AChat Forum

Discussions about sex => Woman with man in AChat => Topic started by: Lover on October 19, 2013, 03:16:18 AM

Title: Sweet Ride
Post by: Lover on October 19, 2013, 03:16:18 AM

Price is 179A$
Title: Re: Sweet Ride
Post by: Ginuwine on October 19, 2013, 03:50:23 AM
think its a good pose for its value... well i like it in my opinion  ;D
Title: Re: Sweet Ride
Post by: tangoracer on October 19, 2013, 10:53:32 AM
Just had a play with Robot Girl its not bad but have to see the girls moves

Male moves as follows

1     Enjoy  (Face)
2     Massage Breast  (uses both hands)  :)
3     Rub clit     (does what it says)
4     Kiss shoulder   (does what it says)
5     Lift hips   (makes girl open her legs and bounce higher)
6     Lie down   (mmmmm guy lies back and lets the girl do the work Great view first person)
7     Quick action   (small fast hip movements)
8     Push forward   ( push girl forward making her hold her legs)
9     Hand job    (girl plays with your cock)
10   Hug    (lean forward hugging the girls back)
11   Finger asshole   (girl leans forward to let you slide your finger in)
12   Grab legs   (pull girl up by her legs and girl puts arm round shoulder)
13   Enjoy face
14   Enjoy face

Will tell you the girls moves when I've try it with same one 
Title: Re: Sweet Ride
Post by: zoerink on October 19, 2013, 11:18:34 AM
For me is a nice pose, i buy yesterday and i try and was fine, could be better... but is nice.
Title: Re: Sweet Ride
Post by: Rukya on October 19, 2013, 05:02:54 PM
 Another good pose that we FF will never have , it start to be boring because the more the time pass , the more the difference between MF and others orientations grow .
Title: Re: Sweet Ride
Post by: Bear on November 15, 2013, 10:55:32 AM
Found a chance to take a quick peek at this the other day... I think this a marvelous pose.

It appears I should find a volunteer to help complete the pose options to this.
Title: Re: Sweet Ride
Post by: hentaiboy69 on November 15, 2013, 11:38:20 AM
I know a gilr who will rise her hand really quick, Bear......  ;)
Title: Re: Sweet Ride
Post by: florise on November 15, 2013, 12:09:16 PM
I love this pose
Thanks kisses
Title: Re: Sweet Ride
Post by: jondas on December 20, 2013, 07:46:03 AM
The pose looks pretty much like ass parade one, I still find it a good add. It allows different depths of penetrations according to the action, both partners male and female can use more of thier body to please and get pleased (kissing, kissing back, licking cheek, hug...)
Title: Re: Sweet Ride
Post by: Lydiarose on December 21, 2013, 06:38:26 AM
i like this pose and if i think of it i like all poses
Title: Re: MF Pose Review 90. Sweet Ride.
Post by: Vaughan on March 13, 2021, 07:18:12 PM
Congratulations to Azrielle. This was one of her ideas materialised.

Achats Forum > Discussions about sex > Woman with man in AChat  > New MF Pose Idea   (The Man Chair),1567.0.html  

Pose Reviews score:
Do you think this pose is worth it?  Please rate –

1 Star.   - No. Hate it. Don’t bother – its rubbish.
2 Stars. - Yes. Didn’t like it much. Will buy it if I have A$ to waste.
3 Stars. - Yes. Liked it. Will use this occasionally but other poses need collecting first.
4 Stars. - Yes. Really liked it. Will use regular. A good add to my collection.
5 Stars. - Yes. Excellent. A must have. Will use this often.

Pose Review - 90. Sweet Ride:


This is a vaginal fuck pose. It can be found in the "From Behind" Section of the in-game Achat Shopping Mall.

Men's Actions
1. Enjoy
2. Massage breasts
3. Rub clit
4. Kiss Shoulder
5. Lift Hip
6. Lie down
7. Quick Action
8. Push forward
9. Hand job
10. Hug
11. Finger (Thumbs) ass hole
12. Grabs legs
13 & 14. Pleasure faces x2

Women's Actions

1. Lick Ear
2. Bend Forward
3. Hand on Thigh
4. Stand Up
5. Higher
6. Kiss
7. Massage Balls
8. Hand in Hand
9. Fondle Tit
10. Hip Circle
11.  Grab Cock
12. Rub Clit
13 & 14 Pleasure Face

This is sensual grinding fuck pose. A good steady fuck that can be made more urgent with the speed bar. There’s a good kiss on the ladies side as she fucks on his cock and the tit massage and fucking is  real turn on. A very good buy that wont disappoint. 5 Stars.

JessiCapri wrote “Finally a pose where we can fuck and I can massage balls at same time! 5 Stars! A must have!”

* * * * *  5 Stars. - Yes. Excellent. A must have. Will use this often