The following person adds 3 words to the previous 3 words...
We try to build a logical (or non logical) story...
Once upon a
time in the
streets of Gotham
there was a
cowboy on a
skateboard who was
named Marty Mcfly
suddenly, a tree
in big valley
began attacking him
They whipped and
fingered poor Marty
He disperately scream
for more fingering.
In the next
Miss Fuckwell look
her husband with
To a beautiful
glove special fisting
Moaning in Pleasure
and then she
whips his ass
he feel pain
the red welts,
good ointment needed
She squirts some
screaming in pleasure
rubbing it in
with a smile
and lustfull expression
In her face
and... she said
They look Sore
"Let me try...
Are you sure
Yes i am
They are definitely ....
Like animals couple
(Alternative: falling in love)
biting, clawing and
whispering sweet nothings
Suddenly in comes
Red Riding Hood
"That's my HUSBAND!"
She gulped, shocked
fearful of Robin.
"It wasn't me"
Robin burned red
Burns so hot
his head exploded.
What a mess
Blood, brains, hair
were strewn about
Mop and Bucket
were used until...
needs new water
But the tap
is closed and
they gone mad
very very mad
but suddenly discovered
a scooby snack
then another one
hidden beneath the..
Broken floor board
They were delicious
Also lying there
A love EGG
Along with some...
new Handcuff and......
vibrating red roses
cent of Jasmine
Doris was livid
She had copyright LOL
lawyers were called
to fight batman
They waved papers
and got a
stiff restraining order,
against The Batman.
They meant business
Batman listened and
shook his head
NO Jasmine Farts!!
Batman giggled uncontrollably
and burped loudly
Suddenly , Hulk enter
growling HULK SMASH!!!
And smells JASMINE
"Where am I"
things go crazy....
Nicolas Cage crazy..
best of times
watching Cage dance
Moving her hips
Shimmying upstretched arms
Shaking her breasts
Swaying her hips..
kissing her shoulders
Suddenly, you awake.
hear rain trickling
Need a pee
but feel lazy
to get up
You decide instead..
Pee the bed
So you get
wet and warm
like my pussy
<<< prepare her tongue
Gently Flick Clit
and start rubbing
mmmm ooooo arrrrrr
:) hearing soft moans
Breathing so fast...
blowing over Lips
Grinding in happiness :P
Slurping in satiation
soft little kisses
on the lips
on the neck
painting the skin
Literally painting skin
and fondling the
inner thighs softly
Out of nowhere..
Captain Hook appear
scratch his anus
says buenos dias
"Como esta usted?"
Muy bien seƱorita :)
je comprends rien
Scratching my head, ;)
with one finger
Open my mouth
To release lasers
a cat appears
A ginger pussy
wearing only shorts
with red dots
and green strips
shaking her bum
and her hips
hands up in
the air beacuse
she's so happy
and can't controll
her bladder, which
Wets her Panties
and my eyes
are parted, feeling
My wet Panties
I was embarrassed.
rushed downstairs when
The doorbell rang
postman rings twice
but not today
Oh, hi neighbor!
who stands naked
Wearing an hat
and 1 sock
on left foot
and one shoe
on the right
hand that is
Chocolate covered, and
Vanilla cream inside
with caramel topping
Orgasmic, Big Sigh
Long multiple orgasms... :P
again and again
till loosing conciousness
mmmmm big stretch
Shows up late ... ;)
just fucked hair
Wet my whistle
have another shot
reload my rifle
another one down
more to come
more the merrier
the list is
Blindfold, handcuffs, Check. :P
close eyes tight
ready for spanking
that doesnt come
Instead, tickled by...
feather on nape
Goosebumps all over
Begging for more
rousing the anticipation
Your wish granted
Panting & glowing
moaning and groaning
Tickled and teased
longing for more
full of spunk
finally a spanking
Blu sighs in ...
brings hand down
cheeks turning red
enjoys every second
shaking her ass
presenting it and...
hoping for more
Turns it up
more smacks landing
Lots more sighing
hand is cracking
both turning red
pussy getting wetter
Want a Paddle?
hands are fine
Comes down again
dripping wet now
loves the idea
of a leash
feels very restricted
Bound & red
but enjoy it
Must I really
put it and
Thrash, Wild and...
falls fast asleep
Poor little Blu
Rubs here Ass
Hope is awakened :)
Gives morning hug
mmmmmmmmm. mmmmmmmmmmm. mmmmmmmmmmmmm
nuzzle beneath ear
whispers Love you
not but I
keep on going
I love it
we all do
yes we do ;D
ready for more
cheeks allready glowing
pokes tongue out!
Slaps cheek again
"naughty little brat"
he say grinning
Hand lands again
her ass wiggles
watches in mirror
enjoying the view
From the rooftop
which is broken
but got binoculars
which were broken...
used as telescope
to spy on
Her hot ass
You want her
but she smells.
Just like Jasmine
Jasmine from Aladin.
No, more like.......
that one girl
from the AB&G
who can dance
without a leg
Picks her up
to put her
On the table
Named her Eileen
Eva will be ...
Mad as Hell
Stamping her foot
shouting at Covems
Who? me? Sure!
Kissing Amy goodbye
She can join
Hands on hips
lip on lip
girl on girl
We stand watching
a curtain drops
lights go down
Bar goes dark
and someone touch
Kisses me softly
And lovingly honey
Lovely caresing along...
her arched back
the air electric
Full of energy
a tender kiss.....
Full of Promise
and lustful power
slowly building faster
until I sneeze.
whoooosh of emotion
We both cry.
i feel tears
Snot and goo
It's rather awkward..
Did you Fart?
I giggle.."Perhaps".
Hey, Not me!
I yell angrily.
But blush guiltily
Dont do that!!!
Do what? *farts*
You know what!! (serious face)
It smells, Who???
*Enter Doctor Who*
followed by Daleks
puts examination gloves
"I smell jasmine!"
Smell so nice
Suddenly I feel ....
Spiders...a lot.
crawling up leg
so I swat
Lots of spiders
creeping and crawling
Damn tropical jumgle!
A Bushwacker Trial?
Ant & Deck
G' day mate
The Aussie said
"Want to try..."
boxing a kangaroo?
"No" i say
Not very often!
Except for that...
One time in...
The Ice House
Well, I tried...
And liked it
not so much
I cry awkwardly.
You didn't do... ?
any spanking games ?
mmm, you'd cry
peeling an onion.
That would sting
across both cheeks
... But what's worse...
onions or whips
Bull whips HIDES
Send in the
Clowns... there ought
to be laws
against face paint
showing big red
Wide, thick lips
they are scary
Outlaw clowns said..
Robot girl sternly
beep boop blip.
Is that R2D2?
exclaimed C3PO loudly.
Shall we go?
R2D2 seems hesitant.
"Take my hand"
Beep Blop Zoink. :'(
(I have none).
A magnet works
Magnetizes to you. :-*
We travel to..
Fantasy Island, " Tattoo"
is full of
sexy young redheads (pmsl)
in sexy lingerie
wearing a collar
made of thorns
This seems impractical
unless you're Terric
who's so clever
Thanks for letting me share,
has week planned
to party hard
They jump out..
Of my bra
Another hidden bra.
Very big Hammocks
under palm trees
On sunkissed beach
An abundance of...
Peace and quirt
Too eerily quiet...
Ruined by clowns...
Nice and Warm
As the sun
Rainbow grows brighter
leprechaun digging gold
The seven Dwarfs
are helping him
by running around
messing things up
Hiding the Gold
and handing him
lumps of rock
that transform into..
coconut oil, Which...
lubricates Eva so
making her happy
And smell delicious
She sighs blissfully
all seemed good..
clowns, robots, dwarfs
alliance suddenly formed!
But somewhere else......
On the island
a storm is....
blowing a gale
I'm blowing someone
cuming from faraway
...to see Eva...
to play Scrabble.
With her Wallie
that lives far
in a galaxy
surrounded by candies
*enter Willie Wonka*
and some umalompas
smeared in chocolate
very hot chocolate
very... lick-able chocolate
Adds some fudge
on Blue's body
Start to moan
Licks of gently
at special places
Add more sugar
to lick more
all night long
sings Lionel Richie.
as he watches
and take notes
with his pencil
and report it
to the police
chief Pafe and
the whole NSDP
Also called SHIELD
Nick Fury sighed
and open fire
Calling the hummerboy
to smash all
The Easter Eggs
what a mess
What a waste!
Anyone for Omelette?
yes please, one
with extra cheese
on Covems tab
In that case ....
a side of...
hashbrowns with onions
and many drinks.....
Some sloppy Joes
and crispy bits
What no salad?
and no salt?
"I prefear pepper"
where is it?
"In my bra"
She said, while
hiding the tab
with a grin
"Think he knows?"
not till he
frisks us all
and finds the
way to run
a sneaky feel
of my tit
nice and firm
Shapely and round
nipples pointing out
Getting so hard
starting to lick
kiss and bite
holds your head
Touch my sex
making me moan
Licking you deeper
breathing very shakily
Licking even deeper
till you explode
arrives late again
cause felt asleep
Moaning woke you
holding and kissing
"Hello Big Boy"
"Hello beautiful girl"
Hello "Miss Brandy" ;)
It's the time
for a party
At the BAR
clothes not needed
just your smile
And Party Hat
and lot of
Lipstick and Handcuffs ::)
don't forget the
Baby oil Bottle
Along with vodka.
and some juice
Is cranberry fine?
warm and sticky
Sweet and tangy
but always tastefull
Like diet coke.
But MUCH Sweeter
than finest honey
All set to
drizzle over tango's
freshly prepared food
It looked dellicious
that HB couldn't
Can't Get enough
so she licked
the plate clean.
It's particularly tempting
especially served on
sexi's naked body
Licks cream from
Sexi's beautiful breasts
down to belly
round her navel
tickling her and
Wobbling while she
walks naked through
the ACHAT forum
thread to thread
Asking for clothing
but only gets...
Giggles and laughter
all around the
igniting lust and
Gropes from hands
and passionate moaning
From Loving Hugs
and hot kisses
then she finds
out that her
pussy is wet
and all swollen
dripping on floor
making it slippery
better start licking
or someone might
grab your head!
pulling your hair
and cut it
not much left :P
a skinhead look
maybe a wig?
