AChat Forum

Organizations & Events => Introduce yourself => Topic started by: Eden on February 16, 2014, 04:41:53 PM

Title: Hello people
Post by: Eden on February 16, 2014, 04:41:53 PM
My name's Eden, new to achat and new to the forum ;D
Title: Re: Hello people
Post by: bluedenim on February 16, 2014, 04:59:37 PM

Hi Eden. Welcome to our busy little forum, hope you get lots of fun finding your way around and Good luck in the game. If you have any difficulty in The Game, we have a few threads on here you might find extremely useful.

I'm sure one of our mods will guide you to an appropriate thread for this post.


Title: Re: Hello people
Post by: Momma_andrea on February 16, 2014, 06:03:03 PM
Hello hello.
Welcome to the forum. Enjoy the free cookies.
Go read some stories and look at sexy pictures  ;D
Title: Re: Hello people
Post by: Lover on February 16, 2014, 06:47:10 PM
Welcome Eden,
hope you love game and forum as much as we all do. As blue said, if you have any questions, just ask. Also look around the forum, we have several topics with suggestions (music, role play ideas...), help and funny games and events.
Feel free to post your thoughts and wishes, we're always collecting new ideas to improve the game.

There is an erotic story contest running - read the stories and vote for the one you like most:

Adult Game AChat > Organizations & Events > Contests  > “Medieval” THE STORIES. Erotic Story Contest 6,3006.0.html

We also have a bar here (AChat Bar & Grill). Read and post, join us for fun - first drink is for free :)

Adult Game AChat > Discussions about sex > Erotic Stories  > The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ),1760.msg81084.html#new

Have fun :)
Title: Re: Hello people
Post by: hentaiboy69 on February 17, 2014, 01:59:54 AM
Welcome on board, Eden! tell few things about you, but hope you will stay and let us know you a little more time after time! Hope you enjoy te place as we do.....have fun!
Title: Re: Hello people
Post by: HisGirlOnly on February 17, 2014, 08:39:22 AM
Hi Welcome to the forum  Eden great seeing you here.  :D
Glad we had the chance to meet and chat in the town square.
Can't wait to see you posting here  :D
Title: Re: Hello people
Post by: hukk on February 17, 2014, 09:19:02 AM
Welcome Eden. We already had a chance to meet earlier in the chat group. As is custom here in the forum, I present to you this Hugh Jackman picture, courtesy of Stone.


Enjoy your stay!
Title: Re: Hello people
Post by: unclecharlie on February 17, 2014, 09:22:23 AM
Hello and welcome to the forums Eden.
Title: Re: Hello people
Post by: Brandybee on February 17, 2014, 03:10:42 PM
Hello Eden,

Massive welcome to the Forum Village.  I  see you already joined up for the Car Race on Sunday.

Forum Home Page  > Organizations & Events > Contests  > Daytona 500 sweep stakes,2986.15/topicseen.html

We need more Players / Sweepers,  so tell your friends, lovers and spouses :)

Also check out The Square

Forum Homepage > Organizations & Events > Groups & Families > Achat Town Square,3031.0.html

Heres a few tips worth looking at as you mosey round the village -

Forum Home Page > Announcements > Posting rules  > New Members. Info and Tips on Forum.,2788.0.html

Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Introduce yourself > Old_Joe,2810.0.html

Please post any ideas and views you have in topics of interest.
Enjoy & Have fun now.