Seems self explanatory...
Spam this thread with your favorite GIFs and Memes :3
Here's my ALL TIME favorite. I laugh every single time i see it.
Question : What are "memes" ?
A favorite Meme and Gif thread?
I'm always up for a good old fashioned meme and gif thread Ily but sadly this forum may not be quite up to speed with memes. ::) Case in point *points to my ol' friend Rukya*
I'll use the wiki definition of internet memes
"An Internet meme (/ˈmiːm/ MEEM) is an idea, style or action which spreads, often as mimicry, from person to person via the Internet, as with imitating the concept.[1] Some notable examples include posting a photo of people in public places lying down planking and uploading a short video of people dancing to the Harlem Shake.[2]
A meme can be considered a mimicked theme, including simple phrases or gestures. An Internet meme may take the form of an image, hyperlink, video, picture, website, or hashtag. It may be just a word or phrase, including an intentional misspelling. These small movements tend to spread from person to person via social networks, blogs, direct email, or news sources. They may relate to various existing Internet cultures or subcultures, often created or spread on sites such as 4chan, Reddit and numerous others in our time, or by Usenet boards and other such early-internet communications facilities. Fads and sensations tend to grow rapidly on the Internet, because the instant communication facilitates word-of-mouth transmission."
One of my all time favorite memes I use in forums is the "Sad Keanu meme'. The original images shows Keanu Reeves sitting by himself, staring out into nothing. Some took the 'Sad Keanu' image and Photoshopped him into situations meant to cheer him up, or to add him in backdrops that further heighten his depressed lonely state (maybe him on the moon by himself).
Question : What are "memes" ?
Simply put, its a picture with a funny caption, photoshop, or something weird/funny going on.
This will be my 100th post :D
But I cant help myself when I see Brazzers memes
( '-') You should've made an entire thread dedicated to your 100th post Ily. But congrats. Business Cat memes to celebrate.
And a Happy Keanu meme.
( '-') You should've made an entire thread dedicated to your 100th post Ily. But congrats. Business Cat memes to celebrate.
And a Happy Keanu meme.
Haha, thanks, but I don't think 100 is a big deal. Maybe for 250 or 500 I'll make a post :3
I wonder what happens if people yell back at him...
Chef Ramsay memes?
We should make a poll just to decide the best Ramsey meme xD
As long as it gives me an excuse to spam Ramsay memes, I'm all for it Ily. Btw, that Fresh Prince reference one was deaf.( '-')
I'm almost in tears at that <3
*looks at above meme*
DUDE! It's your sister!!
*looks up to see incest relationship*
*claps for cat memes*
I hate cats, they think things like this...
I hate cats...
This disturbs me....Dammit look what you've done. You made Keanu Reeves sad. Are you happy? Is this what you wanted? To make Keanu sad? He doesn't need this.
Cats are adorable. Especially when placed in situations like these.
So much yes!!!!!
This disturbs me....Dammit look what you've done. You made Keanu Reeves sad. Are you happy? Is this what you wanted? To make Keanu sad? He doesn't need this.
Fuck Keanu, and fuck his cats :3
OMG! Bieber this week! lol!
@ Denisee
Just Beiber has become my idol. He's shed away the nice boy image and revealed his true inner thug persona. This guy is Ol' G material.
Fuck Keanu, and fuck his cats :3
I hope you two are prepared to have your house egged. Bieber style. Meanwhile, this hilarious mugshot of him side by side with Cyrus. It just keeps getting better and better.
Awe, you guys are so mean!
*notices thread is banished into 2nd page. Bumps.*
This thread will never die. I'll make sure of that.
Meanwhile what is Keanu doing?
*looks up at Andrea's gif*
Literally blowing fish out of water. ::)
Meanwhile lets get serious.
*sees this thread banished again. Looks around the forum room*
Keanu has a way of sneaking into a shot. Lets play "Where's Keanu?"
seems keanu was spotted in north korea some time ago
then he left on his tri-cycle
he even got to the moon
so he ended up in spain
Well, time to close the thread. MrSexLover just won it with that barrage of sad keanu memes. Unless Hukk has an epic comeback... *Waits for it*
Never. I can't allow for this thread to close Ily. *rolls up sleeves for sad Keanu Meme off*
Seems like Keanu's career has rebounded of late, thanks in part to certain cameo apparences like he had on Big Bang Theory.
