AChat Forum

Discussions about sex => Woman with man in AChat => Topic started by: Lover on January 13, 2014, 03:46:21 AM

Title: Talk about
Post by: Lover on January 13, 2014, 03:46:21 AM

A$ 229

Text copied from james - thanks
Nice to have another pose to just chat in a room. Fully clothed sitting at the table with a drink. Much better than the couch in my opinion.
Male actions
1.Hand on head (should be head on hand. Hand curled up under chin)
2.Head down
4.Interesting (similar to hand on head but 2 fingers on cheek)
5. Take her hand
6. Thinking
7. Leans back
8. Kiss her hand
9. looking at glass
10. fondle arm (own arm)
11. Yes - Yes
12. Cheers
13. Kisses
14. Drink together (from each others glass)
15. Angry face
16. Pleasure face

Female Actions  -   :)

1 Hand on head   ( More hand on chin,  strumming fingers seem to be impatient )
2 Head down
3 Rub the glass
4. Interesting
5.  Fondle the glass
6 Looking the glass
7 Leans back
8 Lick finger
9 Send kiss   ( Cute )   or shush  lol
10  Drink
11 Rubs leg  ( Maybe an itch,  or ants )
12 Cheers
13 Lick lips
14 Fondle hand
15   2 pleasure faces, one with a twitchy eye

Title: Re: Talk about
Post by: Lydiarose on January 13, 2014, 04:12:23 AM
does it work with F-F  ?
Title: Re: Talk about
Post by: Lover on January 13, 2014, 04:15:41 AM
No, at the moment there is just FM and FS. Hopefully they give FF, MM, SS, SM soon.
Title: Re: Talk about
Post by: hentaiboy69 on January 13, 2014, 04:35:13 AM
well, or that's what we all hope please, AChat it for everyone!
Title: Re: Talk about
Post by: Nexe on January 13, 2014, 04:40:19 AM
Wonderful pose with good animations. Certainly a must have for anyone romantic or/and talkative :)
Title: Re: Talk about
Post by: Momma_andrea on January 13, 2014, 05:27:40 AM
I bought it immediatly because I like the concept...
But I haven't tried it yet   :(
Title: Re: Talk about
Post by: denisee40 on January 13, 2014, 06:10:34 AM
It's a nice addition. I was at first suspicious if there was going to be any partner leg rubbing when I first saw it though. That would have been fun but didn't see it.

Very nice! Thank you A-team! :)
Title: Re: Talk about
Post by: hukk on January 13, 2014, 06:58:24 AM
Finally. Now I can have serious conversations with people about politics and economics without having to stand up.   
Title: Re: Talk about
Post by: jayc on January 13, 2014, 11:10:43 AM
i bought it and gave it a try, its great and role players will find it comes in handy.  :)

worth buying :)
Title: Re: Talk about
Post by: Nat33 on January 13, 2014, 12:01:02 PM
I have the MS version and it's an excellent pose for me, very well done.
Voted exxcellent add  8)
Title: Re: Talk about
Post by: Abraxis on May 02, 2014, 02:18:35 AM
These poses are important, as not everyone who goes into a room with someone only wants sex all the time
Title: Re: Talk about
Post by: FoxyRoxxy on June 06, 2014, 06:02:55 PM
I am still waiting on the  FF   pose   for this

I often wounder why we have very few product

For all this time Achat has been   running  They  should be having them  them 
 out daliy
every one  wants more and I see the regular people  posting  for more

I believe if more  people start  demanding  there will be more production in development 

But the one thing  is  more need to get  involved   in demanding  growth . ;)
Title: Re: Talk about
Post by: Rukya on June 08, 2014, 04:56:26 AM
 we will not have this pose , in fact i'm not sure we will have more poses . Devs are changing this game to be fully hétéro . They made all to loose the gay peoples since 3 years , and now they are doing the same with lesbians
Title: Re: MF Pose Review. 93. Talk about yourself (Table)
Post by: Vaughan on March 26, 2021, 12:18:35 PM
Pose Reviews score:
Do you think this pose is worth it?  Please rate –

1 Star.   - No. Hate it. Don’t bother – its rubbish.
2 Stars. - Yes. Didn’t like it much. Will buy it if I have A$ to waste.
3 Stars. - Yes. Liked it. Will use this occasionally but other poses need collecting first.
4 Stars. - Yes. Really liked it. Will use regular. A good add to my collection.
5 Stars. - Yes. Excellent. A must have. Will use this often.

Pose Review - 93. MF Talk about yourself (Table)


This pose can be found in the "Talk & Dance" Section of the in-game Achat Shopping Mall.

Men's Actions

1. Hand on head
2. Head down
3. Drink
4. Interesting
5. Take her hand
6. Thinking
7. Leans back
8. Kiss her hand
9. Looking at the glass. (Holds up to the light)
10. Fondle arm
11. Yes, Yes
12. Cheers
13. Kiss
14. Drink together
15. Angry Face
16. Pleasure face

Women's Actions

1. Hand on Head
2. Head Down
3. Rub the Glass (Rim)
4. Interesting
5. Fondle the Glass (Stem)
6. Looking the Glass
7. Lean Back
8. Lick Finger
9. Send kiss (With Finger)
10. Drink (and caress breast)
11. Rub Legs
12. Cheers
13. Lick Lips
14. Fondle Hand (His)
15. & 16. Pleasure Face

This is a useful platonic pose in street clothing, used for chat, getting to know each other or just spending times with a friend. Who doesn’t like a drink of wine? Cheers.  4 Stars.

JessiCapri says, “This is great pose to use when chatting with friends. Cheers indeed.  4 Stars." 

* * * * 4 Stars - Yes. Really liked it. Will use regular. A good add to my collection