AChat Forum
Discussions about AChat => Share your creative ideas => Topic started by: Florent on August 21, 2009, 02:35:08 PM
Hi, don't you think you should block the value of age to 18 minimum... ? I've seen members that put values like 12 or 13 years old, and a lot of 16 or 17 guys and girls... For 12, 13 or 14, i guess it's a joke, a mistake or a strange fantasy, but for 15, 16 or 17 it could be real... And I suppose this game is not allowed to minors !
Of course, i'm not asking you to check it every person that comes on Achat is 18 or plus, it's impossible and you cannot avoid liars... But to block the age value would be wise, I think... Nobody wants you to get into troubles because of some silly kids ! :-[
Thank you for the suggestion! We will do it.
Is a logic problem,ethics and education.
There's a member called Sexy sixteen, with presentation message " i'm 16 "... I tried to explain to her that she has nothing to do here but i guess she won't listen. I'm kind of tired of those stupid kids... Anyway, I know that the creators of Achat can't do nothing about that. You guys did what you have to do about this question. I just wanted to report that. :(
I tried to talk to her too, asked her if she was really 16, but she ignored me.
Her name says sixteen, her description says 16, but in her profile it says 18...?
I tried to talk to her too, asked her if she was really 16, but she ignored me.
Her name says sixteen, her description says 16, but in her profile it says 18...?
Yes, because it's now impossible to put a value under 18 in the age area. ;)
Oh I did not realize that. So that's what you were talking about.
I adressed her trying to make it a little funny. But again she ignored. It seems to me that she only reactes if the other one is showing interest in her age, this could mean, that its fake and der girl (?) is much older but i think too that this should not be tolerated. It has a good reason, that the programm says 18+ only.
My proposel: a person pretending to be under 18 should be banned from game and forum. The Admin could establish here a special tread where users can report such violations.
I think it is really a bad joke, but it can become a problem for the game, when certain authorities are informed of the possibility that minors are acting here as minors..
And here we go again, with a member called Naomi with the following message : « 14 years old really, wanna try a little bitch ? »
We don't need that kind of pedo stuff on Achat ! >:(
I totally agree, as i suggested theses accounts shoud be banned from achat and to achieve this I would recoment a warn or complain button here in the forum to inform the admins of this matter.
an explanation about these so called "14 year olds" (I dont think they are real) : this is not pedo stuff. Pedo stuff is young children long before entering the age of maturity. Kids of this age are only interessting for real pervert or sick people.
The 14 year old girls are much more dangerous because their body is in most cases mature but their mind isnt and they are psychological not up for sex, at least not with older men. On the other side they attract instinctly nearly every man, because instincts dictate the man to look for a woman quite young as this woman can have a lot of kids.
So we should here very strict with users pretending to be young. In most european countries the age of consent is 16 but in the US I think it mostly 18, so I think for good reasons they got this minimum age of 18 here.
I totally agree, with you
@ Tharvun : I don't really want to debate about what is pedo and what is not. The most important thing is that this program is forbidden for people under 18, and I think it's totally normal. And 14 is really TOO young. So, as you said, I think this member should be banned, even if it's only somebody that pretends to be 14.
i hope i didnt annoy you and I think my opinion was quite clear in my previous postes.
But what i dont like is to be unprecise. This always gives the opponent the possiblity to destroy the things you say. Thats why I said the things above.
i hope i didnt annoy you and I think my opinion was quite clear in my previous postes.
But what i dont like is to be unprecise. This always gives the opponent the possiblity to destroy the things you say. Thats why I said the things above.
Yes your opinion was quite clear but i have to say i disagree with it, or with some part of it. That's why i said i don't want to go into this discussion, my english is not good enough, and i think it's not the purpose of this topic. ;)
We both agree about the fact that a minor has nothing to do here, and I think it's the most important ! :)
She sent a message to me in the "chat box" saying she was like 18 in experience & wanted to get in the porn business...or something to that effect.
please admin - do something
i agree 100%. And I think the vast majority of all users too.
Dear tom, dear rab, you should do something against users like this. Having sex with a minor under 16 years is a crime in most countries and this includes cybersex too. So it should not be tolerated here regardless if this user is really a 14 year old girl (which I dont belive) or not.
The member Virgin_ia claims to be 16 years old. Another member (can't remember her name) pretends to be 13... I really think those members should be banned : they are a danger for Achat. I don't care if it's true or false, but I don't think it's good to have that kind of public behaviour...
i thonk you speek of princess_diana ;)
I agree with Florent,these members should be banned! without hesitation! i personally think that they are not pretending(most of them),because today kids start using internet(and other technologies) at a very young age,so it is quite possible they are for real!
