AChat Forum

Organizations & Events => Contests => Topic started by: Brandybee on November 08, 2012, 02:40:35 PM

Title: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Brandybee on November 08, 2012, 02:40:35 PM
As you are all aware Tightfit74 is retiring from Forum and he has asked me to take over organising the next contest 4.  Of course I have mixed feelings about the situation. I want to carry on the erotic story contests , he has worked so relentlessly hard at to succeed, and they have. The quality of the stories submitted are amazing.  But also, selfishly, I don't want him to go. A contest without our Tight will be strange indeed. But I feel honoured, he has entrusted me with his "baby" and I hope I can at least continue his legacy to the Forum so ....

As the stories of contest 3 , Time Travel  are posted and the poll is opened, I wanted to start discussing a new Topic for the next contest 4. I suggest to gather ideas for 4-6 weeks, then make a poll and the topic with the most votes, will be the topic for the contest.

I hope to be able to organise 3 contests per year, and as the length of them is about 5 months (3 for writing and entering, 2 for reading and voting), I suggest to start the entry period for contest 4 to start after the first month of voting. With one month overlap, it is doable to organise 3 per year.

Open for theme suggestions till   Thurs  29 Nov 2012      Poll   Open 30  Nov till  31 Dec 2012

So without further ado,  Please could I have  suggestions for the next erotic contest 4

There was a couple I particularly liked from last time which was the nautical theme   and   Space travel theme .... 

All other ideas would be greatly appreciated  :)

Post by: hentaiboy69 on November 08, 2012, 03:48:55 PM
Brandy, stop kidding to your self, you can do this work well as Tight, i had tell you lot of time.....

Aaaanyway, about the the moment i really have no idea in mind, sigh! anyway, i'm in for spase theme cause at last it will be easy to turn it on some sci-fi story! eh eh!  ;D
Post by: Momma_andrea on November 08, 2012, 06:23:02 PM
I have always been fond of Medieval times but a nice Cowboy (old West)  story might be challenging. I've never done one.
Post by: hentaiboy69 on November 09, 2012, 10:04:53 AM
Andrea, they are both interessing theme! and please, share with us more of your story, if you have!
Post by: Lover on November 09, 2012, 10:09:49 AM
As we have a similar story this time in the contest, what about hot versions of old fairy tales?

Post by: hentaiboy69 on November 09, 2012, 10:57:55 AM
Lover, we can call it "Twisted fairy tales" and this is another interessing idea....there are lot of tales and everyone can give their personal version of them!

oh, i forget......can we set the time fot the start of it and others scheduled time!? i think it can give some idea for the theme too!
Post by: Brandybee on November 09, 2012, 11:09:53 AM
Ok,  I'm just going to play a little devils advocate here ...  children's stories & animals ... on a sex site... kind of makes me nervous.

Little Red Ridings is well written and I think the author changed the wolf to a hybrid for that very reason. It  does work well on this occasion,as the voting seems to show,  but, I wonder, how many other children's stories would... and would I honestly want them too...

Just food for thought folks ...  

Please also bear in mind this is my first time managing an erotic  story contest...

Was this a test Lover?  LOL   You trying to be controversial  already? ... please no children, no animals, nothing children related where sex is concerned ... please...
Post by: Lover on November 09, 2012, 11:16:23 AM
No Brandy, it wasn't as test. Perhpas I was brainless. Of course I never want any stories including children, animals, incest...
In my mind I had adult tales. But you're right. Either we have to set very narrow limits or we forget this idea.
Post by: hentaiboy69 on November 09, 2012, 11:28:32 AM
of course brandy is right.......there are too many tales who involved children and animals! gosh....i had totally forget about this!
Post by: TightFit74 on November 09, 2012, 01:40:23 PM
What about a location instead of a situation..?
what about a cruiseship in the broadest sense of the word. I can think of a zeppelin in the early 1900's, a cruiseship in the Bahama's or in the Beringsea. A cruise ship in space, hopping from planet to planet, a canal boat in Amsterdam or Venice..

On cruise ships, dreams come true, the strangest things can happen because people are open for an advaneture.. and the fact that there is nothing but open space around you, being tied down to one place, could offer a different angle or perspective.....
Post by: Momma_andrea on November 09, 2012, 02:48:49 PM
What about a location instead of a situation..?

VEGAS BABY! what happens in Vegas, stays in vegas  lol
Post by: Momma_andrea on November 09, 2012, 07:28:08 PM
Andrea, they are both interessing theme! and please, share with us more of your story, if you have!
I posted a new story by the way Hentaiboy and thank you for the interest in the other. not sure if I'll continue it.

Anyway, Dragons, how about it must contain Dragons.
Post by: tangoracer on November 09, 2012, 11:12:40 PM
Nice to see you Tight and I think in your honor we should do the next contest as locations you get my vote

I'm sure all your friends here would agree with me on this one

Great to see you again friend Tango
Post by: hentaiboy69 on November 10, 2012, 02:50:05 PM
Andrea, they are both interessing theme! and please, share with us more of your story, if you have!
I posted a new story by the way Hentaiboy and thank you for the interest in the other. not sure if I'll continue it.

Anyway, Dragons, how about it must contain Dragons.

A contest with dragon!? Andrea, you are talking with the father of lot dragon girl.....i advice you!
Post by: jayc on November 10, 2012, 03:49:03 PM
a few ideas

wartime romance
cops and robbers
Post by: Momma_andrea on November 10, 2012, 09:38:48 PM
I like the thought of specific place, we all have to write about a cruise ship, or maybe stranded on an island hmm

But that War time Romance sounds good too. because they can be so hot. 2 desperate people just trying to survive or deal with it and they find each other, if just for the moment
I love the movie "Enemy at the Gates" just for that romance between Jude Law's character and Rachel Weiss' character during the siege of Stalingrad. I mean its a good movie for other reasons but when they make love in that crowded bomb shelter where everyone was sleeping, its so risky and so ...Taboo, for lack of a better word. It was hot because they wanted each other so much, they didn't care where they were. 
(good movie if you haven't seen it by the way)
Something to think about.
Post by: Brandybee on November 12, 2012, 03:29:36 PM
Summary of themes so far  :-

Space Travel
Medieval Times
Wild West / Cowboy
War time
Spring time
James Bond / Spy / Espionage
Cops &  Robbers
Dragon story

Location ideas :-    " Cruise "  ship - includes    ships / zepplins / spaceship / canal boats etc...
                                 Las Vegas
                                 Desert Island

You Folks are inspired. Great ideas so far.  :)
Post by: Covems on November 12, 2012, 05:04:01 PM
A Laboratory
A Robot Laboratory


Post by: hentaiboy69 on November 12, 2012, 05:05:59 PM
wonder why i'm not surprised with this request, Covems!
Post by: Lover on November 13, 2012, 06:06:55 AM
Fair/theme park
Water world/ swimming pool / spa
Shopping mall
Post by: hentaiboy69 on November 13, 2012, 12:01:27 PM
mmmh, what about a concert or another public event!? maybe all can born after a casual meeting
Post by: ssgt on November 14, 2012, 06:10:32 AM
What about  a medical theme in a hospital or a weekend trip to a nudist colony.
Post by: hentaiboy69 on November 15, 2012, 03:31:39 AM
We usualy talk about place or a certain history age, but this morning i was about a situation....maybe a "First time" but i'm not talking about a first sex experience. the concept of first time can be vaste: first sex experience (of course!), first travel alone in a foreign country, first time at a live concert (as singer or as spectator) or others!

That's just a simple idea i have this morning when i wake up and honestly, it think it can be interessing!
Post by: Lover on November 15, 2012, 03:34:42 AM
Good idea HB! The first....
Post by: hentaiboy69 on November 15, 2012, 03:41:34 AM
Thank you Lover!

Mmmh, thinking about this contest.......even for Brandy this is a first time....  ;D
Post by: Brandybee on November 18, 2012, 07:01:11 AM
There is about 20 suggestions now so may close the theme suggestions a little early for voting to commence if there is no objections ...

