?  Having invite after invite appear on my screen when I'm playing with clothes, or chatting with friends.  Blocking invites is far more useful, in my opinion, than blocking messages.  This may encourage people to engage, hopefully in a mature and coherent fashion, in conversation that leads naturally to rooming, rather than just spamming people with invites and hoping to get lucky, while pissing off strings of people, premium and free both, in the process.  I can ignore a line or two in the middle of my conversation.  If it's bad or funny enough, it may even add some amusement to that conversation and no clicking involved on my part.  However, that damn count down window over and over again, that I either have to watch tick away or click upon to clear,  is both an eyesore and a nuisance.

Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Janine Dee on March 28, 2012, 09:08:43 PM
I have to agree Zinah. While I want to keep the Free Ignore option if they implemented a way to shut down invites until I turn it on I would use that option much, much more.
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: NewGurl on March 28, 2012, 11:12:41 PM
OK I have an Idea, why dont we all settle down and listen to each others points instead of critizing there posts

Yes I said that this damn button will be the end of achat, and I stand by that statement, IF nothing is changed about it, however, it is my OPINION, not a book of law. I hope I am wrong, I really do. But I see less and less new members, and the concens from the newbies I talk to is they feel unwanted. Why on earth would you want to join a site where you feel unwanted. So they dont.

Why not have more options in the button, so gingerly can ignore all free users and others can ignore only cold invites. No one is wrong here, this is our place to discuss things and make things better.  It has been proven, that the dev-team listens.

May I suggest to the moderator of this topic to start a poll of other options that we would like on the Busy button. That way we might get something accomplished.  Not just bickering like a bunch of old women
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Adera on March 29, 2012, 02:39:45 AM
Adera, Ginger is making a connection between people who gave their opinion to remove this button. She has another opinion and it's absolutely ok. But then she says those people force what she has to think. She might feel so, but I don't feel it.
Here are several opinions - from keeping this button as it is to adding more options and to abolite it (yes, this is actually the headline, but in the poll are several choices).
If Ginger is really meaning, she cant be friend to someone who forces her she is right. Imo I read she feels to be forced, as there are other opinions. This is not correct.
If I'm wrong (and at least only ginger is able to answer) I apologize.

Yes, everyone's entitled to their own opinion, what Gingerly is looking at is the consequences of the idea and what that would entail... not just the opinions.

I think that Janine put it well with this:

I will however say that this thread seems designed with the idea of "I don't like people having this choice available so I want to take it away from them."

I see many in favor of removing the button/option arguing for the greater good and equality between users but missing that their idea stomps on other ideals such as freedom of choice, trust and equality of belief.

It's not very surprising that Gingerly doesn't feel like she can trust people who states that they can't trust her to choose on her own.

Oh well, enough of that.

I do agree that the busy functionality isn't what it should be yet, it should clearly indicate that you've set an busy option instead of showing the same thing as when you're in a room and I also believe that the options should be extended so you can choose more finely what you want to filter.
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: FateInfinity on March 29, 2012, 05:15:58 AM
Well, i understand it can be frustrating for free users to read that optiion but sometime i think it can be useful because lot of people just registered to achat starts to spam invite to everyone without even give an "hello".
The option "Ignore cold invite it is useless". People can just send an empty message then send the invite. How the software can know we already had a whole discussion or just a "." message?
I think they should add a set of privacy options:

1. Only friends can invite me
2. Only premium can invite me
3. Doesn't accept invitations from people who never talked to me
4. Limit the invitations from people speaking my languages (of course they should add a cohomprensive list of selectable languages)
5. Today I am looking for Male/Female/shemale, younger/older people, Group/Couple sex: show invites that comes only from those categories.

