AChat Forum

Discussions about AChat => Share your creative ideas => Topic started by: LessonInSexy on August 15, 2009, 08:28:09 PM

Title: Ignore/Block button?
Post by: LessonInSexy on August 15, 2009, 08:28:09 PM
Ok this should have been put into the suggestions thread but I feel it is important enough to have its own thread. We need an Ignore/Block button. I mean I'm sure you guys on here don't really care about an ignore button but since you're not getting a bunch of messages from rude people its not something you really have to worry about. As for me when I first started out I was very close to deleting this game. Now if some of you guys would stop being rude then maybe we wouldn't need one but we all know that some people just can't control themsevles. An Ignore/Block button would be perfect for these people and I'm sure the actual GIRLS that do get on this game would not be scared off giving you guys a lot more options. So please add an ignore/block feature to this game.
Title: Re: Ignore/Block button?
Post by: Rab on August 16, 2009, 10:56:38 AM

I agree, and this is on our to do list, we'll add this feature soon.
Title: Re: Ignore/Block button?
Post by: LessonInSexy on August 16, 2009, 01:06:26 PM
Thank you for your response Rab, I'm happy to know that someone is listening  :-*
Title: Re: Ignore/Block button?
Post by: LessonInSexy on August 17, 2009, 02:57:23 AM
this is a little sidetrack but i want to show you guys what i have to deal with sometimes:

Giovanni: hy
Giovanni: beautiful
Giovanni: but i dreaming
Giovanni: you are the angel
Giovanni: you like a huge cock
Giovanni: you wanna a great fuck of ever?
Giovanni: my cock is so huge
Giovanni: is all for you
Giovanni: but you accept the invite
Giovanni: please answer
Giovanni: my cock wait
Giovanni: please give me a lessons of sex
Giovanni: you are my teacher

all of this while he kept sending invites, and it was freezing up the program for me :(. so i'm really not trying to be a bitch but its a little much, no?
Title: Re: Ignore/Block button?
Post by: bobbler on August 17, 2009, 07:19:40 AM
WOW!  That's ridiculous!  Takes the fun right out of it.

Guys, I know you've probably got like a million things you're working on right now, but this should probably be put at the top of your list of things-to-do, don't you think?...if it isn't already there.  She's a Premium user, too, and I would imagine she won't be renewing her subscription if this keeps up.
Title: Re: Ignore/Block button?
Post by: Nicoquin on August 17, 2009, 10:55:37 AM
a thing to do, absolutly !!!
women can't stand anymore those guys ....

hopefully all the guys are not like this ;)
Title: Re: Ignore/Block button?
Post by: bobbler on August 17, 2009, 12:09:14 PM
a thing to do, absolutly !!!
women can't stand anymore those guys ....

hopefully all the guys are not like this ;)
Well Nico, I'm sure they know that you & I aren't like this, right?

Title: Re: Ignore/Block button?
Post by: Nicoquin on August 17, 2009, 02:01:05 PM
one more thing ...

if you banned a premium member, he (or she) looses $Achat (or, 5 banned = less $AChat)


if you bookmark a premium member, he (or she) wins $AChat

what about it ?
Title: Re: Ignore/Block button?
Post by: Rab on August 17, 2009, 02:47:32 PM
yes, we plan to add some sort of carma system as well.
Title: Re: Ignore/Block button?
Post by: Nicoquin on August 17, 2009, 03:01:02 PM
yes, we plan to add some sort of carma system as well.
that would be great ! thanks a lot !
keep up the good work.
Title: Re: Ignore/Block button?
Post by: LessonInSexy on August 17, 2009, 03:31:50 PM
Thank you Rab for being so attentive  :-*

P.S. Nicoquin has some really good ideas for the game.
Title: Re: Ignore/Block button?
Post by: Florent on August 17, 2009, 03:56:08 PM
I have to say i disagree with this idea of losing / earning achat $ ... Désolé Nico, c'est pas contre toi en particulier ! ;)

I really don't think it would be a good system. And I believe that the rudest guys over here are the one that didn't pay. LessonInSexy would probably be less bothered by those king of men if she weren't a premium member. They want to see the non-free positions, but don't want to pay for it. And of course, like all idiots, they forget that there's a human being behind each character.

