AChat Forum
Discussions about AChat => Share your creative ideas => Topic started by: jayc on March 24, 2012, 01:00:53 PM
how about on the music tab, weather sound effects. like a thunderstorm, or a gentle rain, waves crashing on the beach birds singing. i think it would really be a mood enhancer. i love the cabin room and the sounds of birds singing would be great!!!!!
jayc, wellco,e in this hell of sense and depravation!
about your suggestion, i think it will be a pretty nice idea! better if we can choose the sound we wan when we are in the charcter editor
Welcome Jayc, nice to see you here :)
I like this idea - maybe also include howling wolves / cayotes / falling water could be rain or a shower or a waterfall / a kettle boiling / fireworks / clinck of champayne flutes / snoring lol / doorbell / knock on the door
and perhaps naughty moans ( Thinking about ... Harry met Sally in the restaurant lol )
Special themes are a good idea. Everything is better then the current music and such themes would not be a problem with copyrights.
Welcome to this forum jayc
hmmm sound of electric storm , maybe the breathe of a tornado . for the storm , associate with the maybe light option ;D
rukya ;D tornados sound like freight trains roaring at high speed... i would be scrambling for the nearest 'fraidy hole' to jump in. maybe you are thinking of the sound of gentle rolling thunder off in the distance