AChat Forum

Discussions about sex => Woman with man in AChat => Topic started by: malicious101 on December 05, 2012, 10:59:33 PM

Title: Cut or Uncut? Size? Shape? Tell me your favorite Penis
Post by: malicious101 on December 05, 2012, 10:59:33 PM

i made a mistake as a child, from what Im hearing , the foreskin assists in giving the women more pleasure. After all, it is god given, and now it looks like a mushroom :( .  :)

What Shape do you women prefer? sraight? upwards? downwards? It is usually said that upwards shaped penises can hit the g-spot easier
but in a doggy, downwards can

Thick? Wide? Thin?

also, Big mushroom heads ? little cutsie heads?

go on, talk  ;D
Title: Re: Cut or Uncut? Size? Shape? Tell me your favorite Penis
Post by: kittenlepurr on December 08, 2012, 04:23:40 PM
I'll answer.

Uncut bent slightly upwards. Though slightly downwards I wouldn't mind either ... Thick Definitely would be my choice doesn't have to be long but long is easier to take if its less thick.

As for the head its a mix I don't mind either because I am very tease intensive with it :)
Title: Re: Cut or Uncut? Size? Shape? Tell me your favorite Penis
Post by: Adera on December 08, 2012, 07:07:13 PM
Hope you're okay with me posting here even though I'm a tgirl? :)

Anyway I fully agree with Kitten on this topic. :P

Though I feel like I should point out that there are many more factors that we take into consideration other than than the penis as well.
Title: Re: Cut or Uncut? Size? Shape? Tell me your favorite Penis
Post by: kittenlepurr on December 09, 2012, 07:21:40 AM
-hugs Adera-
Though I feel like I should point out that there are many more factors that we take into consideration other than than the penis as well.

Absolutely and not all of them are physical.

Title: Re: Cut or Uncut? Size? Shape? Tell me your favorite Penis
Post by: Brandybee on December 09, 2012, 11:05:12 AM
mmm   All of them  as long as the technique is right  ...  winking ...  ;D
Title: Re: Cut or Uncut? Size? Shape? Tell me your favorite Penis
Post by: prias on December 13, 2012, 07:39:54 AM
mmmh don't tell me that an oyster penis will fit you BB ;)
Title: Re: Cut or Uncut? Size? Shape? Tell me your favorite Penis
Post by: Kingdustin on December 13, 2012, 01:57:34 PM
hmm...for me  it be cut slightly bent up in between medium and large size and cute, also attached to a TS  ;) .....sorry guy I'm not on the menu  lol

on side note , cut or uncut it really doesn't matter. the only thing iv seen or was told it make you look bigger and cleaner.
Title: Re: Cut or Uncut? Size? Shape? Tell me your favorite Penis
Post by: Brandybee on December 13, 2012, 05:39:23 PM
oysters ....    why not, I heard they were an aphrodisiac...  grinning .... ;D
Title: Re: Cut or Uncut? Size? Shape? Tell me your favorite Penis
Post by: piratee on December 14, 2012, 09:13:15 PM
you're right BB... they are an aphrodisiac...
if you eat 6 or 8 dozens of them !!!!

and all that you can have that way is a stomach pain...
not a hard on !

and imagine you have both two !
Title: Re: Cut or Uncut? Size? Shape? Tell me your favorite Penis
Post by: kittenlepurr on December 19, 2012, 06:20:38 PM
hmm...for me  it be cut slightly bent up in between medium and large size and cute, also attached to a TS  ;) .....sorry guy I'm not on the menu  lol

on side note , cut or uncut it really doesn't matter. the only thing iv seen or was told it make you look bigger and cleaner.

Cut does look neater but I like uncut guys more mainly because if you lick under the skin you tease between both the cock and the skin around the head.