A Fez perhaps
or a beeny
Now time to
Have a drink
a strong one
Tequila Jose Cuervo ;D ;D ;D
Downs in one
Yard of Ale?
Easy peasy.. hic cup
ON Covems Tab
and don't forget
plenty free refils
room spinning now
drunk redhead! ;D
Have a coffee
sober up quick
looks around and
sees someone handsome
gaze meets gaze
eyes lock together
Lips soon follow
promises made previously
are about to
come to fruition
with a big
Kisses each freckle :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
with swirling tongue
and bum kneads
on bum knees
while also caressing
licking... suckling... nibbling...
for loooong time
moving in towards
that sweet juicy
but not touching
the hot breath
tickling and teasing
smothering in warmth
while she craves
and moans loud
about eating meatballs
with spaghetti marinara...
off of his
plate..where else? ::)
Couldn't be a
bottle of wine..
could it be?
Yes It's Chianti!
poured all over
until be drunk
Hannibal flicks his
tongue at Clarice.
then jumps out
of his restraints.
"My Violet wands" ;D ;D ;D ;D
Clarice looks frightened. :o
" It's wicked dentistry "
his wicked mouth
tongue hanging out
licks down her
full, luscious breasts
then continuing down
to her toes
taking a sniff.
Then sucks hard
before she uses
her hand to
peel a banana.
Very slowly she
eats...that banana.. :-*
provocatively tonguing mmmmm
that sexy banana..
up its length
and back down
nibbling the end
ever so softly
circling the tip
bites some off
rolls around tongue
the remaining piece
of that wonderful
tastefull yellow banana
lucky lucky banana
All the guys
like to be
Sweet like bananas
also long and.....
Hard as hell
with a wet
dribbling wanton bellend
slurp slurp slurp
tongue fucking the
The whole length
of their banana
saliva is dripping
on my tits
tongue traces around
the tip of
my hard nipple
si sensitive nipple
stiff poking up
Plump and pink
like a flamingo.
while fingers brush
literally a flamingo.
On one leg
against the wall
the flamingo poses
on one leg
the flamingo tires.
and swaps legs
For better comfort.
and falls asleep
Cuddles you tight
mmmm snuggly chest
slow deep breaths
land of nod
never never land
not been there
keen to explore
loving new experiences
over the limits
searching unknown pleasures
finds new depths
diving in slowly
in the heat
moulding in embrace
hands roaming towards
my partners excited
new cute puppy.
Soft and fluffy
warm to snuggle
wagging his tail.
Sharp little teeth
but so gentle
softly nibbles ear
his friend Whiskers.
little ginger pussy..
trimmed so nice
like a princess.
his friend Whiskers.
awwwwwwwwwwwwww what a cute cute cute kitty :)
love her King ;)
king mounts throne
seat is cold
rubs his lap
for his Queen
that is staring
glazing in pride
donuts for you
and for you
a pez dispenser.
giving blue pills
with red dots
melts when sucked
not in hands
but in the
portable mini microwave.
Have No Power
over the pussy
Blows warm breath
It becomes jerky
like vibrator gone...
low on batteries.
run to store
buy new batteries
and some snacks
Nachos and salsa!
on Covems tab
I blurt out
gets home fast
the games on
Can't Miss Out
nabbed for speeding
blow the cop
car right up
my fender again
And my hood
has a bar ;) ;D
Flick with tongue :P
open legs wider
reveals honey pot
dripping with nectar
leaning in awe
with a razor
lathering with cream
With Cherry atop
and some chocolate
shave or eat
huh ? ?
confusingly scratches head
picking a dictionary
giggles and runs
Shaking my head. :-X
sips his coffee
bits her lips
watching her curiously
as she fingers
her runny nose.
Finds its bleeding
uses a tampon
what a relief
live in mountain
on Covems' ranch
Under full moon
riding a horse
Loking for you
to exact revenge.
for stealing tarts
You naughty Knave
I belong there
Feels like home
Moans and Shrieks ...
welts rise up
puss oozes out
scarred for life.
running away fast
falls face down
on a vortex.
and sucked in
to another dimension.
to meet Pafe
and Mr Spock
Also captain Kirk
tell the secret
Of the meeting
Not logical Captain!
Warp speed sir!
Racing through space
suddenly a planet..
disappears from sight
"Oh my gosh!!"
Only explanation is..
the death star
IM your father
is not possible
youre not Luk
Your not Daddy
I am Spartacus.
Youre Brandy :)
Good lookin bint ;D ;D
that wants cowboys
Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee I pray LOL
Come here Cowboy :o :P
Gunz a blazin'
Damsel in distress
Save me PLEASE!
what happened ma'am
Big nasty monster
I will save you
Woman saved
"OH..... my hero"
Carry's OFF inarms
kiss, kiss, kiss
Places atop donkey.
ride to castle
Puts in Dungeon
and lifts a
upper bedroom with
A hand over
administrating emergency CPR
Brings back tolife
Like Snow White
Kisses the Princess
deeply... with passion
Full of love
the way I
love Lion King.
can now commence.
No it can't
unless we dance.
James' waiting knee
her freckley ass
spankable in fact
wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
Squeals and squirms
oh my godess!!!
turns and grins
Asking for gin.
but can't have
only a pinch
nipping her bum?
balming thoroughly and
using lip balm
painting the rims
pushing in a
A small dildo
Comically small dildo.
make her smile
tickles and teases
then stops playing
lips pout for
he wished for
long deep kiss
5 dollar footlong
planning next move
finally decides "Pepsi."
super sized ofcourse
she likes supersized
fries with that?
Nah, watching carbs.
Stuffing it in
That's the way!
all at once
Now for icecream
dripping on me
Down your chin
onto my nipple
Where I lick
and lick and
along the tummy
down to navel
swirling... licking... tickling
hands join in
Moving between legs
getting a grip
on your big
hard.... throbbing.... cock
arching head back
Spraining my neck.
Saying... "ow, ow"
and hmm hmmm
Sliding in deeper
slowly and moaning
Hearing soft moans
of extreme pleasure
I climax.....HARD.
sperm shooting out
Filling her pussy
Stomach balloons up.
for nine months
till baby comes
Sore pussy then!
Child is named
and then baptised
calling her Monique
I'm so HAPPY!!
Very very happy!!!! ;D
dancing with joy
I liked Moveit!! lol
lol you're the on in the middle Zoerink ?
Shakes money maker! :)
Cash, cash, cash
Making it rain.
anything for cash
^Doing it wrong.
Didn't swipe card!
Don't take Visa
Swiping for access ;)
That's a visa!
No, it's a new body option for AChat Gift Hunters! ::)
No, it's a new body option for AChat Gift Hunters! ::)
That was a lot more than 3 words Sweetie! Hey where you been, not seen you for aaaaages!
pin number entered
Access is granted
Best ATM ever.
Best Slot Machine
Jackpot winnings YAYYYYYY
Take this job... :)
work with pleasure
work with friends
at the zoo
nursing the animals
Feeding the BEAR!
cleaning up poop
That's a lot of poop!
Too many words!
retracts two words.
Still feel ashamed.
Begs for forgiveness.
spanking as punishment
Oh YES! YES! :)
bottem turns red
pussy turns wet
finger flicks clit
mind the bar
Free Drinks tonight
make mine Bourbon
Make mines regret.
The day after
I awake naked :o
in my yard
with a clown.
Who's going down :o
waaay down town.
Yes I found! :)
What goes around...
one hot girl
is getting lucky
with president obama
Hello Mister President ;)
your lucky day
Poll numbers improved
there's no explaination
It is hard
Someone touches it ...
touched very erotically..
Then Morgan Freeman
is comming in
Raring to go
narrate a movie.
about Sex and.....
cold ass penguins
very frisky penguins..
with sharp claws
digging into my
Last cash reserves
I pull out
Of your tight...
jean shorts pocket
like blue wears
but sometimes NOT ::)
Naked ass again
eating a sandwich
wiggling her butt
wiggling her breast
seducing him totally
while still eating
Out a girl
whose sweet pussy
not this pussy ::)
but Jennifer Lawrence's
exploded with rapture
squirting all over
his eager tongue
lick his mouth
Sucks her tongue
with satisfaction and
Play full lust
then she moan's
"Baby I want
all of you.
That was amazing"
it always is
However, the sandwich
is now soaking
and so gross
it taste bad
let's get another
Do it again
They do it
are you sure?
I don't know
who would know ?
mybe he knows
OK maybe they
lats ask them
Ask them what?
Meanwhile, next door
they are fighting
Their mutual lusting
through the keyhole
sound is heard
words are spoken..
it was mean
But really good
Sounds of spanking
slap slap slap
just 10 more
begging for mercy
than she moan
as slaps stop
"More" said Blu
Don't stop now!
you want harder?
Yes very Hard :o
you want bad
Yes very bad
ass turning red
burns so good
Drink some water
Bubbly, fizzy, wet
Like her pussy
way too much
It began to
drip heavenly fluids
moans with pleasure..
she love it
Her body aches
for more sex
so much more
you want now?
yes i do!
Her body trembled
I like that
he becomes excited
he almost explode
but instead he
Places her hand
on his swollen
Keep it cool
with extra ice
shrieks it's cold..
in the snow
yes I am
it's warm inside??
yes, so hot!
Slide him inside
Wet and Warm
yes, like that
Nice and slow
faster faster faster!
Hard and DEEP
2 x 2
4 x 4 heheheheh
lost in lingo ???
Takes you Hand :-*
she smiles and
Walks off together
drinks a margarita :D
I like beer :P
She starts wondering
he loves her?
yes I think
or close enough :P
I don't know
stops to think
doesn't really care
What happens next
crazy violent sex
tied to cross
at the beach
under the sunshade
A personal raincloud
Drenches my skin
and i swoon
hold you tight
she is quiet
Cup of tea?
or maybe coffee
Make it black.
grabbing my bodypaint
splash of whiskey
mmmm oh yeh
dipping my brush
wetting my whistle..
burnt my tongue
kisses ur boo boo :P
tickling with brush
she like it
paint it green
I prefer chocolate
melted on you
all over you
the cats outside
let her in
bring her in
she says no
but does it
no means no
yes it does
you will lose
I never lose
In your dreams
She says yes
yes yes yessssssssssss
lol, just kidding.
he feels despair.
laughs it off
but slinks away
where you going?
to the beach
i'm joining u
come with me
leave's you alone
drags you back
comes back willingly
happily welcomes you
kisses your cheek
giggles and blushes
Gives cheeky Smile :)
then run away
not to far
over the hill
I saw 10,000 men
Bukkake party start
that's big mess
on her face
Drowns in semen
she want more
came to play
with me awhile
what you want?
