AChat Forum

Discussions about AChat => Share your creative ideas => Topic started by: FuckDoll4U on January 18, 2013, 03:19:15 PM

Title: profile picture
Post by: FuckDoll4U on January 18, 2013, 03:19:15 PM
I would like to see the picture bigger and options to add more then 1 within the profile itself. Also would be nice if we could add more text with in the profile once someone clicks on it. If all this is to much, then maybe you can put our handle under the picture.. not covering up a 25% percent of it.  :-*
Title: Re: profile picture
Post by: bluedenim on January 19, 2013, 12:53:24 AM
Hi FD4U! welcome to the mad forum!
excellent idea. I think we've discussed this before.... Lover will know, he's got a photographic memory for  things like that.
Title: Re: profile picture
Post by: Lover on January 19, 2013, 07:17:58 AM
@Blue: I never disagree a nice woman ;)

FuckDoll, yourself added ths idea before. Regarding more text in your profile we also have some threads but most are old. Let's use this topic now to talk about, I'll add some older ideas too.

Please introduce yourself, tell us a bit about you and go on sharing your wishes and ideas.
Organizations & Events/Introduce yourself,22.0.html
Title: Re: profile picture
Post by: Lover on January 19, 2013, 07:24:53 AM
These ideas are from similar topics regarding profile space and personal infos. I just add them here

Hi Achat-Team!

I think there should be a kind of "profile page" (including a user-search-function) on the hompage for each user.
It should be possible to post some additional informations and maybe some screenshots.
Because there is not much space for information at the ingame-profile.

- at the ingame profile you can select "fetish", but you cant explain your fetish.
- The same for SM.
- anal => active or passive?

With this additional user page and a search/browse function everybody would be able to find the best and most
interesting partner.
Maybe you can add this function to the members area?
Thank you!

Kisses Marion!  Kiss

PS.: I want to remember you for a shemale body (and maybe a cross dresser option)!
At the moment I found only a few shemale-useres, but there are a lot of useres out there, who want to have
fun with shemales.
Thanks again!

Why not add a button "Details" on the right side of the in-game? E.g. below "Show her Lovers/ Friends/ Spouse/ Details"
If you click on the question mark in chat with... you see only this 1 person. On the left side should be enough room to add further informations.

Our profiles for the site are very basic but they have important info at least. When it comes to sexual likes and dislikes there is so much to cover.  I think it'd be nice if they upped the max number of characters we could add in the final comment section of our profile.  That would be little work but allow us to customize the info we want to add
Title: Re: profile picture
Post by: Lover on January 19, 2013, 07:26:19 AM
I would like the ability to have full blown profiles we can customize. (like myspace profiles, IMVU etc)   We would be able to make our presence much more defined.

I had see something similar in other chat around internet.
It will be a nice idea, but i don't think we gonna have it so soon, and i don't know if it's something the dev-team is interessed to give us.

If we can have a better in game page, it will be good too, whit more space for profile (a pop up window, maybe!?) and, why not!? have the the chance to post a link to a forum page where we can create our personal full blown profiles
Title: Re: profile picture
Post by: Lover on January 19, 2013, 07:58:10 AM
Also, Profile Customization...
* Bio (Telling about yourself, or your character)
* Time in Game (Years/Months/Days)
* In the mood for: (Menu?)
* Ability to choose more Character Types (Talkative & Romantic, or Passionate & Sex Maniac, etc.)
Title: Re: profile picture
Post by: Lover on January 19, 2013, 08:07:50 AM
Lastly and also an easy fix most likely, is give people a text box to say a bit about themselves. There''s been some creative use of City, Country etc. to add in a bit, but come on, adding a text box for a bit of description can't be too hard. If there's a concern about size or something, make it have a 800 character limit or whatever. Of course that presumes guys actually READING the damn thing to begin with lol. Like "Cold Invite = Ignore" should be a huge clue you'd think. A bit of text would be great and save a lot of time wasted on answering repetitive questions.

Title: Re: profile picture
Post by: safari412412 on February 24, 2013, 06:44:35 PM
How do I add my profile picture real?
Title: Re: profile picture
Post by: Concerto on February 25, 2013, 02:52:51 AM
Login, go to Home page, on right hand side under "Account management" you will see "Character picture upload". Select that and just follow the instructions.
Title: Re: profile picture
Post by: Concerto on February 25, 2013, 03:04:26 AM
As far as extending the profile and making the details available in-game...

Can have it as an extension to my earlier proposal for a new game window....


There could be additional facility at start up to add more details and/or in the character editor and/or on the website...

..and in-game click on name of person on the small icon in "search result" to expand the information about the person...

