AChat Forum

Discussions about AChat => Share your creative ideas => Topic started by: jondas on February 12, 2013, 01:53:26 AM

Title: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: jondas on February 12, 2013, 01:53:26 AM
Although I do not know if the issue have been brought before or not, I think it is something that can be given a thought and consideration

I would appreciate to have the opportunity to send a gift other than A$. I believe offering a personalized gift (of course using A$) implies attributing to the recipient more value than the price paid. Beyond the pixels' interraction on achat, there is always a level of human factor with the person you chat or room, and this has be given credit

I am sure many of you can come up with great ideas on such gift nature that can be added to AChat's shop, and it doesn't seem very difficult to implement the option to buy for someone else

comments and additions are most appreciated
Title: Re: Gifting
Post by: hentaiboy69 on February 12, 2013, 02:44:14 AM
Jondas, we had talk about this opportunity, but never had an answer from the development team, so we can presume they don't want to change the actual sistem. 

When i can, i gladily post the link to the older thread, if i can find it....
Title: Re: Gifting
Post by: Lover on February 12, 2013, 03:36:39 AM
As HB said, we have talked about it. There has been many ideas from flowers, drink, sweets... even clothes instead of money and the girl has to buy the clothes then.
Perhaps they are afraid, gilrs just get these gifts then and cannot spend the money for buying subsciption. Though I believe, if you can gift items or interieur for room, they make much more money.
Title: Re: Gifting
Post by: Concerto on February 12, 2013, 04:44:39 AM
Well there could be conditions...

. item is available from shop
. donor must have valid subscription
. recipient must have valid subscription
. recipient cannot own item already
. recipient has option of receiving gift or not

....for example.

I have very rarely given money and then only to dear friends but it would have often been a nicer idea to send them a gift instead.
Title: Re: Gifting
Post by: Lover on February 12, 2013, 04:57:20 AM
Some of your suggestions i agree concerto, some i see different.
For example, on some poker games online you can send a drink. Coffee, beer, champaign... these gifts could be send again and again. Or flowers - they could stay for three days and then fade ;)

I also am sure, they never will give the option to refuse a gift. It would be nice for the receiver to have this option but it's as a technical question and also an unwanted option for them.
Title: Re: Gifting
Post by: hentaiboy69 on February 12, 2013, 05:02:14 AM
I think there can be some gift who can be more then one time, like chocolates and flowers....on the other side, clothes can be gift only ones for each type.

it will be nice if we can send a screenshot as a photo to be placed in the room, for the people we really care...what did you think!?
Title: Re: Gifting
Post by: Concerto on February 12, 2013, 05:12:15 AM
Yes, it is true, I didn't think of refreshing gifts like flowers etc. but surely we have to cater for refusal. I certainly don't want gifts from someone who I am not interested in. Even better, have the option to return them if you get pissed off with the person who gave the item to you. Hahahaha... "here is your damn ring back!!!"

Great idea HB re. the photo although of course the mini pic is already displayed when you are in room with someone but I get your point.
Title: Re: Gifting
Post by: Lover on February 12, 2013, 05:19:13 AM
What about furniture and interieur as pics, clock, statues (a big puma for the room. You and your special lovers/spouse can arrange a beautiful home.
Title: Re: Gifting
Post by: hentaiboy69 on February 12, 2013, 11:05:45 AM
You and your special lovers/spouse can arrange a beautiful home. are piercing my heart, Lover! I definitely like the idea of a fullt personalizable room! let me stop....i had ask for it soooo many times!
Title: Re: Gifting
Post by: Brandybee on February 12, 2013, 12:11:10 PM
mmmm,  I know it may not quite be the same but  every now and then I get sent an on line rose ...  I remember thinking it was so sweet and a clever use of  the keyboard.. 