I think this is a good selection of options that will greatly allow people to reduce that incredible "invite-bombing" i receive everytime i login.
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Rukya on March 29, 2012, 08:45:50 AM
i have a doubt on the option "only premium can invit me" , not sure this reduce the cold invits (maybe just little) cause free members are not the kings of cold invit . Premiums are good (sometimes better) in the game of cold invit too (or you need the option "only free can invit me" so you can choose from who you receive cold invits)  ;D . For me receiving cold invit from a free or a premium mean the same thing , its still cold invit , the difference is that free are little less arrogants than some premiums (men and women) . I mean only premiums introduce themselves sometimes like the one of last night saying "FUCK ME BITCH" (hehe its exactly how it was writed , all in big letters)  ;D
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: hentaiboy69 on March 29, 2012, 08:56:21 AM
mmmmh, i had use the wrong phrase.......not "Block all cold invite" but "block all invite", a little bit more general.

Fate, i think yours is more like a provocation, cause create all privacy option ou had mention can be a little difficult, i think. too many variable to consider and programm!
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Satoire on March 29, 2012, 10:35:25 AM
i try not to get involved in these types of debates but i'm gonna anyway

i call that button "the snooze button" because it looks like the one on my alarm clock

so i offer this:

to snooze or not to snooze
i want my right to choose

if you don't want to use it, then don't
if you do want to use it, then do

that decision should be up to you
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: FateInfinity on March 29, 2012, 11:51:07 AM
For developers able to create a piece of software like achat, the options i proposed are something they can do in one day of work. According to my experience in other 3D eanabled worlds, they are nothing more than normal things (give a look to S....... L..... privacy statments and options, those are really a comprehensive set of options...

But of course, it was just a bunch of ideas, some probably useless, some probably more useful. Ideas are free, i don't pay them.
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: jeanona31 on March 29, 2012, 03:20:20 PM
I heard many times someone (means first of all I ) forcing  something on here and someone of you agree with it..
Now I really don't know what to think about it...
The biggest reason why I am still on this forum is that I had the impression that here you can speak freely when it comes to the game, what would we like and what doesn't like so far in the A-chat ,thought we can share here our honest open even intimate thoughts and experiences in the game.
that here is allowed different opinions and above all, to me it seemed that the members of this forum respecting mutual diversities.differences in between people, opinions and everything else.

Reading some of your posts, I was amazed how so many different people on a great way keep the game alive, the entrance of their time, ideas, gladly sharing and overcoming all obstacles together, language barriers and all the others.
Some were so wonderful entertainment, some very constructive, some lough me to the tears and some made me sad because I thought for some misunderstanding someone wants to go from the forum, then i was surprised - all of you, carefully rushed up to sort out misunderstandings,always and above all - trying holding together.
If you ask me  that is so precious even when it comes to the an virtual world. Thank you - means all of- you cause i really enjoyed in your posts and great topics,

Wondering what's wrong with this topic, can we talk, can I talk ? Or Is it enough to show up anyone with heavy words - force , coax, coerce, embarrass - calling this discussion silly ? (for me means i am silly cause this was my idea)
Of course It was not enough ,she had even one of us directly denounce as silly, all that in just one post - cause of what , cause of she don't agree ?
In additional she got reply -has been welcomed ,with a sad smiley face asked nicely maybe to apologize from the person she offended  - by the way did someone notice that ?
Moreover in her second post she just continued what she started in the first, not listening anyone, not quoting on anyone post, not mentioning any moment to say what caused all these bitter feelings??

I will not comment on her second post and all these inappropriate words ,I do not like generalizing and when it comes to attention to this subject at least 10% is due to her just two posts- revolutionary speeches about simple option Busy state in the A-Chat game.
For me it's called pure arrogance. You can condemn me as you wish for i am  talking such openly but it is so.
And no i don't mean only Gingerly I mean anyone with similar behavior.

Also, I believe my replay to her wasn't   rude - although she,sort of ,accused me of causing such a feeling like force , coax, coerce, embarrass..but i don't mind to much - and i am not angry cause I see a very immature person, who responds quickly and  tactless.
Except that i knew in advance ,at the beginning of this topic that I would not displease many of you.

