AChat Forum

Discussions about AChat => Share your creative ideas => Topic started by: marinap on March 14, 2013, 09:59:12 AM

Title: Getting message in room
Post by: marinap on March 14, 2013, 09:59:12 AM
Hi, have You ever thought about getting message from Your friends when You are in room (busy)? I have some time problems cause when Im in room I just can't check if my friend who I arrange meeting is waiting for me or not. Some people says don't go room if you are waiting for someone, but sometimes we have situations that we can't refuse. Other thing is how this msg should look like? For example on chat window auto msg "XpersonX is trying to contact You". There is one problem I see at the beggining. Some of people here can just abuse this to much. Idea is open... What do You think about it?
Title: Re: Getting message in room
Post by: Concerto on March 14, 2013, 12:53:42 PM
It is an excellent idea and one that I have given a lot of thought to.

Meanwhile, there are several methods that you could implement, until there is an in-game answer, in order to keep in touch in that way. The simplest I have found is using any instant messaging service, e.g. yahoo, msn, etc. My step-sister and I use this method to communicate for many different things apart from Achat and we have used it when we are both playing AChat and it works great (we let each other know when people we are interested in are logged on).

Just have it running in the background and use an id that bears no association to you in real life (to be on the safe side) and let all your Achat friends/lovers/spouses (or all of those that you are interested in) know what it is. Then you can contact each other when you are "busy" in Achat. Typically, for me at least, they sit neatly alongside the Achat window.

The other thing is, if they are all members of the forum (encourage them to be, if they aren't already), have it up and running in your browser and use the pm system. I found it to be a bit more cumbersome than im but you can always reduce the size of the browser window to sit next to the Achat window. Unfortunately you have to refresh it occasionally to see whether you have messages..
Title: Re: Getting message in room
Post by: tangoracer on March 14, 2013, 01:12:54 PM
Hi, have You ever thought about getting message from Your friends when You are in room (busy)? I have some time problems cause when Im in room I just can't check if my friend who I arrange meeting is waiting for me or not. Some people says don't go room if you are waiting for someone, but sometimes we have situations that we can't refuse. Other thing is how this msg should look like? For example on chat window auto msg "XpersonX is trying to contact You". There is one problem I see at the beggining. Some of people here can just abuse this to much. Idea is open... What do You think about it?

Sorry but if you have arrange a meeting with a friend What are you doing in a room anyway

And if you chose to go in a room surely you give your full attention to the person your with and not worry about the friend you forgot about

Just my opinion 
Title: Re: Getting message in room
Post by: Bear on March 14, 2013, 04:05:08 PM
What Tango siad said, ditto...
Title: Re: Getting message in room
Post by: Brandybee on March 14, 2013, 04:12:41 PM
mmm  It does seem to be like you are hiding in the wardrobe.....  being a perv disturbing your rooming friend .... and I agree,  its  rude to room when you have a date arranged  and no doubt the cause of many an argument  between couples.

I'm afraid that would go straight to my ignore button ...  and that's fairly rare for me ...   I really would treat my rooming date with the contempt they have earned.   :-*
Title: Re: Getting message in room
Post by: marinap on March 15, 2013, 08:51:40 AM
You not get my intention. Its not for use everytime (it depands on human), but i give some example. I was in room with friend cause we were attacked by cold invites (20 cold  invites in 5 min - its boring and waste of time to ignore all of them). And when we were in room, our friend who we not see long time log on achat and must wait for us 1,5 hour. So it would be easier to sent some msg. Im thinking to limit it to friends only (maybe by personal password to contact which You can give to them or not).
I did think about all kinds of massengers like Yahoo, cause this idea is to make better Achat without using outsides programs.
And message to skeptics. For me room is not only for sex. Its sometimes only place to calm talk with friend. Blocking free users its not soultion, cause many of my friends are free, so why I should block them too?
Title: Re: Getting message in room
Post by: Bear on March 15, 2013, 09:21:02 AM
I just let the colds run their course... it doesn't bother me to have the pop up hang there for 20 seconds... I figure I am wasting their time while they wait.
Title: Re: Getting message in room
Post by: Concerto on March 15, 2013, 10:19:34 AM
OK, lol, that has put me in my place. Well how about....

I've previously suggested a different color status to indicate that you are "busy" instead of "in room", why not incorporate the two and make it so that  "busy"  is only to other than friends/lovers/spouse.
Title: Re: Getting message in room
Post by: Bear on March 15, 2013, 10:29:17 AM
Well one thing I will agtree with is the need to develpe a better chat system, like the capacity to create a private chat channel for groups. Entering such in the lobby should change the availability light.... one needs only to message a partner of the channels name and they could join by a simple command... say "/join *channel name*,
Title: Re: Getting message in room
Post by: Lover on March 15, 2013, 11:06:41 AM
And when we were in room, our friend who we not see long time log on achat and must wait for us 1,5 hour. So it would be easier to sent some msg. Im thinking to limit it to friends only (maybe by personal password to contact which You can give to them or not).