Anyway ... those that don't know    ...  its really a lovely thought 

                                                @--,'--,'---    =   A Single Red Rose

                                                @--,'--,'---  x 12   =  A bouquet of Roses         

I'm sure there are probably other ingenious ways of showing affection too.   :)
Title: Re: Gifting
Post by: hentaiboy69 on February 12, 2013, 12:15:51 PM
That's nice, Bee, i like the idea! as usual, you show another piece of your talent!
Title: Re: Gifting
Post by: Bear on February 12, 2013, 12:48:06 PM
No doubt her hive is a sweet smelling place to be overflowing with flowers now as she buzzes about  ;)
Title: Re: Gifting
Post by: Lover on February 12, 2013, 12:57:16 PM
If you're looking for a read to send this rose, it's Valentine's Day on Wednesday... I have to learn it:

They could offer presents for special days, gingerbreat heart with "I love you"  or valentine's greetings, pralines..
Title: Re: Gifting
Post by: Rukya on February 12, 2013, 03:50:32 PM
What about furniture and interieur as pics, clock, statues (a big puma for the room. You and your special lovers/spouse can arrange a beautiful home.

I totally agree with this idea :) i can easily see a statue or the venus from Manara in my room  ;D
Title: Re: Gifting
Post by: jondas on February 13, 2013, 02:01:09 AM
I see pretty interesting ideas

A piece of furniture or decoration, preferabbly from a special collection open only to gifting, like a thick persian rug or  a rocking chair (my mind started wondering on how these can used :) ) would be great

what I would like to really have to gift is a bottle of fine wine (may be a couple of glasses and sipping option can be implemented within the sitting pose), Tequilla or similar for body degustation ...mmmm
Title: Re: Gifting
Post by: Rukya on February 13, 2013, 07:49:01 AM
erk !! Wine ?!! puahh !!

i rather a good bellay  ;D
Title: Re: Gifting
Post by: ilovehead69 on March 03, 2013, 10:05:48 PM
I see this thread has died off just as the other one, so let the n00b step up and try to revive it. On the topic of gift giving most definitely being reconsidered! In all honesty... giving currency of any sort of a gift is just plain stale! That's like what my father always gives me for holidays due to either apathy or lack of creativity. Even though this is MMOVSR, there is a human factor involved and I really feel the development team should take a look at my post specifically!! (response not necessary :)). When I came across this inability to give a SOLID gift, I was very disappointed. I had already purchased some items for my future wifey.. and now i highly doubt I can return them and im sure as hell not gonna wear them myself! XP. Needless to say, it was (temporarily, hopefully!!!) a waste of A$ for me.

POINT BEING: I highly suggest the development team take a look at enhancing these options, for a few of reasons. 1). It would attract more customers! 2.) It would satisfy more premium members! and 3.) It would result in more heartfelt relationships between premium members, therefore causing higher ratings in the game which results in more $$$ (Now come one, who doesn't love $$$?  8))
Title: Re: Gifting
Post by: hentaiboy69 on March 04, 2013, 04:45:18 AM
ilovehead69, when you talk abouit solid gift, i presume you mean dress, accessories and similar things....

this is something happen in RL of course, and it will be nice if we can do it here too, but about your three reason.....sorry, but i don't agree so much!

1). It would attract more customers!
the gifting sistem is just a plus to show to your friends, lover or spouse how you care of them.....the things who can attract more users (or costumers!) are others: the game sistem is the first one, different from others similar adult games, who have to cathc you when you trry it. under this point of view, AChat give us a lot for a small fee, compared to other similar product and this is one of the reason i had take the decision to subscrive a premium. of course, there is space for more better things, first of the,m new chat sistem and more personalization option avatar and room, etcetera!

2.) It would satisfy more premium members!
Satisfy!? i don't know how a gift can satisfy me! it's a nice thing, yes, but i don't see how this will satisfy us....can you explain more what you mean!?

3.) It would result in more heartfelt relationships between premium members, therefore causing higher ratings in the game which results in more $$$
I don't based my relationsip on gift.....and i don't care if i have them or not! As in the real world, it'as more about feeling and what my partner are able to xcatch my attention with they words and their moods.

