AChat Forum
Support => Slip of the pen (Report bugs) => Topic started by: mercer78 on January 25, 2013, 05:13:52 PM
Not sure if this is a bug or just a problem with my laptop but thought I would mention it. Was in room a few minutes ago and the whole client just completely locked up had ctrl-alt delete to get out.
Almost it's a problem of your own laptop or conncetion. Or they had to work on their servers... let's watch it.
I have had it when my partner was kicked out of the room unknown to me and I was chatting away to myself . I only noticed wen he didnt answer and I was unable to change poses or actions. I also had to completely log out and reboot. Apparently to him I was showing a red dot throughout.
Not sure if that was the same problem you mean. It hasn't happened for awhile so hopefully just a glitch.
Fingers crossed mercer78 :)
hmmm not sure its the same bug brandy , but yours still happen frequently to me
Yesterday it happened 3 times in one hour
Rukya, that's happened to me, too. Freezing or dropping me from the room repeatedly, and like Miss Brandy I find I'm chatting with meself. :) I've found that restarting my entire system seems to remedy that. Although, by the time I get back on it's too late and the person (especially if it's the first time rooming with them) thinks I'm a creep and will not reply to an apology.
It can be frustrating, because as a guy we usually only get ONE chance.