Janine said "I will however say that this thread seems designed with the idea of "I don't like people having this choice available so I want to take it away from them." and Adera agree, that's okay i guess
But i just don't understand why you don't speak directly to me, I ma not ghost here.

If I should be ashamed of something, that would be what I am starting this topic and spoke honestly from the heart, sharing with you my experiences in the game, my thoughts, trying to respect each of you, thinking first of all the best, and without an intent to take away something.
I couldn't even if i wanted.. I don't have any power to do it, except that - we are not children here.
There is no one my post here without full respect for all of you.
At the end, almost every my word - my intention here inverted upside down .

If I wanted to force something here it would be able to vote only for two options, means without possibility of - No, I want to keep the button"Ignore all free users"

Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Lover on March 29, 2012, 04:12:24 PM
What we all have to do (and some already tried it) is to separate this discussion.
On one hand we have the discussion about this poll. Everyone is allowed to give his opinion and to vote - Jeanona gave us more then just the chance to vote for abolish this button and most recognized it.

On the other hand (my opinion) we have to tell Ginger she is welcome to tell her opinion, but the words she used are not accepted. Our forum is not a place to affront someone. I really hope she just did it because she was very stoked when she posted. Perhaps she had some bad experiences just before she decided to use this topic.

Ginger, I don't ask you to change your mind about the busy-button. I just ask you to apologize to the people you offended with your harsh words. You shall recognize, you may share your thoughts and ideas here without being afraid to loose "your" fun in game.

I also ask every other member (especially you Jeanona) not to be afraid to start a new topic or poll. This forum needs every idea and  every "silly" thought. It will be the end, if we just talk about those things, everyone is accepting and wishing.
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: FateInfinity on March 30, 2012, 05:59:11 AM
Thumbs up for Lover.
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: FateInfinity on March 30, 2012, 06:11:58 AM
But however better to HAVE more options (that for definition are OPTIONAL) than to have less of them. More means to allow user to have a wide choice, less means less freedom. I prefer more freedom.
Privacy is very important for chat systems. And also if I don't presonally care about to stop free users from invite me or IM me, someone prefer to share his/her time only with people full of animations and then reduce the stress to see if the people is sending you IM or invite is one who has animations or a freebie.
Why to force them to do what we don't agree?
To be honest sometime I used that option too. I don't feel guilty for that.
My idea about a much more selective set of options I think will help alot. It is something like the Search for partner feature. Someone is angry because they allowed people to search only males or females or shemales? Or to search only italians? Is this a sort of racism? No! It is just a way to fit the tastes of all the people. If I want to meet people from all around the world, I don't set the Country in my search. But if I want to search only for people from my country, I've to be able to do. Same for Busy Mode Features. Why to lose my time controlling if the people is sending me an invite is italian or foreigner if I know I am totally unable to talk other languages? Better to set the allowed language in the Busy Mode. This way I wil lreceive invitations only from italian speaking people.
That's all.
Remember: more flexible is a software, longer it will be alive. Personal experience with other 3D worlds. The most flexible of them is still here. Others are already dead. I don't want Achat dies. NEVER.
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: bluedenim on March 30, 2012, 08:33:19 AM

Ladies (and Lover) I am absolutely amazed by the emotions here, are we all on the wrong part of our cycle at the same time?

I have read and re-read this topic from beginning to end and I can see how one little mistranslation or misunderstanding of point of  view has been compounded  and inflamed.
We didn't get this much vitriol over the formation of "The Committe" I cannot believe that we are so keen to diss each other over the zzzzz button.

I am neither conciliatory nor sanctimonious, this is what the forum is for, good healthy debate and laying out of points of view, but I do think maybe things are not being taken in the spirit they were intended.

I have  seen and understood all the points of view on offer here. I might not agree with them but I'm not about to insult the person offering them just because I don't.

I have tried to encourage members to talk to newbies, even to assholes who cold us 6 times in a row, but you know what?
I voted to keep the button..
Whether I use it or not is up to me and I do try not to, but for when I'm getting dressed it is useful.
I do think it could be improved as iuse of it  by my partner who didn't realise that it shows as "In Room" reduced me to tears once.

