AChat Forum

Discussions about sex => Everything about sex and love => Topic started by: jeanona31 on September 30, 2012, 05:08:06 AM

Title: I got a strange personal message.. !?
Post by: jeanona31 on September 30, 2012, 05:08:06 AM
I've thought for a while is it right to publish this message and draw attention to this person.
 In the end I thought maybe it's better to warn all of you to this user.

The user name is : Fannini
(No subject)
« Sent to: jeanona31 on: September 26, 2012, 06:05:48 PM »

BTW   achat user's know that U are a guy and U have man's avatar too?

Silly oldy dinky goat.

LOSER !!!!

U had one chance to delete your all avis and U lost !!

Good luck in REAL !!

Well what to say to this.  :-\ ;D
I was not upset, think i was  more surprised by this strange message.
I do not remember if I ever had the chance to know this person and I'am glad think I had not.
Still I don't exclude the possibility that  maybe it's  someone I used to know but this time that someone  has a different name.
I do not know what was the intention of the person but anyways I can say it's rude , ridiculous and pathetic.

At the and I wan to say, to all whom it may concern:

I am a woman from head to toes,  I have only one avatar
 I'm sure, if I'm a guy, I would  have a male avatar and wouldn't present myself otherwise.
I don't deal with lies - not even just for fun.Simply cause i don't need it.
Fortunately a couple of dear friends here know me, my real name - the real me.
Guess this PM and these kind of  things are somewhat common in the virtual world.

Title: Re: I got a strange personal message.. !?
Post by: hentaiboy69 on September 30, 2012, 06:19:48 AM
Dunno what to say, Jeanona......

Maybe is someone just jelous for the success of your clothes, or simply someone crazy like hell! Or, last option, someone who just like to botherer other people.

Don't pay so much attention to him, we know who you are....a wonderful friend who is working hard to increase AChat experience!
Title: Re: I got a strange personal message.. !?
Post by: Rukya on September 30, 2012, 07:16:25 AM
you forgot an option hentai . maybe a hacker who try to make you scary
Title: Re: I got a strange personal message.. !?
Post by: hothiro on September 30, 2012, 07:44:13 AM
jeanona31 Don’t pay attention I don’t know who she is and why she is doing this  but she is obsessed with my account too find below a couple I received last week ... the funny thing is that she thinks I'm French ... I never been in France ... LOL ... so cheer up your not alone jeonona31

user name : Fannini
(No subject)
« Sent to: hothiro on: September 27, 2012, 11:46:59 AM »

Fucking french man, so U didnt delete your account?

You had one chance and you LOST.

Good luck!!


user name : Fannini
Subject: Fuck your mother's ass
« Sent to: hothiro on: September 27, 2012, 03:55:30 PM »

Fucking oldy dinky Jean-Louis. You have one day to delete your fucking avatar.
If you dont, I shall have a real surprise.
Better if you dont play with me.

Mother's ass fucker.
Title: Re: I got a strange personal message.. !?
Post by: Rukya on September 30, 2012, 07:51:03 AM
lol another cookie monster  ;D
Title: Re: I got a strange personal message.. !?
Post by: hothiro on September 30, 2012, 07:53:24 AM
lol another cookie monster  ;D

lol ... yeap =)))
Title: Re: I got a strange personal message.. !?
Post by: hentaiboy69 on September 30, 2012, 08:05:46 AM
uhhmmmmm....dunno why, but i start to think SHE is the fake girl here! or maybe she have some deep mental problem.....sad sad sad!
Title: Re: I got a strange personal message.. !?
Post by: hothiro on September 30, 2012, 08:32:48 AM
uhhmmmmm....dunno why, but i start to think SHE is the fake girl here! or maybe she have some deep mental problem.....sad sad sad!


She was causing problems to me for a month … tried to reason with her but no use … she sent messages to my friend list telling that I’m hers and I’m 60 years old and she met me in Paris … I don’t know how she built that story I even never went private with her … anyway didn’t want to report her perhaps she will come to sense!
Title: Re: I got a strange personal message.. !?
Post by: hentaiboy69 on September 30, 2012, 08:46:14 AM
… anyway didn’t want to report her perhaps she will come to sense!

sorry, but on this point i she is over you she can do the same with others users. She can be just an under age guys who like to play dumb around and, anyway, she is ine who just like pesting around and ruining other people experience!
Title: Re: I got a strange personal message.. !?
Post by: Bear on September 30, 2012, 09:23:19 AM
Was this in the game...  or forum?....

and the Jean_louis statement... I got slammed in game being accused by one of being a 60 year old Frenchman named such by a female .... it had flamed on several folks there for a couple days back in .. Augsut I think.

lol.. likewise hardly french....
Title: Re: I got a strange personal message.. !?
Post by: Brandybee on September 30, 2012, 09:24:41 AM
Fanini hit me too in my Forum messages    lol    

"Fucking GUY, btw, did you say 4 people on this forum that U are just an oldy dinky man with a lot of other avatars?  Hmmm???
Hero, Darling. Fuzck U.