Hell, he even guest starred on the Simpsons.
He's become so famous again,that there's actually a movie underway featuring his new shtick.
Still, even with all this renewed attention he just likes to sit back and relax. He's even posted here on achat, commenting on Sexi's thread. Take a look.
did you know keanu was in world war II
he fought on both sides
in the 60's he was spotted in Dallas
did you know he also worked for Apple
lately he was hanging out with both Tom & Jerry
Keanu still doesnt have a comp...
and even many pussies cant make him happy
(http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm258/Claudiu_2008/20%20Claudiu/the_best_demotivational_posters_06.jpg) (http://s298.photobucket.com/user/Claudiu_2008/media/20%20Claudiu/the_best_demotivational_posters_06.jpg.html)
Hey! Y'all are breaking the rules! Some of those aren't memes!
Martin, it's been well documented that Keanu Reeves (real name Lord Monet) never ages. Explains why he can be found in virtually every era.
Martin, it's been well documented that Keanu Reeves (real name Lord Monet) never ages. Explains why he can be found in virtually every era.
He looks younger if anything! :o
Time for some Inception memes.
*looks around*
And then there was one.*sets up camp in thread* Better get comfy here.
@Hukk - Eeeeuuwwww!!! :o
Jeez, my computer breaks for ONE week, and this meme is bumped to page two.
I'm disappointed in you all.
*Rolls up sleeves*
You're Oh so right Denisee.
And some Howard pick up lines for good measure.
Well played Hukk
Ah, yes. Well played by you as well, my humorous friend.
Some more Howard memes for thee!
And 1 dog meme.
@ Mari
Some more bad animal pun memes.
Spidey memes, my favorite <3
Gentlemen memes never get old.
Still....it's been awhile. ::)
Posting this meme that's been circulating around the interbots titled 'Doge'
original image
More Doge memes, because I like it so much.
Why, why can I not leave this for two seconds without it dying >.<
I've told you before, that I'll be keeping this thread alive as long as I am an active member. This thread is mandatory for every off-topic section in a forum. It needs to live on.
Nicolas Cage Memes
I was called immature yesterday by my sis when desired a cookies and cream ice cream from Cold Stone Creamery.
I only had one response for her
Then I threw my ice cream on the ground.
None of us can throw stones or judge her behaviour/lifestyle, ily.
Yes she dated married men.
Yes she died of an overdose.
None of us is flawless. And if you are, you still can't judge because if it comes to you to have a daughter in the future, you won't know if she'll date married man or even 'worse' than that.
On that note, I'm dropping this one:
No comment on all of the above :-X.
"She had sex with Married Men"
She wasn't the one being unfaithful, was she? How about phrasing it..
"Married men were queuing up to be unfaithful and have sex with her!"
No, I'm not a feminist, so don't bitch at me, but seems to me more men are unfaithful than women, ok!
I think I've only ever seen her in "Some like it hot" so she is no role model for my generation.. my carpet & curtains are a matching set :p
Rant over.. sorry for going ot, mods!
Just a coincidence, I swear. ::)
*looks up to see this*
*What I want to see instead*
Arrgh. I got lost in the sea of mischievous, puppy blue eyes.
No, I'm not a feminist, so don't bitch at me...
I won't bitch at you, i just ask: what's wrong with being a feminist?
Looks like someone discovered Keanu Reeves 'What if' memes. ::)
Never gets old.
No, I'm not a feminist, so don't bitch at me...
I won't bitch at you, i just ask: what's wrong with being a feminist?
Ain't nothing wrong with it Justina, I was, which is unusual for me, trying to make a point without getting embroiled in an argument.
Just joking guys ;)
Its better if you play this song while Kaidan dances...
lets hope he post them here :P
Dear Kitten.
This could the best meme ever conceived by man kind. What a riot! Comedic Art at full display!
where is the kitty?
