AChat Forum

Discussions about sex => Everything about sex and love => Topic started by: taztexan on May 16, 2012, 07:35:02 AM

Title: Choosing a Partner Preferences
Post by: taztexan on May 16, 2012, 07:35:02 AM
Just curious, and doing several searches here couldn't find a topic nor even discussion about what people look for when choosing a partner on the game. What catches your eye when looking for a partner to interact with or just even chat with? 

Also would like to see what YOU use to attract other people when available to play. Would like to see all perspectives regardless of gender or sexual preference. Maybe this will be a fun thread to share ideas about it.

I personally like to use the city and country fields as well as the description area for lyrics from songs that express my mood for the day. With the exception of bare ass Friday's for cowboy boots day.  ;D  that is what I utilize those fields for,  and also choose clothes or a pose/animation that reflects that mood.

When looking for a partner I look at what the lady is wearing and her choices in body/facial features. I also look at heir pose and animations (body language says a lot)  along with what she shares in the description. I also look at their friends and lovers lists to see if they are interested in guys my age whether it be ladies much younger than me or ladies closer to my age.

Look forward to hearing other's preferences and ideas about this...

Title: Re: Choosing a Partner Preferences
Post by: chien_lubrik on May 16, 2012, 07:50:54 AM
Hello Mister "six rounds colt" Taztexan  :P

May I say that I do few search with preferences. If I do a search, I only choose a gender ( if I please a special gender at the time I do the search, but usually I search with no preferences )
And I look on display pictures on icons for a display I please ( in this way, I don't care if the displayed picture is an AChat's shoot, or a downloaded picture ) Then I read the annoucement : favorites , age, orientation and character type.
The personal message is very important to me.

Personally, I change not my preferences and announcement, except sometime if I want to let an offline message to my friends, lovers or Spouse.
I never change outfits on my main Avatar, for it is my ... Role and it is fixed ( I is related to my past life, and my past is kind of fixed )
I few change my second personality's outfits, because I please a lot those I wear, and didn't find others that I please better. But if  I'll find some, I will change ( I did bought hearted stroking for instance, and wearing them )

I have no occasion to change such as your "Bare Ass Friday".

I do not change my stance neither. Same as all for me, once I find one that I please and that match well my Avatar's spirit, I stay on it.

Please accept my humbly regards.
Title: Re: Choosing a Partner Preferences
Post by: Brandybee on May 16, 2012, 03:45:01 PM
MMMMMMMMM Now let me see Cowboy ... why would I tell you my secrets for searching ... hehe  ... Isnt the fun in finding out ;)

I tell you who I wouldnt approach -  rude or crude user names & rude or crude first contacts , I prefer people who are imaginative and make an effort with their chat and profiles, which includes  free members. 

I try to be imaginative with my profile and also use City , Country and Description for something thought provoking or something that inspires an image in the minds eye. Hopefully it works, but that is for you to judge :)
I dont bother with favourites ... again I prefer to find that out in chat  ... hehe

As for the rest .... thats for me to know and you to find out  :D  :P
Title: Re: Choosing a Partner Preferences
Post by: West69 on May 16, 2012, 05:31:40 PM
Just curious, and doing several searches here couldn't find a topic nor even discussion about what people look for when choosing a partner on the game. What catches your eye when looking for a partner to interact with or just even chat with? 

Also would like to see what YOU use to attract other people when available to play. Would like to see all perspectives regardless of gender or sexual preference. Maybe this will be a fun thread to share ideas about it.

I personally like to use the city and country fields as well as the description area for lyrics from songs that express my mood for the day. With the exception of bare ass Friday's for cowboy boots day.  ;D  that is what I utilize those fields for,  and also choose clothes or a pose/animation that reflects that mood.

When looking for a partner I look at what the lady is wearing and her choices in body/facial features. I also look at heir pose and animations (body language says a lot)  along with what she shares in the description. I also look at their friends and lovers lists to see if they are interested in guys my age whether it be ladies much younger than me or ladies closer to my age.

Look forward to hearing other's preferences and ideas about this...

I look for some evidence of intelligence, sense of humor, and daring (depending upon my testosterone level that day).