Good Luck."

COOKIE MONSTER  2 or is it 3      LMAO
Title: Re: I got a strange personal message.. !?
Post by: hothiro on September 30, 2012, 09:33:24 AM
Fanini hit me too in my Forum messages    lol    

"Fucking GUY, btw, did you say 4 people on this forum that U are just an oldy dinky man with a lot of other avatars?  Hmmm???
Hero, Darling. Fuzck U.

Good Luck."

COOKIE MONSTER  2 or is it 3      LMAO
LOL ... Thanks Jeanona for posting this thread .. Im sure we'll hear a lot about Fannini ... so it's 4 Brandybee  and counting...
Dear Bear the exact same thing happened to me in game and lost a bunch of friends on my list ... but that's ok i guess lol .. but the messages were in the forum

Title: Re: I got a strange personal message.. !?
Post by: dion on September 30, 2012, 10:09:51 AM
Well....i thought i was the only one who had strange messages from Fannini.
So i had 3......
September 13, 2012, 02:09:34 PM
(No subject)
From Fannini

"it was your last action, did you say to Stone that i am a boy? fuck off "


September 26, 2012, 05:45:00 PM
(No subject)
From Fannini

"LOSER with your all avatar's"

September 26, 2012, 05:50:33 PM
(No subject)
From fannini

"and do U like real surprises? I hope: YES cause I have some !!

I told: NOBODY cant play with my heart without punishment!!"

So just in time, when i was thinking for what is going on with this person i see and other people who had the same strange messages.


"LOSER with your all avatar's."

From Fannini

Title: Re: I got a strange personal message.. !?
Post by: Lover on September 30, 2012, 11:50:45 AM
Thanks Faninini... finally we have a member who is guarding the game and recognozies fake users ;)

Ok, am serious now. Jeanona, you did it right to post here. You see you're not alone. Not enough we have more and more whores, now we also have more and more idiots and cookie monsters.
Another friend of mine, who plays this game together with her real partner (both have their own avas here) also got messages from a (free) member calling her "fake". This asshole had more names in his banner. As I try to talked to him he just laughed and answered "read the forum, this might help you".

I just can say if you ever got messages like this delete (or better post here first). If it happens one it might be funny or at least a gag. But Fannini (and other user who are doing this) should be reported to the A-Team. If you ask me, this is kind of "mobbing" (hope its an international term) and should not be accepted!

Perhaps we all should flood Fannini with messages if the A-Team doens't do anything... ;D
Title: Re: I got a strange personal message.. !?
Post by: Rukya on September 30, 2012, 01:00:50 PM
lover , great idea lol  ;D we can consider this as some cookie monsters counter measures . If eveyone here send her message like this , i think she will calm down  ;D
Title: Re: I got a strange personal message.. !?
Post by: Fannini on September 30, 2012, 03:26:53 PM
sorry for all about disturbing.
Achat team deleted my account I didnt use client and now I ask The Team please delete my forum account too.

Sorry again, I leave this site.
It was a bad game for me, virtual love is fake. People lie about ages and sex here.

People please enjoy this game, and dont worry i dont like to disturb people anymore.

Bye for all.

Sorry again.
Title: Re: I got a strange personal message.. !?
Post by: Stone on September 30, 2012, 04:12:02 PM
Fannini,  I think we know each other.  The guy you are looking for here has left.  He is not these good people.   

He was my best friend here and I miss him but its time for the messages to stop, I think you realise that now.

I hope you find what you are looking for in life. 

Take care & Good Luck.   
Title: Re: I got a strange personal message.. !?
Post by: Fannini on September 30, 2012, 11:51:11 PM
Yes Stone, You are right.

Now I know he left this site.

And me too, now i delete my forum account and I really sorry for people with I was bad here.
Never do it again. And i forget that bad man.

Better for me if i never come here again.

Good luck 4 all people and enjoy time.

For U Stone too.

Bye this game. 

And sorry again.

Title: Re: I got a strange personal message.. !?
Post by: hentaiboy69 on October 01, 2012, 01:59:00 AM
Fannini, you probably don't read this from now on, but let me spent two more words.....

sorry if my preview posts are a bit strong and if they sounds like if i consider you a bad person, that's not my intention. and i'm sorry to hear you have a bad experience with a man, here on Achat.....our bad, those things happend here like in the real world and, from what i read, i can understand how your feeling for him were true and strong.

