AChat Forum
Organizations & Events => Events => Topic started by: Lydiarose on October 15, 2012, 09:10:51 AM
need help could anyone tell me how i upload a picture into the Bar & Grill
First of all you need to 'host' the image somewhere. I have been using without problems.
Then, when you are posting to the Bar & Grill, look at the buttons above the section where you type.
Look at the second row of buttons, and hold the mouse over the second one from the left. You will see the text 'Insert Image'. Click that button, and two sets of square brackets will appear with 'img' in each one. Paste the address of your picture between the two sets of brackets.
So, it will look something like this ... [ IMG ] paste your picture address here [ /IMG ]
Hope this helps !
thanks for that
Here you get more infos,1405.0.html
stupid question maybe, but what or where is the Bar & Grill?
And Lydiarose: if that's you in the picture, then I'd love to learn to know you ;) :D
Hi Thom if you go to Erotic Stories you will find the bar & grill