Younger members such as Rukya and me don't have the tolerance or patience of you older members, especially being redheads, please try and set us an example!
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: hentaiboy69 on March 30, 2012, 08:56:24 AM
i don't think it's about being young or "whit more experience" for tolerance or patience, Blue, it's about yourself, nothing more.

And yes, using the ZZZZ button (the sleeping button!? lol! no better icon to add on it!?) is on our own, nut more option can be really usefull.

Honestly, i think this poll have make merge what more of us think about it: useless in the actual situation, no other things to say.
so, what about starting to talk how to make it work in a better way and stop getting angry between us!? We have some interessing suggestion in this topic, so we have a good starting point. Personally i like if we can have this new option (and the actual one staying like they are):

Plus, yes, it's really necesserly modify the busy message, whit the way it is now mistake are over every corner and Blue know it really well!
Any other hint are wellcome!
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Pafe on March 30, 2012, 09:12:37 AM

   Great idea Hentai ( Since "the button" probably isn't going anywhere, let us turn the page and move on to the next chapter.  How to make it more functional for us. 

  Blocking all invites is what I would like.  That would almost force people to chat first.  Then if you agree, or your lover logs on and you're ready to room then you open it up for invites.  So simple.

   If we could get the busy button message changed would be helpful too.  Maybe something such as:  "I am away from my keyboard"  or perhaps (and I know this will take up more space) choices of 3 messages that would appear.  I'm sure all you clever people will come up with messages that would work for almost any instance.  What would really be neato to me would be  the ability to put my own message there.

Thanks for letting me share,
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: hentaiboy69 on March 30, 2012, 09:25:12 AM
Pafe, what about:  "you wanna room whit me!? surprise me whit a nice chat!"
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: gingerly on March 30, 2012, 09:44:51 AM
I am very sorry if at Any time my words were Misinterpreted as being Intolerant of others Opinions...
I personally do not see any words or phrases that I used that could have been interpreted as doing that but some of you did...
To you all,,,, I sincerely apologize,, it was Not meant to be or sound that way...

For those of you that do understand my point, please do not be offended that I do Not name you personally because you see,,,
I am just toooo immature to go back through all the posts and write down each of your names..

To Ruyka,,, silly is Not an insult in my culture of Freedom,, it is more playful than that.. But I apologize with sincerity...

Yes, the whole point of this thread is to take the option away,,, heck, the title of the thread is  (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"..
About being friends with or not friends with any of you... Boy,,, that was silly of me to say huh...
The point is simple,,, if a person or group wishes to restrict and limit my Options,, they are simply not my kind of friend and that will be that..
No Insult or Offense meant... They conduct Life in their way,, I'll conduct my Life My way,,, just toooo simple...

My Whole and Entire point is this--------- if a person does Not want to use this Button please feel free to "ignore the button"..
If a person wishes to use the button, they should feel free and easy to do so..
BUT------- Please do Not force your opinion that the button is an Evil thing and it's use should be yanked away from All of us..
Again,,,, just sooo simple...
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: bluedenim on March 30, 2012, 10:21:46 AM
Thanks Ginger.
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Rukya on March 30, 2012, 10:54:19 AM
hmmm about the message , why dont have the possibility to write our own message . (hehe another wrong idea unrealisable i think)  ;D
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: NewGurl on March 30, 2012, 12:13:51 PM
Gingerly, I'll say this I was noy offended by your posts and done be offended  by mine. I agree that you should have choices, I just feel that ignoring all free users is a wrong choice to be available. That is my opinion, and mine alone. I just think that is should have been thought out bettere before we got it. Free users deserve the right to chat, how else are they going to whether the like this game or not.

In my opinion the best solution would be to not allow free uses to invte anyone but other free users. If they want to chat with room with a Prem member then they must chat and then have thePrem Member invite them. That would eliminate all free user cold invites and still alow them the opportunity to chat with Prem members. It would put an emphasis on chatting first to see if the Prem member is interestred.