Of course this is my opinion and even if ours are different, it doesn't mean one of us is wrong, ilovehead69....we are all in the forum to share our thoughs and make the AChat experience better for everyone, that's the real goal of the forum!
Title: Re: Gifting
Post by: ilovehead69 on March 04, 2013, 11:14:33 AM
You do have a good point, HB, and I do appreciate a contrasted POV to further describe the ultimatum of this concept. I do mean a solid gift as in a dress or lingerie etc.. Imagine you see a sexy dress on a user that really turns you on, but that person is unavailable? So you want your lover to have that dress. I mean granted you can gift your lover the A$ and they can buy it themselves but what about surprise having a seductive result to get that libido cranking? I doubt I'm the only one who feels this way.

As for a gift satisfying you directly HB, are not where my intentions are leading. BUT the end result of getting a sexy outfit for a lover of your choice, maybe repaid very generously!

I agree, no relationship should ever be based on a gift giving.. but as for moods, a gift can definitely increase them.

I feel this would be a good advancement for AChat to make for a more pleasurable experience.. Has a poll been created for this topic, and do you think it would make a difference?
Title: Re: Gifting
Post by: hentaiboy69 on March 04, 2013, 02:51:35 PM
..... Imagine you see a sexy dress on a user that really turns you on, but that person is unavailable? So you want your lover to have that dress. I mean granted you can gift your lover the A$ and they can buy it themselves but what about surprise having a seductive result to get that libido cranking? I doubt I'm the only one who feels this way.

mmmmh, sorry if i disagree.....if i see a nice dress i like on an avater, that doesn't mean my partner like it! sure, it's a good turn on for you, but what about if your partbner don't like it!? Don't think i don't had make gift, i have.....and case want it was an outfit (well, the A$ to buy it) but it was a well pondered choise. i mean, i had met a girl long time agao and after few month we lost each other she has back to me and we usually date. i had read her profile till the begin and it hit me well, so when i ask her to be my lover i decide to gift her with A$ for a certain dress linked with that description.

All this to say a dress is an impegnative decision, you can't be sure if the one who receive it would like it or not....i prefere to have the chance to gift a chocolate box or a teddy (i own one to Blue, lol!  :D) or a portrait of us, for example
Title: Re: Gifting
Post by: ilovehead69 on March 04, 2013, 03:12:21 PM
If they dont like it then that would be my loss, no? ;) just like in RL it stays in the drawer, or you donate it.. make the gift giving could turn into an open trade development betwen users to solve this. If it doesn't happen then I'll have to accept it, but i sure hope it does!
Title: Re: Gifting
Post by: Lover on March 05, 2013, 04:26:14 PM
The big question: If you buy something your lover already is owning - what next?

The gifting system IS a money maker for them, as the gifted person can use this money for purchasing fashion AND membership.
I agree (and many will) if we also could gift chocolate, drinks, flowers...all these little attentions that don't cost too much but show your partner you're thinking of her/him.
Title: Re: Gifting
Post by: Rukya on March 05, 2013, 06:15:31 PM
The gifting system IS a money maker for them, as the gifted person can use this money for purchasing fashion AND membership.

 hmmm , this is illogic :) . what i mean is , what is the difference if i use 200 A$ to offer an outfit to someone and if i gift 200 A$ to someone and she use it for a membership ?
Title: Re: Gifting
Post by: ilovehead69 on March 05, 2013, 07:25:41 PM
Its not the A$ that counts its a heartless gift.. and if you buy something for them and they own it already is a good question.. BUT that could most definitely be resolved by making it very clear that they do not claim responsibility for the gifts you purchase for someone if they already own it. How abaout you can only gift to a spouse an item? I'm not saying in anyway to to stop the gift giving of A$ becasue I do realize it keeps the prem memeberships going. the flowers are nice and chocolates yeah, bu its mentioned where they disappear in 3 days. theres more heart in a gift with thought.. plain and simple
Title: Re: Gifting
Post by: wasabii on March 05, 2013, 07:26:20 PM
Like someone else said, the option to gift items would be highly appreciated by many premium users. :D The more options and customizations AChat offers, the better, right? I think it would be a fair option for the people that would like to and of course those of you that don't want to, just don't do it. The whole purpose of this is to be life-like right?  :-\
Title: Re: Gifting
Post by: wasabii on March 05, 2013, 07:35:21 PM
Its not the A$ that counts its a heartless gift.. and if you buy something for them and they own it already is a good question.. BUT that could most definitely be resolved by making it very clear that they do not claim responsibility for the gifts you purchase for someone if they already own it. How abaout you can only gift to a spouse an item? I'm not saying in anyway to to stop the gift giving of A$ becasue I do realize it keeps the prem memeberships going. the flowers are nice and chocolates yeah, bu its mentioned where they disappear in 3 days. theres more heart in a gift with thought.. plain and simple