Summary of themes so far  :-

1 - Space Travel
2 - Nautical
3 - Medieval Times
4 - Wild West / Cowboy
5 - War time
6 - Spring time
7 - James Bond / Spy / Espionage
8 - Cops &  Robbers
9 - Dragon story
10 -Robot Laboratory / Mad Scientist  ;D
11- Mecical / Hospital
12 - The first time ....  ( sex / event /  travel /  concert / anything first time ... )

Location ideas :-  13 - " Cruise "  ship - includes    ships / zepplins / spaceship / canal boats etc...
                            14 -  Las Vegas
                            15 -  Desert Island
                             16 -  Fair/theme park
                             17 -  Water world/ swimming pool / spa
                              18 -  Shopping mall
                              19 -  Concert / Public event

Thanking you all for your splendid ideas and if you think we should now move to the voting stage, please let me know that too.. ;D

Post by: hentaiboy69 on November 18, 2012, 07:04:03 AM
Maybe you are right....too much suggestion gonna make our votes get a little bit lost
Post by: Brandybee on November 20, 2012, 06:13:31 PM
1 - Space Travel
2 - Nautical
3 - Medieval Times
4 - Wild West / Cowboy
5 - War time
6 - Spring time
7 - James Bond / Spy / Espionage
8 - Cops &  Robbers
9 - Dragon story
10 -Robot Laboratory / Mad Scientist 
11- Mecical / Hospital
12 - The first time ....  ( sex / event /  travel /  concert / anything first time ... )

Location ideas :-  13 - " Cruise "  ship - includes    ships / zepplins / spaceship / canal boats etc...
                            14 -  Las Vegas
                            15 -  Desert Island
                             16 -  Fair/theme park
                             17 -  Water world/ swimming pool / spa
                              18 -  Shopping mall
                              19 -  Concert / Public event

Ok,  People, can I ask you choose your top 6 out of the above  topics and the most popular will be put up for a  poll.      19  is too many to put up at once. I would like to narrow it down to the popular top 6 .  Thanks ever so  :)

My top 6  are  :-

2  Nautical
3  medieval
5  War time
12  The First Time
13  A  Cruising ship / transporter
15  Desert  Island

Post by: Bear on November 20, 2012, 06:19:02 PM
Your list could be consolidated greatly by lumping a few options in together for a broader base of options...

ie Nautical/water related covers cruise ships... water play of all forms

just a thought...
Post by: ssgt on November 20, 2012, 06:42:25 PM
Here are my 6, but it is a combination of a few

2.  Nautical   I think cruise and desert island can be combined
3.  Medieval
4.  Wild West/Cowboy. 
5.  Wartime.  A natural one for me, lol
6.  Medical/Hospital
7.  First Time

Some of the locations could be combined for some wild stories
Post by: Momma_andrea on November 20, 2012, 07:07:26 PM
My picks  :D
Post by: hentaiboy69 on November 21, 2012, 02:59:53 AM
Uhhmmmm....6 fav theme.....

6 - Spring time
7 - James Bond / Spy / Espionage
10 - Robot Laboratory / Mad Scientist 
12 - The first time ....  ( sex / event /  travel /  concert / anything first time ... )
13 - " Cruise "  ship - includes    ships / zepplins / spaceship / canal boats etc...
19 -  Concert / Public event

here we go! but, of course, the number one for me will remain number 12....the first time!
Post by: Lover on November 23, 2012, 04:01:25 AM
My sex, uhm six:

1 Spring time
2 Cruise ship
3 Public event
4 First time
5 Water world
6 Shopping mall
Post by: hentaiboy69 on November 23, 2012, 04:09:35 AM
Thank for posting them Lover!
I had talk with Brandy about this suggestion of the six most wanted, and at last we think we can wait till the end of the month to give everyone the chance to express theyr opinio. Then, it's time for open a poll!

so, my friends, hurry up!
Post by: Brandybee on November 23, 2012, 08:12:52 AM
Ok   Erotic Story Fans,   I have posted the 12 most popular themes for voting  as the subject for the next contest.

Lets get this party started  :)     :P

If  there is an out right winner, then, that of course will be the theme of the next Erotic Story 4 Contest.
In the case of  winning themes being on the same number of  votes,  I will use " paper and a hat"  for drawing out the winning theme.

I really would prefer a winner to be indicated though ...  Please vote peoples  ;D

POLL OPENED :- 23 NOV 2012       POLL CLOSES   31 DEC  2012
Post by: Momma_andrea on November 23, 2012, 08:20:58 AM
If nautical gets picked I could still do the cruise ship story. I have an Idea for that one, I have an Idea for old west and I got an idea for Desert Island.
Wartime...not so much but I'm sure I can come up with something and not be too cliche'.
Post by: Lover on November 23, 2012, 08:24:52 AM
If wartime wins you can you use your idea of cruise ship, just put it on a battleship :D
Post by: Brandybee on November 23, 2012, 08:28:55 AM
Sounds interesting Momma Andrea -  actually  a cruise ship story could be included in the  Nautical  or  Transporter themes  ;)

All themes are open to the widest of meanings as long as you can put up a reasoned argument that the chosen theme is covered by your story. ;)

I will post the rules and prizes of the competition, once the theme is chosen .   :-*

POLL  OPENED :-   23 NOV 2012.      POLL  CLOSES :-  31 DEC  2012
Post by: Momma_andrea on November 23, 2012, 08:32:43 AM
If wartime wins you can you use your idea of cruise ship, just put it on a battleship :D
LOL, no, if you knew my Idea for the cruise ship you would be like "Oh an orgy on a Battleship,hmm... how did that work out?"
Post by: Lover on November 23, 2012, 08:35:25 AM
Oh an orgy on a Battleship,hmm..
Sounds really hot :D Remember, you're in AChat - everything is possible!
Post by: hentaiboy69 on November 23, 2012, 09:11:01 AM
Andrea and Lover.....maybe it can be a new chemical bomb who will make so damn horny whoever brreath the gas!  ;D

just, realy hope we don't gonna have the "War time" subject!
Post by: Momma_andrea on December 15, 2012, 06:19:36 AM
Oh, you people are killing me! I was getting all geared up for war romance, now I have to shift my thoughts to 'first times'.   :P

Post by: hentaiboy69 on December 15, 2012, 07:08:15 AM
I was in the same situation till "First time" gain back the eh!

Don't get it's not cause i don't like the theme.....  ::)
Post by: Brandybee on December 27, 2012, 04:21:19 AM
Only  4 more days of voting to go ...

Looks like  HB's suggestion  of  " First time "  is popular    ... this is a theme where anything to do with a first time experience is allowed, be it you first sexual experience, a first journey, a first time at a theatre, a bar, the cinema, on holiday ....  really if you think about it ... the possibilites are endless ...

Coming up a close second is  Jayc's  " War Time "    Again.. it can include a war of the past, present or future ... World War 1 ,  WW 2 ,   A war of the worlds type story,  Star wars,  Total Recall, or even a war that is  between marauding people -  vikings,  Red Indians, Avatar, Knights ... Again, if you think about it .. the possibilities are endless...

Hope your imaginations are getting inspired & the appetite for writing is whetted and ready to go...

I have thought about this lately & won't be entering this Contest 4 myself , preferring to concentrate  on making this next Contest 4 as successful as Tight has made them ..   

So all you budding writers out there ... watch out, I will be on your tail soon   :)   and you established contestants too   ;D

Hugs & Luck.   ;D
Post by: hentaiboy69 on December 27, 2012, 05:05:04 AM
Looks like  HB's suggestion  of  " First time "  is popular    ... this is a theme where anything to do with a first time experience is allowed, be it you first sexual experience, a first journey, a first time at a theatre, a bar, the cinema, on holiday ....  really if you think about it ... the possibilites are endless ...

don't say it too loud Brandy....only 1 vote between them! i really hope "First time" will win, but i'm sure what ever the theme will be, we gonna have some good stories again!
Post by: hentaiboy69 on December 28, 2012, 11:27:55 AM
I have thought about this lately & won't be entering this Contest 4 myself , preferring to concentrate  on making this next Contest 4 as successful as Tight has made them ..   

SAY WHAT!? Brandy, only now i had seen those two line.....and i can't allow it! You MUST submit a story, no excuse! probably you gonna win again for the third time, but i don't care....get ready to write or i'll be your worst nightmare!
Post by: jayc on December 28, 2012, 12:15:14 PM
I second HB ..............give us a chance to compete against the "master erotic story writer of the realm"  we will start a petition if needed so be warned Champ
Post by: Brandybee on December 30, 2012, 09:01:46 AM

Voting for the theme ends tomorrow  ...  as its New Year Eve,  I hope no one minds I will close the voting  at about 7pm UK time...  and post the New Theme for the Erotic Story 4 Contest along with the rules  &  new prizes.

Still in 1st  place is HB's suggestion  of  "First Time"  with Jayc's suggestion of " War Time"  following a close 2nd.

I hope both suggestions are whetting your appetite and that pen is ready to write down your erotic and naughty thoughts...

Everyone is welcome to enter,  old and new contestants alike ...  Please ensure you read the rules to avoid disqualification and disappointment. These will be posted tomorrow.

The Contest will be open for  Story submissions from TUESDAY 1 JANUARY 2013    to     SUNDAY 31 MARCH 2013  

As previously :-

To submit your entry, please PM ( Personal Message on Forum ) your story to the contest manager:  Brandybee.  When the story has been received, you will receive a message confirming the entry. Posting a story on forum  by yourself, will disqualify you from the contest.
Once your story has been posted to the Contest Manager - it cannot be changed or altered in any way - this is your Contest entry in its entirity.
The stories will be published anonymously by the Contest Manager to protect the integrity of voting and the authors published after voting closes.
Only one story, per entrant.

Please watch out for the full rules and New theme tomorrow ...   I hope you will enjoy writing, entering and help me in making this contest as successful as the last 3.   

