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Discussions about sex => Everything about sex and love => Topic started by: Momma_andrea on November 03, 2012, 06:57:02 AM

Title: First online Dom, Domme
Post by: Momma_andrea on November 03, 2012, 06:57:02 AM
I'm not sure where to post this; its not a work of fiction persay and I would love to hear other stories of peoples first. But today in a chat all the memories of my first online Domme came flooding back and I feel like sharing.

Her name was Claire and it was over 11 years ago and we met in yahoo chat. I was maybe 5 months pregnant and my hormones were raging and I was constantly horny (as I have mentioned before). She was from the UK and 22 and I wasn't working so I was home alone during the day and we just started talking and giggling and at first it was vanilla roleplay but as days went by we had both been reading sites about D/s. So we started a roleplay,  I was an upstairs maid in her employ who had gotten pregnant from one of Madam's Aristocrat  guests who now of course denied everything. Madame in her generosity did not kick me out but took pity on me and would keep me in her employ and help me care for my coming child in her own house. Madam's care though had a price, our relationship changed and I was her pet and she my Mistress. Madam's abuse of me was not harsh, mostly it was just spankings, it was after all D/s not SM. As I say both Claire and I were newbs at this kind of roleplay but I think that is what made it special, like giving your virginity to someone who is also a virgin. We explored together and there were no wrong turns or bad experiences because we constantly talked even out of the roleplay. At this time I was closer to Claire than my own husband and one time in the game she threatened to send me away and my character broke down in tears and begged her Mistress' forgiveness while I myself balled my eyes out in my computer chair(again I blame pregnancy hormones). After the roleplay I told Claire this, sharing all with her as we always did. and I think it scared her." Shit became real" as the saying goes.

Claire started coming on less and we roleplayed less but still talked. Then she states she would like to take the other path and go sub, she felt that was calling her. I told her I could never Dominate her, not Madame Claire. And then one day I guess she just never came back. She would not answer my offline messages and she was never online again. I never held bitterness to her but I would be lying to say I wasn't a little heart broken. So I cleaved to my husband, my real, always there man, and told him about D/s. He was shocked at first but then thrilled. We don't outright play a lot any more. but the bedroom is usually spiced in that flavor.

So Claire, thank you, if you're out there. You will always be my first.
Title: Re: First online Dom, Domme
Post by: Kingdustin on November 03, 2012, 07:18:40 AM
wow that is a very nice story Momma_andrea. I felt the emotion as you told it very well, and i also could not help feel little heavy in the heart as told  about her leaving. very sad indeed. My heart gos out to you.

I don't have any D/s story to share. Iv never been good at RP. it all ways ended up feeling little awkward to me.
Title: Re: First online Dom, Domme
Post by: Momma_andrea on November 04, 2012, 03:07:29 PM
Thanks KingDustin, I'm glad I was able to convey the feelings as well as the facts.
I think our first anything can leave quite an impression on us be it positive, negative or a bit of both and I'm curious about others.
Title: Re: First online Dom, Domme
Post by: Kingdustin on November 04, 2012, 03:36:53 PM
Your Welcome Momma_andrea. =), and I do agree. First Impression are very important. As they leave the most impact on are lives.