That happened long ago! 8) Not now! :-\
In the days when I did the top, what time! :'( 8) Remember Flo?
it doesn matter when the topic is started,it still happens! girls put age:18 on the charachter,but in the description it says: im 15,16 or something like that!
sorry if my messages sound agressive,its not my intention!
Peace! 8)
I can a new " TOP" ? Please?! I know you like. :D 8)
It doesnt matter at all if these stupids are 18 or older, or if they are not. For me the most important thing is, I dont want AChat to become a place, where asocial child-fucker will find a place to allow their pervers fantasies.
This is the reason, why I agree to banne everyone with this description.
Boyslut : I'm sorry, but I don't see why Achat should please people who have that kind of fantasy, with all the troubles with legal settings it could create. I don't give a shit about people's fantaisies : I just say that this kind of public behaviour (pretending to be a kid) can create a lot of problems for Achat.
I think those members should be banned. That's all. Of course you can forbid that : indicate simple rules of behaviours, and ban the members that don't respect them. One leaves, another one comes ? So what ?? If you put a murderer in jail, another one will come : it doesn't mean you have to legalize murder...
I'm sorry, but no, I'm fed up of those assholes pretending to be kids or teenagers. I'm fed up with a lot of things : the fact that there are more and more rude people, the fact that an incredible number of so-called girls are asking for gifts ... But This problem of age is the most important...
If you let go that kind of behaviour now, then you will be invaded by people pretending to be 12, 13 or even less. The people with that kind of fantaisies have forums dedicated to them : once they find a place to express it or do roleplay, they just inform everybody.
So, I think something should be done now... That's all.
And here we go again :
( (
This is the 4th person I see with that kind of messages in less than 2 days... Where do you think they come from ? :-\
I'm sorry, but your answer has nothing to do with what I wrote. I'm talking about a real problem on Achat : minors, or people pretending to be minors. I explained in a long message why I was against that. And you're talking about burning witches...
You just didn't read what I wrote. And I really think you're the one that is losing the whole point.
This is not a conclusion, that's a question. And I already gave the answer to that question in my messages.
Sorry, but you don't have to conclude this thread. Tom or Rab have to conclude it by giving us an answer. And I'm sure they will.
Right now, there is no conclusion at all. And I hope to see other members opinions about that question.
Please report people, who seem to be minor according to they short description!
We will ban them. >:(
Please report people, who seem to be minor according to they short description!
We will ban them. >:(
Thank you Tom. Should we report them in here, of by a private message to you ?
On the last page, we already gave several names, I don't know if you saw them...
Anyway, thanks again for your answer. :)
I would also want to know how to report these members!
Well I try to add a picture, but it won't let me. Does it have to have a special format?
Take a look at "Light Uchiha" guys
Thanks Tom, the only right decision!
You can report minors here or in a private message.
For me this thread isn't about what is right or what is wrong. (I'll comment on that in a second, but first things first.)
AChat is a legally recognized entity, and therefore has responsibility for the activities that come about via their product.
Now it is one thing if something happens that they don't know about then they can claim legitimate ignorance, but they have a reasonable suspicion that minors are gaining access to their adult product.
It would be no different then selling a minor cigarettes or alcohol.
To argue anything else is to ask AChat to expose itself legally.
Morally if I wanted to dress up like a schoolgirl and report to the headmistresses office that would be between me and the headmistress.
On a personal level I WANT them screening because I don't LIKE seeing these under age girls when I'm looking for a playmate, or just someone to chat with, and as a paying customer I also have the right to want that.
So my summation would be that the needs of the many (those who don't want the potentially under aged here) will outweigh the needs of the few (those who may be legal, but want to play out an under aged fantasy).
Allowing under-aged people on an adult sex site is asking for legal troubles. (more or less depending where the server is located)
The question here is not so much those who ARE young, but those who are claiming to be such. The argument is that they are probably just playing young versus, better safe then sorry.
But you already seem to be with most on the better safe then sorry (as am I, they can at least state ageplay in the their profile or something).
K, I'm usually not a tattertale, but screw it. Little prick pissed me off.
Shadow1412 says he is really 16 and horny. Explain to him that I don't play with kiddies so blow. Tells me to ignore him then the lil snot sends me an invite. ::)
You might have to do something to beef up your age check. :P
Ahh but Honey. Many of us aren't keen on the idea of handing over proof of our real selves to AChat. Especially since the company itself doesn't have any of their personal info on any file we could access.
