AChat Forum

Discussions about sex => Woman with man in AChat => Topic started by: Lover on November 30, 2013, 05:22:01 AM

Title: Dance!
Post by: Lover on November 30, 2013, 05:22:01 AM

Title: Re: Dance!
Post by: Momma_andrea on November 30, 2013, 06:27:57 AM
No, the slow dance will do the job
Title: Re: Dance!
Post by: Stone on November 30, 2013, 07:37:26 AM
We had so much fun with this yesterday.  Picture the scene -  Dad drunk at his daughter's wedding and bopping away on the dancefloor, believing he is the coolest guy around...

If this peaks your sense of humour and have the right partner, I highly recommend this pose to add to your collection. It's fun, crazy and a brilliant ice  breaker. 

The dancing, especially the guy , is so bad, it makes it cool.  I think it would be a splendid add to the Secret dates. 

We danced to B-52's Planet Claire, which made it even better.

Here are the actions for MF

1 Finger circle
2, hands right and up
3 show left and right
4. grab hip
5. bend back and forward
6, turn left and right
7. step left and right
8 step near
9 hand and hand
10  hands up and down
11 jump
12  hip circle
13 clap
14 bend left and right
15  2 x Pleasure faces

1 Hands up
2  Hand on hip
3 Turn around
4, Fondle  Hip
5  Fondle Legs
6  Shake ass
7 Shake tits
8 Step close
9 Side hip
10  Lift leg forward
11  Clap
12  Step back
13  Step left & right
14 Hands Up & Down
15  2 x Pleasure faces.

Thank you to the Achat Developers for giving us a fun pose and I am impressed they also made & released it for all the other genders too. I hope they release more serious poses for them , so they have as many options as us for role play.
Way to go Achat...  *Clapping*

Title: Re: Dance!
Post by: Rukya on November 30, 2013, 09:52:11 AM
Hmmm ... well , the men are little hmmm ... not good dancers in achat with the slow dance . Soooo , i'm curious to see how they "move" with this dance lol .
Title: Re: Dance!
Post by: Covems on November 30, 2013, 09:55:49 AM

MIss Rukya

Amy and I found this


to be eerily similar to this


Title: Re: Dance!
Post by: Brandybee on November 30, 2013, 12:18:17 PM
Mr Bean and his rubber face.

Cant wait to try this one out.  ;D
Title: Re: Dance!
Post by: jayc on November 30, 2013, 01:09:05 PM
its a fun pose, the woman's actions work but the guys are almost comic in nature. my spouse referred to "drunk Dad dancing"  that's the perfect description. here in the states it is known as B.W.G.D  (Bad White Guy dancing) you see it at every wedding  :D

as already mentioned a good icebreaker and will cause some good laughing, and hats off to the DEV team for releasing  it for all lifestyles
Title: Re: Dance!
Post by: zoerink on November 30, 2013, 07:19:58 PM


MIss Rukya

Amy and I found this


to be eerily similar to this


Title: Re: Dance!
Post by: Marilyn on December 03, 2013, 11:16:28 AM
Title: Re: Dance!
Post by: jayc on January 26, 2014, 04:36:11 PM
I think i found where they got the moves for this pose  ;D
Title: Re: Dance!
Post by: Lover on January 26, 2014, 04:39:09 PM
Title: Re: Dance!
Post by: mrsexlover on January 26, 2014, 09:53:11 PM
I think i found where they got the moves for this pose  ;D

lol, i'm sure we all look like that, but not in our minds
Title: Re: Dance!
Post by: Brandybee on January 27, 2014, 02:44:04 PM
I think i found where they got the moves for this pose  ;D


We have all seen these sexy moves, even tried them out a few times after a few jars.
Title: Re: Dance!
Post by: hukk on January 27, 2014, 05:30:18 PM
I gotta admit. This pose is actually fun. Like Stone says, it serves as an awesome ice breaker, and works well for people like me who like to just goof about and have fun.

Favorite one is the finger twirl. Me and Lover aka The Love-tron did this move to get things warmed up.

Title: Re: Dance!
Post by: mrsexlover on January 27, 2014, 10:06:23 PM
If Hukk is goofing around so much he better change his name from Hukk to Goofy

Title: Re: Dance!
Post by: hukk on January 29, 2014, 07:50:28 AM
lol, I would Martin but the supposed achat 'Gods' aren't capable of changing my name. Maybe if I offer a human sacrifice they'll do something. :-\
Title: Re: Dance!
Post by: Urban on February 23, 2014, 05:30:13 PM
It is always cool to have "non sexual" options, it help to build up the mood
Title: Re: Dance!
Post by: FoxyRoxxy on March 16, 2014, 10:05:58 AM

saw this in the  pose so a must have  :D
Title: Re: MF Pose Review. 92. Dance.
Post by: Vaughan on March 28, 2021, 07:00:41 PM
Covems and Mooncalf completed a review in 2013 for "The Achat Tattler"  here
Off-Topic > Quizz, Fav TV, Fav Music, Fav Films, Books... > The AChat Tattler,2665.msg71380.html#msg71380

Stone & Jayc have also given this a positive review in 2013 earlier in this topic.
We thought we would give it an upgraded review with an added star rating in case anything more has been added since. It's always nice to have reviews to read before deciding to buy it in the shop.

Pose Reviews score:
Do you think this pose is worth it?  Please rate –

1 Star.   - No. Hate it. Don’t bother – its rubbish.
2 Stars. - Yes. Didn’t like it much. Will buy it if I have A$ to waste.
3 Stars. - Yes. Liked it. Will use this occasionally but other poses need collecting first.
4 Stars. - Yes. Really liked it. Will use regular. A good add to my collection.
5 Stars. - Yes. Excellent. A must have. Will use this often.

Pose Review - 92. Dance:


This pose can be found in the "Talk & Dance" Section of the in-game Achat Shopping Mall.

Men's Actions

1. Finger circle
2. Hands right & up
3. Show left & right
4. Grab (her) hip – up and down
5. Backwards & forwards (From Hips)
6. Turn Left & Right
7. Step Left & Right
8. Step near (& wiggle)
9. Hand in Hand   
10. Hand up & down
11. Jump
12. Hip Circle
13. Clap
14. Bend it lft & right
15 & 16 Pleasure faces x 2

Women's Actions

1. Hands Up
2. Hand on Hip
3. Turn Around
4. Fondle Hip
5. Fondle Legs
6. Shake Ass
7. Shake Tits
8. Step Near
9. Side Hip
10. Left Leg Forward
11. Clap
12. Step Back
13. Step Left and Right
14. Hands up and down
15. & 16. Pleasure Face

A disco dance pose for those fun nights in or in public rooms. Guaranteed to put you in a fun mood and make you smile at your avatars antics. (We are spoilt as a couple with dance poses in another game to be fair, with far more choices and by far more superior for us to go clubbing).
This pose is totally platonic & totally Fun and as said before, a brilliant ice breaker!
Buy if you like to be sociable and don't forget to buy in the other orientations as well. I have had great nights in public with the bros with this pose in MM  LOL.  3 Stars.

JessiCapri says, “A good unromantic pose in order to dance with your partner or friends when out in public. As lacking as it may be it is a good option to have.  3 Stars ”

* * * 3 Stars. - Yes. Liked it. Will use this occasionally but other poses need collecting first.