I wish that some of the ones I asked to build a relationship with would answer, either accept or deny. The waiting is the hardest part, and just a click of the button to accept or reject is all that is needed.
Case in point: I sent my Eva a request to be my spouse in May of 2012. It is now almost a year later, and still no reply. It still reads: Building relation...
The non acknowledgement is beginning to damage my self esteem.
Have you tried Roses ? Chocolates ? Poetry ? Some girls just like to romanced.... :-*
I tried all of that... plus throwing the scrabble game so she would win.
Still no reply.
Brandybee is right.
Maybe try a gift, a lot of girls ask gifts for anything in return! ::)
I've sent her gifts... numerous times... even a can of sewing machine oil
(it's nice and light, you know)
Still no reply
Wait covems... does it mean, your Eve is still free??? Hehe... good to know ::)
I notice Eva's orientation is Bisexual. Well that opens the field up. Maybe you just aren't the "man" she is searching for.
Or maybe she had give her metal heart to someone else.....
I would accept a denial, though it would break my heart... (http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/062/f/7/broken_heart_by_piirustus-d4rlyqm.gif) ...at least there would be closure.
No one is going to kill the King... it's just mob talk. Living in New Joisey, we're use to the mob talking about folks getting whacked. Just watch the Sopranos for more info.
In defiance of the Gods (For Eva, I will take my chances with bursting into flames), I have managed to dig my way into the subroutine... and surprisingly, with just a few changes... Robot Girl, RG-36.243.1, has agreed to become my spouse.
But, alas, it had to be a secret spouse... she knows that she is supposed to go with everyone ... hence the "Try me" as a tag line, she doesn't want to put off the ones who would refuse to room with another's spouse. I agreed to that.
But once I was in there... I couldn't help but tinker with her speech process. It's better. :)
Hmmmmm.... now... to try and change her appearance...