Good point.
Title: Re: Gifting
Post by: hentaiboy69 on March 06, 2013, 02:25:21 AM
The gifting system IS a money maker for them, as the gifted person can use this money for purchasing fashion AND membership.

 hmmm , this is illogic :) . what i mean is , what is the difference if i use 200 A$ to offer an outfit to someone and if i gift 200 A$ to someone and she use it for a membership ?

Of course it make no difference.......the difference is in the gift it self! i don't think a girl will be happy to be gifted with a dress or something similar a little too much sexy for her taste.....
I know, this can sound like an "old age concept" but there are girls (few nowaday!") who don't like to dresss so sexy in front of others, but thi is it! and if it happend.....well, the risk is to make her really upset!

By the way......we had allways try to find out an alternativity to the actual gift system cause we want try to slow down the request for A$ to room! this is the real goal we like to gain!
Title: Re: Gifting
Post by: Lover on March 06, 2013, 03:43:11 AM
The gifting system IS a money maker for them, as the gifted person can use this money for purchasing fashion AND membership.

 hmmm , this is illogic :) . what i mean is , what is the difference if i use 200 A$ to offer an outfit to someone and if i gift 200 A$ to someone and she use it for a membership ?

Rukya, you have to read the whole thread before you say my reply is illogical. There is no difference, this wasn't my statement.I replied to Ilovehead69 and I explained the reason the gifting system already is a money maker.
Look at the status quo - many girls ask for gifts - they don't want special fashion. If you just can gift clothes, many girls don't have money to buy a subscription - but they want to be prem. As long as we can't send other items then fashion the income of A-Team will decrease.

If you just can gift your spouses the income will decrease too. Also look at some members - they collect spouses like other do with stamps. Doesn't make sense, too...  You say sedning flowers, sweets, toys, items... are not thoughtful. We are in a game - which gifts are more thoughtful? Clothes? Money?
Title: Re: Gifting
Post by: jondas on March 06, 2013, 05:55:30 AM
My initial idea was to have the option of gifting other stuff in parallel to the A$. I do find the point that offering a non-prem member a piece of cloth is useless and has to be took into consideration in any new gifting system.
Title: Re: Gifting
Post by: ilovehead69 on March 06, 2013, 08:16:37 PM
It definitely seems like it would be a good idea. I say a poll may cut the differentials in half at least? I understand the concept of giving A$ as a gift for subscription and in no way way I suggesting to stop that. Seems like it would be an enjoyable OPTIONAL feature to give an item as a gift. Say she doesn't like it, then she is giving him the OK to gift it tot some other girl, maybe eone of her friends, or threesome partners, or just some random skank! Like I said, a poll seems like a good idea.
Title: Re: Gifting
Post by: hentaiboy69 on March 07, 2013, 03:06:34 AM
My initial idea was to have the option of gifting other stuff in parallel to the A$. I do find the point that offering a non-prem member a piece of cloth is useless and has to be took into consideration in any new gifting system.

A non premium can't wear the dress you send to her, cause she is not premium! she need to buy a three day membership and wear it, but for this she need A$ anyway.....
If you wonna gift a dress, you have to be sure she can use it, this is the point!