I dont see any gifs :( :(
Some World Cup memes
Luis Surraz and Taken.
When You Wake Up After Drinking And See Yourself in The Mirror
(http://funnypicturesplus.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/hells-kitchen-chicken-funny.jpg) (http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/f5/87/24/f58724098120f3c855ffa4842e72910b.jpg)
(http://fsymbols.co/download/5216-stop-funny-stuff-wallpaper-397x369.jpg) (http://37.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lwh0mxNsBG1qkceojo1_400.jpg) (http://static.fjcdn.com/pictures/make+funny+stuff+in+comments+pls_cdd107_4953953.jpg)
So simple, yet so true... Muahahaha HA
(http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/2013-11/enhanced/webdr03/21/12/anigif_enhanced-buzz-27154-1385053822-35.gif)(http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/2013-11/enhanced/webdr03/21/12/anigif_enhanced-buzz-27266-1385053487-9.gif) (http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/2013-11/enhanced/webdr06/21/11/anigif_enhanced-buzz-14375-1385051968-33.gif)
Posted by: Tomi85
too funny... fail... lol
(https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/8262826496/h920417B8/) (https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/8259741184/h6B8BEB4A/)
(http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/webdr03/2012/12/19/13/anigif_enhanced-buzz-15651-1355941312-4.gif) (http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/webdr03/2012/12/19/13/anigif_enhanced-buzz-15648-1355941462-3.gif)(http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/webdr02/2012/12/19/12/anigif_enhanced-buzz-30341-1355938116-6.gif)
(http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/webdr03/2012/12/19/14/anigif_enhanced-buzz-21567-1355944248-2.gif) (http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/webdr03/2012/12/19/12/anigif_enhanced-buzz-6382-1355938460-3.gif)
(http://270c81.medialib.glogster.com/media/14/14f3b7691822f1061779a912d5486a58d4bf8006d0fcd282776c062b76f0580e/c4e6c743e8mt6.jpg) (http://media.moddb.com/images/groups/1/3/2933/308572_10151433033197057_1470776065_n.jpg)
You guys kept it alive, I'm so proud :D
@ Ily
We done good for you.
Alright roxxy :p
I'm on an office rut
haahaha oh shit
I'll admit it, I so do I love it and I'm very proud of it :P
Ooopsies hehehehehe
It kind of reminds me of Hendrix ;D
(http://ts1.mm.bing.net/th?&id=HN.608035664316862167&w=300&h=300&c=0&pid=1.9&rs=0&p=0) HAHAHAHAHAHA
I've never read it, but I think I'll end up with a whip anyway.
Ho Ho Ho ( I know a bad joke but I just coouldnt resist ) BB LOL
Hukk, you promised to never let this thread die! Lies!!!(http://ccs.infospace.com/ClickHandler.ashx?ld=20150210&app=1&c=whiteskycc&s=whiteskycc&rc=&dc=&euip=
When he says get back in the kitchen ;D
...and I never want it to be said I was ever rude, AHAHHAHAHA thank you!
True true true!
EWWW but exactly, LMAO
I Agree to this ;)
Do I sense a kindred spirit, Kaitlyn72?
Thank you!! ♥
Agrees with this
50 years ago today the original Brat slave came to television
::) ::) ::) ::) ::)
She's gotta lot to say... lol
Here's a cool Gif
OK I made these last 2 myself, but hey. still good
I hope someone out their knows that I LOVE them as well.
And that beautiful mind that keeps me captured in it's gravity.
Your imperfections are perfect for me.
I hope someone out their knows that I LOVE them as well.
And that beautiful mind that keeps me captured in it's gravity.
Your imperfections are perfect for me.
And she knows who she is
OK, I laughed at this...
An afternoon with Kait...
A morning with my Lady A ..... A small confession too
This is what is really happening, when I am being spanked .....
I must count aloud, ONE, TWO, THREE......
Just how many SPANKINGS did you say I was getting?
OH MY, I thought soooo, I am such a "BAD" Girl.
It was a good movie by the by. I cried a bit
And you know who you are :-*
;) YES, I DO....... A kiss is ALL she asks?
I tend to be a bit more GREEDY. ;D