I understand that. But it just sends chills down my spine, makes me not want to play here anymore. Like I really been playing anyway ::) :P. When I do start to get back in the swing of things I don't want the first thing I run into tell me he is 16(vomit).
Hmmm maybe they need to seperate the basic members from the premium(when you pay thats proof right there, unless he stills his parents credit card but he will get caught evenutally). The ones I notice that are young are basic members. And if you want to hang out with the basic members, they can add a Basic Room button or something. :P
;) Also things that have been suggested. The sad truth is that with a person able to buy prepaid credit cards at gas stations there is only so much that can be done.
I keep forgetting bout that mess. Oh well guess that means I will only just play with the ones on my list then. Especailly one special person if I could catch her. ::)
*giggle* Check your messages Honey.
You can use the "report misuse" button. You find it in the chat window beside "Toglel Chat History", just push the exclamation mark. They gave us this possibility (I wanna believe they gave us this button after our big discussions here).
@ Lover...That's the best suggestion, the second...your friend the ignore button.
There are ways of getting around the age nature of the premium-non-premium interaction it is a thin veil.
Oh I used it. Believe me. Press that thing the first chance I got. I was just letting off steam, guys. :P
OK Sinnnn, of course you may tell us about your experiences :D
Now we will look what happens; if the A-Team really is making a serious business, they will banish this boy.
I understand all what you are saying. I think alot of them are saying they are younger to c what we say. but then again one never knows, over the computer U can be anything, any age and all u know
well i dont come here to chat to kids, i left online games coz age differences getting worse every year (im getting older for some reason lol), seen 3 non-premium bragging they 14, so i used the misuse button, no hesitation. i wont catch the non braggers, but if i stay away from woman who advertize for gifts then i feel at least im talking mostly to adults.
So there's a girl who in her profile lists her age as 18 (lowest it can go) but in her city she states she's really 16.
We should report people like that yeah?
I noticed her too. I was doubting wether I should report her or not. Haven't talked to her personally, so can't really say anything about her age. Maybe she uses it as lure, to get the attention of guys?
I already reported her. She has talked to me in a crude way. I also asked "Are you really 16?" but she didn't answer to my question.
This was a huge topic back when I was first starting here on the rights of those who may be into age play versus the right of AChat to make sure it's protected from any legal concerns. Just about all you can do is report them and avoid them when they are saying they are really young.
Of course Janine, this is the only reason Iasked her. I even didn't want to room with her; I reported (using button misabuse) her and then I asked her about her age. I hope she would say "No, I'm older" and expected to get an answer like "Yes, I'm just 16." As you are also able to report the communication I wanted to make sure she really is young and not just playing.
That's why I mention. By putting the message like that without a disclaimer their real age tends to be insignificant. The "Really young" without a "Nope, actually a ageplayer who likes to PLAY as young." could leave AChat legally vulnerable. So they could be 61 instead of 16, and legally it would be more of a footnote.
I don't like people under 20 here at Achat, they tend to be immature. I've had a presumably 16 year old girl ask me into a room but I just ignored her.
And in some areas 16 is considered the age of majority, but 18 is almost the global standard it seems.
15 is legal in Sweden :-\, but I would only say thats okay between 15 year olds. 18 is the age limit for voting, driving and drinking in bars. You have to be 20 to buy from The System Company (directly translated) too which is an government owned chain of liqour stores. Noone else who are allowed to sell either and the prices for alcohol in Sweden is really high :(. But anyway as I and many others here think, your grownup when you can buy your own alcohol :P.
It's hard to find something everyone will be comfortable with... with anything and everything, but 18 seems the one that would get the most votes. It's not to say you are required to play with 18 years olds :P just that 18 is enough that most aren't going to feel they are a "minor".
Being a US based company (I believe), it is important they adhere to the laws and provisions of the governing body of the site of origin. The argument beyond that is inconsequential.
Agreed, but one of the dangers of the net is that it can cross jurisdictions. So I figure at least verbally addressing the concern is warranted.
I think when it comes to jurisdiction, it comes down to where the person you're talking to is from.
Being from Australia, 16 is the legal age here, however it's wrong for me to talk to a 17 year old from the States because the age is 18 over there.
It's a very fine line. And if people want to ageplay, hey good luck to them, but advertising like this "girl" has done is just phishing for trouble.