A new car
can I drive?
the old car ;D
a 57 Chevy
the go car
has starting problems
rev u up
on the grid
Engines roaring now
Full speed ahaed
do not crash !
I haven't Yet :)
Still a Virgin?
No I'm not
but she might
like it gentle
Nice and slow
deep and desperate
long and hard
Feel it's Length
balls deep in
Slapping her ass
she don't like
OWWW! quit it!
she screams out
rubs her ass
nice and gentle
That is me
she wriggles it
grab her hips
pulls her closer
can't take it
resisting the urge...
you want it
i take it..
you have it
gives it away
ohh thank you
Its so good
good for you
for me too
mmm ohh yes
enjoyment, lust, excitement
enjoyment with me
I like it
who liked it
I think everyone
I did not
maybe next time
maybe not ha
don't say that
why not haha
don't like it
live with it :P
or without it
what's important is
make you happy
who is sad
no one now
Jumping for Joy ;D
don't jump high :)
Bangs my head
kissing it better
pain is gone
but pleasure remains
pleasure with you :D
is always good
tell me more
not going to
I'm a gentleman :)
yes you are ;D
Kisses you hand
kiss the other
kiss me me
OK I will
on both cheeks
or anywhere else
mmmmm how exciting
yes it is
hungry for more
eat some more
spreading your legs
giggling so playfully
slowly pushes in
loves the pain
I dont like
feels so good
good for you
yes it is
but not for
I can make
no you cant
but I try
I keep trying
don't stop now
why why not
Never Give UP
I will not
Always look forward
Taking your hand...
pull you close
Nuzzle your ear
Lick your earlobe
moan so soft
whispers of love
full with that
thing called love
hormonal imbalance
3 words HGO :D
she is beautiful
soft warm lips
sweet passionate kiss
Long slow deep
just like that
and that again
I move slowly
the two-backed beast
just in love
only just in!
forcing his way
to her heart
one more time
before sneezing loudly.
His head explodes.
to much pain
rubbing temples gently
fumbling for medication
To relieve it
kill the pain
any way possible
I try baby
but it hurts
won't hurt you
he lies soothingly
squeezing the lube...........
squirts it out
rubs it on
all her body
over her ass
and her thigh
she moans wildly
Like a horse
start to ride
to the market
buy a pig
really big one
name him Toby
here little Toby
Hog Roast Everybody!
very bad thought ???
Don't eat Toby
poor little Toby
Toby stay alive
give him CPR
kiss of life
he just faint :P
Toby is alive ;D
where s the beef
on the grill
with the potatoes
yay ! BRQ time
so they ate
hot chillie source
oh my gosh
Its to HOT
like it hot
not that hot
just a little :P
yeh that's good
want some salad?
I like spicy
all things nice
they all enjoyed
who want more?
we want more
and more sex
Always more sex
let's go now
Take me there
Off to bed
lets go dance
Holds you close
Dancing the Tango :P
Holding you Tighter
I just watch
you slowly undress :o
I turn away :)
using the mirror ;)
to tease you
It's getting hot
watches every move
plans next move
jumps on her
pushes into her
gently and slow
brushes her hair
dig his finger
through her hair
cares her head
pulls it hard
lifting her head
kisses her lips
soft and gently
fucks her mouth
down her throat
then she vomits.
making a mess
that is gross
Just usual Hukk
Should've pulled out ::)
Fantasy meets reality
no its fantasy
have good imagination
for hot stories
concerning a puppy.
that bites hard
On his bone
his...milk bone.
he needs food
He's very hungry...
feed him then
Hands scubby snack.
scooby steals them
Yabba-Dabba Do!
shaggy comes along
to dance the
The Birdy Song
Doing it right?!
Shake those hips
Still shakin' Boss!
Getting to dizzy
got to rest
sleep well blue
In my arms
I wish sweetheart!
with wet dreams
of mystery men
with veiled faces
and killer abdominals
and hard Cock
that fight hard
to the death
the winner shall
take it all!
to the bank
then run away
well no one continue I have to do it :D
he look back
and saw her
In her dress
wanting him to
just kissssss her
up her leggs
Higher and higher
lightly touching her
Full round breasts
Making me horny.
Like a rhino
Speaking of Rhino's...
clumsy animal lust
with a furry
Explosive Hot Rage
like Nicolas Cage.
One Hot Head
Hot chili peppers
burn me inside
Passion burning forever
never will end [color]
A new start
to avoid mistakes
to enjoy life
Skip and jump
high five and..
have some fun
With lots of
bodacious Amish people
Sexy beach Volleyball
Marilyn used 2play :D
sit and watch :P
gets cold beers
cold as ice
Cold Hands, Warm...
bed at night
playing under blanket
sheets in satin
hot love making
pull her close
Making her cum
abandonning herself completely
Giving herself completely
to her beloved
Oh my B....
Boy thats hot
and so deep :o :o :o
ohhhhhhhhhh the rapppppture
time for cuddling
and some kisses
Hot and passionate
Drowning in love
sea of desire
drowns in passion
Loosing my breath
waves of desire
heart beats raising
with the tide
crashes over me
fire on water
burning me inside
I'm going down
No you don't! :D
stop until you
start beg me
for blueberry pancakes.
with much cream
for the strawberries
eat my berry
lick his plum
Flicks her Bud
Stem and Flower
body and soul
spirit's are high
as hearts unite
Cherish Our Love
let it shine
My moon baby
Lovely beautiful vampire
Night creatures merge
sharing it all
Two as One
escaping the world
In fantasy's ecstasy
just feelings, thoughtless
emotions in motion
leading to endlessness
discovery and awareness
curiosity and excitement
leads to new
points of interests
or great feelings
love is hope
hope is life
through lover's eyes
I see ghosts
call the ghostbusters
he slimed me
Actual physical contact!
You are alive!
More than ever
I will Love
you every day
and every night
For the rest
at the old
to the new
just opened Applebees
Do they Have
Tables & Chairs ?
thay need beer
and some strippers
With sexy tattoos
Jiggy Bare Dancing
Do the Bear
Dances with Bear.
Bear is A
Big hairy animal
sexy as hell mmm
untamable as succubi
jalapenos are hot
untamable as succubi
hey, who stole my sis picture!? :o
HB, google steals everything... and only place where two beauties like "you" and your sis are bearable at the same time ;)
jalapenos are hot
firy spicy tease
Halie get your
Butt out of
Cook me some
as you see bored
LetĀ“s make some ...
delicious nerdy nummies
wrapped in bandages
, a pink bow
on my pinky
and a blue
denim kinky special
delicious and delightful
one big bite
Momma Covems Applepie
Its the best!!
in the west.
to the lake
with blue water
skinny dipping naked
Getting it on
under the moon
and the stars
Young Ellie lurks
behind the bushes
eating delicious spam
with two chopsticks
Up each nostril!
a skunk passes
squirts his scent
all over me ;D
Ewww ... You pong !!
runs to brandy ;D
gives her hug's :P
and some kisses
and Hershey kisses
chocolate round mouth
easter bunny eating
Very Happy Babies
Triplets for you
3 scoop icecream
to take home
and enjoy licking
all way down
in your throat
that cold feeling
creamy going down
lick it again
drool on it
wipe it up
and start again
put it deep
taste the flavour
flick your tongue
lick your lips
mmmm that tasty
open your mouth
nice and wide
just like that
have it all
give you all
sweet and creamy
savour the taste
give you more
burst out of
social media bubble
matrix in control
that is I
oh my gosh
what is that?
mega budget Achat
I Heart Achat
and sweet candy
well thank you :D
talking abaut me?
Nothing new there
same old song
for my love
sending her kisses
holding her tight
caressing his chest
leading her hand
for a dance
on the dancefloor
with my love
pull her close
sway to music
move hand slowly
touch you softly
make you shiver
kiss your lips
a thousand times
take a shower
but keep cuddling
drops of water
touching my head
slowly running down
touching her lips
and her neck
coming closer to
lick them off
make them harder
under your touch
and teasing tongue
sucking and licking
enjoying and pleasing
skin on skin
synchronizing rising heartbeats
and heavy breathing
turning into moans
whimpers and groans
asking for more
craving your touch
lusting you all
overcome by desire
surrendering to passion
I am more
hot and bothered
sexy and troubling
than ever before
now and always
being with you
makes one complete
almost like a
moon growing full
Look stunning tonight
your firm chest
encloses soft heart
beating so fast
exploding with emotion
making me crazy
under your spell
crazy in love
with your cat
and with you
in the bed
keeping you warm
holding you tight
between my thighs
licking you up
and nibbling the
tip of your
cornetto ice cream
which you're holding
firmly without squeezing
happy to share
all with you
lick it together
share the savour
moaning in delight
giving some more
I bring more
Cream for partying
need some more
Enjoying the feeling
lying back comfortably
Something opens our
doors of perception
amplifies our senses
reveals unseen beauty
sensations unknown before
opening new perspectives
what day is
on the weekend
They go out
unaware of surroundings
up to no
specific chosen destination
doing the same
I go far
following one direction
staying on track
to balanced living
sharing their dreams
Until they find
their true purpose
have to find
a new passion
a secret desire
will tell you
sweet loving words
To Seduce your
dear tender muse
Muse they rock
an inspiring muse
to entertain us
the whole night
all night long
and during days
again and again
Lover more more
make me beg
for sweet release
until I fall
and I fall
into your arms
on the ground
lying on you
to heavy off
sure? ask again
oh yes, please :P
deep and desperate
I need it
please baby now
nice and slow
she says more
please donĀ“t stop
gasping in pleasure
shivering in anticipation
body quivering uncontrolled
Sky bursting fireworks
deep inside me
firmly intensely tenderly
feelings of pleasure
taking me high
That I fly
never coming down
state of grace
and real beauty
tickling my senses
exciting feelings that
make me happy
feelings so strong
passion desire lust
flooding my innermost
fulfilling my wishes
and secret desires
swelling my heart
Bursting with love
care for her
never let go
till I breathe
one moment's everything
feels like eternity
Until Im awaken
in your arms
feeling your heartbeat
makes me want
stay there forever
never let go
always be yours
give you all
body and soul
heart and thoughts
Now will you?