About opening a poll.....yes, it can be an idea ilovehead69. We can consider the idea to do it, just need to thing at the option for it! if you have them, let us know!
Title: Re: Gifting
Post by: Lover on March 07, 2013, 03:16:29 AM
A non premium can't wear the dress you send to her, cause she is not premium! she need to buy a three day membership and wear it, but for this she need A$ anyway.....
HB, this is what jondas said.

Jondas, if you think of gifting gifting free members with other things then money or clothes you have to think: A-Team wants prem members. As long as they get money as gift, they can buy a membership.
If you ask me, all other items (no matter if room interieur or little gifts like sweets and flowers) should only be usable for prem members too as there has to be a difference between free and prem members.
Title: Re: Gifting
Post by: jondas on March 07, 2013, 04:38:09 AM
I am surely talking abut gifting to premium members
Title: Re: Gifting
Post by: ilovehead69 on March 07, 2013, 08:29:06 AM
So can a poll be added to this post or would a new one have to be made? also, I noticed there was a poll from ..ehem 2011 about the tabbed chatting system, and nothing has changed with great majority toward changing it. As for gifting a non premium member a gift, The only gift they should be able to get is 300A$ for a membership, then other gifts (which will be unusable until they get prem acct again)
Title: Re: Gifting
Post by: Bear on March 07, 2013, 09:15:39 AM
I thyink token items would be a nice add, many women are frustrated they can;t send something of appreciateion to their man. I think a little item would be wonderful. Perhaps lace panties,  Nothing speaks louder to me than a lady sending me her lace panties with a little note "I won't be needing these next time we meet"
Title: Re: Gifting
Post by: Lover on March 07, 2013, 09:57:16 AM
So can a poll be added to this post
The mods and the topic starter can add a poll. But as it's your idea (i don't know if jondas wants it) I suggest you start an own topic for your idea and add a poll.

Here is a description how to add a poll:
Support/Quick-Start Guides/Quick-Start Guide for this forum,1405.0.html
Title: Re: Gifting
Post by: Brandybee on March 07, 2013, 03:06:08 PM
I thyink token items would be a nice add, many women are frustrated they can;t send something of appreciateion to their man. I think a little item would be wonderful. Perhaps lace panties,  Nothing speaks louder to me than a lady sending me her lace panties with a little note "I won't be needing these next time we meet"


 D=     Will these panties do?  or a bra  -uu-  A bit Bridget Jones but its the thought that counts right  lol

Then there's a lucky clover  %%--

~O)   Have a cup of tea with me   ;)

:bz   Bumble bee

and my all time fave   @--,'--,'--- A rose for you  :-*

Sometimes the more ingenius the message, the more touched I am by the effort & thought   ...   

Title: Re: Gifting
Post by: jondas on March 08, 2013, 01:23:03 AM
I'll need your help Lover  if we are going to start a poll on this thread.
Title: Re: Gifting
Post by: Lover on March 08, 2013, 06:01:10 AM
Jondas, I made a description how to add a poll here,1405.0.html

But if you want I also can help you or do it for you.
Title: Re: Gifting
Post by: jondas on March 08, 2013, 06:05:45 AM
I'd appreciate if you do it for me Lover

Thanks in advance
Title: Re: Gifting
Post by: Lover on March 08, 2013, 06:12:29 AM
Which options do you want? Just "Do you want other options then just gifting money?" yes - no
Title: Re: Gifting
Post by: jondas on March 11, 2013, 12:56:45 AM
Basically that, thanks
Title: Gifting
Post by: Lover on March 11, 2013, 04:08:12 AM
Done, I added a poll. This poll is about gifting, not about eggs - but perhaps they could be a nice gift too :D

If you vote for yes please add suggestions for gifts too.
Title: Re: Gifting
Post by: jondas on March 12, 2013, 03:10:08 AM
it's soon the season for egggs indeed :)