There is one error in your idea - if A-Team allows to message all people in your friend list, you will be disturbed very often while you're in room. If they say only lover and/or spouses are allowed, I can hear people crying because of making this kind of difference between spouse/lover/friend...
Same if they add a new group with "special friends".

At the moment only thing you can do is use messenger or pm in forum as concerto mentioned.

One idea could be a sign when people of your lists login - it was mentioned by kingdustin and can be read here
Discussions about AChat/Share your creative ideas,2129.30.html

But if you ask me, it has to be used like the busy-button, with the chance to set it active/not active.
Title: Re: Getting message in room
Post by: marinap on March 15, 2013, 12:42:51 PM
As I can see discussion in this subject is rather rough. Most of You dont like this idea but I tried to indicate problem. So lets check different idea. Maybe it should be 3rd kind of block intruders "block all except your friend/lover/spouse list"?  ::)

don't stress            be calm
Title: Re: Getting message in room
Post by: Lover on March 15, 2013, 12:58:08 PM
Marina, no one is arguing or stressed. You asked for an honest opinion and got it. Some will like your idea, some won't. That's the basics for a good discussion and in the end we may find a new idea to improve the game.

In your last idea, i think you are talking about the busy-button? We have talked about it long time ago... but perhaps new members in forum have new ideas and wishes... so we can discuss it again if you mean the busy-button (zzz-state)
Title: Re: Getting message in room
Post by: mercer78 on March 15, 2013, 02:07:46 PM
There is a compromise here why not give people the opportunity to leave messages if someone is in room and have them waiting when you leave.  Meaning rather than wait around for someone to be free you can leave a quick message and then carry on with your day.  :)
Title: Re: Getting message in room
Post by: Concerto on March 15, 2013, 02:28:10 PM
Yes, another good idea mercer78.

Actually, of course, you can leave messages but what I find annoying is that they aren't available until you log off and on again.
Title: Re: Getting message in room
Post by: sexilicious on March 15, 2013, 03:13:53 PM
I know for me there are sometimes i want to message a friend maybe someone who had sent me a message while i was offline but sometimes they are rooming. It would be nice to at least have it where you can leave a message just like if they were offline then they can respond next time they see it. Cause I don't know about everyone else but sometimes my brain doesn't have the best memory. Although if a message was sent like that it would be nice for times like that for the message button to also blink when you come out of the room (since the message button doesn't show in the room) so you know you have a message and not have to wait till the next time you log on the game.
Title: Re: Getting message in room
Post by: Rukya on March 15, 2013, 10:07:26 PM
 i agree with sexilicious , its sad to receive a message when you are in room and to be forced to relog if we want have it immediately
Title: Re: Getting message in room
Post by: Lover on March 16, 2013, 02:06:28 PM
I'm bit torn. I understand sometimes it would be great to receive important messages while being in room, especially when you're just inside to talk with a friend, trying to escape silly chats and cold invites.
But I also can read all the complains here if they activate a function like this and we get 99 messages while having a hot date...

The next point I'm very sure about... any changes in message-system will be for prem only - like the busy-button.

Reading new messages after leaving room is a wish I support. Though it doesn'tsolve the basic question of this thread.
Title: Re: Getting message in room
Post by: Rukya on March 16, 2013, 09:32:29 PM
 About receiving messages while i am in room , i dont need it . I have better things to do when i'm in room that receive a message from someone saying hi 20 times in 2 minutes if i dont anwser  ;D
Title: Re: Getting message in room
Post by: Nat33 on March 16, 2013, 10:43:09 PM
About receiving messages while i am in room , i dont need it . I have better things to do when i'm in room that receive a message from someone saying hi 20 times in 2 minutes if i dont anwser  ;D

I agree.
Or a message like this:
user: Wanna fuck?
me: Yes, of course ... come with us  ;D

In addition, just thinking that the user in room with me read his messages...!!!  GRRRRrrrrr >:(
It's like making love to someone who watches TV !
For this reason, I do not agree with the messages in room.

When I'm waiting for someone ... I wait. When I fuck ... I fuck  8)
Title: Re: Getting message in room
Post by: Brandybee on March 17, 2013, 02:50:47 AM
I chatted with Marinap  and  it seems the language barrier may have got in the way a little with this one , however it always makes for a healthy discussion to explore all  avenues  of an idea ... that is after all how we share ideas to improve this wonderful game

She was thinking it would be a good idea that when in a room and a friend, lover or spouse comes online that a pop up just appears .. in a similer way to  yahoo messenger   just saying ... "  Marinap is online"  so you know.