Thank you for listening and To all of you, Have a Great day.
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Zinah on March 30, 2012, 12:56:24 PM
As a well mannered free user, I object strongly to being singled out just because I'm not a paying member! Spending money on the game is no measure of one's ability or intent to be an obnoxious prick.  Also, the "Ignore Free Users" button, implies that there is no contact nor relationships between paying and non-paying members.  No premium members have friends, lovers or a spouse that's a free member.  Hmmm.  Really?

Here's a hypothetical situation:

Premium member:  Hi, I'm a new premium, what can you tell me?
Me (a  free user):  Oh hi, nice to meet you.  Well, what do you want to know?
Premium member: ~waiting for the response but because he's new and doesn't know better, has "ignore all free users" enabled, gets no message back from me~
Me (a free user):  ~thinking "Huh, why'd he ask if he didn't want an answer?"  Moves on~
Premium member:  Geeze, couldn't even be bothered to answer?  Thanks for the friendly welcome!
Me (a free user):  ~thinking "&*&^% ignore free user button!"~

Moving on.

I'd like to expand upon Hb's list.

No, I am not willing to include "Ignore Free Users" as a viable option. I don't suck just because I don't pay for the game.  Also, there was some discussion about forcing opinions/behaviors upon another, earlier in this thread.  I posit that the current method "forces" me to pay so I can talk to my premium friends when they are using that button (I accept that it's a viable business model from Achat's point of view, no argument) OR It forces premium members to give up relationships with their free user friends/lovers or spouse if they regularly use that button, because we could never talk   The button, in it's current form, is in my humble, free user opinion, a bad model.
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: hentaiboy69 on March 30, 2012, 02:08:46 PM
Zinah, good idea about the busy option. but there is a little problem......not all the users set their country! maybe for privacy, maybe cause they are so lazy and don't wanna do it and at last there are peoples who need mopre space on profile like me.

hmmm about the message , why dont have the possibility to write our own message . (hehe another wrong idea unrealisable i think)  ;D

oh, one really nice can be this, i think: "I want a gift: a wonderfull nice talk!"   ;D
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Zinah on March 30, 2012, 02:24:17 PM
Zinah, good idea about the busy option. but there is a little problem......not all the users set their country! maybe for privacy, maybe cause they are so lazy and don't wanna do it and at last there are peoples who need mopre space on profile like me.

Gently reiterates: 
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: hentaiboy69 on March 30, 2012, 02:31:18 PM
Zinah, more space on the description area is one of the point we talk about improving the achat interface and it will be a very wellcome upgrade!
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Lover on March 30, 2012, 02:39:31 PM
@ Ginger: My thanks and respect for your last message. It's a big step you did and I really hope, that everyone accepts your apologize.
I also hope you stay a member of this forum, sharing your opinion to other topics too.

I don't know what's possible to do with this button. Again I say, it was a wish of this forum to get a busy-state button and the A-Team listened to us. If they follow this discussion and are able to change it, which means to give more choices or/and another visible sign then just "in room", probably they will rework it.

Perhaps we should stop this discussion here and start a new topic, about improving the busy-state. No poll, just collecting and discussion ideas.

One last word: I welcome every discussion. If we all learn and recognize we are working together for one goal, imrpoving AChat, and can discuss with open minds and respect for each other, it's another big step forward for this forum - at least for us.
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: jeanona31 on March 30, 2012, 07:34:25 PM
I understand that the discussion ends here, it's a bit sad that we could end up in a better way, without the help of a moderator.
It's also sad what we won't hear any other opinions- for and against the option "Ignore Free Users,
some discussion last very long, this ended very quickly - I don't know yet why, maybe some of you will know better, but guess that is not matter at the end.

I can be satisfied for me it was enough that I at least managed to say, clear and very open, what I think about the separation of people with the help of these options,all my words were not mere speculations but my experience as a free member and as a premium too, thought I am not an isolated case.

