AChat Forum

Discussions about sex => Everything about sex and love => Topic started by: dion on September 04, 2012, 05:44:25 PM

Title: True story
Post by: dion on September 04, 2012, 05:44:25 PM
I signed up in A chat in the first days of April 2011. When i became a premium member i started looking around to find friends for the sex play, like every new member do.
Day by day i realised that many ppl weren t in a chat only for the virtual sex but wanted to chat too.That was nice. So i found some good friends to chat with and sharing our exerienses.
Some day around in 15 of April i met a girl in here .She was a new member too. We spent a lot of time together. She was a nice, interesting person.
Days passed and we came close. Every day more and more.
We shared everything . From a chat things to real life s troubles.
After 2 months  we decided to share more informations about us. The first thing was our e mail and then our messanger.
We sent many e mails to each other during the day and we had some chating when i was at the office. Up to 14 hours a day together.
Some day i had a great idea.
i asked her to have a voice call .
She refused...
I thought...ok maybe its still early for something like that.
We continued our beautifull trip like it was ....with e mails and chating but the voice call was always in my mind.
The next days i pushed her enough for it.
Her answer was the same.....NO
One day when we were in romantic mood , i pushed right click on the voice call field....
She declined it..
She didnt say anything.......and i did it again.
Same ....declined
I typed to her ....please ....i want to hear you..
She didnt answer me
After 3 minutes she did a voice call to me.
I answered fast. Her first words were....hello dion.
When i heard her voice frst thought was.......OOOOPS
Something strainge happen here.....
I said to myself ...ok maybe her microphone have some troubles.
We talked for couple of minutes but the OOOPS was always in my
Then i your cam..
She answered .....i dont have a cam
I said ...please do it , i know you have...dont be shy !!
She looked so upset..
The truth is that i didnt want her to do it...something inside me was telling me that its not good what i m going to see..
But this thing inside me was
She did it. She opened her cam.......
On my screen apeared a young guy...with dark hair .....and brown eyes....
I felt thunders and lightnings inside me...GGRRRRRRR
I wanted to revile him but i didnt find words...
As you see my english are
Then i close my pc.
I didnt open it for a
When i returned here i created another profile. This one....DION

From that day i dont trust people so easy.
That s why i dont have so many friends in my lists.
It was a good lesson for me.

Title: Re: True story
Post by: Janine Dee on September 04, 2012, 09:51:32 PM
Okay,first to moderator, this isn't really a "Erotic Story" kind of post it seems more a "Everything About Sex And Love".

More to the point it's nothing new. It existed long before AChat started up,and will be happening long after the last of their servers goes offline.

The problem you are going to face Dion is that we have plenty of reasons to not voice/cam/pic. In the "Everything" board my friend ChristinaK has a thread on what happened to her when she had a guy who wore her down.

So you can either trust no one, and have few friends, or take people as they present themselves and go from there, because it isn't just gender, it's age, disability, or just a body that's less then the avatar ideal we get on here, or countless other things. People don't owe you the truth, and you are responsible if you seek it out.

This other person gave you limits and you pushed them till they blew up in your face.

I'm sorry, but in doing so you surrendered the victim card.

I'm sure you'll disagree, but please try to take from this that you are only entitled to what the other person chooses to give.
Title: Re: True story
Post by: bluedenim on September 05, 2012, 12:17:32 AM
Something of the reverse happened to me when I first came to AChat....
I made friends with a SM, dark-skinned, same age as me and very pleasant. We played together and talked for weeks and "she" kept telling me how much she loved me until one day we exchanged e-mail addresses and HE sent me a picture of himself, a young boy and I mean younger than 18, from Europe, I'm not saying where.
He was devastated because I wouldn't send anything in return.
I was upset that a young boy had been on AChat anyway, but more that he felt such strong emotions that he had to send me the truth about himself. Obviously because he was, or certainly looked like he was, young, I couldn't play with him any more and it did make me aware of just what AChat is.

AChat is Pandora's box.

Either play it with what it says it is or
Open it at your peril.

Title: Re: True story
Post by: dion on September 05, 2012, 01:35:57 AM
Yes you are right. As i told you i took my lesson.
But i was young and it was a big surprise for me. I mean young in a place like this. The virtual world.

If i post it in the wrong place then i m sorry for that.
Title: Re: True story
Post by: hentaiboy69 on September 05, 2012, 01:55:40 AM
Yep, Dion......really sorry for what happend to you!

Looking at what you had write, i can understand how you was "caught" by her during your virtual date. I don't have experienced something similar till now (mmmmh, better remember to all the new user of the forum i am a guy using a SM account) but can understand how you feel.....probably.
Title: Re: True story
Post by: Azrielle on September 05, 2012, 03:57:10 AM
it did make me aware of just what AChat is.

AChat is Pandora's box.

Either play it with what it says it is or
Open it at your peril.

