Organizations & Events => Events => Topic started by: Bear on December 11, 2013, 08:11:03 AM
Title: The Best of 2013...Forum moments
Post by: Bear on December 11, 2013, 08:11:03 AM
We have dis this in 2012, and its a good time to again initiate a reflective moment of the forum threads. Share your thoughts and impressions of your views of the forum.
Share your opinion... what posts did you find impressionable... memorable?
Was it an erotic story? Did some storyline in ACB&G stick out? Or an Icehouse Story? What new part of the forum adds to your enjoyment and involvement here? Was their a highly erotic moment you found in a story or one that made you laugh and still sticks in the brain?
Share your thoughts...
Personally I want to thank Lover, Brandybee and HentaiBoy for doing an outstanding and fabulous job of monitoring the Forum during my time away attending personal business. The 3 have been tireless in contest preparation.. and have introduced some magnificent means of getting the forum community involved. I look at the forum and think how it compares to where it was when I joined over 4 years ago when maybe 10 posters lurked about adding their thoughts. The population of the community has swelled mightily, and the number of consistent voices grown to numbers we thought improbable even just a year and a half ago.
So my thoughts are to that... a tip of the hat to the new folks who have a chance to join in making this site something special. I hope you stay and grow in your involvement.
Happy Holidays all!
Title: Re: The Best of 2013...Forum moments
Post by: hukk on December 11, 2013, 11:06:50 AM
Well, I've only been here for 3 weeks (give or take), so I don't really have a lot of fond memories built here quite yet.
Just to be a little cheesy though? Meeting all you fine people is my memorable experience so far. <3
On a bit of a more serious note though, I'll say reading some of the stories here have been memorable. Been awhile since I've written (most places I've visited I mostly just goof around), so I'm appreciative of a place that promotes serious and eh erotic writing from its members. That for me at least, has stuck out the most.
Title: Re: The Best of 2013...Forum moments
Post by: Lydiarose on December 14, 2013, 10:58:32 AM
being in a room with a guy the other night who i meet in the Bar& Grill over a year ago
Title: Re: The Best of 2013...Forum moments
Post by: Brandybee on December 28, 2013, 12:55:10 PM
There is so much to look back on and the fun and capers over the last year 2013, especially in the Erotic Story section - The Achat Bar & Grill ( AB&G ) , and the off shoot topics The IceHouse ( AB&G Dungeon ) and Crystal Lake ( Where some of the patrons live in country cabins and camp from the AB&G )
Looking back makes me smile and I wish to thank each and everyone one of you for your efforts and writings to make the place so much fun. Hugs & kisses.
Heres some that’s happened over the last year. They still make me giggle and go awwww or ewwwwwww lol
( AB&G 2013 Page 68 to Present day )
New Years Eve last year, Tightfit74 leaves us at forum. The end of our first time well co-ordinated party, with so many multi authors, where everyone worked together to give him a well deserved Achat Forum send off. Posts timed to perfection. ( Finale Page 67 AB&G )
January - Stone and Covems plot and Stone finally gets her revenge on her beloved spouse, for Jayc helped Bear return his Panda silver charm to her in a terrifying incident in the AB&G office. ( Page 68 AB&G ) and ending in The Icehouse ( P 16 )
Mollie wreaks her revenge on Covems for volunteering her to run Blind Date lol (- The IceHouse Page P 16 ) and of course The covems Angels and others turn up ;D in true Dungeon style :P :P :P
February - We have a Ska party for Tangoracer’s birthday and a new dance craze is encouraged ;D ;Dl Do The Pachacutie (Page 71 ) and The Tantrum ( Page 72 )
Tango receives a new Throne and a pet with a collar – awww (Page 72 ) and celebrates in The Icehouse. :o :o :o
Bear continues to flirt and tease Me and Stone about collars, being King Dom of the Ice House. ( Page 72 ) and sings a touching song - not to me though LOL - Page 73 (Bryan Adams… to really love a woman….:
We have our first proposal and collaring in the bar – Page 73.
The new Erotic Story Contest 4 - “First Time” is kicked off, my first as Contest Manager - the pressure!!! Jayc wins with runners up of Covems and Momma_Andrea.
Covems & James_Dean (JD ) treat A patron – Pookie77 to the bull ride. ( Page 73 )
Bear finally has enough and spanks my naughty ass – mmm maybe Blu has something there lol and we actually shag in The IceHouse – YAYYYYY.
The Dentists Chair and food is served up by Stone to the delighted Covems and jayc ( AB&G Page 79 & Ice House Page 18) ::) ::)
Jcm0824 & Blu discover his masterful side - The IceHouse Page 21 :o :o
We have three new events - The easter eggg hunt which jayc eventually wins; Forum Home Page / Organizations & Events / Contests / Hunt the easter eggg,2346.0.html
and Paper Chase for the first time – Team Idlevice win – Stone, Jayc & Mrsexlover Forum Home Page / Organizations & Events / Events / New Game Achat Paper Chase,2390.0.htm
and a secret Blind Date hosted by Stone and Jayc. They make an advertising Dvd which is inadvertently played on the big screen in the bar LOL ( Page 86 ) Forum Home Page / Organizations & Events / Events / New Game Blind Date,2408.0.html
A furry party kicks off in the bar … and HB ( Hentaiboy69 ) makes me a fabulous Bee costume. Thank you. :-* :-* :-*
Tangracer opens a new massage and spa room in the AB&G for our wonderful patrons and HB decks out his new dungeon in the Ice House. ( Page 97 )
Mrsexlover opens a banner mania shop in Artists Alley and Forum becomes colourful by his success. ;)
A new House Band , the Cocks N Roses join the AB&G – ( Page 89 ) - Mrsexlover, tangoracer, hentaiboy69, Lover, jcm0824 , Freddie and Bear.