Absolutely, hence wanting a disclaimer, and the even more honest truth is nowadays prosecutors can often start cases more to create headlines then based on legalities. So without a disclaimer some DA with too much time on their hands, and maybe eyes on higher office might decide to take on AChat to create headlines and get themselves out there.
If there is a disclaimer and the person lied, it would still be on the liar. If there isn't one, then there isn't one and a case could be made. In the papers if no where else.
But I think we're all in agreement that it's unacceptable.
Can't seem to find a thread just for this, and it is a problem (more for us guys though I guess).
I will go first...
sexyany777 premium user, claims to be from UK... only 13 years old, she should be banned...
Who else has one to add?
And how do you know she is only 13??
Even if she told you that, maybe she is telling lies about it, you never know..
I am trying to say that you can't ban a person if you don't have any proof about her/his real age...
We talked about this problem some time ago (look here,764.0.html )
The best is to use the report misuse-button. The A-Team can check this.
Bobbler is correct. And just in case you are not familiar with it, in the chat box (below where you type), there is a "!" Clicking it allows you to report abuse. There are 2 options for young and 1 options for TOS (Terms of Service) violations (such as links to porn sites, etc).
Though I do have to agree that it's hard to say if they are being serious or have young fantasies....While I don't agree with it, a woman 18+ can ask her partner to pretend she is younger.
In that thread Lover mentioned though I had several long winded posts on how a disclaimer is needed. If it's say something in the profile stating a love of agePLAY, or something when chatting with a partner where you state being of legal age clearly.
huh? ::)
Apollo is thinking you and me we are just one person ;)
Well they need to be clear on the age play(ewww). I have had ppl wanting me to play their mommy(ewww) or wanting to be mines(ewww). You have ppl who will say they ARE young and if you want to play with them. Had one tell me something like that along time ago and I used the report button on them. I use to just block them, now with the button I can report.
Why don't they do a age verification, like SL does. You have to use your states ID or drivers ID to be able to do and go certain places on the site.
Sinnnn, I had this certain feeling for a long time. Now I will ask you:
"Are you my mummy?"
@Lover :D
But this is a serious subject. I have been asked too to be a girls daddy... Hmm, having a daughter makes it too horrific to consider.
I have reported several users because of suspecting them to be young. Reported my thoughts and AChat reacted. So this works and seems like a helpful tool.
I do agree that a better way of securing someone is of legal age should be implemented. I clicked the 'yes-button' without reading the warning too carefully.
...Incest...ewwwww... I'm fine with some age play but not incest play... and no scat.
It can be fun to play the "little girl"... well no lower than 18 yr old for me tough your immature enough as it is then and my teenage years wasn't the funniest.
I wouldn't want to burden Sinnnn with a teenage "daughter" like me, telling me to clean my room, look disapprovingly at the guys I take home and hmm yeah cloth in a style she doesn't approve of. Tough the last ones would be some fun. :P
The trick here is that for most ageplay you really don't need to implicitly state a number. I mean when I'm playing the schoolgirl I'm playing the character, I don't NEED to state she's under eighteen.
So in plenty of cases there really shouldn't be any issue.
For those who NEED it things get tricky because for some they will swear up and down it ruins it for them to have to cover their legal bases, but tough. In any kink, or just sex in general, if you don't play responsibly you risk more then yourself.
Incest and sexual games with young persons is absolutely not my style. I once had a nice talk with a girl but soon after we entered the room she called me Daddy. I told her I don't like this. Even when she asked me "Ok, I can be older" I denied.
Janine is right. Look at the erotic story of Adera and me. We started in an university. There the students can be older and there is also adults courses.
There is a big difference if your doing a roleplay or if a member is saying "I'm 13" or so. AChat never may be a place for child sex or for people with these preferences. If that will happen some day, this will be my last day here.
Well we got the lil twist with a kind of detention in the fantasy. :P
Even old ladies have to be kept in if they are not listening :P
Old... OLD!!? Now your being mean to me Lover.
Honey, I just spoke in general :)
But if you are sad, come over and I offer you a big hug
How old is old??......... maybe I dont wanna know...... lol
as for the young play....... it "wierds me out" to say the least...... but also makes you wonder if it might be some sort of "sting" operation too....... I have seen many instances where law enforcement gets on adult sites posing as young....... to try and lure pedaphiles...... and then pop them......
was just a thought........
That's a part of what I was referring to. If two consenting adults say "Were both adults, now let's play otherwise." there's no legal entanglement. Any court in the land would toss out any chat logs. Those types of stings keep the chat logs, and make sure the logs show the stinger saying they ARE a minor. Even if they technically aren't there has to be a proven knowledge the person thought they were engaging a minor.
