AChat Forum
Discussions about sex => Woman with woman in AChat => Topic started by: Lover on November 30, 2013, 05:28:26 AM
Woaw , this pose is the last we got us lesbians .... You know what it mean ? It mean that its soon one year that we didnt had a new pose ( well 9 month if we trust the date of this topic ) . Nine months of nothing , nine months of void , nine month of shit . Hurray viva devs !! ( sarcasm )
I like it for laughs dose have some nice moves maybe they can update it later .
Ooook ... I checked around the woman with woman section , and i discovered a catastrophe .
In 5 days it will be 2 years that we didn't get a new pose us lesbians . And the last pose we got is the dance pose which is not really a good pose to me .
*sarcasm* happy no-pose-day lesbians
Ooook ... I checked around the woman with woman section , and i discovered a catastrophe .
In 5 days it will be 2 years that we didn't get a new pose us lesbians . And the last pose we got is the dance pose which is not really a good pose to me .
*sarcasm* happy no-pose-day lesbians
Yes it is sad we as bi and lesbian women are looked upon as the minority and get no love in the pose department when mf and ms get all the attention.
Pretty sad for us that pay and pay to have only the same old (and 2 years is old) poses we have had for so long.
4 years here and and updates for us are very slow to happen.
it's an brand old thread ... but it's the right theme ....
So i would say, before we get some new poses for FF/FFF, they should fix some problems in the old poses.
For example, that one Pose who are two girls in doggy style, in front of them the third girl with dildo, sitting on a chair.
This pose works if a man oder a she is in group, only with three girls it doesn't.
The scene looks static, there are no moves, only the active part is moving a bit,
to slap ass you have to click on the action button for evey single slap,
the quick action is as quick as the Marsrover at Wolowitz' first pitch ...
and so on.
Ok, i've not seen all the other poses, but there are some who working not as well as in men-group.
Fixing this were nice, and then create some new and creative poses.
Just my 5 cents.
Hot Greetings