AChat Forum

Discussions about AChat => Share your creative ideas => Topic started by: Trekmanalpha on July 04, 2012, 11:25:24 PM

Title: Attacks on other Players
Post by: Trekmanalpha on July 04, 2012, 11:25:24 PM
Can I ask, why some of the newer female players are under observation or being insulted or attacked, and being accused of being guys, or being multi-accounters, before being talked to?

This is sad, that this place has come to such a place that you accuse first and ask questions later?

This is happening to Mincari, Melanie, and has happened to several other players I've known... one of which was RED, or Shannon1...

THIS NEEDS TO STOP, before we loose some of the newest members of the community to insult.

Let's put a hold on this kind of thing, and yes, this is coming from Azrielle, and some of the other NSPD players. Cool your jets, gals... stop accusing, and start talking.

Title: Re: Attacks on other Players
Post by: hentaiboy69 on July 05, 2012, 01:50:10 AM
Trek, if you recognized the girl on a portrait like a model (well known or not it's not so important!), it's natural having some doubt about her couse i really doubt a famous model gonna put a pic of her on a profile of an adult chat like this!

and if at last it came out she is a fake, well, if he had a good reason for it, he is wellcome, but if he is taking advantage about the gift sistem, well......better loose him soon as possible!

my 2 cents.

Az, Trek.....i'd like to make a little request to both of you as friend: if you have something to clarify, please do in the chat or using PM. please, don't turn this tread in a flame!
Title: Re: Attacks on other Players
Post by: Trekmanalpha on July 05, 2012, 02:32:40 AM
What I said was not to flame... its to notify and alert the rest of the Achat forum users that some odd things are cropping up.

Also, who cares if someone puts a recognized pic up. This place is a fantasy, and so long as they dont abuse the A$ system, which I personally thing is BS anyway, well, then why should we harass them for it?

I for one, dont believe we should.
Title: Re: Attacks on other Players
Post by: hentaiboy69 on July 05, 2012, 02:39:38 AM
BS!? what did you mean!? sorry, but i really dunno!
Title: Re: Attacks on other Players
Post by: TightFit74 on July 05, 2012, 03:04:39 AM
1. There are no restrictiions in the game to how many accounts a user wants to have.
2. This is what the picture upload tool requires to have accepted before a pic is uploaded:
   Before uploading, please accept:

By uploading the picture I take full responsibility for the content of it. I certify that the picture does not contain unacceptable content, and I own all required permissions to upload the picture to this public area.
I understand and accept, that in any doubtful case the owner of the web site can delete the picture without warning, and can contact me if further investigation is needed.

What kind of pic someone uses on their profile is their choice.
3. All members are free to report abuse or harrassment in game, to the A-team.

I hope everyone will stay level headed in this discussion.

as a note, I have asked Keiko, the mod for this section, to move the discussion to the right section, everything about sex and love
Title: Re: Attacks on other Players
Post by: hentaiboy69 on July 05, 2012, 03:19:52 AM
2. This is what the picture upload tool requires to have accepted before a pic is uploaded:
   Before uploading, please accept:

By uploading the picture I take full responsibility for the content of it. I certify that the picture does not contain unacceptable content, and I own all required permissions to upload the picture to this public area.
I understand and accept, that in any doubtful case the owner of the web site can delete the picture without warning, and can contact me if further investigation is needed.

yes, read it...and read carefully the red text: did you ever heard about copyright!? usually a pic of a model is done by a professional photographer.....if you wanna use it, from what i read, you need his or the model permission! (hope i write it right....if not, please, have patience!)

And i know we all have post some photoshoots around owned by someone else (all the cosplay i had post as reference in the clothes suggestion are an easy example of it!) but using them like a portrait is like declairing that pic is yours! or maybe am i wrong!? mmmmh, dunno!

btw, those words are not for supporting one or the other side, they are just good sense!
Title: Re: Attacks on other Players
Post by: Trekmanalpha on July 05, 2012, 03:35:50 AM
Hentai, you are right. I work with photographers, and yes, that is correct. But, a stupid checkbox means nothing, when the same checkbox allows young people to join up... even if they get caught. Here, a pic is a pic is a pic... I dont see the difference if its a thumbnail, or someone claiming to be someone else, hell.... who cares?

This place is for fantasy, is it not? so why should anyone care about multi accounts, or fake players?

Nobody should. That's my point. So all this accusatory and insulting crap needs to end. Forever.
Title: Re: Attacks on other Players
Post by: hentaiboy69 on July 05, 2012, 03:41:42 AM
I agree whit you on that line, but you declaire you own any permission before using the pic.....that's the problem!

well, probably at last the only thing will be happend is just it gonna be removed.....mmmmm
Title: Re: Attacks on other Players
Post by: Covems on July 05, 2012, 03:45:14 AM
Reading this thread, I know someone who was "attacked" in this manner also.