Thank you all for your support.    Hugs & Air kisses  & Good Luck to all.

Post by: Momma_andrea on December 30, 2012, 09:10:20 AM
I have stories started for both. My mental engine is primed and ready for the start of this contest.
I will write passionately and ferociously.
May the best Author win
Post by: Brandybee on December 30, 2012, 09:37:16 AM

I like your fighting spirit Momma_Andrea  and have read some of your work.  I look forward to reading your entry.  Welcome & thank you for your support.

Good luck to all authors, established and budding  :)
Post by: islandsun on December 30, 2012, 04:50:12 PM
Hoping to climb back in the saddle writing agian but been told my style is more erotic , been told almost porn , so thinking prop don`t have education like most here thats ok , lol and still have`nt found spell check button , old saying take it with the grain keep trying .

@ Lover thanks , happy for Tight  , he was so Dear w me , onyahoo thank you , giving your friendship.

@ Brandybee  your smart woman girl  go do it cuz I know you can and will prove it.

hey I gotta write about a cowboy here , story I wrote , and maybe get into a certain bar > smiling wink
Post by: Brandybee on December 30, 2012, 06:15:00 PM
Hey Sunny,   Please, I would love a story off you ...  if you got a story in you, I would love for you to enter.  And I'm sure people will help with the spell check button if you need it  :)

Thank you for your support :)

And stories about cowboys are always appreciated especially in lil ol England  :)      You are always welcome in the bar too :)
Post by: hentaiboy69 on December 31, 2012, 03:02:37 AM
I have thought about this lately & won't be entering this Contest 4 myself , preferring to concentrate  on making this next Contest 4 as successful as Tight has made them ..   

SAY WHAT!? Brandy, only now i had seen those two line.....and i can't allow it! You MUST submit a story, no excuse! probably you gonna win again for the third time, but i don't care....get ready to write or i'll be your worst nightmare!

I second HB ..............give us a chance to compete against the "master erotic story writer of the realm"  we will start a petition if needed so be warned Champ

Great, jayc! ehi, don't tell to Brandy, but i'm ready to tie her in front of her computer to be sure she gonna submit a story!

I have stories started for both. My mental engine is primed and ready for the start of this contest.
I will write passionately and ferociously.
May the best Author win

having you in the 4th contest is a great thing! i'm sure you are an excellent foe for our champion, Brandy!  ;D

Hoping to climb back in the saddle writing agian but been told my style is more erotic , been told almost porn , so thinking prop don`t have education like most here thats ok , lol and still have`nt found spell check button , old saying take it with the grain keep trying .

@ Lover thanks , happy for Tight  , he was so Dear w me , onyahoo thank you , giving your friendship.

@ Brandybee  your smart woman girl  go do it cuz I know you can and will prove it.

hey I gotta write about a cowboy here , story I wrote , and maybe get into a certain bar > smiling wink

Sunny, please, we are all happy to see you joining us, really! so, gon on and jump in, girl! no excuse!
Post by: Brandybee on December 31, 2012, 01:17:28 PM

Congratulations HB ,   your theme -   FIRST TIME  - suggestion fired most peoples imaginations  :o

The poll has now been locked  and the rules of entering the contest posted shortly.

" FIRST TIME "   has a wide meaning... basically as long as a first time is in your story, anything goes ...   it can be the first time you went on vacation, a trip, a first time new experience  .. perhaps to a new country, the cinema, a first date, losing your virginty, or new sexual experience, the first time to a theatre,    the world is your oyster and I'm sure you budding and established writers can think of several more examples of a  " First "   :)


Post by: Brandybee on December 31, 2012, 01:34:00 PM
I am proud to announce a new Erotic Story Contest.  EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 .  For anyone to enter, judge or enjoy reading. Starring  the theme of the contest:     FIRST TIME.

Something from AChat must be incorporated in to each story, to emphasise the connection with the game, and to recognise the Achat Gods  for sponsoring the contest. As before, there will be an entry period with a deadline, and then a voting period with a deadline as well. 

For anyone who’d like to enter, please take note of the following notifications:


1. Please do not break regulations or laws when submitting your story.
2. In the story, the central theme and something from Achat must be incorporated. The theme is  FIRST TIME,   the link to Achat must be based on a room, background or outfit, and preferably  easily & recognisably described.
3. The length of the story must not exceed 2 posts. 1 post allows 20,000 characters. That includes spaces as well.  6000 words, is the upper limit per story. 
4. Only one story per contestant.
5. To submit your entry, please PM ( Personal Message in Forum )  your story to the Contest Manager:  Brandybee.  When the story has been received, you will receive a message confirming the entry. Posting a story on Forum  by yourself, will disqualify you from the contest.  Once your story has been posted to the Contest Manager - it cannot be changed or altered in any way - this is your Contest entry in its entirety.

 FOOTNOTE :-  I ask  that , due to fairness of voting, contestants do not unduly influence voters in their decision to vote for their favourite story,  or to disclose they are the author of their story prior to votes  being cast...  Thank you.

Please use following lay-out to submit (with many thanks to you know who you are..   )

[Subject] (to be inserted into the PM Subject Line above)
"Erotic Story Contest 4 -  " FIRST TIME”


[HEADER] = Title
Pages: number of pages (A4 or US)
Words: Number of words, without Title
Characters (with Spaces): Number of characters & spaces
Included Components: (Whatever option from Achat is chosen, please describe here)

[BODY] (The story submission - to be posted as is by the Contest Manager)

[FOOTER] = Writer's Name & Date of Submission

1st Prize =    10,000 A$   or  1 year subscription.
2nd Prize =   6,000 A$  or  6 months subscription  and
3rd Prize  =   3,000 A$  or  3 months subscription.

All other contestants will receive  600 A$ for submitting their story.


1st prize -   Prize money shared out  for the positions in the contest, rounded up to nearest 50A$.  Eg 2 winners share out 1st & 2nd prize ( 16,000A$ ) , Runner up to take 3rd prize ( 3,000A$) ;  3 or more winners share out 1st, 2nd & 3rd prize out ( 19.000A$ ), rounded up to nearest 50A$ after sharing . No other prizes allocated.

2nd prize - Prize money for 2nd & 3rd places ( 9,000A$ )shared out for positions in the contest rounded up to nearest 50 A$. Eg 2 winners share out 2nd and 3rd prize (9,000A$). No lower prizes allocated.  3 or more winners share the prize money ( 9,000A$)  rounded up to the nearest 50A$ after sharing.

3rd prize - Prize money (3,000A$) shared with a minimum prize of 1,500 A$ for each 3rd podium winner. Capped to a total of  6,000A$ where that money would be shared out between 3rd podium winners & again rounded up to the nearest 50A$. 
Submitting:    Opening date for submitting stories is  Tuesday  1 January 2013.
Deadline:       The Deadline for submitting your stories is  Sunday  31 March 2013. ( 7pm UK Time )

Voting:   The poll will be opened Monday 1 April 2013 ( Or following the publishing of the stories on Sunday 31 March 2013 ) .
Closing:   The poll will be closed  Friday 31 May 2013 ( 7pm UK time )
Winners will be announced  Saturday  1 June 2013. ( Or following the close of the poll on Friday 31 May 2013 )

I wish all contestants good luck, and all Forum Members, Guests and Achat Gods a lot of enjoyment when reading...

Happy writing, reading and other things ......   hehe

Brandybee.  xxx
Post by: hentaiboy69 on January 01, 2013, 06:49:12 AM
What can i say.....i'm happy to see my theme is chosen by 8 of us! now, it's time to write! Let's working, guys!
Post by: Momma_andrea on January 01, 2013, 10:04:01 AM
I stayed up last night till 3 a.m writing. And right now, I'm on a ROLL. All I have to say is...
You people are in troubbbllllleee   :P  :P  :-*
Post by: Lover on January 01, 2013, 10:45:46 AM
You're wrong Andrea! We aren't in trouble, we're looking forward to read your story ;D
Post by: hentaiboy69 on January 02, 2013, 03:36:11 AM
I stayed up last night till 3 a.m writing. And right now, I'm on a ROLL. All I have to say is...
You people are in troubbbllllleee   :P  :P  :-*

Oooooh! great news, Andrea!  :D

Brandyyyyy, now you can't step back of the fight! So, my friend, jump in this contest again!
Post by: islandsun on January 04, 2013, 06:27:02 PM
heheheheheheeeee oh great my first time was at 15 and he was 25

was scared shitless lol >guess could spice it up , we`ll see > shakes my head > smile
Post by: Brandybee on January 04, 2013, 09:21:46 PM
Hey Sunny,  you always cheer me up ....  mmmm   would you mind upping the age to at least 18yrs  ... pleasssssssssse   

Think you can guess why    ;D
Post by: islandsun on January 05, 2013, 09:19:19 AM
@Brandybee  Roger that I fully understand .