In total agreement with you there, Sis.

One of the reasons why I consider AChat a Game, and not an adult dating website. If you're really looking for romance, there are other more suitable places to find it. Its better to always keep things in perspective.

Mwah! Az.
Title: Re: True story
Post by: hentaiboy69 on September 05, 2012, 04:01:49 AM
Az, you are right......but, you know.....that don't mean it can't happend. Sure is everyone must pay great attention to how people we meet are, cause hiding the real self behind the screen is easy and hard to find out.

After this, i hope anyone is having good time here (less or more!)!   ;)
Title: Re: True story
Post by: Lover on September 05, 2012, 04:10:29 AM
Dion, i inderstand your wish to know more about the one you almost fall in love (especially as "she" seemed to feel the same). But all you do here you do on your own responsibility.
This is one reason I do my best to keep young people away from here - the pressure some "lovers" may give to them is so high and they are (usually) too unexperienced and too shy to disagree with special wishes.

When your lover doesn't accept your wish - you HAVE to accept this. This is one golden rule here i wanna give to anyone. And even if its just to protect yourself.

But I also hope you will find wonderful friends here and have much fun. I also respect you published your story - as a help for you but also for many others. Thanks for it.

Title: Re: True story
Post by: dion on September 05, 2012, 12:03:16 PM
I know thought was wrong. When (she) told me no, i had to accept it without asking for explainations.
But you know are these things. Dont tell me that noone else in here didnt have the curiosity to learn more details about his or her lover?
We all say ..oh come on its only a virtual sex game . But its also a trap.A trap for human feelings.
Many times i meet people in a chat who they feel sad or ungry cause somenone hurt their feelings.
Maybe we are only some sexy avatars in here but behind them there are feelings . Our feelings.
So its easy for someone to cross the limits without understand it. Especialy new members who dont know how this world works.
Now i know.... but i had to fall in the trap.
I decided to to write this story and crumple my image just to show you how easy it is to fall in trap (emotional trap) .
No mutter your age, no mutter your  personality. It can be happen to everyone.
So be carefull you all.
Dont let this game get into your lives.
Just have some fun ..and this is it.
Title: Re: True story
Post by: bluedenim on September 05, 2012, 02:43:40 PM
It did happen to me. I was emotionally attached.
After this I met and eventually "married" someone else with whom I formed a very strong attachment and although she has not been on AChat for several months now, I am still emotionally attached.......
It happens, we wouldn't be human if it didn't and I am not the one to say "Don't form attachments" I am the worst example, even tho I know I shouldn't.
Title: Re: True story
Post by: Lover on September 05, 2012, 04:23:42 PM
I don't say that nobody (and me too) wants to know more about the people we really like. When I started here I thought "oh great.. a nice place to have sex without giving any personal infos. Talk - meet - have sex - go".
Soon I learned more about myself - this is not the way i love to have sex. I like to talk about private infos, wanna know more about the person - not of everyone but sometimes i feel a stronger connection.
And with some i also use messenger to chat - its simply better to chat then here if you just wanna talk or if one of you cannot start achat.

I just say there is a reason why some dont wanna share pics, chat on messenger or use voice talk. No matter about the reason we have to accept it.
And if somebody does its a great sign of trust. Unfortunately here are assholes that misuse this trust. All honest people have to suffer...

Title: Re: True story
Post by: Janine Dee on September 05, 2012, 04:47:15 PM
Okay, I first want to say that I'm not "sorry" I came on as strong as I did because the pushing for voice/cam/pics is a topic that does elicit a very passionate response from me. I do however hope no feelings were hurt by my words/tone.

The irony is that the no cam/voice/pic rule is how I keep this a "game". While I can and do share some details I am 100% in control of them, and in being that in control of them I keep this place a refuge where I CAN share details and have people to talk to about them, but can also not mention certain problems and effectively "leave them at the door" for a time.

I myself actually wavered once on the Voice Contribution thread because I was considering sending my voice in, and while I said I didn't like how I sounded the better way to say it was I heard my own real life voice and thought. "Oh FUCK! Too real! Too real! Retreat! Retreat!"

I just stand by my earlier end of post where I said you have to take people as they present themselves and go from there. It's as real in real life as it is online. Anytime you grow close to someone if you are close to them for any length of time you will find out ugly truths.

Now in this case I won't argue the truth was pretty profound, but it still holds.

As far as the aftermath? All I can do is say my view on it. There are plenty of guys I would have sex with if I were sexually attracted to men, and I mean that I can have an emotional intimacy of a close friendship, but for the arousal of a sexual intimacy I need a woman. So if I were in the place of learning a female sex partner on AChat was a guy using a female avatar... the emotional closeness is there, the feminine arousal source was there, but after learning they were actually guys it's gone.

If you know who you are and are comfortable with that person the rest of the world flows around you.