I avoid like the plague, attitudes of arrogance ("I am the sexiest on here"), crudeness (taunting close-up pictures of genitals), and solicitation for money ("gift me and you can fuck me").
Title: Re: Choosing a Partner Preferences
Post by: Bear on May 16, 2012, 05:46:03 PM
Agree Taz,... I've used lyrics in the past numerous time,... nice way of demonstrating mood,.. or subtle messages to specific others. Sometimes  an idea of an RP... my chippendale segment of late is an example....
What I generally look for is as others stated a sign of creativity... this can be in the means of avatar costume...pose...and banner lines.

I tend to steer clear of club members... I have had a low rate of connection when trying to initiate conversation with them in the past.

Edited to add: My background often can be a sign of my play mood.... the full moon background a sign I am more interested in "harder" forms of play... the Werewolf... a clear sign and warning that the alter ego Ursus  is prowling...

"The chains too tight,.. the moon too bright,... the beast inside won't sleep"

Mulled the question over while online looking at profiles... I can say that avatar poses do catch my attention... partially hidden... those which tease of the "goods"... those tend to catch my attention to mull their profiles over a bit. Guess it adds a bit of mystery for me.

Title: Re: Choosing a Partner Preferences
Post by: bluedenim on May 17, 2012, 12:22:28 AM
Ah well, It's no secret............. I search for SM.
usually brings up at least 6 pages.
I never consider talking to anyone showing a photo of their little (or huge as they seem to think) wiener!
If someone has an interesting picture, I check their profile, if I like their attitude or Avatar, I'll maybe initiate chat. It doesn't actually happen very often, for some strange reason I seem to get a lot of people talking to me, no make that at me mostly!
I do try hard to talk to Freebies and encourage them to sign up... but I am not a one-girl Evangelist movement and I do like to play properly and the disappointment of a man who can't come leaves me dissatisfied, no make that unfulfilled.
Title: Re: Choosing a Partner Preferences
Post by: TightFit74 on May 17, 2012, 01:02:35 AM
When I go on a search (which hardly happens anymore), I look for signs of intelligence and creativity, like others before me.
I use the search menu only with selecting gender and flip through the pages.

Profiles I skip are those that have the word gift in their profiles, are member of a club or who have nothing in their banner written, or girls that are looking for ageplay, incest or unwilling sex. Not my thing...

Age is not a criteria for me, maturity can't be expressed in numbers. I have met very mature young girls, and very childish older women. As I role play almost exclusively, that narrows the search down a lot. Anyone with rp in their profile, has my attention.

For my own avatar, I chose either a background that matches the rp I am playing, or that depicts my mood. Same with position of my ava and the clothes I am using. The banner space is used usually for a tempting line or an announcement for the forum
Title: Re: Choosing a Partner Preferences
Post by: hentaiboy69 on May 17, 2012, 01:46:47 AM
mmmmm, well, it's long time till i make a research for partner (2 or 3 months, maybe!), cause i tend to look at my friends/lover/spouse list at the begin and at last i'll end to spend time whit them.

the really bad point, is no more peoples have a nice description line and, more bad, there are a lot of them who don't set it. but luckyly, there are peoples who use it in the right way and i know it really good......thanks to it, i had meet a nice girl athe begin of this jorney! too bad i don't have seen her for long time now, but we sent to each other some messagefor Christams and Easter.

have lot of patience is the rule here, if you wanna meet some interessing peoples! and when i try Achat the first time (maybe two years ago!?) i don't know this and i left after few days.
Title: Re: Choosing a Partner Preferences
Post by: Stone on May 17, 2012, 01:00:29 PM
What do I look for ?  mmm  why  Jayc of course  :P   

My perfect partner has to hold a conversation, be imaginative, a sense of humour  and suggestive without being crude. A Gentleman in public but a stud in the bedroom...  oh and a Stetson & Cowboy boots helps ... .. roll on Friday :)    Got my boudoir shoes and pens at the ready :)  YEHAW
Title: Re: Choosing a Partner Preferences
Post by: taztexan on May 17, 2012, 01:32:53 PM
What do I look for ?  mmm  why  Jayc of course  :P   

My perfect partner has to hold a conversation, be imaginative, a sense of humour  and suggestive without being crude. A Gentleman in public but a stud in the bedroom...  oh and a Stetson & Cowboy boots helps ... .. roll on Friday :)    Got my boudoir shoes and pens at the ready :)  YEHAW