Post by: Adera on January 05, 2013, 08:58:05 PM
The topic of the next contest does sparks my interest, my imagination is already running on a few raunchy ideas. Maybe I'll get an idea good enough that I'll enjoy writing it... though I do wonder what from AChat that I would add to the story.

Oops... I even started writing some in the midst of things. :P
Post by: hentaiboy69 on January 06, 2013, 04:30:18 AM
That's good, Adera! I hope this is the chance to see you a little more around the forum, my sweet friend!
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: islandsun on January 06, 2013, 05:02:32 PM
@Adera mine geerd to raunchy erotica , how you been long time girly > Happy New year friend.
psst being meaning to go hunting Bear some time ! lol
 and there`s a kitty kitty lol interesting in , hehehehehehheee
He know`s who he is.
had couple cocktails and so would gladly sing serenade you friends , but will see ya`s on the flip side sometime > wink
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Adera on January 07, 2013, 04:47:40 AM
I've been just fine Sunny, thanks for asking and a happy new year to you too. :)
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: islandsun on January 07, 2013, 05:08:46 AM
@Adera  Happy new year to you as well ;)
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Brandybee on January 07, 2013, 06:22:47 AM
Raunchy, hot jungle sex , sensual , naughty, wickedly pure  ... It all sounds SPLENDID   ;D

Welcome aboard Adera, glad you got the inspired bug....   :o

Thanks to our good friend TIGHTFIT74  & his wonderful poster  ( I know you peak in now and then hehe  mwah xx )     I  have made a separate topic for advertising the Erotic Story Contest and easy reference to the rules governing the competition.

Please see :-

Forum Homepage  /  Organisations & Events / Contests /  EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4. " FIRST TIME " THE RULES,2196.0.html

Get inspired & get those pens out  ;D

Good Luck to all   :-*

Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: mrsexlover on January 07, 2013, 08:23:05 AM
I don't know if you know this Brandy but pens are so last century, i write with a keyboard now  ;D
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Brandybee on January 07, 2013, 09:24:07 AM
Now you tell me .....   mmmm ......   How do you chew the end of that ?    ;D
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Adera on January 07, 2013, 09:35:36 AM
Or for that matter, how do you suggestively tease guys with that? :P

Btw they've finally made pens for women now as well, who would've thought we where using pens made for men all this time!? Here you can see what Ellen thinks about them:
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: hentaiboy69 on January 07, 2013, 10:03:06 AM
Now you tell me .....   mmmm ......   How do you chew the end of that ?    ;D

lol...... i stop chewing my pen lot of times, sometimes i chew my pencil when i'm out of idea!

Bee, now you know how to do it!
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: islandsun on January 07, 2013, 02:22:28 PM
 ;D Too Funny > But I do bite end of my pen alot , or end of paint brush .
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Brandybee on January 07, 2013, 06:44:03 PM
That is such a wild pic HB...   those eyes and teeth are amazing... 

Hey Adera, maybe I will wear that look during the Valentine pole dance with the mustache  if we are lucky enough to win each other - will that be teasey  or queasey  lol

Well you budding and established writers, mentioning no names but I have had the first contestant submit a story today  ;D 

So the contest is well and truly opened now....    Good Luck and happy chewing to you   :)
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Adera on January 08, 2013, 03:55:54 AM
Ahaha all I know is that it would be silly funny Brandy, but think of all the guys yearning after you that would be so let down if that happened. Too bad there's not the option of a strip show.

I've got some work to do on the actual story of mine before I can really get down to writing all of it, I've got a few ideas, some interesting and unreasonable and some other that are more reasonable, I've just got to make those interesting as well. :P
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: tangoracer on January 09, 2013, 05:11:08 AM




Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: hentaiboy69 on January 09, 2013, 07:30:10 AM
Oh, come on, Master.....don't break your keyboard! I'm sure you can find the right idea for your story soon.....or maybe, all you need is a good and relaxing night!  ::)

Well you budding and established writers, mentioning no names but I have had the first contestant submit a story today  ;D 

So the contest is well and truly opened now....    Good Luck and happy chewing to you   :)

uhhmm.....dunno why, but i have an idea about who had send eh!
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: tangoracer on January 09, 2013, 11:17:20 AM
MMMMMMMM That would be so nice my sweet pet

A nice night with my pet would be most enjoyable MMMMMMM yes that would be soooooooo nice

MMWAHHHHHH and a big hug for my sweet pet  :-*
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Momma_andrea on January 09, 2013, 02:44:35 PM
I would laugh my silly ass off if one of the stories started out with...

This one time, at band camp...

there, there's an idea.  LOL
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Brandybee on January 09, 2013, 03:58:28 PM
LMAO   I can see her now ...  American Pie    ;D

It so has to happen .... LMAO
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: tangoracer on January 10, 2013, 12:33:22 PM

Got an idea for my story now to start getting it down on "paper" :)

See what a great night with my  sweet little pet can do Thank you my pet MMMMMMMWWWAAAAAHHHHHH   :-*
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: hentaiboy69 on January 10, 2013, 03:49:36 PM

Awww, Master.....that was a pleasure!
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: tangoracer on January 21, 2013, 04:04:42 PM

After that one night with sweet pet clearing my head and helping me to a happy place  :D

My story for the contest is finished Just have to read it a few times and send it in

Thank you my sweet pet MMMWAHHHHHHHHHH
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: ThunderSax on February 02, 2013, 07:32:14 PM
Hello everyone - I have just finished the first draft of my story here and am proofreading it for my horrible typing. Something not even Microsoft can fix it seems. I will be posting it tonight....soon as I figure out where and I hope you all like it. I dont know Ifit is to long or short or following the rules and don't expect anything from this ...just hoping that you see it as a decent first try.
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Lover on February 02, 2013, 08:04:17 PM
Thunder, here are the rules:,2196.0.html#new

Important: Don't post your story here, send it via pm to Brandybee!!!

Thanks for joining the contest. I'm sure we like it and I look forward to read all the amazing stories :)
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: ThunderSax on February 02, 2013, 08:20:57 PM
Thank you. er. Lover.
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Brandybee on February 03, 2013, 07:02:39 AM
Hey, Thundersax,  so pleased you  have decided to enter a story for the contest.  Lover has already answered your question as to the Topic with the Rules for your " First Time " Story.

If you require any further help,  you know where we are, here or in the game :)   Just ask.  :)

I love forward to receiving your entry. :)
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: hentaiboy69 on February 03, 2013, 04:02:39 PM
Fresh meat for the contest! that's nice!

Welcome on board, Thundersax! and if all the users who had take part at the last contest will be submit a new story, i'm sure we gonna have more story this time!
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Brandybee on February 05, 2013, 10:11:13 AM
This is an interesting query that I have been asked recently :-

 Rule  4. Only one story per contestant.

A potential  contestant has asked if they would be allowed to  write a story independently and yet intertwined with the story of another contestant .  It would be a collusion of their theme/ idea / storyline  but  a separate story in itself, where their charachters may or may not meet.

Would I class this as one  joint entry or two separate entries?

I am of a mind to class it as two separate stories & entries if they choose to write it in this way,  but they would not  be able to satisfy  the rule, I feel that they did not write both stories together.

So, I guess the question is ...  1)   Would you class this as 1 or 2 stories?
                                                 2 )   Does it matter if there is  such a collusion as long as the authors write the stories  independently of each other?

I am interested in your views before my final decision.

Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: tangoracer on February 05, 2013, 12:25:32 PM
Hi Brandy (MMWAHHH)

The only thing i can see if two people help write two stories is what happens if one of the stories win

WHO will get the prize money

The way i see it the more stories the better

It's only my view on it lets hear from everyone
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Bear on February 05, 2013, 12:54:37 PM
one entry imo... they have the option of posting the second story in the erotic fantasy thread. Seems common sense imo.
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Brandybee on February 06, 2013, 03:28:29 AM
Decision made.    Two or more persons working on an idea  or story  together as writers  &  in the same time span will be classed as one story, no matter how many off shoots , that original idea may create.  The authors will be classed as 1 entry and as such will share any A$ credits as if 1 author. Therefore  this will exclude any other entry by the same authors either on their own or in another collusion.

If a further off shoot story is created, they may wish to publish it in the  " Erotic Story " section, however I ask that to protect the anonymity of authors & integrity of the  voting  period , they withhold the publishing of any second  story until a winner is announced in the contest.

I hope this clarifies  Rule 4  -   One story per contestant.

Thank you Tango, Bear for your input.  ;D
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: hentaiboy69 on February 06, 2013, 05:21:25 AM
sorry if i don't answer in time, but i have a full afternoon yesterday.....