not to all ;)
Fuck me pleassssssssssssssssssssssssssssse :-*
Beg me more
and deserve it :P
If you think
Im doing that
You must be
absolutely right ... again :P
I reach out
Come here baby :-*
I embrace you
your soft skin
pressed against mine
your whole body
Shuddering against me
our lips lock
Dancing with Tounges
our hands wander
Daring to embrace
with exciting apprehension
closing my eyes
to better feel
Your warm embrace
your tender touch
your teasing fingers
caressing your abs
fondling your curves
I am online ;D
and ready to
kiss you again
bringing me to
beg for more
and pull you
closer against me
so I can
never let go
until you cum
wherever you want :P
To kiss me
would be nice
lowers the head
kiss her deep
with such passion
and arousing commitment
a kiss to
open her eyes
for mere sensation
who need that
I always will
always enjoy life
have to try
to get you
screaming my name :P
whats your name? :o ;D
oh god yes :P
like this: marooooooooon
or that: peeeeeka
oh my goooooooooddddddddddd :D
Ooo Its FOXY
you wanna join? :P
cum with us! :D
No? your loss :P
Go on then ::)
there you go
all over you
I'm lovin' it!
all for you
anything you want
anyway you like
I want you
To do that
who want me? :P
some one dose
she is far
to sexy for
she's just right
more than that
This one day ...
I will just...
take your hand
walk with you
hand in hand
connecting our feelings
feel each other
make temperature rise
it's geting hot
outside and inside
,the tension unbearable
suddenly get cold
warming you up
Hands embracing firmly
held in the
grip of your
small hand, entangled
savouring sweet captivity
little jolts of
delight craving body
My throbbing pulse
Stimulate My body
all way down
and up again
nice and slow
taking time to
use ice cube
teasing your skin
eat a banana .
That is covered
in whipped cream
and tasty chocolate
melting all over
My sensual body
inviting you to
cherish me gently
exploring every inch
with tender touch
and playful licks
finding the spots
caress them tenderly
rising their sensitivity
arouse a craving
then squash it
are you sure?
no just teasing
get more ice
pursue sweet seduction
ice in mouth
drawing a map
through the mountains
and valleys of
roses and lillys
place of wonder
It happens there
dream come true :P
try to focus :P
at the peak
said and winked
and I kiss
And tease alot
don't stop now
Come get me :P
don't rush me :D
take your time
yes I will
are you sure?
that you can
really keep resisting
don't worry relax
then stop teasing
you getting excited
no she's not
should I stop?
do you want
some more fudge? :P
don't need that
on a diet. ::)
Once upon a
don't change line ;D
A clothing line
that had many
red pantie of
swaying in the
in the arms
seeking care and
and sweet love
slow and passionate
until morning comes
hold you tight
pull you close
kiss her lips
her slender neck
bite it gently
lick it sensually
taste the heat
cool her down
With ice over
melt on her
cheese grilled sandwiche
triggering hot desire
give you all
let you feel
feel my love
cover u totally
with tender kisses
electrifying the zones
of every body
ripples of pleasure
make me gasp
with hot delight
consumed by passion
Continuing to fantasize
Rukya is back :-*
shaking achat world ;)
what an entrance :P
to come back
with such grace
with a glow
strong and confident
shouting out loud
claiming some justice
For the right's
love for all!
More FF Poses!!!
more of all
with little hope
and much insistance
you can do
but never let
Your spirit die
hold on to
your best memories
and keep faith
time heals all
stand your ground
go for it
Never let go
hold on tight
firmly but gently
never let go
give it all
live your dreams
make it happen
reach the stars
Look back down
enjoy life daily
with beaming smiles
Im on Achat
seeking a .. Lover
He is mine ;D
No. I'm Spartacus.
No I;m Spartacus
His still Mine :P
,a real sweetheart
soft as chocolate
sweet as candy
tender as marshmallow
inciting to suckle
running tongue around
at this time
you donĀ“t stop
why dont you
just come here
or just cum
and get sum
Fun in the
arms of a
Gladiator in heat
said and engaged
in a battle
of 1000 days
and 1001 nights
It was a
epic jungle sex
wild and wonderful
screaming out loud
shouting your name
Captain CAAAAAve Maaaan
then total silence
peace, perfect peace
serenity of mind
body and soul
easy to fool
around more playful
what go's around
comes around sister
some kind of
nice feeling inside
hot like a
steady blazing fire
keeping me warm
deep down inside
in hidden places
where juices flow
like wild torrents
unrestrained and fast
like sudden diarrhea.
hot powerful unstoppable
sounds like Mrsexlover!
NO! Like Lover ;D
Please, focus ladies :D
We are ha!
Can't stop staring. ::)
Neither can I ::)
I star to :o
under the spell
the magic pulls
irresistible strong, demanding
I succumb to...
the irrepressible craving
of chocolate strawberries
and pineapple slices...
with sweet cream
makes it more...
Great day It
the sun shining
all day long
getting my tan
lying on beach
watching the surfers ;D
listening to waves
Sun, sea, sand
skin, bikini, heat
shafts of sunlight
Flickering water light
droplets of sweat
dripping all over
my hot body
It is Burning
flames of lust
burn inside me
penicillin fixes that
call the nurse
Takes your temperature
Call the Docter
examine you ... thoroughly :P
moans in delight
when he touches
all sensitive places
no spot untouched
covering every inch
running only fingertips
Abstain from sex
if you can
not a chance!
in a million
Maybe a wager? LOL
sounds like one
appearences are deceptive
trust no one
protect your heart
they don't understand
They never will
experience the feeling
they love it
white little light
illuminates the room
and brings heat
, a warm feeling
sensation of lightness
inflames every fibre
awakes full sensitivity
, a light prickle
tickling and rising
,raising goose bumps
body all shivering
,eyes shut tight
thighs open wide
Your hands travel
up your thighs
to the groin
slide it forward
close enough to
touch her hidden
delicious sweet spots
with teasing dexterity
make her crazy
scream for more
I give up
submit to you
take it all
it is useless
but still fun
for someone maybe
definitely, intense fun
One more time ..........
please don't stop
why would I
maybe got tired? ::)
A long day
day and night
needs to sleep
just a nap
in your arms
till the morning
fresh new day
brand new beginning
for unknown destiny
who would knows
who really cares?
it's good question
any good answer?
it's a good question
just one wrong!
I improve it ;D
perfection at reach
the angels weep
Tears of Joy
Kiss Joy better
Joy likes girls
cowboys even better ;D
when they bath
In the Creek
water is cold
Wieners shrivel up
nipples get sexy
skin goes goosepimply!
lips turn ... blue :)
girls start singing...
A seduction song
charming and hypnotizing
relaxing and exciting
tempting, mesmerizing, attractive
mezmerizing the men
some girls too :P
like a siren
sound of death
keep ears shut
but legs open :P
and tongue out
remembering last night
nothing has happened
will happen tonight
in your dreams
only a dream
will become reality
would be great
Midsummer dream perhaps
always comes unexpected
Like Cracker Jack
slowly shrugs shoulders
and moves along
always cuddle her
very creepily cuddling
but still nicely
hold her tight
keep her close
over and over
kiss her everywhere
head to toe
with tiny kisses
lot of passion
we been missin'
A pizza Party
with extra cheese
I am getting
have a slice
Hot day today
wear my bikinis
don't wear nothing
said crazy Joe
the old hermit
full of wisdom
I trying hard
to be more
it's worth it?
it always is
don't understand others
don't need to
The offside rule?
passive or active ?
does not matter
no not really
it might tomorrow
will for final (Belgium-Brasil huhu!)
will be same
time and again.
over and over
until we fall
never give up!
you can achieve
if we try
anything is possible
like anal sex
giving or receiving ?
why not both?
just because not
Are you sure?
never say never
I never say
you can sometimes
maybe I will
I'll be gentle
I'm a virgin!
you really are?
Are you surprised?
I like popcorn
while watching movies
together with someone
in cuddling position
hold her tight
enjoy her contact
soft skin touching
reality is nicer
feels like real
soft and smooth
like taco kisses
with extra onions ;D
tears of joy...
as we dance
Hand to Hand
eyes in eyes
we are watched
jesus we are?
look over there
at the tip
can't see it
Strangers in black
with a big
set of binoculars
now I see
let's get away!
here they come
run like hell
Guns are drawn
Billy the kid
Bonnie and Clyde
was good team
but right now...
Momma and Blu
form a plan
to get together
and create evil
a good idea
gone to far
never far enough
why bother limits
or common sense
what I have
It's not yours
yes it's mine
the villain yells
with all his
who is villain?
explain the concept!
well, you see......
time will tell
tempus edax rerum
the villain replied
mean i am?
villain is gone
always comes back
not this time
oh yes, every time
I will protect
my retreating ass
yes, that too :D
over and over
keep you safe
I always do
Tomi the paladin
The English Knights
will definitely lose
English Knights will
loose again and
weep like babies
they always do
but not only
the english knights
Portuguese Pirates also
will be defeated :P
Sour losers cry
But brave men
keep on fighting
maybe one day
we'll be champions
and drive expensive..
Rhinoceroses to McDonald's
franchise opportunities, jobs
zero-hour contracts
I going nuts
any thing new
not much tonight
was a good
nothing bad happened
no, not yet
give it time
I run away
to the same
mistakes as always
I come back
for the pizza
for that to
is a mistake
perfection is boring
I'm not perfect
Perfect Tommy is :)
Definitely worth it ..
a loreal model? :D
who what where?
and sometimes why.
many times why
just never ask
Better not to
if I do?
accept any answer
make you happy
not very much
don't give up
try once again
but with FEELING
take your time
and be patient
slowly but surely
here is go's
start all over
from the beginning
like first time
with some improvement
with any luck
we win again
or maybe lose
Not this time
never lose it
To fast for
not for me
Speedy tomi Gonzales
not fast enough ;)
wait and see
for I have..