Covems and ItsAmy123 meet and flirt in the bar. (Page 90 )
The Covems open bar tab is born ::) ::) ::) ( Pafe Page 83 ) and an unusual way of paying it (Page 96 ) Of course, its soon opened again ;D ;D ;D
We have a bar games Olympics ( Page 91 ) :D :D :D
Covems gets his come uppance from his “Munchkin Angels” - Pafe, Satoire, Mooncalf, Mollie ( Page 92 ) Well … he did use the M words lol tut tut, ( Milf, Mature, Mom – you get the idea mmm ) :-X :-X :-X
Mooncalf shoots up my bar LOL and the two naked NSPD ( Tango & Mrsexlover ) officers, break off from their orgy and come a running LOL ( Page 92 ) :o :o :o
The mystic creature – Ellie, at Crystal Lake is discovered, sort off ( Page 98 )
The Cocks N Roses debut concert at the AB&G ( Page 100 ) , who could forget, Freddie had plastered posters all over the Forum Village lol.
The TKB - The Knicker / Kisser Bandit is about still ( Page 105 ) 8) 8) 8)
Covems publically asks ItsAmy123 to be his spouse awww. She accepts & the CoveyPrilla drink is created by jayc in celebration ( Page 105 ) and for the first time since the NSPD raid, I shut the bar and we descend on Crystal Lake to attend Covems and Amy's Wedding ceremony. ( Page 106 ) and Crystal Lake ( Page 2 )
Then there’s the never ending halloween party which always lasts till xmas lol ( Page 106 / 107 ) and the return of the beloved ghosts – Doris & Stanley Grill up to mischief again and mind controlling patrons to sexual antics.
And Stone’s terrible VD infection LOL ( Page 107 ) Who could forget that!! :'( :'( :'(
Covems & Co start a new Dungeon Master game - ( AB&G P 109 & Crystal Lake P 7 ) :)
The Erotic Story Contest 5 – Public place is opened and won by Tangoracer & hentaiboy69 with runners up Jayc and Dev08. And we hit over 100 votes – yayyyyyyyyy :o :o :o
Then of course we have the current Erotic Story Contest 6 – Medieval , open for submissions till 31 Jan 2014. Forum Home Page > Announcements > Forum News > EROTIC STORY CONTEST 6 - MEDIEVAL.,2816.0.html and Forum Home Page > Organisations & Events >Contests > EROTIC STORY CONTEST RULES,2509.0.html
And Covems Ugly Xmas sweater vote on in the AB&G – ( Don’t tell Stone, she thinks it’s the Splendid jumper contest lol ) Please vote if you haven’t already. ( Page 113 to P 115 )
And the current Xmas party and grape jelly, pudding pit fight – with TerriC; Pookie77 , Bluedenim and mrsexlover. ( P115 onwards :P )
I would also like to compliment all the authors who successfully submitted and published stories that were published on Literotica - Momma_Andrea, ( Me LOL ) , Mercer78 & jayc. Well done.
Momma_ Andrea
Thank you all for making my 2013 a fantastic time in Forum. Thank you to my fellow moderators – Lover, Hentaiboy69 & Bear for making my first Mod year such a joy and to you in the Forum Village for being …you. Hugs & kisses to all. Hope you had a magical Christmas / Hanukka / Holidays and Your New Year is everything you wish for.
I feel quite emotional now ... I love you all.
Brandybee. x
Title: Re: The Best of 2013...Forum moments
Post by: Covems on January 01, 2014, 06:57:12 AM
Title: Re: The Best of 2013...Forum moments
Post by: zoerink on January 01, 2014, 07:31:39 AM
For me... the best moment... was a day that i had the chance to have a date with the most stunning person i meet in the game, she know who is, and was so nice to share Utopia with you :)
Title: Re: The Best of 2013...Forum moments
Post by: denisee40 on January 12, 2014, 11:23:11 AM
Well, 12 days into 2014 and late to say…
Definitely meeting more of you fun people in the forum and discovering yet another wonderful and exciting side of this place! :)
Title: Re: The Best of 2013...Forum moments
Post by: FoxyRoxxy on February 18, 2014, 05:29:48 PM
After being pulled in with out wanting to join the Forum . I met Lover here . I have to say this is the best love story of my life . I was not looking to fall in love destiny had other plans. There are no words to say how much I love him and his the most amazing man I met so kind and loving I am always smiling happy when I am with him . I love you baby . I have met some lovely people in here every ones so nice and friendly . With out the forum Achat is not the same . I always believe when when something bad happens Good will over turn it to good . :)