Thanks for setting the poll Lover
Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: Lover on March 12, 2013, 03:21:41 AM
Your welcome :)
Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: old_goat on March 12, 2013, 07:31:11 AM
I am curious as to why my vote did not count in the results that I viewed.
Perhaps it was too soon to be counted.
love the Greeneyegirl!
Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: Lover on March 13, 2013, 10:17:49 AM
old_goat, usually each vote counts at once - did you refresh the page? If you can't vote again, it has been counted

Welcome old_gota, please introduce yourself in Organizations & Events/Introduce yourself,22.0.html
Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: Adera on March 13, 2013, 10:28:57 AM
Does the "I don't mind" option mean you don't mind things the way they are now, or you wouldn't mind other gifting options... or is it that you simply doesn't care one way or another?
Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: hentaiboy69 on March 13, 2013, 10:35:23 AM
In my opinion, Adera, it's like saying "I don't care how the gift system work" and you are not eggpressing your opinion about it! But i'm sure Lover will explain it better for you!
Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: Lover on March 13, 2013, 10:41:21 AM
It's like HB said. "I don't mind" means you don't care about it at all.
Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: old_goat on March 13, 2013, 11:58:27 AM
dont mind is how i voted and there were
0 votes showing in results.
Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: old_goat on March 13, 2013, 12:00:06 PM
i voted again.
now there are 2 votes for dont mind (one way or the other)
Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: Lover on March 13, 2013, 12:10:35 PM
Before you voted again I saw 1 vote for don't mind... not so important if there are one, two or three votes.
Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: Adera on March 13, 2013, 02:20:19 PM
Isn't "I don't mind" used more like "I don't take offence to..."? Feels to me as if that option isn't fully finished in this context, but I could be wrong of course, I'm not a native speaker after all.
Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: hentaiboy69 on March 13, 2013, 02:40:16 PM
mmmmm.....not sure about it, Adera....maybe Brandy or Bear can clerify this opoint for us!
Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: Brandybee on March 13, 2013, 02:55:31 PM
I Don't mind   is used a lot in different contexts ,       It can be  meant as  not taking offence at what someone said

EG  ...  " Please don't be offended but your ass looks fat in that dress .."  Reply  " I dont mind at all "   THWACK ... ;D 

But as in this case   "  I dont mind  "   means  that I don't have an opinion either way and will go with the majority rule ...

It can also be used , if you borrow something,    "  Can i borrow your mirror?  "     " I dont mind"  =  yes if you want, 

Hope that clarifies it ...  there's probably lots more examples

"I don't mind" , is a polite way of saying  " I don't care"  which would be considered rude.

Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: Lover on March 13, 2013, 03:20:45 PM
Vote "I don't mind" if you don't have an opinion and if you say both options are ok for me.
Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: jondas on March 14, 2013, 02:16:36 AM
I think the 'I don't mind' selection can be omitted all the same, since for one who doesnt have an opinion or is indifferent to both ways not voting all keeps being an option :)
Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: Urban on March 22, 2013, 04:47:59 PM
Yes ! No doubt about that, it make me feel dirty to give "money" to a woman  :'(
Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: jondas on March 27, 2013, 05:48:36 AM
How long do you guys think we should keep the poll open?
Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: Lover on March 27, 2013, 05:53:36 AM
I think we should keep it open until the end of this month.
Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: jondas on March 28, 2013, 02:23:43 AM
Seems right  to me too

Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: Covems on March 28, 2013, 08:44:12 AM

I swear that I was so lonely I took some comfort there....

Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: Brandybee on March 31, 2013, 05:54:44 AM
MMM   I have been trying to figure out to what you are referring to Covems and I am obviously missing something ... cus its just not clicking...

