AChat Forum

Discussions about AChat => Share your creative ideas => Topic started by: Susanne on December 12, 2009, 01:53:02 AM

Title: Free Preview of clothes
Post by: Susanne on December 12, 2009, 01:53:02 AM
Hi there,

i would like to make the suggestion, that you unlock all the clothes, when the user is not logged into the game. I really would like to play around with them a bit, to be sure, that i really want to get the premium user rights.
To make it more clear what i mean:
when logged out: all clothes avaible
when logging in: only the clothes you bought avaible, respecitvily the standard clothes...
So when logging in, the clothes switch to those you saved during your last session.
And when logged out you can try out all the things.
I really would enjoy that a lot and i think it would not be really much work to do.
Does this make any sense? What do you think about it?
Title: Re: Free Preview of clothes
Post by: bouli on December 12, 2009, 04:23:38 AM
That's a brilliant idea! It makes perfect sense and sounds quite easy to implement.
Title: Re: Free Preview of clothes
Post by: nana on December 12, 2009, 07:02:04 AM
yes it's a good idea, I support your proposal
Title: Re: Free Preview of clothes
Post by: himmi on December 12, 2009, 09:15:11 AM
yeah i like your idea susanne ;) *thumbs up*
Title: Re: Free Preview of clothes
Post by: bobbler on December 12, 2009, 08:26:25 PM
good idea suzie

it might make more women become premium users
Title: Re: Free Preview of clothes
Post by: Big_Leo on December 13, 2009, 05:19:10 AM
What a fantastic idea! Welcome Suzanne :)
Title: Re: Free Preview of clothes
Post by: Susanne on December 13, 2009, 06:21:10 AM
Thanks to all for the support of my idea and    especially Big_Leo for the warm welcome  ;D
Title: Re: Free Preview of clothes
Post by: Big_Leo on December 14, 2009, 11:28:20 AM
Call upon me anytime for warmness Suzanne ;)