Won the lottery
bought a jet,
with private stewardess's
To serve me
very much alcohol
and some hugs
and many kisses
as she sits
whispers, no panties
let me check
No Pants Friday!
can see kitty :o
and free ...willy
the huge manatee.
steals the show
I need ice
go make it
I'm too sore
want to sleep
in your bed
have nice dreams
I need one
..huge black dildo
you need one?
sure, why not?
can I sleep
you have one
finger on my
magic love button
triggering uncontrolable sensations
running to bathroom
get hand cream
make them slippery
soft and smooth
like a teddybear
nice to cuddle
fondle and tease
The rubber doll
not needed anymore
The finger is
enough for you?
back to you
ease the tension
feels so good
the old substitute
was not good
But Good Fun
Fun died out
It comes back
dont spoil it
3 day's old
never too young...
( HGO?? ;D )
Child Protective Services
Cock Pussy Sex ... ;D
( quite basic, I admit. but temptation was too big to resist lol)
yummm so good
hot summer nights
giving me fever
Fever - Peggy Lee - YouTube
Cold shower helps
warm me up
want it hot?
Germany Germany Germany ;D
umm Germany's hot ?
scoring makes sexy...
shoots on target
and score again
yes yes yes
I want more
no that's enough
can't get enough
if not deserve
deprived from dessert
well its gonna
get mighty nasty
Sticks and Stones
rods and balls...
More soccer balls
Germany - World Champions
it is over
no happy end :P
there's always hope
hope dies last
tomorrow never dies
what is that?
don't speak english
love is universal
she is far
close to heart
oh, I see
need a binoculars
and some lobster.
kick back watching
don't know what
Has been defined
as a shellfish
Smelling so fishy
and not trustworthy
so many lies
to cover one
to be honest
can take some
everyone deserve it
all the time
you can trust
in the Force
or in me
sounds quite painful
St Andrews Cross
United Kingdom flag
not really clothing
shiny blue one
With white dots
I like it
t's already taken
makes it challenging
if you say
challenges are great
when you win
make you strong
deal with challenges
challenge is accepted
you might fail
at least try
to have fun
here it starts
the longest journey
i need sleep
but not alone ;D
nespresso... what else??? ::)
A new day
a new start
jump start the
don't have idea
there is a book
where is it?
En la sofa
Dusty with mildew
in the middle
is the Poem
filled with words
and dirty talks
must be porn
its sweet talk
and like it
not that much
new hobby needed
I agree with
you, in theory
of logical sense
not in praxis
needs some experiments
to proof theories
see the truth
with your actions
softly, caringly, tenderly
just wake up
and drink coffee
shaking up neurons
if they're alive
getting some sun
On the beach
in the sand
between your toes
nicely shaped toes
colored with care
polish sparkling there
shine as star
In deep sea
dark as night
the full moon
in the sky
enlightens our path
abandon all doubts
keep on believing
and move forward
aiming your goal
Entirely focused on ...
happiness and achievement
Love and positivity ...
Bliss, giving, receiving
Truth, honour, integrity
The American way.
with cheery pie
And hot dogs ;D
Nice cold cola
I eat all
And get fat
until I explode
all over the
kitchen table and
leave a mess
undescribable and nasty
clean it up
cleaning lady pose! ;D
with a hard
broom up the
old fart box
Phrappppppppppp .. What the ...
what is that?
a big mess
you made there
with some "help"
call the maid
to clean up
and give her...
A big bonus
payment in kind
cash effectively now
oh very nice
to see you
waking up slowly
rubbing my eyes
and my tummy
also scratching my
back, with a
very bright smile
and shine teeth
ready to kiss
soft, plump lips
Red Luscious Lips
heart shaped attraction
with massive erection
that go's in
and then out
and back in
one more time
until you feel
A explosion inside
rupturing your intestines
if you like
like a lot
just a bit
then try cheerios
with hot milk
add some garlic
don't forget the
the special ingredient
which is smirnoff
gross so gross
Sprouts are yukkkkkkkk
add some bacon
egg fried rice
Go on a
sex crazed diet
Leaving you empty
go get drunk
and pass out
and drink again
nice cold cola
with extra ice
a big straw
And more sex ...
Sex sex sex
Raw and spontaneous
or a Devil
that's so true.....
come prove it :P
or face execution
How do you
provide the funk?
With the game
and some groove
Meanwhile over at
Pig and Whistle...
Mud pit pool
the forum bar
filled up with
slimy muggy mud
Lol, Lol, Lol
strong laughing gas
gas my ass
Kick you'r Ass :D
after having tea
with lady BrandyBee
don't like tea
just add some...
hot red peppers
with milk nearby
to cool down
you need Ice
Ice, ice, baby!
cornet or pot?
what? Mary-Jane?
Mean Spiderman's redhead??? ::)
red hair dye?
Not for me!
let me check ;)
covering my eyes
with both hands
I don't care
It's not real
No fire crotch
like a Redhead!
Like a bluehead!!! :P
eeer a smurf?
Blue is smurff?? ::)
Smurfs are blue!
smurfette is blond :P
Yes I am
Have no doubt ;D
must be love
Or stomach cramps
Some undigested beef?
too much chocolate
Too much calories :P
lets work out ;)
Lets Jump Around!!!
on the sofa.....
Dont be lazy! :P
Just be crazy!
crazy and wild
secrets and stallions
riding bareback to
far far away
beyond the horizon
He's back home :)
i'm so happy
Walkin on sunshine
on my barefoot
on the sand
sun on my
Glowing bare skin
glistening with perspiration
longing for a
Foxy Roxxy Rocks
but settling for
lil blue day
yeahhhh Blue Day ;D
paint your face
and your nails
the town red
The sky blue!
Shimmering with lights
and furry boots
W T F !!!
Wiggle That Fanny
what ta fuck!!! ;D
Want to fuck?
Do you ask?
I want to ;D
Box Channing Tatum
Feel the love
Feeling the wind
In my hair
and my face
as we ride
bareback and nude
AusWoody and Covems
are stunning guys
Are they really?
are out side
get in again
Clean my room
I clean mine
clean it again
no going too :P
catch you now
ok, I clean ;D (again)
get maid outfit! :D
I have on!!!
with a thong
in my heart
i feel it
it is growing
hard and long
like a zucchini
i'm getting hungry
Wanna eat something
an hotdog, maybe
Or something more
spicy like taco
Thats fuck**** awesome!
It's supergreen!!!
thats two words
well spotted Roxxy!
Elephants can fly
only pink elephants
Not yellow ones!! ::)
Green Polka Dots
The bikini song?
The Thong Song!
Thong Thong Song :D
shake your booty
Like Shakira shake
shake shake shake
milk? fruit? martini?
stirred not shaken
with an umbrella
and rubber boots
cats in boots
do the patchacuti
How about Twerking
all night long
it's a workout
for your booty
to get strong :D
And more flexibility
when making love.
soft, sensual, sexy
red silk lingerie
covering delicate skin
fluttering, whimsically tempting
make it easy! :P ;D
I so am ;D
is easier possible?
give a try
and find out
cant be hard
if you use
So lets use!!!
touch and taste
With the tung
Wet and slimy
Its so sweeeeeet :P
so take more
all you can
and explore the
deep side of
your twisted mind.
loosing yourself in...
sin and debauchery :P
enjoying each second
opening my eyes
see the LIGHT :D
Come to me
come now. Please!
its so hot
hot and wet
so so wet
moist and slippery
teasing the kitty
and stroking the
big black cat
Over the tree
just don't see
Crossing front of
the railroad tracks
leads you to
the one I
see the light
at Grandma's house
with some cookies
and chocolate milk
to share with
Terri, Pookie and
Broccoli Cauliflower Eggs
but they smell
Roses by morning
petals in bed
something in air
must be pollution
Scent of a
new baby goat
with it's mom.
Exploring Great Comfort
for my pleasure
and my partner
All together now
jump all around
And having fun
Wearing my latex
and my boots
and that's all.
not with out
really high heels
A expensive purse
nice belt to
with a hat
if its sunny
Bring me sunshine
on a day
Untill the sunset
when we fuck
while being introspective
I have a
very sore pussy
and lose butt
that light's the
Night sky high
I want bacon
and blueberry pancakes!
Sprinkled with peace :-*
Kiss Brandy back :-*
No tongues please :-* :-* :-* :P
pay to watch... 8)
very very Expensive :P
- sells the tickets -
Forums best show
Stone could join...
prices went up
amongst other things ::)
ordering more tickets
wants best seat
Negotiate tongue play
On subs bench
How Did.... ? BRANDY !
tung fight Stone
I have talent ;)
Hope she's bi! :o :o
long night for
Fe-Fun and games :P :P :P
as we're watching football and his hands slide up underneath my jersey, cupping my tits and squeezing them with his rough hands. His lips on the back of my neck, nibbling, sucking and licking his way to my ear lobe, then across my cheek to my hungry mouth.
I spin around as my jersey rides up revealing that I have no panties on. He's naked from the waist down, too. I'm wet, hot and ready. He pushes me to my back on the floor and enters me with one, long, slow push, stretching my pussy with his cock.
oh... wait... that's too many words
*and hot sex*
might need ice
That's hot too
Yes it is ;)
Melting, moist mmmm
dripping down my
soft sensual lips
sliding my tongue
into your mouth
a shiver traveling
down my spine
down to bum
Shake and shimmy
More ice please
How much ice?
Ice and lemon
Better think twice
then have sex
very intense sex
grabs the rope
ties him down
then calls police
they dont answer
they are busy
looking for weeds
or just donuts ;D
or watching baseball
who's on first?