I better clarify my position here.   Um... just so you all know... even though it is my picture...

I'm not really WALL-E

Title: Re: Attacks on other Players
Post by: hentaiboy69 on July 05, 2012, 03:48:25 AM
mmmmh, not sure of it......wasn't you the one who fall in love whit Robot Girl!? maybe, under that skin, you are a robot too!   ;D
Title: Re: Attacks on other Players
Post by: Lover on July 05, 2012, 04:43:28 AM
OH NO!!! This is the only pic I was so sure it's real :o

We have different opinions in this topic. I think the best is to accept that this is normal.
Title: Re: Attacks on other Players
Post by: prias on July 05, 2012, 04:48:15 AM
Concerning the "newcomer", this person is well known in the chat, always presenting his/her avys in the same way that is to say a lill' pic of a model or a well built girl, all naked with a hairy pussy...

I'm here for almost 3 years and this person appears from time to time and every time he/she puts a mess trying to rise people against each others, insulting people and so on...

Desperatly for him/her, he/she's quite easy to spot because of his/her behaviour and his/her carateristic avys.

To give you an exemple of his/her behaviours, let me tell you what happen between us.

One day, when I was looking for a way to introduce myself and break the ice, I've noticed that her city had changed in less the 24h from US east coast to west coast. I made a joke about that (maybe not funny, I assume it) and he/she asked me if I was from the Gestapo... I asked to be nice enought to not make joke to me about that subject as some people in my familiy was tortured and died during WW2 in camps (of labour, I'm not jew). To that, this person told me that then nazis didn't make the job well enought... I guess that it was meaning that it would have been better if all my family could have been turned to ashes, that way I'll not exist at all...

So this person is definitively not somebody nice

The last avy that I've spotted that could be one of his/her is Mincari one and it was yesterday. When I saw it, I said myself let's the time go, I'm not going to put a mess for that. This morning, when I logged on, I've seen exactly the same type of insulting comments on Mincari's profile about Azi that I've seen months ago on the alternative profiles of the person I'm talking about.... Let's call it coincidence, I apologize to Mincari if it's not true, but you'll be agree that it's quite strange.

Concerning Azi, she (or maybe he, who cares as long as he plays his role good) is a regular member of our community, trying to make it run well for our mutual interest so sorry but my confidence goes more to Azy...
Title: Re: Attacks on other Players
Post by: hentaiboy69 on July 05, 2012, 10:20:37 AM
Oh, she surely wasn't pleasent or nice whit you.

And about the avi.....if Mincari havw her same avi, that doesn't necesserily mean they are the same person, of course! But thinking of it is a normal conseguence, looking at what Prias had wrote. anyway, now we are just making the game of speculation! better end it here!
Title: Re: Attacks on other Players
Post by: prias on July 05, 2012, 11:24:28 AM
I totally agree with you Hentai. I don't know who start but it really seems that some people in there have nothing to do but annoying people...
Title: Re: Attacks on other Players
Post by: Trekmanalpha on July 05, 2012, 02:49:56 PM
Well, what I'm trying to get at in this, is that for whatever reason, whether they try and stir up trouble or start fights or something, These gals do NOT like being told they're not welcome, or that they're fakes, or joked around with in an accusitory way. They like to be accepted, spent time with, talked to, and so on, just like the rest of us...

So I dont see why they are being treated with disrespect. I dont treat others like that, and I dont like hearing about it when others are treated that way.
Title: Re: Attacks on other Players
Post by: Bear on July 05, 2012, 03:54:20 PM
This is not my section  but as a moderator I feel naming names and bringing personal disputes into a public forum is the incorrect way to handle a problem. It creates nothing more than a hostile environment... and serves absolulutely no purpose other than to polarize the community. If you have issues.... then use the private messaging to air your differences out.

If you need to make a point about players... keep it general... if someone is just dying to know... they certainly can PM for clarification
Title: Re: Attacks on other Players
Post by: Brandybee on July 05, 2012, 05:55:37 PM
I'm just crestfallen ...  I thought WALL.E was really here, those cute little eyes,  the little munchkin track wheels , patrolling our dreamworld, piling up the junk, making my world a better place ... quivering bottom lip, eyes teary...  :(

.. the lightbulb suddenly turns on ... arhhh   ::) ... you kidding right Covems..... you're undercover... right... searching for your Eva ... yeah ... thats it ...  phew ... you really got me going then ....I nearly believed it  ...  nearly ... but not quite ... smiling again..   :D

Yeah,  as my good mate,  Abe said  "   You can fool some of the people all of the time,     and all of the people some of the time,    but you can not fool all of the people all of the time. "
So I guess ... Its just nice to be ....  nice ....   if not ....      there's the ignore button.   

