AChat Forum
Discussions about sex => Artist's Alley => Topic started by: Kingdustin on November 09, 2012, 09:45:46 PM
I finally got my art to my computer. I will be posting here in my Gallery lol
There be more to come tomorrow
Nice Kingdustin good art work
Agree :)
Thanks Guys.
Glad you had post them, Dustin!
the second dragon in the first post hae an interesing design!
Thank you HB. that Dragon took me few day to draw. It one my best works IMO. I still have drawing. It bit for m=to upload them so I have to do segment. here are few more. thanks again
Dustin, let me say i love that girl! she looks really sexy!
thanks HB, i had a feeling you would like that one. =) will be posting more soon.
I love this new Gallery in the village. Nice work King :) Look forward to seeing more of your work :)
Thanks BrandyBee. i will be posting more as soon i get them scaned =) hope you enjoy the news one too
Chocobo! i love it! so fluffy and cute!
Chocobo! i love it! so fluffy and cute!
Smile every time I read that line. thanks HB =)
This is the last of my art, I hope you all like.
Dustin, your pics will remain here like a trace of your presence in our big home! Good luck, my friend!
Oh how do you mean the last one , I just joined this corner.. ?! :-[
Love your drawings Kingdustin , anyway good luck where ever you go and what ever you do!
thank you jeanona31, the are all the art I have done over the years. I have draw a picture in years and i dont think i will start any time soon.
I love your art work, very quirky and vibrant. Well done King ;D
Dustin, let me say this......if you like to draw, take some time to do it! It cn help you to relax and, of cours, an hobby as others. with time, i'm sure your style and skill will improve!
lol thanks HB, I do have to be honest I only started out of boredom form school. all the above was done at school during class lol. I have tryed to draw here at home but I never really got into it . but I can try again. its about 5 years since i have draw something. I will give it shot and and see how it comes out.
wish me luck
PS. Brandy dear thank you so much for your kind words I'm glad you like it
I know you can do it......take your time, think on a subject you like, whatc internet for good reference if you need.....and at last try!
thanks for the encouragement HB. I was rusty as hell, did little tracing practice to get the old gears moving. Took me about 2 hours maybe little more.
but i was able draw picture. since A chat is a sexual site I chose some thing erotic. now this not my original work. just some I got of the web so i can draw.
I hope you all like.
she's so pretty Dustin! well done! i hope yu will show more, my friend!
thank you HB its nice that my work can be enjoyed by others.
OK here is other one, i went with the holiday theme for this please let know what you all think.
now this not my original work. just some thing I got of the web so i can draw.
Nice one King
Thumbs up from me
two thumbs up, man! She's lovely and can perfectly pair with my Dragon Girl! well done, Dustin!
Oh HB - okay than man six thumbs up from me ;D
Well done!
Jeanona, did i had said something wrong!? ;D
Haha no HB, not at all ,
it just, Tango said "Thumbs up" then I read you said "two thumbs up"
so that made me a smile and then I replied in the same spirit... ;D
I was expecting something earn a warm hug and a kiss, Jeanona! ;)
Thank you so much Tango, HB and jeanona. I'm glad you all like it. ;D
I'm thinking of drawing something again, would any of you like me to draw anything in particular. choose a style or a picture you would like me to draw. maybe this will help me jump start my self into drawing more.
no promises okay.
and thank you in advance
heres a busy girl in a small bikini.
now this not my original work. just some thing I got of the web so i can draw.
Nice girl, Dustin! Wonder if she want join AChat too! ::)
Its no problem HB , just a honest mistake all is well & Thank you for telling me.
thank you for for all way commenting on my work and liking it HB.
My pleasure...and about the old message, more then asking you to realize a certain sobject, i would like to see an OC from will be really nice!
OC? you mean original content right.
well i can give it a shot, my skills in art don't shine in that way but for you HB I will try.
Ya im not to sure if i can come up with any original content, I never had any training in how to draw. Iv tried few thing but i just cant form any idea in my head. I will keep trying but it may take long time.
OC? you mean original content right.
well i can give it a shot, my skills in art don't shine in that way but for you HB I will try.
OC = Original Character
Dustin, my hint is to think about what you like most.......for me, as you can see in my lair, i like to draw fantasy girls in every form and i try to imagine how i would like to see them. This is how i plan my work....of course, it's different for some work i'm doing about some of our friends here in this forum: i look at their avatar, try to understand what they like more, as for the space bunny, and then i figured out the form and dress i can give to it! eh eh, thinking of it, for the bunny suit i have ton of hint around her posts!
mmm, maybe i can write how one of my pic is born, if you are interessed.......let me know, my friends!
I love this girl too King.
Are you saying you have no training in drawings at all.. oh man then i can say as completely amateur in drawings
that you're talented Kinddusting, honestly, and you should keep working on your skill.
I'm sure you have great ideas that are just yours, waiting for you to discover.
It's confirmed with interesting drawings that choose to draw.
interesting models, different expressions, great perspective and angles.
Just keep it up man, you know how it says:
who did not dare, never made it to anything. ;)
I think everyone who likes to draw start by himself......time will improve skills and reading some manual can help a lot: i had buy 2 or 3 and just read a little and i can tell you there are some good explanation.
personally, i had start copying some Mickey pic but then, it was thanks to manga and anime if i start to realized my "girls": Johji Manabe was a real ispiration with his anthro girls...dragon, kitty and lots more! yes, i really enjoy his works published in Italy!
HB if you don't mind i would love to hear how one of your picture is born.
jeanona31 thank you for your kind words, I will keep at it and see if my skills can be taken to next level.
Right you are HB, my art started to form after i watched DBZ, Iv draw quite few DBZ character over the years. I branched off after that.
iv never read any drawing manuals, except for one & all it did was confuse me lol.
To the King Dustin for 500 posts
Congrats for 500 :)
500 Ouchhh That's an active King ;)
Congratulations Kingdustin.
Congratulations KingDustin , here's to many many more ;D CHEERS
CONGRATULATION, DUSTIN! keep posting and you can reach Lover! ;D ;D
yeah 500 posts, congrats Dustin.
Hehehe just another reason to party some more ;D
LOLs thank you every one. I had more then 500 till the sexy gif topic disappeared, I lost quite few posts. but I'm glad its back and thank you everyone for the congrats. I will be sure to get 1000 soon. ;D