Hi Brandy (MMWAHHH)

The only thing i can see if two people help write two stories is what happens if one of the stories win

if they write the two stories together (helping each others, i mean), they can submit only one, of course......if they just settle a common point (like a place or a certain event like a party) but every story is write without any other interaction between the two writers, i think we can consider them as two.
I explain more.....setting a common event in background (a party) but WITHOUT creating a common story line is like giving to every authors the same subject they have to expand with their story. I consider it like giving to everyone a common starting point, but there must not be other collaboration between them, only setting the general idea on the common event! Every story MUST be write like a stand alone and without any others interaction!

my point of view, of course!
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Momma_andrea on February 06, 2013, 05:33:40 AM
I think I understand. Let's say they each write the same encounter but from only one persons point of view, so the other author is writing it from the other characters point of view.
That would be cool and would be two separate stories just of the same event.
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: hentaiboy69 on February 06, 2013, 05:43:31 AM
I forget.......the real issue come on voting! They know wich story the other had wrote, so i think they don't have to vote in this edition of the story contest!

Andrea, it's not exactly what i mean.....if they write the same event from two point of view, it's like writing the same story cause they follow the same story line! I was thinking more at two different characters joining the same party but with two differemnt story line and event in it: one can meet a lover there and the other can be at the party for different reason. the background of the party is the only point they have in common!

it's a little complex.......and there is not an easy answer!
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Covems on February 06, 2013, 07:01:58 AM

I'm torn on this one.  I can understand the idea, and I have considered doing something like that myself, if I could find a willing partner.  But the rules are the rules and in order to keep the integrity of the contest secure, Miss Brandy's decision is the correct one.

However... I would like to see both stories, so I hope they consider the suggestion of posting the second one once the contest has ended.  It's a fascinating idea.  :)

Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: hentaiboy69 on February 06, 2013, 08:28:06 AM
Well, i can understand that decision.....but at the same time i have a clear example about this idea:

Hope this will clarify my toughts on this request.
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Brandybee on February 08, 2013, 05:04:34 AM
Thank you for the extra input on this rule.   Rule 4  -   One story per contestant.

Decision made.    Two or more persons working on an idea  or story  together as writers  &  in the same time span will be classed as one story, no matter how many off shoots , that original idea may create.  The authors will be classed as 1 entry and as such will share any A$ credits as if 1 author. Therefore  this will exclude any other entry by the same authors either on their own or in another collusion.

If a further off shoot story is created, they may wish to publish it in the  " Erotic Story " section, however I ask that to protect the anonymity of authors & integrity of the  voting  period , they withhold the publishing of any second  story until a winner is announced in the contest.
                                            * * * *******************************************************************  * * *

Everyone has very valid points and I will attempt to clarify the rule in a more simple way .   If the potential authors would ask themselves these questions :-

1 )   Is the story in the same time frame,  whether this be the time frame of the actual content of the story OR the real time that the authors are planning to write it ?    Yes  or  No 

2)  Are  you planning the guidelines of the story only, that is , the Time, the dates,  the Place, and the Location of the story ONLY , no other collusion as to the content ?     Yes   or   No

3)  Are you acting together to build & plan the content of the story, to swap ideas, develop & then to write that finished product, whether writing it as a lone author OR together jointly ?   Yes or No

If the answers to questions  1 and 2    is  YES  and 3  is  NO -  then  I would consider this to be two separate stand alone stories.  The story content would be different and the originality of the writers maintained.  I would  consider allowing separate story submissions and both to go forward as contestants.  However, I would look closely at both stories  to satisfy there is no other collusions &  planning. 

If  the answers to 1 and 3  is  YES and 2  is No  ( because of the word ONLY )  -  then I would consider this to be one story and the writers working jointly together. The story and its content would be the result of the parties discussing ideas,  planning, colluding, conspiring together to ensure the finished product is written and submitted.  This would be 1 entry , any other stories written would not be allowed by the same author or authors due to the input or collusion on the original idea.   The authors would share any A$ allocated as if 1 author.

They can either decide to publish any other stories  that have grown from the original idea in the Erotic Story section but ,  I ask this be after a winner has been announced in the contest concerned,  to maintain the integrity of the voting.
 Or  if they wish, it can be submitted as another story  by the authors concerned in a future  Erotic Story Contest, however, consider your anonymity may be compromised due to the similarities of the original story submission.  It would also, of course, have to fit in with the new contest Story Theme decided .

Hopefully, this clarifies and satisfies any further questions that may have arisen over this Rule 4. 

@  Momma Andrea's  scenario -   Two stories , different viewpoints from the same charachter's involved in the same encounter ...  I would most likely consider this to one larger story and one entry to the contest,  as the authors would have to collude and swap ideas in order for the time line and events to run evenly and make sense.  A classic example of this would be the The Ice House Foursome with Tight, myself, Stone & Jayc -  1 story, 4 authors.
If  there is no other collusion except, time, dates, place, location, and different encounters,   I would consider as stand alone  story submissions and entrants.
An example of this would be " Blu's sacrifice " in the Ice House . This story line involving Bear, Blue & Adera  was in the same location and in the same time frame but was a completely separate story to " The Ice House Foursome"  and no collusion except to ensure that the authors of the separate stories did not ruin each others story lines.  It is fairly obvious that Bear, Blu &  Adera did not have any input in the " Foursome" story & vice versa.
However,  I would look very closely at such stories to satisfy there are no other collusions evident.

@  Hentaiboy69 -   I agree The AB&G  is an intertwining fantasy story topic & thread & as such  the posters are encouraged to interact together and work their stories together & combined, some stories require more involved planning by charachter's than others but even so,  charachter's on the sidelines  are still  involved and encouraged to become involved in encounters , to mirror post,  even if just seeing it happen.  I would class this as one large community story.
There may be instances where I may consider stories as stand alone but it would have to satisfy the criteria set out above and again I would have to look very closely at the stories to ensure what collusion there is.

The Erotic Fantasy Tale are stand alone stories at the moment , as it satisfies the time, date, place, & location  collusion only,  however,  that may also progress to the authors working together in the future in the same encounters and therefore a joint story effort.

 ;D  Phew ....    Hopefully, I haven't missed anything   ;D    mmm     I'm sure Tight never had these problems    ;D  ;D  ;D

Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: hentaiboy69 on February 08, 2013, 05:12:11 AM
I agree with it, Brandy, on all the line! great job as always......i'm glad you are in charge with the contest!
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Lover on February 08, 2013, 06:50:47 AM
Great job brandy! This will answer most questions until a new one pops Don't be afraid of new questions or difficult situations. They just show the interest of people and help to improve the contest step by step. Together we will handle it :)
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Brandybee on March 08, 2013, 03:57:46 AM

Deadline is approaching for story submissions.   31 MARCH 2013

Please submit your story on time .   Remember you need to submit it to me - Brandybee -  by  PM  ( Personal Message ) here in Forum  and that at the top of the page , before your story, you complete in the following format  :-

Title :-
Number of Pages :-
Number of Words without Title :-
Charachters With Spaces :-
Included Achat Components:-    (Whatever option from Achat is chosen, please describe here. Please ensure that the chosen Achat connection is described in detail in your story, so that readers will be able to identify it easily. It has to be a room, an outfit or a background ).
First Time Experience :-  ( Identify here the First Time experience in your story )

Then Your Story ...............


Your Name :-
Date of Submission:-

Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: hentaiboy69 on March 08, 2013, 04:40:57 AM
as usual, i'm in big eh! but if i do it so earlie, that's not me!  ::)
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: tangoracer on March 08, 2013, 12:56:26 PM
You'll make it my Pet like you always do

Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Momma_andrea on March 19, 2013, 07:59:03 PM
12 more days!!
and our stories will be unleashed upon the world.
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: hentaiboy69 on March 20, 2013, 02:42:27 AM
Yes, twelve days, but i'm sure you had send yours to Brandy from long time, Momma_andrea!  :D
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Brandybee on March 20, 2013, 09:00:06 AM
DEAD LINE   Sunday 31 March 2013     FAST APPROACHING

Hurry, Hurry Hurry  , You budding authors ....   Don't miss out on all your hard work.

Don't forget a minimum of 600A$ is at stake, more if you are voted in the Top 3.

Please ensure you abide by the rules and check how your story is required to be submitted to me.    ;D

All  the stories will be published by me anonymously whilst the voting process is in progress.  Authors names will be published at the same time winners are announced for Erotic Contest 4 -  First Time.

God Speed with your writings &  love & luck to all.    ;D


Please submit your story on time .   Remember you need to submit it to me - Brandybee -  by  PM  ( Personal Message ) here in Forum  and that at the top of the page , before your story, you complete in the following format  :-

Title :-
Number of Pages :-
Number of Words without Title :-
Charachters With Spaces :-
Included Achat Components:-    (Whatever option from Achat is chosen, please describe here. Please ensure that the chosen Achat connection is described in detail in your story, so that readers will be able to identify it easily. It has to be a room, an outfit or a background ).
]First Time Experience   ( Identify here the First Time experience in your story )

Then Your Story ...............


Your Name :-
Date of Submission:-

Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: hentaiboy69 on March 20, 2013, 11:30:25 AM
Brandy, sorry.......i think we don't have to specify the first time we are talking in the story.....where is the fun for you to find it out when are you going to read it!?
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Brandybee on March 20, 2013, 11:35:20 AM
It doesn't get published  HB,   The headers are for me, so I can skim the story to ensure the rules are met and an acceptance PM to the contestant sent ASAP.

