AChat Forum
Discussions about AChat => Share your creative ideas => Topic started by: lastrock on April 14, 2013, 08:38:48 PM
I know this idea has probably spun around somewhere else, but some of my female friends are into 3-4 guys at the same time having their way. And I don't mind having 3-4 girls at the same time either, but I was wondering if the idea of bigger groups would ever be implemented in Achat? And even if the groups just want to get in a private room so they can all talk to each other about things they have in common, that would be even better for a social aspect.
at a certain time , there was a rumor of dev team working on 4some , but if they do , i dont think this will be for this year . And they need to know if it could work great . Personnaly i'm not in hurry to have 4somes or more , as FFF are not very well provided .
here it is:,1088.0.html
it was at the begin of my journey, almost close to an year and half ago! gang bang can be an interessing add but first we need more better threesome for some orientation (shemale and male, far egggsample!), then we can talk of more then three in room!
Maybe keep the 3 some fuction but other people can watch and join in and replace one person. We can all share the fun. China