I stand behind my opinion from the very beginning of this topic, but it is just my opinion, that I believe that I have the right on my opinion like everyone here.
For me it's hard to talk about any choices in the game when the options are concerned, because without the right for opinion there is no a good choices.

All you had the opportunity to vote for abolition, against the abolition or between these two variants, for me there is no way/word  about any force.
It would be totally same like if I said that every topics that I don't like here make me to feel like someone forcing me.

I welcome the possibility of better upgrades and a new topic for suggestions, maybe we will have "fine tune" ( as West said earlier on this topic- thank you  :)) without any degradation of anyone in the game .
I have to ask you to excuse me cause I won't participate in that topic,please don't get me wrong because of it, I'am not angry, offended or anything similar.
Thank you Lover so much for your kind words - don't worry cause I am not afraid and still thinking  there is a great crew on this forum. :)
So then thank you all for your posts and opinions about this subject.

Wish you all the best -All Of You  and the game too ...
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: hentaiboy69 on March 31, 2012, 01:44:53 AM
jeanona, we don't had finish talking about the "sleeping" button, we are moving to a new levell: how to make it work in a better way for break this wall between free and premium users.

Here everyone have a point of view (good or not no one would judge it) and we have collect many of them. Someone of us have similar feeling on this button, other totally different but at last i think we all agree saying this function need a rewok and will be upgraded whit some new and better stuff.

and the new topic of Zinah is the next step to have it. but this don't mean your poll is ended, maybe some forum newby (or others who don't had take part to it till now) would add their opinion. Personally, i thank you for opening this poll, you had give us the chance to think on something someone of us had hardly request in the past months, but it come out in a not so good way.

Thanks to be here in this forum, jeanona, and to all of you, my friends!
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: West69 on March 31, 2012, 08:48:58 AM
In reviewing this thread, I have encountered many interesting and potentially practical suggestions. If we sift through the emotion of some rather "spirited" disagreements, I believe we have furnished the dev team with many constructive suggestions.

However, in my opinion, it might be fruitful to turn from phrasing everything in the negative.
Unless I missed something, all the button choices so far have been in the negative, i.e. "Ignore.........." or block this or that. Flipping this approach to the affirmative is more welcoming, i.e. "I like to teach new users" or "I welcome free users to illustrate the advantages of a premium membership".

The same concept applies to using a positive approach on what turns up on the other screen.
Several people have already given examples of being surprised when hitting "ignore" on their end appeared as "in room" on the other end. Maybe the next step is a list of messages the "receiver" will see vs just what the "sender" is initiating. Someone more diplomatic than I am can work on polite phrases that mitigate the disappointment of rejection. ;D
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Brandybee on March 31, 2012, 08:59:14 AM
jeanona31 -  Please dont be disheartened by this post - its  one of the best, because there are strong feelings on both sides and isnt that what part of Forum is all about -  to hear all views - and for members to find the best way forward to improve the game for all of us.

Its best to face a problem head on , and you found on.  To be honest, I didn't  even realise  existed as I choose not to use this button ... but its good, because of this post I now know people do .... and their reasons for it .

And it is good too, because it will probably generate further posts for discussion.  Personally, I think you should be commended on bringing it to Forum's attention.

So, please, take part in all discussions - everyone has a right to speak their mind - opposing views makes the topic interesting - keeps people informed and may bring up things they had never thought about before, even changing their minds on certain aspects.

So Come on girl - Keep Smiling - This was a hell of a successful post - and I for one, look forward to reading and partaking in more.  :)

Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Janine Dee on April 05, 2012, 05:08:41 AM
Okay, back from vacation (full blown out of town vacation, not from the Forum, but from the PC and home entirely).

Jeanona... I didn't direct it at you specifically, because I didn't see it as such, though I realize my wording looked otherwise. I should have phrased it perhaps "The core idea seems to be..." Because in discussions I have found it can help to make sure people are on the same page, even when on different sides of an issue, and I wanted to say that the core idea seemed to be whether or not an option should be removed from the game.