We very well may be persuaded to turn around on bare ass Fridays for cowboy boots for guys and galls. If the lady were to bend over in front of us while picking up the pens so conveniently dropped, who knows what they will find once they look up in such a provocative pose. After all the day has been set "in Stone" remember? *wink*

Title: Re: Choosing a Partner Preferences
Post by: Lover on May 18, 2012, 01:18:07 PM
When I use search just choose gender or sometimes the name. Before I start chatting I read the banner - "Pay me", "gifts for fuck"... incest, i'm the best... it's all a no go.
I also look at the orientation - I recognized, just for chatting more homo girls answer, if I tell them in my first words "I know you're homo... just wanna talk".
I also don't like just seeing a big pussy, I  answer but don't start a chat to those girls.

I prefer people who wrote something in profile - nice banner, country and more infos. I like to do the first words depending to the person, so it's helpful. I don't start a chat to members, that don't have anything in their profile. If they don't take the time to write something, they don't get my attention.
Title: Re: Choosing a Partner Preferences
Post by: kittenlepurr on May 20, 2012, 02:35:31 AM
Choosing partners for me is partially based on first impressions and over time interactions. My friends/lovers on my list get priority.

If people are contacting me:
An example of an interaction that fails is when they are rude or suggestive from the get go. Being impolite makes me just inclined to ignore as I see it.

Another example of it is being demanding. If i have already said to the person I wont do something and i have to constantly repeat it.. then it proves either they dont listen or they are just after their own pleasure and not mutual.

Now if I am contacting them:
Usually I say hi try to strike up a conversation if it goes to sexual basis from there I usually will ask questions to work out if we are compatible to play. If not I will just keep chatting or look for someone else. If yes we will see how far the flirting goes and if it ends up in the room.

What I usually search for is very mood dependant:
Sometimes I am in the mood to talk to another girl

Other times a guy.

One thing I do like though is people that are in achat for the fun not for the "oh I can get gifts" thing ... its something i find just a little ... fun killing asking for $A to play. Which is why I never do so.

Title: Re: Choosing a Partner Preferences
Post by: taztexan on May 20, 2012, 05:38:24 AM

One thing I do like though is people that are in achat for the fun not for the "oh I can get gifts" thing ... its something i find just a little ... fun killing asking for $A to play. Which is why I never do so.

Yeah, the gift seekers are a definite no go for me. I don't mind gifting friends or lovers I've been with before and help them out to stay premium or buy a new outfit they want. But to pay to play? No way! Damn, I'm a poet and didn't know it!!  ;D

Definitely want to get to know someone before going to room. General chit-chat to break the ice so to speak and see if we are compatible. Generally I pick something from their profile to start a conversation. Hopefully they've put something I find interesting or something I can initiate a conversation from. Otherwise I usually don't bother.

My better experiences in room have been with ladies that I enjoy chatting with and have gotten to know somewhat. A room session with at least some interaction otherthan the "Mmmm, Yess, Ahhh" stuff is way more enjoyable. I'd rather be with Robot Girl if that's all they are gonna do.. =)

Title: Re: Choosing a Partner Preferences
Post by: West69 on May 21, 2012, 03:29:48 PM

One thing I do like though is people that are in achat for the fun not for the "oh I can get gifts" thing ... its something i find just a little ... fun killing asking for $A to play. Which is why I never do so.

............. I'd rather be with Robot Girl if that's all they are gonna do.. =)

Personally, I find Robot Girl skilled, but with a distinct aversion to monogomy ;D,i.e. she is a little "loose". However, she did leave $20 on the dresser for me with a note saying, "Thank you for lubricating my circuits". ::) ;)
Title: Re: Choosing a Partner Preferences
Post by: Brandybee on May 21, 2012, 03:38:36 PM
Damm that Robot Girls spell is spreading ... its worse than I thought .... Hey  Covems you so got to do something   !!!!  Keep her in check ... play more scrabble .. anything ..     :D
Title: Re: Choosing a Partner Preferences
Post by: Brandybee on May 21, 2012, 03:52:47 PM
Hey Mooncalf ... dont be put off too much by the big head and shoulders ... sometime its players partaking in a little nude dancing ... and are too shy to flash at the achat world :)   and btw ...  if you havent tried it yet ... I highly reccommend it  hehe

As for other zoomed up rude body parts .. I'm with you there girl ... its not big and its not clever ...  lol   

Have fun now  :D
Title: Re: Choosing a Partner Preferences
Post by: kittenlepurr on May 24, 2012, 06:14:00 AM
I'd like to add to something about the partner preferences. A very important element.