( on thumbnail images to expand them, click on "...." (below main image) to view further images, scroll through profile by clicking on "...." at bottom, use arrows at bottom of profile to scroll through previous search result, select  "New search" to exit back
Title: Re: profile picture
Post by: tangoracer on February 25, 2013, 05:06:23 AM
Concerto love the idea for the profile page

hope they put it into the game soon

Title: Re: profile picture
Post by: jondas on February 25, 2013, 06:09:52 AM
It would be great to get some kind of notification when a friend logs on!
Title: Re: profile picture
Post by: Lover on February 25, 2013, 08:46:18 AM
How do I add my profile picture real?

You're talking about adding a pic in game I think. Concerto is right, I just add you need a valid subscription made with real money. It's not possible if your subscription is made with gifted money.
Title: Re: profile picture
Post by: jondas on February 27, 2013, 02:32:53 AM
Wouldn't be possible to have a a thread on this forum where players wishing to share a broader profile can be posted. I do not know if a direct link to that post could be inserted on Achat's profile but I think it is not that difficult to make.

This way, more would be accessing the forum, more details can be given about oneself that may include pics, comments by friends or lovers, ...etc

Title: Re: profile picture
Post by: Lover on February 27, 2013, 09:58:59 AM
Good idea jondas. The problem isn't the direct link, the A-Team doens't want it - we don't have a link to the forum at all though we asked for it.
Title: Re: profile picture
Post by: jondas on February 28, 2013, 01:12:40 AM
I extend my due respects to the A-Team

A direct link may not be necessary, just a 'check me out on the forum' would be sufficient. Any 'seriously' interested player would go there.
Title: Re: profile picture
Post by: Lover on March 01, 2013, 04:05:23 AM
It's not perfect, but you can advise the forum in your profil as some of us already do.
You can use the banner or some of the profile info fields.
Title: Re: profile picture
Post by: AnnieMay on March 06, 2013, 03:34:16 AM
Well as I noted in older threads the visual capacity of Achat is completely and currently mod capable, by anyone with time and ability. My only issue is they are using .win files -cringe- over xml templating. Though so much of it is purely visual. That modding it would make for a very nice representation.

As far as extending text and capacity of what is stored. That is currently doable. Thing there is the limits are most likely only software hardcoded, not server side.  I do not suggest doing that however. As Achat may not take kindly to storing more on their servers by a program, than intended. I do know how to do this myself, though I will not. I am willing to expand and help. Not annoy the devs. So I will only give help on how to visually change the client and nothing more.

As far as creating collapsable frames with information , etc. That is actually currently doable. That would require creating events and basic structure in the given .win files. To collapsing and expanding via clicks. To get some samples to examine to doing this. Examine the in-game clothing module, then find its like data in a .win. You could then design containers to placing the data in, and expanding as needed via clicks or mouseover.

In honest truth the devs need to switch to using xml templates. It is far faster than creating .win files and far easier when editing. Why for the great many years xml has been out, why people use it. You could design a xml template in a much shorter time than it would take you to do a comparable .win. And plus its also very easy to re-edit when needed. And xml can embed into other xml for reuse. .win you have to copy the data over etc etc.

As far as creating a linkable profile that would be nice. It may be possible to gather the user # from Achat as it populates data. Thus using this data to create a link to them. Currently this would be potentially doable. Thing here is if anyone wanted to use this feature, they would have to download the modded version that did just that.

As for customized profiles. You can add textures to .win files via .dds. A set of backgrounds, elements, schemes all could be loaded into a folder. Then pulled out when a user customizes their page with it. As far as anything that can be done, this actually is amazingly easy to add. Though with the requirement to save this data and show it to other users. Would need Achat to add it themselves. I played with a mock customization and was able to do one in just a few minutes of .win edits and .dds. So it would take very little time also for Achat to add this in.

Sorry I would comment more often if I could .. I'm an extremely busy girl =). Though had to peek into forums for a sec ^-^
Title: Re: profile picture
Post by: Lover on March 06, 2013, 03:50:49 AM
AnnieMay, let's hope in the background they are working on AChat 2.0 using xml-templates.

Hope you can post more often.
Title: Re: profile picture
Post by: jondas on March 06, 2013, 05:59:56 AM
That was a very informative post AnnieMay, thanks

I do hope AChat gods would peek a second as you did and check your ideas out
Title: Re: profile picture
Post by: Kingdustin on March 25, 2013, 12:22:43 PM
Concerto I love the Idea and the why you presented it. I have given this idea as well but you did lot more with it. I would love to see it added to the game. very nice.