For me, I FIGHT not to make personal judgments. There are certainly areas I don't want to go, but I've also stated I just do NOT like anal. Not only is there a pain issue, but hygiene is also a big concern for me.
That said there are MANY here that adore the practice.
The consenting adults is the only real line for me. Everything else falls under personal preferences.
In Sweden its illegal for the police to provoke someone to commit a crime, but this isn't a Swedish company.
Saying old is the wrong word, lady is fine. Now I want that hug. :P
Yes hygiene can be a problem when doing anal, therefore I make sure to be really clean and I wouldn't really want to do it if I wasn't clean. The pain part... well one should prepare for it and do it slow and gentle in the beginning. Being a virgin there and doing it with like a really horny guy would hurt like hell.
Here in the States that can be called entrapment. So inciting them to commit the crime is illegal, BUT posing as a minor and then letting them come onto you is okay. So even a mediocre lawyer could make a case coming on AChat posing a minor is entrapment, but a mediocre DA could argue that as long as the person posing as the minor didn't make the approach it wasn't entrapment.
The law is no where near as cut and dry as it likes to think it is. That's the nature of the adversarial system.
And I wasn't intending to start a anal argument sweetie. All I was saying was my feelings on it, and that just because *I* happen not to like it doesn't make it wrong, as long as both are those consenting adults.
There is always a line between allowed and not allowed things for the police and what they are really doing. And it's always a fight for them to keep the law or to break it to avoid a worse crime or to protect people.
It's so easy for us outside. It's so easy for the people who don't have to make the final decision. It's so hard if you are in this special situation.
@ Adera: *Nice and lovely hug* "You are wonderful my sweet lady" I smile to you
hugs back "Thanks and your a very nice man".
I don't want to argue about it either, I just wanted to say a few things about how to avoid those two points. :)
In Sweden its illegal for the police to provoke someone to commit a crime, but this isn't a Swedish company.
Same in France, you could even make a trial against them for "debauchery incitement" :D
O n the otherhand for me it's auto "ignore" always i see <18 ;)
Some policemen have gone to prison for trying stuff like that in Sweden.
In holland it's the same. You can't provoke someone into a crime, but there have been situations where a tv-show entrapped someone and based on that material and evidence gathered afterwards, there were convinctions. It says nowhere that a civilian can't cheat to get evidence...
In any case the thought sickens me.
"TV-show" you don't need to say more..... ::)
Are we really playing violins for pedophiles propositioning people out to bust them rather then actual minors they will later defile?
I know I put this in "Everything about love and sex" but I thought I should repost it here.
So I was with this guy (alexis100xp) who is free and we were ... well, having fun. He is asking a few IRL questions about me and I'm asking back until he asks about my age. I say 19 (which is true) and he says he is 16. As soon as I see that, I report him. (you know, the little "!" in the chat box) and I tell him "I'm leaving, I don't feel comfortable"
I get out of there and start talking to a friend and this guy messages me and says "it's out little secret, ok?" I then check his profile and it says he is 25. So I'm all confused and I tell him he shouldn't be here, he isn't old enough. He then changes his mind and say he is 18 and this whole time we are talking, he keeps sending me invites. I finally just left and I got back on after a few days and then he is trying to send me more invites so then I just block him.
My question is, what do they do with the young people? I know when I reported him, it saved the messages but it has been a few days and he is still on there!!
most of the free users are young, so its better to just stick to premiums. one of the only reasons to frequently play this game as a free user is because you cant get a credit card
quite a few guys trying the game out and whatnot, but they should either be leaving or upgrading. (the blue star shows up if you had premium once even, its not like they need to buy everything)
We had a longer discussion some months ago. There is not much you can do, you did the right thing. Use the abuse-button, the young users have been one reason for this button.
The other thing you can do is ignore - and also tell your friends to do the same.
As echoed in an identical thread posted elsewhere... if uncertain hiyapie, post the thread here in this section rather than creating multiples of the same topic..
I had a guy tell me he was 14 and havibg sex w his aunt , Made me panic , He might of been role playing ? I stay away from these people the play incest games > that just makes me sick !