Pookie running naked
Borrow man's shirt? ;D
from the Goodwill
or go shopping
to buy clothes
Suddenly a robber
shows a gun
but without bullets
shooting blankes instead
Stilla big bang :o
With Sheldon Cooper
knock knock knock
who is there ?
little old lady
A stunning little
Diamond pink ring
in her belly
girls best friend
multiple speed rabbit
Running along the
sidewalk screaming out
pluck my feathers
Little humming bird
Flying to you
Over the streets
to your arms
and your heart
A fluttering feeling
riding the crest
of longing fulfilled
from a burger
hot and juicy
tantalizingly tongue teasing
Running down chin
Like hot cum
After hot sex
another hot session!
we must repeat
a song of
lust and passion
pain and ecstasy
Always ready to
have hot time
maybe an orgy
dancing nude mmm
cheek to cheek
breast to chest
cheek to face
Cock to cheeks
clit to tongue
tongue to balls
Down and Dirty :P
Invite a friend
Little Pinkies Rule :P
link those pinkies
With fingers crossed
four words Brandy?
Shes getting nervous
about her bet
With fingers crossed lol
This is good :P
no it bad
almost a tragedy
when you dress
like a virgin
so sweet one
With wicked smile
her own agenda
to get laid
is not A
task when your
going to win ;D ;D ;D
unless you lose
insnt a option
to be a
winners controlled toy
assuming the conclusion
Flip a coin
Head or Tail?
always the head
and that's all
she wrote folks
except to say
A sex story
hot and horny :P
Deep and wet
lips slowly meet
tongues quickly greet
Greedy poking in
scrunching hair urgently
thirst with a
predictably hot outcome
...then going lower...
arousing all desire
with tongue and
ruby red lips
nibble, lick, nibble
slap and tickle
heated breath pours
near your ear
hearts racing in
Soft whispers and...
seductive, sensual moans
with quickening breaths
slow trailing tongues
all over you
luscious licks exploring
sweet, savory nectars
tantalising the tastebuds
eating delicious brains..
um... no thanks
Not so delicious
Laughing my ass
(well played hukk... well played)
pets the donkey
Pin the tail
front or back ?
why.... both, silly
throws more pins
bare footed dance
the monster mash
Im not afraid
Should I be?
Door slowly opens
out pops the
jack in'a box
Jack be nimble
Jack should lick
in the corner
of the apple
there's a worm
squirming, wiggling, moist
In the Apple
wiggling out and
looking all around
playing peekaboo with
us all watching
wiggling down your
your candy store
mouth watering morsels
gets a tummyache
body suddenly transforming
into an amazing
butterfly with beautiful
Enchanting Blue Morpho
yeah, that too
smoking hot sex :-*
in the shower
after panda puke
hard scrub scrub
with a brush
a Bath Brush? ;) ;)
flipped and swatting
make me cum
cheated and dumped
lifts your chin
open wide sweetie
kissing you better
hugs and caresses
slideing my fingers
along your cheek
thumb grazing along
luscious sexy lips
very wet lips
kill the pain
Find sensual diversion
deep within me
So so deep
down the well
stoking the embers
glowing hot passion
I miss alot
The Fateful Voyage
of grim discovery
of leaky prophylactic
a pregnant pause ;)
peanut butter sandwich
this just made me hungry... ;D
with strawberry preserves
Bears Pomegranate Jam 8)
on wheat bread
milk on side
Uoh Humphries about
Lost for answer ::)
so kiss me
on the cheek
Or the chest
on my ass
thats wrong thats 4 words BB :P
A hard slap :o
might enjoy it :P
Get's the whip :o
That's Blu's thing
Mine is bigger
Bigger is MINE. ;D
Why's everyone whipping?
feels good whip
With my truck ;D
runs and hides!
under the bush
with two birds
Terric and Pookie ;D ;D ;D
Jumping up and
Hit the ceiling :o
big bumps appear
On the road
wild and free
like Jack Kerouac
has a zit
it will pop
yellow pussy seepage
banana slug potential
made me giggle
but too angry
Need to relax
but not easy!
Find a way ;)
laughter good start
doing my best
for a threesome
starting any second
to be continue
days of our
fun and promiscuity
here on Achat!
sexy intimate kisses
lots of those ;D
Happy Halloween All!!
Find your fantasy
Jayc in tights
batam for halloween
:D :D :D
eye popping sexting
"Dear J, I ... "
need to room ;)
take the elevator
to the penthouse
at the window
fuck, fuck, fucking!
What a date!
Your wildest dream
far beyond happening
breathtaking & beautiful
A challenge sexi?
go ahead. try.
smouldering hot sex
at any time
any where unexpected
on a speeding
high velocity train
or a jetliner
or slow yacht
or a bumpy...
old Amish buggy
Or a Haycart
straw in unusual
places that itch
and need kissing
or a lick
or a nibble
behind the ear
or my rear ;D
kiss your ass? :P :-* :P :-* :P :-*
on both ... cheeks
then SLAP IT!
spread the cheeks
place a thermometer
in my bum?
Careful, careful oooo
flashbacks of aliens
probing my backside
Oh My Gosh!
It's life Jim
but not as
we know it
Power to vikings
raise your sword
practice your dance
Did. It rained
Now I'm wet ;D
to the bone ???
Strip by fireplace
get all cosy
warm as toasty
cold feet on
furry thick rug
to lay on
next to a
hunky muscular body
with a hunky
Hungarian or Slovak
A Chocolate Yorkie?
A British candy?
An English Toffee?
Good to share
A sexy woman
with a bow
red with tinsel
in her hair
nonchanlantly walking towards...
a bear trap
juicy honey pot
was the bait
very good lure
so she waited
her wet beaver
aching in need...
for a bear
with a huge
spoon to dip
in her honey
. Down the trail...
dripping on to
the forest floor,
ants are attracted
to honey and
home cooked food
which always is
finger lickin' good
like country chicken
and chips with
hot salsa dip
sweat breaking out
Thats not hot
But I am ;)
maybe too aroused
Is that possible? :P
as never happend..... ;D :P
splashing water bucket
over my body
but looks strange
are more interesting
when slippery and
hot oil wet
car need's water
and gas. so...
a good cleaning
after messy night
so very exhausted
sated and satisfied
came several times
even before he
rained kisses on
my neck and
made me quite...
before someone use
a candy cane
"lick, lick, lick
slick it up
It was quite ...
Just one noise
with seductive eyes
lost in fog
with lush red
dragging seductively on
on a sleigh
with Rudolph the
Red nose rendeer
and frosty the
snowman was a
melted pudding of
coal, carrots and
and fudge, with
...warm steamy nuts
over cooked peanuts
eww limped noodles
eaten with chopsticks
underneath a christmas
wreath, while carolers
they sing joyfully
of Good Tidings
a refreshing surprise
with added spice
make me hot
cocoa with marshmallows
reversal interracial love!
Emotion that requires
And raw sex
you and me
go out of
our tiny minds
and do something
really, really outrageous
Shocking and Scandalous
Reckless and crazy
Driving kills you
when you jerk
off in rapture
Blondie's rap Rapture
Scream out loud
on a rollercoaster
Hands in air
Stick 'em Up
You robbing me?
Puts on Handcuffs
wiggles very slowly
my wonderful gnomes
cant stand them
they are free
kisses and hugs
to the world
we give joy
orgasm after orgasm
making us excited
till the end
We start again
Go for hours
without coming back
From the edge
Of glory and
a secret mission
to discover how
and where we
found our passion
Stuck in daydreaming
that first kiss..
that lingered in
my mind forever
leg popping and
straddling a horse
Holding a crop
with one finger
and wicked smile
cruelly staring at
the young boy
is in daycare
playing with toys
I got Mine :o
Deep in your
Inticing poetry thoughts
About hard sex
Bondage and Discipline
Paddles and cuffs
are so dangerous
but blind fun
till someone hit
the wrong spot
a little higher
there! there! thereeeeeeeeeeee!
Yesss! :o Don't STOPPPPP!
do it again
and then restart!
More Viagra please!
His cock's broken
Hard and stiff
It goes where?
down to hell
hot and fiery
the sex fever
Has got me
forever is gone
Virginity is gone
but don't dislike
Fishnets and whips
feeling completely helpless
Hugs you tight
In the Morning
Whilst drinking coffee
birds singing outside
bright blue sky
Fresh clean air
Starts to snow
Big flakes gently
brush the skin
ignorance breeds stupidity
feels like snow
as he caresses
Muttering damn cold
add more wood
cosy warm glow
snuggling under blanket
on a cold
snowy day together
Hats and Gloves
Earmuffs and woolly
new 3 words
"Je t'aime"
strong devoted fierce
Hard Loving Sex
Only $ 2
take that of chesters fries bag I am so funny :D
seducing tempting x-rated
Sultry Irresistible Bewitching
sounds like me
Good one Roxy :)
with cherry lips
She kissed me
Juicy rich scent
Fills my lungs
with exotic scent
And Powerful Lust
Only for you
is my love
Just hard sex
Really you do
with your love
over and over
A goofy smile
I've made that
that plasticine morph
Live To Ride
on open road.
after slammed doors
Ride or die
Live to ride
Live? More like...
hard and fast
The Open Road
Calls my name
seductively boldly successfully
Exhilarating my senses
(https://cdn2.iconfinder.com/data/icons/vector-easter-eggs/220/easter_egg_blue-512.png) (https://cdn2.iconfinder.com/data/icons/vector-easter-eggs/220/easter_egg_blue-512.png)
Ive hypnotized him
Spellbound and bewitched
A fallen Angel
caught in midair
Set down gently
In a field
by a river
Witha broken wing
soon to heal
Fling again soon
embracing the sunshine
while she's working
Or at Home
home baked cooking
smells soooooooo good
Really? I guffed !
Quick!! Fart-fetish lady!!!
In Tight Latex
Not so Tight!
after eating beans ;)
, I came prepared
A drawing pin!
in my hand
whoooooshhhh whizzzzzz eeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkk
gimp suit propulsion!
Crashshshsh Bangggg Wollopppp
deflated fart gimp :(
Get 'em off
no pants friday??? ;D
not even g-strings
Till midnight come
Ditch the bra
Young Dumb Fullacum
Crap football team
black magic potion
Spanked for topless :-[
Over my knee
Is That Right
I like it!
sleepy laying down
Makes me Laugh
when I tickle
your little feet.
kicks and moves
giggles and squirms
losing my breath
Pins you down.
Squeals and giggles!
Playfully spanks you
Want some back? ;)
bends over chair.
Nods, "Nice Arse!" :P
I know right
Thank you ladies. ;D
not a problem :)
Just big TROUBLE
Who? Leigh? Noooo......
Excuse me Tango?