Don't get me wrong : LessonInSexy i a charming person, she would be victim of those fools if she weren't a member, but I'm really sure it would happen less often.

Anyway, the idea of a block / ignore fonction is great. As would be the possibility for each character to appear offline, and be free to speak with his Achat friends without being bothered all the time.

Maybe you could think about a kind of chatroom only for premium members, too ? ... But that's just an idea, i'm not really sure it would be good.

Well, that was my opinion. If you understood it in spite of my silly english, then you must be a god !
Title: Re: Ignore/Block button?
Post by: bobbler on August 17, 2009, 05:49:49 PM

Yes.  You are right.  I'm sure she's getting more flak since she is a Premium member & would not be getting so much if she weren't.

The karma system would have to be something that only Premium members could use.  It would be too easy for free members to knock you down if you don't chat with them or accept their invitation into a room.  When I first entered (as a free member) I may have been a little rude (nothing like Giovanni!), it's really frustrating (even now) when a girl won't even talk to you or say hi (and I know sometimes this is because of a language difference), and always having your invitations declined is something I had to get used to, but you learn the system.  Most of the time I will tell a girl "not now" instead of completely ignoring them.  Personally, I think it's rude not to reply at all, and I get that a LOT from a LOT of girls, but what can you do?  Just move on...

I really could never see a Premium member getting banned.  They are here to have fun & chat & have virtual sex, not make problems.  There could be a karma system, but adding or subtracting $AChat as part of that system...don't know if that would be a good (or necessary) idea.
Title: Re: Ignore/Block button?
Post by: cholt on August 18, 2009, 08:37:20 AM

May I suggest we consider this game as a chat system at first? If so, we can put ban/ignore/black list/friend list/offline status as the common functionality with high priority in developping. I believe it will not be a big issue to you, our smart team.  :)  I love the game!

Title: Re: Ignore/Block button?
Post by: Daryl on August 18, 2009, 02:19:54 PM
Hello All,   
I am new to all of this but I agree that something should be done.  It is very frustrating.  LessonInSexy-- I feel for you, I really do.  You should not be paying to be harassed.  This place should be fun and relaxing not so stressful.  Real life is stressful enough!
I am on this site to have fun [sure who isn't] but I also want to meet people and make some friends.  I don't get out much and have trouble talking to people for real[shy].
There should definitely be a way for premium members to have more to control over what the freebies can or cannot do to or with us members. 
What I do not like is when a new person invites before an intro, then they won't talk and they leave after 1 or 2 minutes!  I do understand the language barrier can be a problem, but come on, I wish people would be polite.
If you see me on AChat and I don't say hi-- I'm not ignoring you--- I just usually am waiting for someone to chat first. [Again shy]
I hope you can read this -- I'm terrible at messaging [LOL]
Let's make this an even better place ---- What do you say?
Thanks for reading,  Daryl
Title: Re: Ignore/Block button?
Post by: tom on August 19, 2009, 07:02:16 AM

one possible ignore/block solution would look like this:

- On the screen of partner search result there were another button (next to the 'invite' and 'send message' buttons): the ignore/block button.
- If you press the ignore/block button, the selected person will be ignored, and gets only automatic system response, if sends personal message or invitation.
- The ignore state of the selected person will be displayed on the screen, and the ignore state can be canceled with the same ignore/block button.

That would be the basic functionality.

Additional features:

- Ignore/block button in the chat window, to be able to put on the ignore list the sender of actual messages.
- 'List of ignored persons' icon, which could list all ignored persons in a separated window, and clicking an item could display the selected character in the search result window, where the ignore state could be canceled.

