AChat Forum

Discussions about AChat => Share your creative ideas => Topic started by: Mollie on October 07, 2012, 04:29:35 AM

Title: Accept or decline a gift
Post by: Mollie on October 07, 2012, 04:29:35 AM

Dear AChat

 Please include an option for me to DECLINE a gift.  I know the gifting process is a money maker for AChat, but I have gotten a couple of gifts from people that I don't want to accept, but I have no choice in the matter.

 You give me an option for accepting or rejecting a relationship request, would you please give me the same courtesy for gifts?

Thank you,
Title: Re: Accept or decline a gift
Post by: Lover on October 07, 2012, 12:54:23 PM
I understand your wish. The gifting system is frequently discussed since it has been involved. Either for accepting/declining wishes or for the possibility to gift men. Another wish is to have presents (flowers, drinks...) as gift.

As far as I can say they won't change it (that's my opinion, not knowledge). Youself has given the most important arguement: Money maker.
The only thing you can do is give this gift away to girls or shemales you like... or accept it.

I know my answer won't satisfy you.. but it's all i can say.
Title: Re: Accept or decline a gift
Post by: Slut on October 07, 2012, 04:56:34 PM
I too have gotten gifts many times without even knowing why or wanting it at all and a decline or accept option would be nice yes, but like Lover said I doubt that will ever happen because AChat devs only care about money.
Title: Re: Accept or decline a gift
Post by: Rukya on October 07, 2012, 05:56:59 PM
maybe its little hmmmm materialist ( i think it the word ) , but i dont see things like this . If someone make me a gift , i dont see why refuse . I mean if its a friend who gift me , its nice . If its an hmmm let say "ennemy" who gift me (never happened yet) , he/she lose money for nothing . And if its someone i dont know , i hope its for a good reason , cause nothing force me to room with him/her after the gift .

But frankly , gifts are rare :) in one year , i think i had one time someone who lost his money , gifting me hopping a room with me after , and one who gave me 500 A$ to buy new clothes , just cause my avatar had nice clothes and he wanted that i was able to buy more clothes ( ps : i was yet premium and had no need of gift at these times to buy clothes  ;D)

All this just to say that i dont see the use of a refuse button for just one or two gifts a year  ;D
Title: Re: Accept or decline a gift
Post by: Slut on October 07, 2012, 07:30:56 PM
I have been gifted a few times where the gifter expected me to room... I suppose some people think if they give you gift you are forced to room, but all they ever got was having less money ;D
Title: Re: Accept or decline a gift
Post by: Rukya on October 08, 2012, 02:43:41 AM
exactly what i mean  ;D , so , mollie , here's my advice , accept the two gifts you dont like , if you dont like the ones who made them to you , nothing force you to like them more after these gifts , they just lost their money .
Title: Re: Accept or decline a gift
Post by: hentaiboy69 on October 08, 2012, 03:01:57 AM
I think at the moment, the best think Mollie can do is follow Lover himnt and use that A$ to gift someone she like.

anyway, the option to refuse a gift it's a good idea and i'd like to support it.
Title: Re: Accept or decline a gift
Post by: Bear on October 08, 2012, 07:54:27 AM
Well it is true that some think gifting creates an entilement  to rooming. If the continue pressing it simply say no..means no.. and that you would be happy to forward the gift to the whore of their choice.
Title: Re: Accept or decline a gift
Post by: flyeneagle on October 16, 2012, 10:37:46 AM
or at least have a exchange program if you cant decline it at least let us return it like the real stores for achat creidt then no body will lose that way you still get your mony and we get what we like then i think more people would be happyand would not have to decline a gift they would beable to exchange it for something they like and you still make money that way. cause your not declineing it just exchangeing it for what u like. there are sometimes you veven buy something then when you use it its not what you thought. there should be an exchange in the store
Title: Re: Accept or decline a gift
Post by: Lydiarose on October 20, 2012, 03:13:49 PM
What i would like to see done with unwanted gifts (give them to me LOL) is see Achat put something in shop that we could buy and the proceeds go to a good cause
Title: Re: Accept or decline a gift
Post by: Lover on October 21, 2012, 02:59:56 AM
Great idea Lydia.
Title: Re: Accept or decline a gift
Post by: Momma_andrea on December 25, 2012, 12:34:36 PM
In IMVU you had a "wish list" and you could gift someone something particular from their "wish list" so no money changed hands. You would open your messenger and a "Package" was there, sent by your lover. Maybe it was that blouse you wanted or those shoes that had caught your eye.  Honestly, I like the thought of gifts being things and not money.

The first time Steve gifted me here, I felt kind of cheap. but he said "No, go buy something nice. I WANT to give you this." so I did.

p.s.  I'm now a full member   :P
Title: Re: Accept or decline a gift
Post by: Lover on December 25, 2012, 01:20:45 PM
Congrats for reaching 100 posts Andrea :)

In the main topic about gifting system this idea was discussed deeply. I'm using my phone atm, will add the link later....

Here is one of few links,633.45.html
I think the gifting system will be discussed again so if I have the time I will merge all threads about it.

For us men it almost would be better too. Sometimes you feel like buying the girl if you give money. On the other hand, when I give a gift my girl should use it f oil r whatever she wants and what's most important in this moment. Perhaps she has this wish list but her membership expired and she couldnt wear the blouse but needs money to renew subscription.
I also am sure some jealous idiots would argue if they see another person has gifted the special dress they want to give...
Title: Re: Accept or decline a gift
Post by: jeanona31 on December 25, 2012, 05:02:12 PM

Dear AChat

 Please include an option for me to DECLINE a gift.  I know the gifting process is a money maker for AChat, but I have gotten a couple of gifts from people that I don't want to accept, but I have no choice in the matter.

 You give me an option for accepting or rejecting a relationship request, would you please give me the same courtesy for gifts?

Thank you,

Hi Mollie ,

First of all welcome on the board  :)
You well pointed with this matter.
I Agree with Lover it would be to much to ask to decline gifts cause as you said gifting is money maker for Achat
We must not forget that this game and all things in Achat  less costly than in other similar games.
Also I agree with you that we should have at least  some choice about it .

It would be good if women also can gift, then we would  simply get back unwanted gift.

Cheers !
Title: Re: Accept or decline a gift
Post by: Rukya on December 25, 2012, 09:41:52 PM
congratz for reaching 100 posts  ;D
Title: Re: Accept or decline a gift
Post by: hentaiboy69 on December 26, 2012, 05:20:40 AM
congratz for reaching 100 posts  ;D

Lol.....Rkya, adding the name of the one who had reach the 100 posts, is too boring!?

Kidding apart.....congratulation for the 100th post, Momma_andrea!
Title: Re: Accept or decline a gift
Post by: Lover on December 26, 2012, 06:47:57 AM
It would be good if women also can gift, then we would  simply get back unwanted gift.
This could be one of the most important reasons they never allow girls gifting guys.