The reason I do such on occasion is because tangents happen.

Like me saying I really like New's idea for allowing free users to only invite free users, but be invited by premiums... I think that could have as much if not more effect on the annoying hails as the current Zzzz button.
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Rukya on April 05, 2012, 05:15:12 AM
I think that if free members can invite only free members , they will stay in game 3 => 7 days before be bored by the only 2 poses they will have , and stop to come in achat
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Janine Dee on April 05, 2012, 05:32:18 AM
Meh, all they have to do is actually talk to premiums (which would make a modification of the Zzzz likely) which is at the heart of the point for at least  most of those in favor of the Zzzz anyway,
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: Adera on April 05, 2012, 05:57:58 AM
Yes, I think that would be good, it could encourage social interaction from free users... if the option is used by prems.
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: hentaiboy69 on April 05, 2012, 06:16:41 AM
At last, everyone agree for adding new option to the "sleeping" button.

No, it's time to get more idea here,1589.0.html and hope dev-team gonna modify it!
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: TightFit74 on May 04, 2012, 01:46:53 AM
Before this post sinks int oblivion, I have a few last remarks.

First of all an apologee. Due to personal matters, I have had nor the energy nor the focus to look after the tasks I have accepted as mod. Now that there is a silver lining in the distance, I have more room in my head to concentrate on the forum again.

I think it is a shame this topic developed based on the tone, instead of the content of the thread. I understand the reason for Jeanona to not want the button. I will also echo Lover's comment that it was asked for. And with reason. Invites from free users were specifically named as biggest nuisance in the game, the dev-team added what we asked for.
I want to stress that this game is a work in progress. What seems like an excellent idea at first, in practice might backfire. So we talk about it and discuss how it could be better. I am glad the revamp zzz-button thread was opened and I would advice everyone to post their positive feedback there. That is the positive result of this thread.

Through-out the whole topic I felt an animosity, a focus on the tone of the topic, instead of the content. I hope that we can all stay level headed and don't take things too seriously. After all, aren't we here to make the game better? Everyone has a different opinion on how that should be done, and everyone sharing those ideas should be recommended. I want to thank all that expressed their opinions. here and in all the forum. All opinions are welcomed and hopefully all will looked at with an open mind.
Title: Re: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
Post by: chien_lubrik on May 04, 2012, 09:15:43 AM
Hello Dears Peoples of the DreamWorld's forum...

May I said that I think ( and this only my opinion ... ) that the problem might not be "Free User" or "Premium User"
Some Free users are very kind, inventives, and sharefull and they do their best for improving the experience.

The Problem is that some users use the DreamWorld as an hunting ground with rudes and harsh methods ( Cold Invite, Flooding ... You all know very much what I mean I think ) 

This is very related to another topic
Code: [Select],724.msg32346.html#new[/color]
Where some of us speak about , I may short it by " Free Users are peoples too"

So maybe the change proposed by Zinah was better in a way :
  • Ignore everyone, very useful (as many have already indicated), when changing clothes.
  • Accept messages from Friends/lovers/Spouse only.   Useful for when you don't want to deal with a bunch of strangers.
Because when we are really busy : " Ignore all " will be a nice choice ( for having time to pee for exemple )
But when we want to talk without interruption, it is mainly with Friend, lover or Spouse .
Else of course will be " Open to all"

So insteed of segregation between "Free" and "Premium" users, May I propose My point of View :

- Busy for all  ok you know
- Busy for all except Friends + Lovers + Spouse For Staying "Tribal"  :P
- Busy for all except Lovers + Spouse  For staying with intimates
- Busy for all except the One Actually talking With  : Choose a one, and it will be the only one you may speak with, so we may have nice chatting without any interruption.

I don't talk about an "Spouse Only"  Because If they are Spouse, you may go room with :) But I may understand that some may have many spouses too so maybe this possibility may be good too ..

Please accept my bests humbly Regards