The only thing to get published is the story.  :)  Plus, believe it or not, some "First times" were quite subtle in the story and I had to clarify.  :)

If I have an influx, it saves everyone's time & possible disappointment :)

Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Momma_andrea on March 22, 2013, 06:49:06 PM

Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Brandybee on March 24, 2013, 07:15:09 AM

Get those stories finished peoples  ...  time is running out ...   a week left and the count down is on  :)   

Then the stories for Erotic Contest 4 - First Time - will be published anonymously by me  for reading & voting.

Also watch out for the new topic about themes for the next Erotic Story Contest 5   ;D
The new Topic  for Erotic Contest 5 - theme suggestions will be opened from  1 April 2013 to  30 April 2013.
The poll will be opened 1 May 2013 till 31 May 2013 for forum members to decide the theme of the new Erotic Story 5 contest .
So get your thinking caps on  ;)

Good Luck and keep those pens & keyboards busy   ;D    I WANT YOUR STORY   :-*

Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: hentaiboy69 on March 24, 2013, 08:46:34 AM
Tsk tsk......Bee, i think you can start the collection for the new content of the story in the same time of the 4th contest votes, so at may we can make a poll to choose the theme! oh, of course, we can consider the old suggetion too!
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Brandybee on March 27, 2013, 07:25:52 AM
. . .COUNTDOWN.   IS.   ON    5 DAYS LEFT TO GO   

Finish those stories....    I Want your Entry to  Erotic Contest  4.       PM it to me as soon as you can .    :P

Stories will be published  either after  the 7pm UK. Deadline on 31 March  or. 1 April 2013

Watch this space for  the published story topic. And voting poll.
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: hentaiboy69 on March 27, 2013, 07:40:02 AM
lol....i was unable to complete it yesterday for fever.....tonight i'l gonna finish it! or i'll burn in hell!
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Brandybee on March 29, 2013, 10:05:23 AM


Don't miss it.    PM  Your Story to me Brandybee.       

Voting for your favourite story will be organised & open as soon as all the stories ( No Authors names )  are published for reading & enjoying.
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Brandybee on March 30, 2013, 12:22:11 AM
 JUST OVER    48 hrs     LEFT TO GO.

Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Brandybee on March 30, 2013, 04:59:18 PM
19 hrs to go  

DEAD LINE   7pm  UK  BST    SUNDAY  31  MARCH  2013

Get those stories to me   ;D ;D      Pressure is on ,   Dead Line is LOOMING   :o
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Momma_andrea on March 30, 2013, 06:34:40 PM
I'M SO EXCITED! I CAN'T WAIT TO READ EVERYONE"S STORIES! And for mine to finally be read as well.

Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Brandybee on March 31, 2013, 05:18:10 AM

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

I'm  so EGGGscited.    :-*
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: tangoracer on March 31, 2013, 07:56:53 AM
YAY    ONLY     4      HOURS

can't wait to start to read the hot story's again
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Brandybee on March 31, 2013, 11:42:49 AM
                  Fanfare for Rocky    ;D

                                         20 MINUTES TO GO  

Hurry Hurry  Hurry -   
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Brandybee on March 31, 2013, 12:30:56 PM

Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Brandybee on March 31, 2013, 03:10:34 PM
As you are all aware Tightfit74, the Previous Contest Manager & Creator of the Erotic Story Contests here,  retired from Forum after Contest 3,  and he had asked me to take over organising the  future contests.  Of course I had mixed feelings about the situation. I wanted to carry on the Erotic Story Contests , he had worked so relentlessly hard at to succeed.  But I never really wanted him to go ...

Well,   here is my first endeavour  - Erotic Contest 4 – FIRST TIME.   I have 14 stories that have been entered , the most yet in an Erotic Story Contest.  So Thank you all so much.

 May I personally thank each & every one of you for your  help & support for making Erotic Story Contest 4 the success it is.

 Thank You to  ALL the authors who decided to compete, the ones who tried to beat the deadline but real life issues intervened- it happens ( BUT, I will get you next time  ;D ;D ;D) – and all of you who will take the time to read & vote for your favourite story.

Every vote is important, it shows the authors you really do care for their efforts & that their stories are very much appreciated.

All of the stories are unique and fantastic in their own right. Each is an achievement  in their own right .  So Thank you  on my behalf & that of Forum for entering the Erotic Story Contest 4.

 There are a mix of authors as usual,  but there are some who have overcome difficulties  to meet the contest dead line, that are never actually  publicised  and I feel should be recognised & commended , even if anonymously to protect confidentiality.

There are our none native English speakers -  To write a story in a second language and to put it up for a contest  against Native English Speakers is an achievement in itself.  I know, I could never accomplish such a feat  or even have the confidence to then put it up for a vote and critique.

So, as Contest Manager – I would like to commend each & everyone of  you. You have my utmost respect  & admiration.  Well Done You.

There are also authors who have the disadvantage of suffering from  conditions such as Dyslexia and  Aspergers  Syndrome etc....  Again,  to enter a story for the contest when words & concentration are not easy for you, is a FANTASTIC achievement.  You also have my utmost respect  & admiration to overcome the difficulties you have & then to reach your goal of a published story entry is awesome.   Well Done You. 

You all know who you are , and I extend a personal Thank you to you, for your support & courageous efforts.

No matter, how the voting falls, and there are always surprises in the Forum Village, as it should be, Please, do not ever be disheartened if your story only attracts a few votes – remember, only one story can be voted for by each Forum Member as a favourite.  Your goal has in fact,  already been achieved  – you HAVE reached your personal goal of your story being entered & published and you will receive a minimum of A$600 .  That makes you a winner already in my eyes. 

The top 3 prizes are always a bonus though and  with that said,

 I proudly present the published stories -   “ FIRST TIME” – THE STORIES.  EROTIC CONTEST  4   open for voting....,2376.0.html


Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Pafe on April 04, 2013, 06:21:38 AM


   I have just finished reading all the stories, and I must say that all the entries are excellent.  Such a diverse amount of subject matter, and such good stories will make this a difficult choice.

   I want to congratulate everyone for their participation, and for giving me such excellent reading material.  They are all hot and erotic, and give me a thrill.

   I couldn't find the time to enter this one, but I believe that I will make time to enter the next one.

Thanks for letting me share,
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: hentaiboy69 on April 04, 2013, 06:24:09 AM
You are always welcome, Lady Pafe!

And now, you are more welcome after your long absence......hope it's all fine for you adn for Satoire........we all miss our two favourite N.S.P.D. ofiicers! kisses and hugs for both of you!
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Brandybee on April 04, 2013, 05:27:26 PM
Pafe,   Welcome back and Thank you for those kind words ...  I have to second them and agree with all that you say.

And..... consider yourself campaigned for Contest 5    ;D       The discussions are already on the way for theme ideas

Forum Home  Page / Organizations & Events / Contests /  EROTIC STORY CONTEST 5 OT,2378.0.html
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Brandybee on April 04, 2013, 08:13:17 PM
I have read all the stories several  times,  and am yet again, overwhelmed by the talent, inspired ideas and efforts that have gone into them. I have enjoyed every single one for different reasons and I am,   yet again going to have difficulties casting my vote.

Thank you to all the  authors who have spent time and effort into entering the competition and I for one, am enjoying them immensely.

Here's my little summary of the stories for Contest 4 – First Time, and why I like each and every one.  This is not a critique, just a summary of my thoughts.

1.   The Order  Of  The Tudor Rose.   -   This is an interesting  idea & a story of a secret sex club, where people can only join by special invitation & it seems fulfil  their inner most fantasies .  It’s  hot, very  erotic , very well written and seems to have great potential for further chapters and serials.  I am intrigued by this and definitely would like to read more about this Tudor  Rose Order.
2.   First Customer. -   A short , sweet  & hot salesman story.  A man’s fantasy , I think  of a naughty customer .    

3.   That Black Box ! -   An interesting story  of a lady  finding something unexpected to cause her  great concern  but  is all, what it seems? ..     Well  written , hot & a nice twist that brings a smile to your face.

4.   First Time on a Ranch.-  A well written,  woman’s  hot fantasy with a cowboy, not that I am biased in anyway ,  a barn , hay, bulging chest muscles, cowboy hat mmmm --- I do picture my sexy spouse here,  I wonder why??   ;D   :P    ;D   
5.   A Night on the Car Bonnet .-    A night out and the car breaks down on the way home.  What will they do as they wait for recovery??  It’s hot, erotic  and a reflection of the author’s very naughty mind

6.   We Take Care of Our Own. - A well written and hot story about a couple of wives at home whilst  their soldier  husbands are posted away.  An interesting insight into loneliness  & lustful need.

7.   Mile High Delight .  A hot, erotic & naughty story of two strangers  that meet on an aeroplane  flight , with a  very  very surprising  & somewhat unexpected twist.     