Sure, teeths rose.
Finnish or Argentine?
slow or fast?
3 not 9 :-*
Four step Waltz
graps my partner
By the hand
Are you ready?
Was born ready
Hits the floor
breathless twirling, wooweeeee
my spell worked
Lost in Translation
another clueless moment
Its the eyes...
window to soul
Eyes Unlock It
Let it Free
new beginnings flow
Like fresh water
in hot days
Under the sun
warming my skin
Heart strings pulled
turning light brown
or maybe down! :P
sunny side up
He illuminated her
With a smile
her scent flowing
stirring his manhood
flooding his senses
Making him wild
She squeeked ... EEEeeeeeeeeK !
At Captain CAVEMAN
Taffey loved Cavie
At Captain CAVEMAN
Lmfao !! ..Oh my god I remember him lol ... Thanks for making me squirt my cup of tea all over the laptop lol
Forever plus one
when I'm technically
Reveling in passion
from Convert Affairs
and blissful dates
unadulterated steamy sex
That sounds nice.
I'm panting already
Pulls You Close
Kissing you deeply
intoxicating unexplainable ecstasy
goose bumps rising
His hand raised
an unutterable craving
throbbing, pulsing need
Pressing Clit Hard
Thrusts rhythmically rodeo
begging for more
while being amused
of the lightness
the joy and
bites my tongue
outh, lispy talking
were becoming more
worser, swollen tongue!
Grabs some ice
Holds Up Glass ;D
pours some wine
;D gets very drunk
falls on ground ::)
can't get up
he's on top :P :-*
Holds her tight
Breathe Me In
he becomes intoxicated
made her pant
as she came
Loving her sent
Caressing his Nose
the long one :o
with bare feet
in the sand
It was hot
more than wax
Burn the oil
Smells really bad
so move away
Goes to shower
With someone hot
like Angelina jolie
With big lips
delicious tight sucks
on rosy buds
caresses her breast
worship with pleasure
her beautiful body
every single inch
With soft kisses
gentle, little licks
turning to passionate
hungry for more
Pulls her tigher
heat is rising
in the desert
a dry spell
not for me
It's raining again
which reminds me
to go back
Under the shelter
Wait for the sun
warm radiant rays
his tantalizing copulation
all over me
will never disappear
My soul etched
imprinted in his..
mind and soul
hard as steel
is his hmmm
resolve to be ...
or not, maybe
Happy Mothers DAy ;D
He said quietly
then grab my
bottom and squeeze
making my body
shiver and my
pussy becomes wet
craving for his
daily good meal
mums home cooked
rain is cold
Drenching my soul
Sold to Satan
Dousing his fire
Like An Inferno
burning my bum
with haaaard spanking
My Body trembled
His Dick Throbbed
between her legs
the heat intense
with this passion
I hypnotized him
with a quarter
and a cuddle
A big Bear
shat in't woods
with the beaver
The fox danced
all the way
on one lug
Makes her chock
with a chicken
I made stew
bacca smile. "Click"
when doves cry
Shattered pieces fall
and land on
a frozen lake
rippling effects shimmer
cold mists swirl
Swans swimming by
Paired through Life
in graceful unison
Entwined in devotion
sailing through time
upon winters whisper
through dark nights
and summers breeze
Their journey begins
As blossoms grow
And sun sets
They move together
Through slow waters
Caressing their wings
in solstice flight
Cusps will change
enchanted souls combined
forsaking all others
Alas poor Yorick
Knew Him Horatio
Where art thou
Thou art here
sayeth the bard
That villain, Romeo.
He's a Montague
who goeth where
........ knoweth no obstruction,
......With My Partisan
Tis time to
find your man!!!!
and sex-duce him ;D
In to poker?
Hundred Dollars Will
Get lost soon
long day today
and the night
will be hot
seductive and tantalising
fun and romantic
The morning reveals ....
A Hazy Sunshine
weaving times tapestry
passionately and pleasurably
They twisted together
creating two-backed beast
savoring the moment
taking their time
to come back
Stories... must vote!
hot erotic sexy
Leave you wanting
Your lover's touch
caressing every spot
triggering uncontrolable reactions
left completely breathless
at your beauty
inside and outside
he do's it
in every way
Win or DIE
winner takes all 8)
loser's standing small
Beside the victory
is the trophy
that's her destiny
case you forget
was once lost
But now found ;D
My old Aston
A friend indeed
wishes come true
when worked for
achieving the results
we would like.
Find the top
and take flight
soaring over treetops
dancing on clouds
;D Cumulus or Nimbus ?
will make you
see the light
in the darkness :D
turn on ligth
bulb burned out
replacing the bulb
::) ::) ::)
very nice view
big ugly critter
remove the blindfold
All is revealed!
Johnny fartpants rumbles
smells real bad
A... A.... Chooooooooooooo
Buries her nose
Rubs with finger
slowly... so slowly
along this soft
nostril to pick
lighting the match
for a smoke
That was a
Wb Brandy btw
pink armadildo cycling!
at ramming speed
shakes my head
all is lost
On the horizon
she stood, stoical,
waiting for Love
; but the armadildo
is chopped liver ;D
seagull sea shanty
by the sea
shady shanghai soliloquy?
Peter Piper pick
soft squishy saturdays
Refreshed and ready
after your vacation
Oh, how charming!
on the hunt
For the FOX
who stole my
fish and chips
leaving stains on
the seaside bench
seagulls fly by
and drop their
Hitchcock anecdotes casually
Their Shit Too.
Yeah, the fuckers!
some landed in
the basement of
the spooky house
Has roses growing
Black as midnight
his eye glowed
piercing the darkness
on a misty
tropical beach front
It was a
superlative most refreshing
can of XXXX
and some ooooos
and thrown in
jail for misdemeanours
Beautiful sunset glow
bathes the cell
through the bars
with a wondrous
scent of vanilla
linger's around you
during the shower
of the year
neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep neep fubble!
Oh my God
Profiling is fun
neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep! ugggaabooogaaaa wooopwwwwooooooooop!!!
kewl, the roadrunner ::)
Neeeep neeeeep! ...>>>>>.....>>>>>>>>>>.........>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>........................... *dustclouds*
Go Roadrunner! Go!
Runaway from the
the thunderstorm that
wreak havoc among
the little people
like to smile ;D
up at the
Biggest, Most Wonderful
amazing outstanding robot
Is it Eva?
No. Crikey it's
the Prude Patrol
In BDSM Gear
hunting the sinners
respecting people's boundaries :P
they tell themselves
But still they
Are talking behind
Very Very Quietly
I can hear :D
all the lies
you can say
That aren't true
jackie and hyde
We're known fornicators
Red new car
AWESOME Isn't It ?
a passion wagon
which brings us
To Disneyland Florida
dressed as mickey
Rooney and Minnie
had a pie
Then gator meat
Scoffed it all
soft delicate skin
licked and tickled
Laughed and Guffawed
Hey It's Me
and now back
It is windy
"The 'gator meat?"
Don't Know Either. :D
aliens have landed!
Take Me Away!
over the rainbow
To Find Gold
in the pot
What's This? Poker.
Dont think so :D
Lurking Prude Patrol
In The Shadows
she is funny :D
Yeah She's Hilarious
The dormouse said
Have a Lovely
Thank you Zoe
Three Words Zoe ! ::)
Oh My God!
It's a Disaster. :D :D :D
YES I AM!!! ::)
going out to
see you all :)
flying the flag
Lovely outfit BB
BB always nice
Yes she is ;D
Laughing out loud
at closeout prices
damn pumpkin head!
i have seen!!!! :P
work it girl! :D
Open my eyes!!!
And Just Realise
what you want
rofl cant stop :D
you crazy girls
get really wild
When Totally Naked :o
and very wet
because its raining
Get The Umbrellas
Now is sunny
Give me sunshine
and the wine
Liquor of gods
in my panties
take it off
Show the treasure
and behold! The
treasure is shaved
pink and glistening
mmmmmmmmm is yummy!!!
opening my appetite
come and eat
Taste The Honey
let it flow
So so sweet
the best treat!
bringing me to
the forked road
between pleasure and
erotic pain intensified
by inextinguishable desire
and soft floggers
punishing and pampering
All Night Long
until you surrender
into sweet oblivion
restless, thoughtless, mindless
Out Of Control
Under the spell
of your touch
and your mind
plant pictures and
Sweet Erotic Fantasies
about you making...
your own history
Cherishing The Moments
That We Remember
like good songs
Bring Back Memories
forgotten intense sensations
I feel with
People I Love
that love back
fills my heart
makes me complete
going to vomit
keep me some
Me too. Hugs
Ewwww That's Nasty
Green fits it
a bit slimy
like a bugger :D
we have lost
our mind in
this crazy world
But It's Fun
wild wild west
its a movie
That's Bloody Rubbish
like so many :-X
of whatsits movies
Will Smith, Brandy ::)
Prince of Belair ;D
I hear Hollywood
Birmingham, England... not...
have any sun
but lot grey
It's Sunny Sometimes. ::)
Control is lost
No control available
hazards to health
are mostly plreasures
And Very Kinky
Me so Horny!
( idk why this song is on my mind ) ::)
Take Me Now
to the moon
And Beyond Infinity
And far away!!!
but still close
I see Heaven
stairway to heaven
sing it Zoe ;D
Getting my Earplugs
Gives better sound ;D
make us scream
I sing good
we want more :D
not so sure :)
there i go!
on high notes
wanna get high!!!!
oh come on!
let's eat cheetos
Marons nice pic :P
Cheese Powder EVERYWHERE
smells like mmh
sweet happy flowers
in her hair
most beautiful things
a pretty fragrance
on my body
entrancing my senses
Long deep sighs
seeing him there
Cant see it
blind as bat
deaf as snake
she slithers her
way into his
hard throbbing cock
So very BIG! :o
her hips gyrate
Then Wakes Up. :D
so very wet. ;)
ready for some...
real action now
YEAH ..... You Wish
make smoothys drinks
Oh Hell Yeah!!!
protein shake yummmmm
I understand nothing (3 words) ;D
and give up.
Just to try
Drinking at beach
and fish some...
really big sardines...
dipped in chocolate
some english breakfast???