All i can do for you, know, is hope you will be more lucky the next time! Best wishes from now on, Fannini!
Title: Re: I got a strange personal message.. !?
Post by: Lover on October 01, 2012, 02:28:04 AM
Im different HB. It's sad what has happened to her and I also wish her all the best for her life.
But this doesn't give the right for anyone to attack and offend other people! Never! Especially when you even don't know them. Especially when you notice you have been betrayed you should be very careful about your own way of treating other people.

It's a brave decision to answer here. My respect. Perhaps she has learned something important for life in general. Again my best wishes for her future.
It was good Jeanona started this thread. Perhaps it may help us all...
Title: Re: I got a strange personal message.. !?
Post by: hentaiboy69 on October 01, 2012, 03:06:01 AM
Of course, Lover......even if she had a bad experience,, what she had done after it is wrong! If a person is a liar, that doesn't mean other are too and it's not a good reason for what she had done.

And yes, i think her answer here means she had probably understand she had make a mistake with her "message". I think she can be proud for answering us here cause i think others don't do it.

Fannini, again, best wishes for your future!
Title: Re: I got a strange personal message.. !?
Post by: Marilyn on October 01, 2012, 04:09:19 AM
Omg, this Cookie Monster is scary!  :D
Title: Re: I got a strange personal message.. !?
Post by: hothiro on October 01, 2012, 07:10:08 AM
Fannini hope you read this ...  I'm really sorry how things developed ... tried to explain it to you but sadly you didn't believe ...  I appreciate that you realized your mistake and all whats left  for me to say is to wish you the best luck in your life and try to forget this bad experience ... take care
Title: Re: I got a strange personal message.. !?
Post by: Bear on October 01, 2012, 07:54:55 AM
I can emphathize with the emotional pain... and acknowledge the courage to apologize and and admit the error.

I too am like Lover,  the failure in respect and presumption in these attacks were unjustified. This realm can generate very emotional   responses.  yet, ...I don't feel though that it entitles one to flame blindly. Such comments can be brutally irresponsible if they cross paths ionto others who are sensative.

I add that last part due to the Jean-Louis messages sent to me in Agust... simply because they did not attack the person... but his mother besides.

I am sorry that emotional  pain was found here... and nod to the courage to admit wrong...

I wish Faninni peace which might lead to some clarity in dealing with this emotional pain.

Title: Re: I got a strange personal message.. !?
Post by: Marilyn on October 01, 2012, 09:34:15 AM
I've just read Fannini's message.

Good luck and thank you for posting your apologizes...
Title: Re: I got a strange personal message.. !?
Post by: jeanona31 on October 01, 2012, 10:44:10 AM
My dear dear sweet friends
what amazing things can happen when people communicate in a good way  .
Here in this forum  and in this game I was assured many times in it - especially here on the forum.
Thank you all - for your posts, support and your opinions.

Dear Fannini it was very brave of you to show up and publicly apologize everyone, my respect what you did this
maybe I'am a bit crazy but somehow i feel sad because of your frustrations and bad experiences here.
I feel sorry for what you want,( because of frustrations and that guy), to  leave this place with such bad feelings.
Don't do that from wrong bad feelings.Yes some people lies about everything but i can't agree with you completely ,virtual love or virtual friendships can also made influence,  in a positive way in your real life, they can be valuable just like in real life, in some strange magic different ways  :)
You just did not have enough luck to find valuable sincere friends here.

So please be well, and I wish you all the best...
P.S It would be best to give this game a real chance, with only a small pinch of salt, the reality is one thing and magic is  something completely different but equally good - when you can keep some balance between these two.

Soory guys I'm just incorrigible idealist and dreamer  ;D
But that's good I guess ...
Title: Re: I got a strange personal message.. !?
Post by: Lover on October 01, 2012, 10:53:15 AM
Jeanona, there is nothing more to add!
Title: Re: I got a strange personal message.. !?
Post by: Lydiarose on October 02, 2012, 11:05:46 AM
I feel sorry for Fannini, but what she did was wrong,and what happen to her was wrong to, all i like to say is that this is a game not a date site,
Title: Re: I got a strange personal message.. !?
Post by: Bear on October 02, 2012, 11:21:02 AM
It goes back to the qustion I asked Norwich in the tattler... how do you perceive this spot... a game or a social site?

There are many here who do come for social reasons... and seek an emotional attachement. It happens... intimacy will create some very strong ties. It is neither right or wrong... but a factor each of us must deal with in our exchanges with other. When things go wrong... the emotional reactions can vary.... as we see here in this case.

Hopefully people will read this thread and understand just how deep they might tug on emotional strings.  Being liberal in your flowery prose of seduction, may unintentially wreak havoc in anothers soul when reality sits in.