That is not only an opinion, that is a development plan, which one I would like to share with you.

The carma system would work independently of this ignore/block feature, and also the A$ balance will not be effected by this system.

Title: Re: Ignore/Block button?
Post by: LessonInSexy on August 19, 2009, 10:15:38 AM
Thank you Tom, that sounds great  :D.  I also hope it stops the person from sending multiple invites as well.
Title: Re: Ignore/Block button?
Post by: bobbler on August 19, 2009, 06:11:29 PM
Hey Tom,

All of that sounds good to me.  Would the "automatic system response" tell the user that he/she has been put on the sendee's ignore list...or some message to that effect?  & I see that system would work for sending personal messages, too.  Cool.

It does sound like the windows will be getting a bit busy, though...

How soon before these features will be implemented?
Title: Re: Ignore/Block button?
Post by: Nicoquin on August 20, 2009, 08:08:55 AM
Hi Tom,

that sounds really great !
Thank you for thé excellent work and for sharing the developpment roadmap.

Nicoquin, happy premium
Title: Re: Ignore/Block button?
Post by: Rab on August 27, 2009, 02:05:25 PM
The ignore list function will be available in a day or two, we see how important it is.
Title: Re: Ignore/Block button?
Post by: LessonInSexy on August 28, 2009, 06:23:54 AM
The ignore list function will be available in a day or two, we see how important it is.

I can't wait Rab  :D
Title: Re: Ignore/Block button?
Post by: tom on August 31, 2009, 06:31:48 AM
And there it is...  ;D,194.0.html

Title: Re: Ignore/Block button?
Post by: LessonInSexy on August 31, 2009, 07:55:38 PM
It's working great thanks guys.
Title: Re: Ignore/Block button?
Post by: bobbler on June 20, 2010, 06:08:48 PM
for those of you who are unaware of this (probably 99% of you), LIS was the one to really *push* to get the ignore button implemented, along with a few others of us who got on the bandwagon  ;)
Title: Re: Ignore/Block button?
Post by: sinnnn on June 20, 2010, 08:10:02 PM
I love the ignore/block button.  I don't try to be rude but when I do break down an say Hi, I'll explain that I am busy an I just wanted to return their greeting.  Then the greeting turns into an invite after I already told them I am busy.  When I explain again that I am busy, they ask,"How bout later?"  Their definition of late is 5mins later.  Or they will keep trying to chat when I already told them I am chatting with someone else.  They make being rude an ignoring greetins look so good.  I had one lady that sent me six invites after I told her no, an declined every1.  I have even received some nasty little comments when I turned down some offers.  I love the ignore button, it brings back the fun for me.  If it wasn't for that, the constant cold invites, insults, an harrassments would have made me leave.  This is suppose to be fun.

Now as for the Karma system I have one little problem with that.  You have some ppl who can be vendictive when their invites are declined or mad because their greeting was not returned.  If you are going to do something like that, I think the accused should be able to have a right to defend themselves.  I pay real money for my A$ an I would be really ticked off because my A$ was reduced by some vendictive immature little minded person, to the point where I would come back to Achat. 

thanks again for the button. ;D
Title: Re: Ignore/Block button?
Post by: apollo13nut on June 22, 2010, 01:45:41 AM
I signed up for AChat back in March 2010 and the ignore/block feature was already there, so I don't see why it needs to be re-requested....
Title: Re: Ignore/Block button?
Post by: Janine Dee on June 22, 2010, 04:43:26 AM
I don't think this was so much re-requesting, but more talking about it, and about the related Karma feature that was being suggested in and around the same time.

I will also say that the Karma System has too much potential for abuse.
Title: Re: Ignore/Block button?
Post by: bobbler on June 22, 2010, 01:53:21 PM
yes janine you're right.  i only brought the thread up again for a little history...not to re-request it???