Then on leaving the room ,  your messages flash to indicate you was messaged while in the room or showing  busy so you can pick it up straight away instead of logging in and out.

If this facility was created,  it would probably be a good idea  to have the ability to switch it off  too.   For example, if  you are actually on your date as arranged in a room with your spouse, I would not want to be disturbed by frequent friend messages popping up....   " so&so is online, so&so is offline "

Title: Re: Getting message in room
Post by: hentaiboy69 on March 17, 2013, 08:27:55 AM
mmmm.....message when i'm in room.......

honestly, i don't want to room with someone else if i had set a date with someone, i don't want to risk to miss my partner and ythis is way, when  i have a date, always refuse to room with others! I'm in for a date, not for fun and for looking at new people to meet!

Of course this stuff can be interessing cause you can always know who is online in that moment of your lists, but nothjing more.....i don't want to rush in room cause one of my loer is's not right to do for yourself and for your prtner! on the other hand, you know you can go and meet you lover when you finish, of course...

not an easy decision, to establish if this feature is really necessary or not!
Title: Re: Getting message in room
Post by: Cheya on March 17, 2013, 09:58:58 AM
Hmm I was thinking of a different approach, what about an option to deactivate "Invites" or just Invites from free user, similar to the busy system or ignoring messages/invites from people which are not on your friendlist ?

Just my thoughts, not sure if it possible though and maybe later on like Brandy said implementing a feature like getting to see a notification when your friends come online!

Receiving messages while in a room is rather annoying, i fully agree on that, not something i would want to :P.

Of course the chat system needs improvement, thats out of the question, like Bear said for example ... chat groups, serveral tabs and things like that.
Title: Re: Getting message in room
Post by: Lover on March 17, 2013, 12:12:53 PM
I chatted with Marinap  and  it seems the language barrier may have got in the way a little with this one , however it always makes for a healthy discussion to explore all  avenues  of an idea ... that is after all how we share ideas to improve this wonderful game

She was thinking it would be a good idea that when in a room and a friend, lover or spouse comes online that a pop up just appears .. in a similer way to  yahoo messenger   just saying ... "  Marinap is online"  so you know.

That's what I answered...
One idea could be a sign when people of your lists login - it was mentioned by kingdustin and can be read here
Discussions about AChat/Share your creative ideas,2129.30.html

But if you ask me, it has to be used like the busy-button, with the chance to set it active/not active.

At the moment the discussion is bit confusing.... marinap is obviously speaking about the situation, you and a friend are in room to chat without being flooded with cold invites and silly chats. She is NOT saying she wants these messages while having one...
So there has to be the chance to set it, similar to busy button - "Message state on/off"

If it's possible at all, it might be another advantage of being prem.
Title: Re: Getting message in room
Post by: Rukya on March 17, 2013, 03:29:55 PM
 hmmm if you say that only premiums must have the option to have their message button flashing when they exit a room , its not a good idea . If there is someone in room that i want send a message , i'll apreciate if they have it after they exit the room and not after x days .

2 exemples :

1 - without the button flashing : I send the message " I need to see you " to someone in room (waiting for her) . After she leave the room , the button dont flash and then she dont see the message and logout

2 - with the button flashing : I send the same message to the same person when she is in room . After she leave the room , she see the button flashing and read my message , then check if i'm still free then take contact with me

i think that even free members must be able to do that
Title: Re: Getting message in room
Post by: Lover on March 17, 2013, 03:34:45 PM
I don't say that only prem must have it. I just believe (and know from experience) that such a function will only be for prem.
Another way could be, free member just get 3 messages in room each day.
Title: Re: Getting message in room
Post by: marinap on March 17, 2013, 06:16:36 PM
Now I have to defend free users. Not all of them are... sorry for words "stupid young boys" sending cold invites. Most time on Achat I was free member and sometimes I was upset couse I have many problems with normal exsisting on chat. I started this discussion to create fair way to all users. Now I have a luck and Im Prem member, but truly I wonder if I can still use forum when I will lost this prem. But its another idea which I will tell later.

First of all most of You dont like idea to be informed that Your friend is waiting for You. I try to explain again my idea. I try to do it in points:
1. Message - should be sent by person, not automaticly when person log on chat. So there is no possibility to get 2,3, or 50 msg. It should be only one chance to sent msg.
2. Content of message - should be automatic for example "MRXYZ want to see You" or "MRXYZ is waiting for You". Content of message CANT be individual cause some of people could write unnecessary poems :)
3. Getting msg after room - all of You know that there is something wrong with system. Info about left msg should appear after leaving room not after "log out and on"

Some of You never agree with 2 first points cause You dont want to be disturb, but my idea appear when I was attacked by cold invites. We have to escape to room with my friend. And in the moment when we were in room our friend log on chat. We could speak in group, but we didnt know that she is online ( some of You: Yes I use sometimes room just to talk, especially in group :):) ...). So thats the reason of my idea.