Ok the premium and creditcard/ age verifiecation works.........but on males . females on the otherhand can simply get guys to gift then go buy a pass so it doesnt always work. so its best to use ones own judgement
unless they take away the fucking gifting, w.e im assuming the coming update is a mansuit and when it is Im gifting whatever A$ I have left and getting the fuck off this game lol
That`s too bad ! ::)
One of the main reasons why I talk to someone before just hopping into a room. Often the conversation or lack off, tells you something about the age of the one on the other side. Made it a rule to never go for a homerun on the first date or meeting..
young people will always be there unfortunately. Report and ignore is the best advice.. Oh, and usually I warn them I will report them. To give them a chance to leave on their own.
Whats w the kids today ! Last summer had a 15 year old boy , leaning over my ticket counter at >he was not shy < I thought I was good , this kid was a master at flirting . It was past flirting I was glad there was a counter between us .
you liked it
No way I don`t play that ! Horney teenage boys can shop else where !
what can be done about nudist13f
i see this as a problem.
Even if it is LEO trying to bait someone.
old_goat, what did you mean!?
yes, what is the problem? (and please refrain from using names unless actually reporting to support)
The user advertises that they are 13 years old. period.
If I have made a mistake please delete me from the forum.
use the report button ingame or send a message to support with the name of the avatar and the banner wording, advertising such is a violation of the ToS regarding young play, and should be dealt with by the appropriate powers.
The report button in game can be found in the upper right corner of the chat box.
I've reported the free user too. Role play or not, I do not think this should be condoned. Anyone advertising they are under 18 years should be reported to support immediately.
This free player is clearly saying she is 13 years.
Thank you Old_goat for bringing it to our attention.
I don't think asking to verify your age using credit card can be a credit card there are too much sensible data!
Think about it jcm0824 ....would you give in the real world your CC data to a foreign just to identify you!? Personally,, me NO!
jcm0824 is right. (The vast majority of) adult sites on the internet require providing a credit card in order to substantiate age and to allow access.
Personally, I dislike the process entirely and think that there are ulterior motives for it but, in theory at least, it appears to be a standard for age verification.
Well done Tom
Blue!? Well done Tom!? :o :o
I think blue means, she is glad Tom (A-Team) don't use credit card to verify age
For me, I dislike web site where we must enter our credit card number to create account.
But I remark that in AChat, the email adress is not necessary for inscription.
I know that it is possible to create easy and free a valid email, but this small control could stop some teenagers.
In more, when I see some descriptions like "whoregirl15" :
Sex: Female
Race: White
Age: 18
City: I am a 15 year old whore
Country: uk Likes young girls
Orientation: Bi
Character type: Talkative
Favourite games: Fuck, Oral, Anal, Handjob, SM, Fetish, Masturbation
Description: mmmm I am a young girl looking for fun have pics and vids xx
I think that perhaps that an automatic rule can disable this profile !!
There are some words and links in general that are blocked by the system. If you notice an user like this, you should report her immediately.
Blue!? Well done Tom!? :o :o
Sorry HB, it's out of sequence....., my reply skipped a couple of pages.....
I have had a 14 year old with her 13 year old sister tiring to get me to room with them. they even use there age as way to try and woo me into fucking them like sluts.They got reported. Admin sent me a message and found out that they were RPing but still thats just wrong. I can see asking about age play before hand and seeing if other are into it but using it as a way to get guys to room with you is bad idea and wrong. IMO
I'm glad A-chat dose not have credit card verification for age. Not everyone owns a credit card, to easy to steal from IMO,thats why i don't have one and if need one I barrow one from my brothers or friends with permission ofc and pay them back with cash.
Dustin, im with you in rp and this way of acting. To be honest, even if its "just" rp i would love to ban everyone who is doing it. It's not funny and it's againts the law to have sex with kids in this age. And just having this idea is showing the ill mind those people have...
Good you have reported them!
You have know ideal :-X
well, today and despite the message i wrote in my profile, when i logged in received imediately a message saying "care to have sex with a 17 years old"? ofc i added to ignore list without a reply, i would inform the name of the person but i am still newbie and to know what goes where here is still confusing me a lot. as soon as i figure how to reach my ignores list ill inform.
that is "GreenCzech" I have reported him twice.
Under 18's are not allowed here. Name, shame and report them to the Achat Gods. And if its roll play - they should know better , so advice is the same , its clearly against the Terms of Service for playing here.
Well done Momma_Andrea. I will do the same.
To report in the game, use the ! box in your chat box.
Or you can report through " Support" on the top bar above in between Forum and Shop.
thank you. that helps a lot. when i find how to enter my ignore list ill report too
The ignore list is placed on your own harddrive. Open AChat folder. You find the file in .........personal\ignorelist.bin' - it will be generated when you put the first person to this list.