Eating it slowly
with some tea
naah with coffee :D
and some cookies
bite-size fruit
EDIT: damn I saw I mixed with "what does it tell you" game... lol
So : strawberry shaped delicatesse...
Back to 3
have two pairs
lost my chips
in my Handbags :P
They're Lost Forever
Never say forever
you never know
what can happen
happend what happends
with no regrets
Away I Go
to the land
of no return
back to future
start the Delorean
Where is Marty?
No Biff, you...
cannot say chicken
Chicken, Chicken, CHICKEN!!!!!!!!
said the fox
Sayd the kitty ;D
Shake Shake Senora
No I'm tired... :P
have a nap
Catch Some Z's
Z its me? :P
one and only
The genuine Me :P
"he" loves to
laid his girlfriend
Girlfriend or Girlfriend s
Singular is better
not with boobs
yeh nice pair
Mine Are Small (Been told enough times) :'(
small is cute ;)
Mine are Big
Big cute too
the right middle
choose only one! :)
Both is fine
only two hands...
gentle cupping them
smell my finger
ohhh your scent
Makes me Demonic :o
Let it out
here it COMES!
last one is
Tonight's main course!
What's For Afters. :D
cookies, cake, icecream
Me wants cookiiiiiiies!!
I want milk ::)
with protein powder
drinking it slow
savour each drop
licks the drops
slowly and lascively
slowly feeling myself
falling in your...
baby blue eyes
intoxicating my senses
feeding my lust
oh... naughty peeka
naughty but sweet
dangerous combination of
erotic, sweet seduction
and overwhelming need
for intense passion
, the longing for
her warm caresses
feeling along the...
the curves of
a treasure way
paved with beauty
radiating with shine
leading to the
most intimate part
of a perfect
incredible erotic experience
you made possible
when we kissed.
a long time
a long wait
made it hotter
a turmail of
turmail or turmoil?
turmoil of feelings
steaming deep in
so so deep
and then.....poooof!
Warm and deep
hot and intense
long and sensual
caring passionate gestures
last a lifetime
Waiting For Wager
waiting for win
win means you
i always win!!!
Are you sure?
well... emmmm ammmm
you always win ;)
or dies trying :P
dies exquisitely valiant
leaving people happy
and very satisfied
ready for more
Really really Peeka???
more fun always!
Fun Fun Fun!!!
Let's have some
banging of drums
make some noise
Let's get loud
Pass The Dutchie
just puffin stuffin'
makes you feel
when I RIDE
you know it :P
I Have Sinusitis
aww poor Baby
Need some handkerchiefs?
Sympathy is overwhelming
to the one's
we care deeply
i can tell
Hugs And Kisses :-* ;D
to the world
and Merry Christmas
Good Will All
Raise your glasses
A toast to...
people we love
Past & Present
close and far
Auld Lang Syne
is flying a
little pink elephant
with bells on
his incredibly long...
thick, hairy trunk
which he used
very carefully to
carry her to
a warm, shady
comfortable place where
he laid her
making her feel
the soft surface
in contrast to
his tight grip
firmly massaging my
hips and back
up to shoulders
up to lips
then kiss your
so so deep
let you feel
the spirit of
Christmas cheer and
joy having you
Tight Against Me
squeezes your hand
Around my cock
pulsating and growing
Moving down slowly
grazing, kissing, licking
up, then down
Taking it Deeper
pushing it harder
It's so tight
but feels nice
just don't stop
There! There! Yeaaaassss!
Oh my GOD!!!
Just Keep Going
reach the spot
Please, dont stop!!!
Can't Hold Back
the urge for
Filling you deep
feel the seed
raising up the
already intense feeling
Rush of heat
running my body
overloading my senses
like when you
slide in slow
engulfed with lust
on the Achat
Lust and nice
do not know
why I'm hooked
from time to
space and beyond
3 3 3
6 6 6
and... seven heaven
I like heaven
its not for
( there is no sex in there :D not for all )
people like us
Love in Heaven
Is with GOD
or my darling
come to my
dark little lair
if you dare
are you brave?
or stupid enough?
chuckles ... want to?
show my girls
mmm mmmm yummy!!! ;D
What flavour Zoe ? :o
its a secret ::)
I might know
dont think so :D
Strawberry and banana...
how you know? :o
don't try hide
the forbidden fruit
No forbidden fruit ;D
inside my bag
Let it free
free yourself from
from self control
Your inner slut
for the best
salivating on strawberries
thats a plan
Now we just
On your face
makes my day
worth living for
for US all
While we wait
for the unexpected
wake up call
back to reality
Hands off cocks
No more wanking??? :'(
and enjoy the
cyber sex scene
bringing the heat
of sexual desire
Back to life
lost in matrix
Searching for love
that hottest moment
when She cums
"Never look back."
where are you
"Love endures delay."
"I am kidding."
"This will pass."
"Basking in betrayal"
"Makes you stronger"
"Wahhh wahhh FunnyFace"
Can't take it
Damn you're Pissweak
"Death before dishonor."
Raawwwrrrrrrr :)
"Do not judge."
"Time heals everything."
read the manual
V for Victory
the words are...
safe and harmless
touching and inspiring
Love and Friendship
When I speak
my deepest thoughts
shared with you
in this special
place of ours
Anything is possible
Take me now
Then loose control....
make me scream
All Night Long.....
untill I sleep
Wake me up.....
when morning comes
Push REPEAT Button
"Please Don't Cheat"
Please Forgive Me
Say your sorry . . .
and mean it.
full of dreams
of my life
Panting and pushing
Standing and Waiting.....
For my Angel
Who LOVE's another
That's so true . . .
And yet... Hope
Cum inside me ...
Blows my mind
Trembling and shaking
Over my lips
my "PEACHES" drips
Sweet intoxicating nectar
awakening my desire
to TRUST another
turn the page
with improved perspective
of your view ;)
You can see
the real me
in real life
truth is outhere
at the edges
of this insanity
lies another reality
Fishnet heels red
lipstick and lace
lush with handcuffs
tied to the
headboard with her
Legs open wide...........
The Utopia Heaven!
Summer Jazz nights
With your tongue
across my snatch
make it drip
quiver and moan
With that Cock
open my holes
spred them wide
Fill them DEEP
prodding the womb
Cream my face
in your embrace
Look at me
tore your dress
From your body
Slap my ass...
Spread my knees ::)
Lick my pussy . . .
for the eyeĀ“s
capture the imagination
make it real
to get away
from my feelings
of your tongue
inside my MiND
not a thing
i DOUBT that
I will find
a better way
to love you
makes me happy
What, tiny bubbles?
they tickle my :D
Whole naked body.....
its on fire
I MUST touch!
touch it baby
make me BEG
For it, baby
So sexy girls
receive your punishment
Wet, miserable and
this is Achat
A funny world
To boldly go
where noone has
to stay underfucked :)
just fake satisfaction :)
be the distraction
stop the inaction
when it appears
be without FEAR
And Stand Up
Find the perfect
Person for you
feeding your senses
Stoking your PASSiON
fucking you hard
Until you cum
DEEP inside ME
tight and wet
embracing the tenderness
of our love
Throbbing and Panting
tender hands caressing
moist lips exploring
exchanging soggily kisses
Tongues Tango Dancing
luscious lips devouring
My Kitty ears
the mouse fears
but will play
cat scents prey
Start to Stalk
stealthy cat walk
Then she's gone
able to return
To HUNT again
For new Prey
Can't afford it
But I can
If I want
I will STAY
stay is good
sometimes better run
(https://resizing.flixster.com/OjFQGZqjDlIX_QNGcXc72xCRxgo=/300x300/v1.bjsxMTQzNDAxO2o7MTc0NzM7MTIwMDsxNDAwOzE0MDA) ;D
See the world
enjoy foreign culture
Meet Italian men!
Eat Italian Cuisine
see the sea
Enjoy the Wine
I get Fernweh
for other worlds
not far away
but just enough
and expand horizons
and then do
set sail to
who are you
A Curious Kitten
Looking at me
wondering, "What's new?"
Wants to PLAY
Growls, "Good Girl!"
Guess Who's Back..........
More like dinner
delicious and exquisite
Try the oyster
Naughty tounge
Erotic thoughts of...
Coronation Street Soap
She looked delectable
and I thought....
Her thoughts exactly...
Time for BRUNCH... :P
And Now Lunch
Lets just fuck
She smiled and
said disinterestedly, "Why...
already had you
, and frankly, sweety,
Wrong chat girls....
oh really? BYE
I could watch...
Love you Kait!
Grabs the popcorn
just playing Jess..... ;) :) :-*
I still want...
...a good book
with lots of...
big words like ...
suffering from pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
COUGH it up
Ball gag too?
Always Master V
Very Good Girl
Hushes...and obeys
Get a Room
With a view
and outdoor baths
Such pleasurable bliss
like the first
time we had
Porridge For Breakfast
With thickly sliced...
flying backhand volley
Fun Times Indeed
With Audrey Hepburn
(https://i.imgur.com/j6qoynN.gif) (http://height=250https://i.imgur.com/j6qoynN.gif) (https://petstips.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Clothed-Cats-Seriously-funny-cat-diner-coffee-animal-humor-Swag-www.cafepress.c.jpg)
And Smoking Afterwards
Or maybe smouldering
or floating away
The mind wanders
over the edge
And be cleansed.
All ready for..
Roses, Rope.....Magic
Seduction Teases Arousal
In Untold Ways
But certainly intriguing
and awkward too
ooo ooo 000hhhh
said Scooby Doo
his chauffeur too
... and stowaway feline. :o
The vibrations sent...
tremors of impropriety
... awakening unmentionable places.
in a twinkling
and a flash
She screams in
ecstasy HIS name!
"YES, Yogidigit, Yes"!!!
Again and AGAIN!!
"Good booboo"
Yummy Pic-A-Nic Basket
with icecream too
Melted for paint....
containing a taint
blue will do
With purple too....
So "Blurple" became....
the new black
background for Jazz
Then one day...
an eagle flew
soaring over mountains
He was searching
eyes ever scanning
For a Chicken
For VooDoo Spells
and churchyard bells
Would he succeed...
in finding poultry
or maybe just
Deep Shared Breaths
The scene was...
sultry, rife with...
dancing pheromones. He