Anyway if you are feeling lonely,  we have a lovely tradition in England ... we just pop round each others for a cup of tea... maybe a cream cake or scone too mmm

So the kettle is boiling and the tea is brewing ...  ( None of that iced rubbish you Yanks seem to lean towards...  honestly, sometimes...  that's even worst than removing the Us & PH's in your spelling..   ::)   -   just so you know   its  COLOUR  &  SULPHUR   LOL   )
Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: Kingdustin on March 31, 2013, 06:36:38 AM
I love a good sweet Ice Tea on a hot day. but I also fancy Hot Tea as well.  ;D
as to what Covems is talking about im at a lost too

I voted YES for this poll.
Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: Momma_andrea on March 31, 2013, 09:03:28 AM
I said this before, Money is OK, but sometimes a girl likes to get "Things"
And if they put thought behind it and you know they did, it makes it more special.  :)
oh  P.S. I like Bear's Idea too. There are some guys that deserve a pair of my panties. ;)
Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: Momma_andrea on March 31, 2013, 09:06:29 AM
Oh, and Covems is refering to a Simon and Garfunkle song.
'The Boxer'  I believe.
Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: jondas on April 02, 2013, 06:23:16 AM
I appreciate that many of us on the forum seem to want the option of customized gifts in addition to the current A$ gifting scheme. I am not sure whether we should call the poll off yet or no, and more importantly what are we going to do with the results :)
Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: Lover on April 02, 2013, 08:59:19 AM
The only thing we can do is send the result to the A-Team. Only they have the power to change it. I'm thinking of a topic "Most wanted"... where we collect all suggestions (we collect them here,2129.0.html )
and either send them the list or make a most wanted list.
Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: apollo13nut on April 30, 2013, 10:44:41 PM
I'll be completely honest, but the wide-spread abuse of the system, at this point, I say remove the whole gifting option completely. I pay the yearly membership fee, why should I have to pay girls to go into rooms on top of that? Assuming the A$6000 I get from the yearly membership is all I use for the entire year, and then assume every girl requires A$200 to room. If I buy nothing else, that's only 30 girls all year....That doesn't allow for new poses, new clothes, new room options, etc. And for as many girls asking for A$ to room or to "sell pics", it almost is not worth it to even be a premium.
Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: old_goat on May 01, 2013, 07:47:40 AM
I agree with Apollo completely.
Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: A123lolo on May 01, 2013, 08:24:47 AM
I add that in some time, i think that some women have not the same game rule that us.

I have the impression that their goal is to have maximum of clothing and poses.
They play to this game like a aventure game where it must gain lot of resources to change of level.
And for that they must obtain lot of precious A$: for that, sell their invitations, sell pictures or videos and why not sell their skype adress.

In final, they don't play to AChat but to an other game where we are excluded.
Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: Covems on May 01, 2013, 08:44:21 AM

Momma_andrea is correct... that is exactly what I was referring to.  I'm a simple man, with simple wants and simple needs, and in the beginning, when I couldn't understand why no one would give me the time of day, I was tempted to take some comfort from the "whores on 7th avenue", and did a few times.

Then I met the two crazy ladies... posted here in the forum and things changed.

In the end, it just a simple matter of supply and demand.  In my case, the women have the supply... I have the demand.  The question is... how much are you willing to do to satisfy that demand?

The gifting system is here to stay.  It is part of the engine that drives the business end of AChat.

Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: Lover on May 01, 2013, 09:39:50 AM
Well, I like to gift my girl or good friend for special reasons. But because i want it and not because they demand it. The idea of gifting is nice and it's a money maker for the A-Team. They never will stop it.
It's the same as always - people are using or misusing a system. A123lolo is right, for some it's a competition or a different game. Some actually pay their membership and even few guys (or girls too) may like the idea of paying for sex.

I repeat it again and again: Don't pay for sex (or pics, vids...) if you don't want it. There are enough nice girls around. Just take your time to find them, talk to them as you would do in real and don't think they have to room with you.
Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: sexilicious on May 01, 2013, 10:46:34 AM
Sometimes on special occassions it is nice to send and receive gifts. Like birthdays, anniversaries of special dates, holidays, miss you, love you, etc. Sometimes even a I'm thinking of you and here is something special for maybe the next time we are together. Yes the A$ is nice but sometimes it is even nicer to have an outfit or an accessory or maybe have flowers or something to send for them to have in their room on in their closet.