8.   A TGirl  Diary.  A well written diary of love, lust & hidden need, it intrigues, it interests and you have to read right up to the end.   
9.   Cross Dressing Adventures: The Exclusive Club  -  A man’s thrill of dressing as a woman  and attending an exclusive club, where he is taken on an exciting adventure.  The cross dressing aspect is a first for the Erotic contests . Highly exciting & horny being taken control of by a woman.
10.  First Night.-   The first  planned meet of  online lovers,  where a storm forces them to change their  weekend plans , very, naughty and very wicked indeed. 

11.  Undisclosed Desires of My Heart .  A story of an arranged meet with an old friend, discovering their desires and creating happy memories for the years after...  a lovely story of a stolen night together. Very hot and erotic.   

12.  Real Date Surprise.   - A Salesman story of intriguing naughty toys to attach to your computer,  a nice surprise that leads to  a very hot and horny encounter with a customer. An exciting , interesting read.

13.  The Porn Lady.  A story of unusual  visitors to a ranch.  Very well written & sexually stimulating.

14.  The Neighbour.  A story of a young man’s first sexual  encounter. Very well written and thought out.  Makes you wonder if it’s partially true.

As you can see, I like all of them for different reasons..  decisions, decisions ...  I think, I will have to read them all over again. :P   :-*

Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: tangoracer on April 11, 2013, 03:05:51 AM


 What a great read thank you all for the work you put into them. Making my vote is going to be hard there all so good.

but there can only be one winner but i have to read them all again before I can make my VOTE.

So good luck and lets get VOTING
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: hentaiboy69 on April 29, 2013, 01:27:13 AM
Half of the time for vote s gone.....and we have 7 votes! wow, really impressive!

Come on, my friends.....keep reading and voting!
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: hentaiboy69 on May 08, 2013, 03:37:02 AM
more 4 votes and we have the same number of the third contest.......but we want more! come one, mates......we can do it!
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: hentaiboy69 on May 16, 2013, 03:15:57 AM
GREAT! 84 votes like in the 3rd contest! come on, i want more!
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: hentaiboy69 on May 18, 2013, 02:49:31 AM

85 votes for this contest! YAHOOOOO! and Brandy was so worried of Tight's legacy! Girl, this is the result of your hard work!
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Brandybee on May 18, 2013, 04:24:17 AM
I am over joyed at the result of the number of votes and the quality of the stories.   ;D

Thank you HB for your kind words,  its team work and the authors that are making it successful.   So well done everyone.   The most stories and most votes ever in the contest  and still got until the 31 May 2013.

Still time to read and cast your vote . :)

Thank you everyone of you for your support.  :)

And don't forget to vote on the new story theme for Contest 5, coming your way soon. :) 

Forum Home Page / Organisations & Events / Contests / Erotic Story Contest 5    OT,2378.0.html

Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Lover on May 18, 2013, 05:10:36 AM
FANTASTIC!!! 85 votes... wow. New goal: 90
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: tangoracer on May 18, 2013, 06:59:47 AM

Way to go Brandy and there's still time for more to vote

Congratulations on your first contest Brandy and the next one will only be bigger and better
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Brandybee on May 27, 2013, 06:05:05 AM
 COUNT DOWN IS ON  4 days of voting left 

For all those still reading our fabulous Contest Stories ,  don't forget to read and vote for your favourite story.  For those not started yet -  Start   ;D

The votinmg deadline is 7pm UK  ( BST ) Time  Friday 31 May 2013.

Please remember - your vote is important, it shows the authors that you support &  appreciate all their efforts to write a story for the contest and for the contest as a whole.

Thanking those who have voted already,  and those who are yet to vote.

Enjoy & Good Luck to all.


Dont forget the theme is also being voted on for the next Erotic Story Contest too... with the same dead line  ;D

Forum Home  Page / Organizations & Events / Contests /  EROTIC STORY CONTEST 5 OT,2378.0.html

Post by: Richard_Wolf on May 27, 2013, 05:25:45 PM

I like this idea very much ... erotic fairy tales ... The  Claiming of Sleeping Beauty  came to mind  as soon as I read your post!!

As we have a similar story this time in the contest, what about hot versions of old fairy tales?

Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Brandybee on May 27, 2013, 08:52:11 PM
Hiya Richard,

The voting choices are at the top of this page,  the fairy tales didn't make the grade ,  I was loathe to have it as a choice as most have children & animals involved and I do not feel that it would be appropriate for a sex site.

Maybe  Sleeping beauty on its own may have been acceptable but as a theme choice, it would be too limiting for the contest due to the number of authors involved.

In saying that, if you wish to do a rewrite and no one under 18 is involved , then please do so and post it in the Erotic Story section as a stand alone :)

New authors are always welcome.
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Richard_Wolf on May 28, 2013, 09:36:26 AM
Oh Brandy ...... you don't like the big bad Wolfie ? ....

What big ears you have ...... All the better to hear you scream

What a long tongue you have .... All the better to  make you scream
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Brandybee on May 28, 2013, 09:49:18 AM
Chuckling ...  oh on the contrary  I love a good  growl grrr  mmmm  ...  usually of the Bear variety  ;D

Little Reds Riding did very well in a previous contest  too with our members .. go see   ;D

Forum Homepage / Organizations & Events / Contests /  "Time Travel". THE STORIES. EROTIC STORY CONTEST 3,2049.15.html

Did I mention , I want a story off you for Contest 5  ...   :P
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Richard_Wolf on May 28, 2013, 09:52:44 AM
Contest 5 .... Mmmhmm you did mention it ... no mention of an incentive though ..............YET ....  ;D  ;D   ;D
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: hentaiboy69 on May 28, 2013, 10:01:47 AM
the incentive is the prize, first of all......600 A$ for everyone who join the contest, then the chance to win 10000 A$ if get the first place! of course, there are prize for second and third too!

but i think you mean something different, eh!
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Richard_Wolf on May 28, 2013, 10:04:20 AM
Chuckles ..... Some one is reading my mind ................................... 8)
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: sexilicious on May 28, 2013, 10:19:45 AM
I might have an incentive ;) but might distract him from doing it  :D
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Richard_Wolf on May 28, 2013, 10:31:51 AM
perks my long ears up .... thinking of four months of distraction .....
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Brandybee on May 30, 2013, 01:59:00 PM


The drums & trumpets are being prepared for the drum rolls  & fanfares.......

Dont forget the theme is also being voted on for the next Erotic Story Contest too... with the same dead line 

Forum Home  Page / Organizations & Events / Contests /  EROTIC STORY CONTEST 5 OT,2378.0.html

Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Momma_andrea on May 31, 2013, 08:49:04 AM
WHEN WILL IT END? The suspense is killing me  ;D
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: hentaiboy69 on May 31, 2013, 08:56:10 AM
Today it's the last day to vote, Andrea!
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Momma_andrea on May 31, 2013, 08:56:42 AM
I know, but what time?
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Lover on May 31, 2013, 12:27:10 PM
It's closed now. No more torture :D
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: sexilicious on May 31, 2013, 12:56:34 PM
but Lover maybe they love some torture ;) lets see tied to the bed with some kind of teasing to those special spots. yep they would love the torture ;D hehe
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Brandybee on May 31, 2013, 02:34:34 PM

1.  The Order Of The Tudor Rose -  Jayc
2.  We Take Care of Our Own – Momma _Andrea    AND      2.     The Porn Lady -  Covems
3   First Night -  Dotti


Congratulations to the worthy winners -  Jayc.....  Momma_Andrea  .... and Covems.

Your stories were fantastic and the votes showed that Forum did too. A big hug and kiss for each of you.

 Congratulations to Jayc who now has the coveted title of
WINNER OF  THE EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 -  “ First Time “   in our Forum Village.

Congratulations also to the runners up -  Momma_ Andrea and Covems who had quite an exciting battle in the latter stages, with one pulling ahead, then the other catching up. I was watching the voting with bated breath.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the other participants for entering a story too and commiserations to Dotti . You just missed out on a prize award  but your story was very popular and well written.  I have placed you on Podium 3 in any case in recognition of a contest well fought.  I hope you take heart how well it was received and will enter future contests.

Thanks to the other participants - You got inspired, you wrote wonderful stories and were brave enough to publish them here in the Forum Village.  Some for the very first time, some overcoming difficulties to present a story and doing their own personal achievement ... and you did it.  You are a published story writer and no one can take that away from you.  Well done you and thank you for choosing the contest I was managing for the first time.  I feel very honoured that you did.

And it is because you did, and because you got inspired and because you wrote a story, and because you were brave enough to enter it , that the record was broken of  14 authors for the Erotic Story Contest -  the most ever   ;D

And Thank you to the voting Forum -   95 votes -   How about that ? ...   I was hoping to match the previous contest and when  we reached 85, I was beaming and hoped for 90...  and then it passed 90 to get to 95.

I am ecstatic that the Erotic Story Contest is continuing to grow and new and old writers are still willing to take part ... Thank  You,  thank you, thank you.