Both sides listening .... do not ignore any question posed on either side ... you can actively choose not to answer if you feel its rude or in appropriate (even state that fact most people do not realise after all they are not in your head). But reiteration for the person originally asking the question when it was posed and then when something (an action in achat) that is hinging on the question being answered (direction of answer was not the important thing) them taking a liberty to do the action without answering the question is a quick way ... to put some on like me off from continuing. You cant listen, Then why should they waste their time.
Title: Re: Choosing a Partner Preferences
Post by: Brandybee on May 26, 2012, 07:45:17 AM
Covems , what a beautiful song ...   looking around ... come here... I got a plan ...

Maybe if we can lure RG to the Yellow brick Rd... follow those twists and turns.... of course, we got to be careful not to tread on the cracks.. heard that could be disasterous .. so we'd have to walk on tippy toes... which is ok for me and her as our heels are stuck in the air ... you might have to practice the walk... then we could get to the land of the Great Wizard and get your girl a heart ... Simples...

So ... the Grand Plan..

1.  Follow, follow, follow, follow, follow the Yellow Brick Rd
2.  You can Walk that Walk
3.  She can learn to  Talk that talk,   If she only had a heart
4.  You can tell her, She's more than a Robot to you
5.  And now the Wizard has lifted her curse , she'll look at you with  Hungry Eyes
6.  Of course, you'll tell her,  she  Says it best when she says nothing at all...

Have you got it ...  Right looking round in case the Winged monkeys are about .. .. Just got to get that bag over her head ... Have you got your Screw  driver?

Title: Re: Choosing a Partner Preferences
Post by: Urban on May 26, 2012, 05:27:07 PM
Unless i want to look for somebody i use :

Age :30
Hetero or Bi

Then i read the profile specialy the little sentence at the bottom.
Title: Re: Choosing a Partner Preferences
Post by: Trekmanalpha on June 25, 2012, 04:34:28 AM
3 things catch my eye.
 First, the profile pic... the more realistic if not real, the more attraction. (Face pics are a premium... I'd rather look you in the eye than look at your body without a smile.)
 Second, the uniqueness of the avatar. If you look just like every other av out there, then its not an eye-catcher.
 Third, your tagline. What you say in your profile matters, as to who you are, what you are, what you're looking for, your attitude, and it says a lot about you, without you even knowing it.

If all of these are inticing to me, I generally strike up a convo. If only one is, I might say hi... but not much more.
Title: Re: Choosing a Partner Preferences
Post by: Rukya on June 25, 2012, 04:51:13 AM
to catch my attention , some little details must be respected :

- the profile , i go easyly to someone who have a profile well detailled on what she like maybe what she dont like . I avoid particulary the profiles saying things like Gift = fuck
- the avatar , it need to be well made and i avoid all the ones who are nude . In the basic clothes , the green top and the jean pant are nice . its no use to enter in room yet undressed , i hate this
- the pic is secondary , i met some peoples with a good pic who was not very interesting and some with a bad pic who was
- the style in how they write (really important to me) . I'm not angry when some vulgarity come as joke in a conversation (even if i dont like be vulgar) , but the ones who introduce themself whith "fuck me bitch" or something like this made me really angry and have no chances with me even if they was paying me lol
Title: Re: Choosing a Partner Preferences
Post by: MiaTS on June 30, 2012, 05:38:18 PM
To keep it short and simple, when looking for a partner, I tend to search for these items:

1st:  - Straight guys (big turn on to me, and a challenge, to convince them)
 - Roleplay
 - Talkative
 - Creativity
 - Ability to speak english
 - Grammar level
 - They seem to be lazy? A "bb" instead of "baby" begins to turn me off already.
 - Older guys. I tend to have little patience for teens.

I think I covered them all...