You probably say: block free user, and You wont have problem anymore. So I ask: who tell that cold invites sent only free members?

Maybe there should be another use for busy-button: block all except friends/lovers/spouses from Your list?
Title: Re: Getting message in room
Post by: Lover on March 18, 2013, 03:25:10 AM
No one says only free user are idiots. It's not against free user or free members. But there has to be an advantage to be prem member - prem are keeping AChat alive.
The busy button can only be used by prems, "cumming" is only possible for prems and i can give more examples...
It's ok if you ask me.

1. Message - should be sent by person, not automaticly when person log on chat. So there is no possibility to get 2,3, or 50 msg. It should be only one chance to sent msg.
If you just get a message when a person of your lists login, you can be sure just to get ONE message and only from people who are in your list.
If everybody can send you a message you will be flooded while in room - similar to cold invites.
Perhaps it could be possible to say "only get messages from friend/lover/spouse" i don't know

2. Content of message - should be automatic for example "MRXYZ want to see You" or "MRXYZ is waiting for You". Content of message CANT be individual cause some of people could write unnecessary poems Smiley
Agree if you don't get the login-message (point 1)

Point 3, i'm sure everyone agrees.

Maybe there should be another use for busy-button: block all except friends/lovers/spouses from Your list?
Yes, would be helpful. But there is also the danger, too many activate this function and new members don't have the chance to meet new people... and leave again.
Title: Re: Getting message in room
Post by: marinap on March 18, 2013, 10:10:59 AM
Maybe another function of Busy-button is not necessary... I think, I should train quick use of Ignore-button ;) But I dont change my opinion about not getting msg after going out room. Im just lack of words about procedure with logging off and on... I will say like politician: "something should be done with it, and I agree with it . IT departament You have my blessing".  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Getting message in room
Post by: Concerto on March 18, 2013, 10:49:57 AM
All of the points you make are good and I think, as I have suggested before, that the "busy" dialogue status should be identified as just that, as opposed to possibly being "in room". They are not the same thing. Then, possibly, that state should cater for controlled receipt and sending of messages.

One "problem", as I am sure you are aware, with a democratic forum is that, inevitably, any opinion you have will find people who disagree with it and you have to accept that, of course.

That is fine when you are discussing something like how to make a bird box but, in relation to a game like this, it is particularly difficult because everyone has their own moral, ethical, religious, social, etc. opinions not only with regard to the game itself but to love making, sexuality, relationships, etc. And, typically, they are more divergent than how to make a bird box.

I find it amusing that the game caters for multiple friends (err.. inevitably developed from some sexual relationship), lovers and even multiple spouses (let alone the "secret" versions that we never see), in other words there is a strong leaning towards what I would term casual sex, and yet the same people who support that by default, are vociferous against getting a message from an alternative partner while they are fucking. What is the difference between that and leaving your mobile phone on when you are making love in real life?
Title: Re: Getting message in room
Post by: Bear on March 18, 2013, 11:34:14 AM
Here again i think the chat function alone needs an upgrade. The ability to set up a private chat channel and continue it while dnd...and message your prospective partners to utilize that line would be extremely valuable.  The all or nothing function as it currently needs tweaking.

I don't think we need in room messaging, that mobile phone analogy was just perfect.
Title: Re: Getting message in room
Post by: Rukya on March 19, 2013, 01:36:06 AM
What is the difference between that and leaving your mobile phone on when you are making love in real life?

 hmmm personnaly , my phone is off when i do love  ;D
Title: Re: Getting message in room
Post by: Concerto on March 19, 2013, 02:33:42 AM
Lol Rukya, one of the few that thinks, as they jump quickly into bed, "Oooh, I must switch off my mobile phone".

I think most people probably have other things on their mind than that.
Title: Re: Getting message in room
Post by: hentaiboy69 on March 19, 2013, 02:42:09 AM
i think you are right, moment like that, sometimes is a bit hard to think.....but our Paddle Queen know what's it really necessary to do!  ;D
Title: Re: Getting message in room
Post by: Covems on March 19, 2013, 04:12:37 AM

Keep the phone on.... In case you need to take a picture of two!  heheh

Title: Re: Getting message in room
Post by: hentaiboy69 on March 19, 2013, 04:31:54 AM

Last time i had bought a new one (2010!) i was thinking to take it without cam! i don't care about internet and all the other stuff......i don't need them on my phone!
Title: Re: Getting message in room
Post by: marinap on March 19, 2013, 05:20:20 AM
But new phones have also good sides of use... For example Kamasutra app  ;D ...when You suddenly forget what You are doing in bed, just switch on the app and it helps You to "finish the job" like professional  ;D ;D ;D  it was joke ofc  ;D