I also have three very special thank you’s as well –

To Hentaiboy for suggesting the winning theme – First Time -  for this contest. It inspired the authors to write.  Thank you.

To Mrsexlover for designing and creating the Winners and publishing of the authors names poster for Contest 4 – First Time, above.   It is fabulous and very very effective to aptly conclude this particular contest.  Thank you.

And to Covems for  agreeing to design and create the poster for the new contest  - EROTIC STORY CONTEST 5 -  PUBLIC EVENT.  I know it  will advertise it beautifully and is a wonderful way to kick start the new contest and attract authors to write their stories.

 And finally,  Thank you again to all, authors and voters , you have made my very first contest  EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 – First Time  the success it is.   


Brandybee  xxx  :-*  :-*  :-*

PS...  and a special thank you to the three people who voted for my story.  Big kiss to whoever you are xxx.  ;)

Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: mrsexlover on May 31, 2013, 02:39:49 PM
Congratulations to the Writers, you all did a great job.

And thanks Brandy, i made that poster for you with pleasure. You know where to find me if you need anything else.
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: hentaiboy69 on May 31, 2013, 02:42:06 PM
One contest up!

Seriously....i'm impressed for all the story and the votes we have this time, a big success, even for our new story teller Brandy! and at last, a big thanks for the 7 of you who had vote for my diary! i'm happy you like it!
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: tangoracer on May 31, 2013, 02:48:35 PM

Jayc great story and well done to all the other authors great writing

Time for the next contest lets hope we get more people to enter
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Momma_andrea on May 31, 2013, 03:06:25 PM
Every single story had something to offer. Each one was hot. If you cyber and role play, you ARE a writer. You create visions and fantasies in your head and present them to your partner. In the story contest, we are ALL your partner.

Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Richard_Wolf on May 31, 2013, 04:21:47 PM
Well done to all the writers who I'm sure spent many long hours typing them up, thinking up the story lines, setting the plots up etc ... Well done

I just hope I can do justice and give you all the good reads you are looking forwards to
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Lover on May 31, 2013, 04:25:40 PM


To jayc, momma_andrea and covems.


To every author: I enjoyed reading your stories and got some hot new ideas ;D
To every voter: Thanks for taking time to read and vote


To covems and mrsexlover for the poster and for Brandy for putting so much energy into it and making the story contest (an idea of Tight) such a big success.
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Brandybee on May 31, 2013, 05:32:36 PM


mmm  Momma Andrea ... you have no idea how much I want to pick up that gauntlet  ...     dilemmas  dilemmas ...  lol
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: tangoracer on May 31, 2013, 05:37:43 PM
@ Brandy Watch out for them gloves they hurt when they slap you round the face   :o
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: jayc on June 01, 2013, 12:12:27 AM
Feeling a bit humbled at the moment, but let me give you all my heartfelt thanks. More than a year ago my spouse and I joined you all in the Forum and we were welcomed warmly. now you people are like an extended family to me. i have said many times "you wont meet a group of nicer people"  :)

Well I guess three times is the charm, with constant encouragement from Brandy we entered 2 earlier contests. We are still our proud of our entries and far from being discouraged it motivated us to try even harder.

A big congrats to Momma Andrea, Covems, and Dotti and Mrsexlover for his fantastic artwork

I would really like to thank Brandy for all her hard work organizing the contest and all the other authors and readers and a big thanks to my dear spouse Stone for all her input and inspiration and support.

It was a good contest  all stories were unique and erotic. So lets get the next one started. Open up that word program and get busy. But before we do that lets go have a drink……….im buying   ;)

Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: hentaiboy69 on June 01, 2013, 02:48:41 AM
Well, well........nothing more to say........

With this last contest, we had beaten all the records in term of stories submitted (14!), of number of votes (95, WOW!) and i hope next time it's gonna be better! I'm proud of how my story goes at last......and more for the nice respond to the theme i propose!
my apologize goes to all the writers, cause as usual i don't had the time to read and a bad mod i am!   ;D

and a thanks to Adera, my reference when i have doubt about my work on a  so delicate theme who involve things i don't have experience directly.....i'm glad to never had write something offensive for you and the others real T-girl we have here! a big hug for you all!

but now......time for the next contest! jeeez, this forum never rest!  ;D ;D
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Momma_andrea on June 01, 2013, 04:58:45 AM
One of my favorite stories was "The Neighbor" it was really truest to the story catagory, a persons first time. I love that the young man was seduced by an older woman ( I wonder why. hehe).  And I feel that the author was honest with his emotions, not just the lust and hunger but the fear, the nervousness, even the self doubt.  There were spelling and grammar errors, nothing a thorough proof-read wouldn't have caught, but the MEAT of the story was there. I was pulled in and read it through... and then I read it again.

Well done, Mercer78.
I'll be waiting for you.  :-*
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Lover on June 01, 2013, 04:26:56 PM
But before we do that lets go have a drink……….im buying
Great idea :D

I'm always amazed about the high quality of the stories i read. We're all just player of AChat and just bc of the good idea of Tight we started to write. Seeing how much effort people put in their ideas, createa theme and write a story is always making me happy. You all spend your time to entertain the rest of us. And reading your stories is helping me improving my english skills.
I will be in holidays in july for some days...but already looking for a hotel i do have  internet - i cannot be without the forum for more than one day :D

Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Stone on June 01, 2013, 09:05:52 PM
Well Done Jayc,  Momma_Andrea  & Covems .  CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU ALL

Everyone did well , I enjoyed all of the stories , all for different reasons too.  It was a hard choice to place a vote.

I hope you all write again for us  Erotic Story fans. We are loyal readers to your cause.

MrSexlover & Covems  - your posters look brilliant . 

Congratulations to Brandybee for a well run and successful contest.   Tightfit74 made a wise choice leaving you to look after his baby.  I hope you run many many more here.  If he ever looks in,  I'm sure you have done him proud.

And a special big kiss  to Jayc,   -  you  are  always a winner to me.   :-*   Third time lucky - you deserve it   :-*

@ Brandy -    I think you should write a story for Erotic Story Contest 5.   Try & get your crown back .. if you dare    ::)

Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Brandybee on June 02, 2013, 12:48:43 PM
   ;D  My crown is the Erotic Story Contests...   ;D    The  more authors- the more winners , the more winners - the more successful Tighfit74 's Contest & legacy is  ...   :-*

But maybe.... I might take up that Dare, young Miss Stone.  :P

Good news for all Winners and Contestants ....  Your prizes and awards have now been credited to your account by the Achat Gods  ...  To check, please refer to the below link ...

FORUM HOME PAGE  > Organizations & Events > Contests  > EROTIC STORY CONTEST RULES.,2509.0.html

If anyone is not credited for any reason, please  PM me immediately.   ;D

Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Momma_andrea on June 02, 2013, 01:25:56 PM

Oh, and my story is done.  :P

p.s. I also spent some money in about  60 seconds.  I do lots of things quick  ;D
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: jayc on June 02, 2013, 02:53:39 PM
the funds were put in my account  :) thanks achat and Brandy you better enter the next one or expect endless pestering from yours truely  ::)  as for Covems he would collect his prize but seems to be tied up at the moment.........the last i checked the Bar   :o
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Momma_andrea on June 06, 2013, 03:17:14 PM
I sent "We Take Care of Our Own" of to Literotica for submission. Now let's see what the rest of the world thinks.  ;D
Jayc,  you should send yours in.
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: hentaiboy69 on June 06, 2013, 03:22:40 PM
Good luck with it, Andrea!
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Momma_andrea on June 06, 2013, 03:26:39 PM
I need it, the rest of the world isn't as nice as you people.  ;D
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Lover on June 06, 2013, 03:27:22 PM
I'm sure they love it Andrea as we did. You're right, jayc should send his one too. Perhaps we make it a rule: The winner has to send his story to Literotica :D
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: hentaiboy69 on June 06, 2013, 04:02:09 PM
I need it, the rest of the world isn't as nice as you people.  ;D

too bad your words are so true! the world is turning mad day by day.....but there are nice people if you look closely!
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Momma_andrea on June 12, 2013, 04:17:10 AM
YAyyyy, it's finally approved and it is up at Literotica.
you know the coolest part  :)   the Authors name and then a little copyright symbol   ;D
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: hentaiboy69 on June 12, 2013, 06:48:09 AM
Very nice, Andrea! another proof of your talent!
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Lover on June 12, 2013, 11:40:32 AM
Great Andrea :) Now Martin has to create anew banner for you - and autograph card for all your fans
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: Lover on January 22, 2014, 12:24:49 PM
I've just got the message, my story "A Night At The Theatre" is published on literotica :)

Thanks to all who voted and special thanks to Brandy for helping with grammar and spelling :-*

Drinks for everyone in our bar!
Title: Re: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 ( First Time ) OT
Post by: jayc on January 22, 2014, 12:27:40 PM
Big Congrats  Lover!

i am buying the 1st round   :D