P.S. Covems if you really are lonely my door is open ;) just don't be surprised if you get a little surprise of a look.
Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: ilovehead69 on May 28, 2013, 11:32:02 AM
I'm glad to see this post is still alive, and by the looks of it the vote is practically unanimous! but will this be another forgotten poll? O_o when will we see a change?
Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: Lover on May 28, 2013, 11:39:52 AM
The -Team is noticing it. If they change something? It's only their decision - we just can show how many people want this change.
They have a working gifting system and they have thought about.
That doesn't mean they never will change but they think twice before they do.
Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: ldyreality on June 01, 2013, 05:12:45 PM
room items and clothes would be nice. but not only from husband to wife. the contrary should be also allowed. i personally dont like to be gifted money. sounds ... vulgar.
besides something that someone offers should have their personal touch.
Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: Lover on June 01, 2013, 05:23:10 PM
Welcome Idyreality :)
Thanks for your opinion. As you notice, we're all think the same and each vote increases the chance to get what we want.
Hope to read more of you, please introduce yourself here:,22.0.html

Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: Momma_andrea on June 04, 2013, 03:05:20 PM
I would like to "Bump" an Idea... I think it was Bear that mentioned it first (I might be wrong)
Let us girls "Gift"  our panties.   ;D

now it should cost us girls a little something, a token value, so we don't just toss panties all willy nilly.
Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: old_goat on June 04, 2013, 03:34:08 PM
I would like to "Bump" an Idea... I think it was Bear that mentioned it first (I might be wrong)
Let us girls "Gift"  our panties.   ;D

now it should cost us girls a little something, a token value, so we don't just toss panties all willy nilly.

And just what would precipitate such a gift giving?
Just very curious girl.
Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: Momma_andrea on June 04, 2013, 06:53:12 PM
Well that decision would be up to the Ladies.
But you gentleman could then have taglines - "I only room for panties" or "Give me panties, I love you long time."
Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: Lover on June 04, 2013, 07:17:24 PM
"Just room for panties - the wetter the better"
Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: sexilicious on June 04, 2013, 08:36:58 PM
think i left a pair of panties with Freddie after the secret date  ::) you just can't see it though  ;D
Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: denisee40 on June 05, 2013, 08:06:47 PM
I like the idea of gifting panties :)
Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: Momma_andrea on June 05, 2013, 08:20:25 PM

When DO WE WANT THEM?   NOW!! after really great consensual sex
Title: Re: Gifting
Post by: Brandybee on June 05, 2013, 09:45:03 PM
I thyink token items would be a nice add, many women are frustrated they can;t send something of appreciateion to their man. I think a little item would be wonderful. Perhaps lace panties,  Nothing speaks louder to me than a lady sending me her lace panties with a little note "I won't be needing these next time we meet"

 ;D    I've run out babes ....  can you send me some back  :P  or maybe that's the way you like me ... ;)
Title: Re: Gifting
Post by: mrsexlover on June 05, 2013, 10:35:51 PM
I thyink token items would be a nice add, many women are frustrated they can;t send something of appreciateion to their man. I think a little item would be wonderful. Perhaps lace panties,  Nothing speaks louder to me than a lady sending me her lace panties with a little note "I won't be needing these next time we meet"

 ;D    I've run out babes ....  can you send me some back  :P  or maybe that's the way you like me ... ;)

Pantieless looks so good on you Brandy, so that's the way i like it :)


Classy and with Style and very HOT



Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: Brandybee on June 06, 2013, 01:50:34 AM
Hehehe   In that case, I won't bother buying anymore...  Mwahhhhh

Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: Lover on June 06, 2013, 02:02:33 AM
You can buy more and add them as special prize for the games ;D
Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: Momma_andrea on June 06, 2013, 03:55:52 AM
Hehehe   In that case, I won't bother buying anymore...  Mwahhhhh

You could use them as a scrunci...

Title: Re: Gifting - Poll Open
Post by: TG_Chaser on June 19, 2013, 08:48:06 AM
IMO either change it or rename it from gifting to "payment". You try giving your GF a cash gift and she might slap you.