Skipping off ...  winking at Covems ... and I just happen to know ..  Number 5 is Alive ...  ;) 
Title: Re: Attacks on other Players
Post by: Trekmanalpha on July 07, 2012, 01:30:50 AM
Whatever. I guess what was happening succeeded. Mincari is officially gone from the game.

Well done you all who wanted her gone.

I guess I should apologize here, because I have been too forward and aggressive in my defense of those accused.
I just don't understand why everyone is so adamant that they leave... over pics.

Now, if they were abusing the A$ thing, or being rude, or insulting others, then sure. But that was NOT what was happening.

I am sorry for being an ass if it was taken that way. I'm sorry for defending those who apparently did something to violate the rules. I'm sorry for speaking out against the tyranny that exists here.

I guess nobody else see's it like I do. For this, I truely am sorry.
Title: Re: Attacks on other Players
Post by: Lover on July 07, 2012, 07:27:23 AM
Trek, please read your words again - you, a man who usually is nice and gentle, started a discussion - that's ok. Just some of your statements are more a general accusal against some members of the forum then an exchange of opinions and facts.
I read your profile and thought "Wow, what has happened to him? Does he wanna split Achat in two halves?" Now, I'm glad you changed your banner...

I don't know the people you talked about - so I didn't answer to this post before. But I know that some girls (?) appear frequently, with almost the same name, same profile... and try to attack thos ones who don't do like they want.
One of them, her name was called here, "promised" a friend of mine to make him this place the hell on earth. Suddenly, a free member appears, called "fakepolice"... in her banner you read several names of fakes. Two of them I really do know and they (woman and man) aren't fakes.

I don't wanna be misunderstood - I accept you try to defend people you like. That's honorable. Just be sure they are worth it (and not are just friendly to you because they want your money) and don't attack other people in same way, you say you try to defeat the weak.

We all are different - we have different wishes, different opinions and different likings. But we share one love - AChat. We all are here to meet friends, to get to know new people and to improve a great game.
If you feel to be alone at this moment I can prmise you are not. Though there may be different thoughts about this one point, there also are many things many (or almost all) agree with you.
Title: Re: Attacks on other Players
Post by: Brandybee on July 07, 2012, 07:31:07 AM
Trek,  Its noble of you to stand up for those you feel are wronged .. and for that I applaud you ..

I am sorry , we have lost a member of the game if that is the case ...

I have no knowledge of this misunderstanding you speak of or why it  has occurred ... but like everything in life, there is always two sides to a story and the only way to resolve it, is not to take sides but to encourage the disputed parties to talk and hammer it out ..  and if a solution cannot be reached then to agree to disagree ... and move on...  and if it can .. great .. harmony rules once more.

I echo Bear's wise words .. this is not the place to air those disputes, unless up for general discussion and advice .. names are not needed for such .. to do so just encourages and ignites a situation that is already volatile it seems... and serves no purpose.

Tyranny &  Bullying has no place here and I hope most would speak out against it.

Food for some thought    "  Our attitude towards life determines life's attitude towards us "       The word "life" can be exchanged to suit, dont you think too  ....

" Eva's plant" ....  I just love you Covems .... wondering off slowly ...  hope one day, I get an " Eva's plant" , or  " someone to buy my basket weave chairs"  mmm  ... think I'll go put my " Country Boys "  CD on ... cool group  down at the Bar & Grill  ... laters   ;D  ;D  ;D
Title: Re: Attacks on other Players
Post by: medjai on July 07, 2012, 09:00:10 AM
I jut read all of your posts and from how I see it when ever someone treats you a way you don't like you either sort it out or you ignore them ( we do have that option).

That been said I don't want to talk trash about enyone but in this case Trek I think you've been played and took advantage of your good heart, I'm maybe wrong but that's how I see it. Like others said  every now and then a girl appear with a profile with a hot girl on it and dissapears 1/2 weeks later, in theese 2 weeks she made no friends. Coincidence...maybe but seems very strange to me.

Oh another thing Trek one of your friends is one of these girls, she has multiple accounts and sells fake pics, I can tell you in private all her accounts if you don't believe me, you just have to take a look at those profile to see it's the same person.
Title: Re: Attacks on other Players
Post by: Brandybee on July 07, 2012, 04:33:06 PM
Oh no Covems, please, I beg forgiveness ... I see my words there to haunt me ..... I did not mean to upset your Eva , I did not mean to incur her wrath and cause her to be grumpy, nor to ruin any future scrabble games you had planned ... I did not mean to cause her to short her circuits or yours ... please I offer my screwdriver and oil in recompense ...  Please have  night on my yacht for a romantic interlude with your Eva ... just be careful of the waters edge...  the only sparks caused should be by your sweet words whispered in her ear .....
Title: Re: Attacks on other Players
Post by: Lover on July 08, 2012, 06:49:12 AM
I ask everyone to stop posting here now. I think we have said everything and not to bump this thread back to top with each new post.