AChat Forum

Support => Got any problems running AChat? => Topic started by: Suriban on January 20, 2010, 12:25:41 PM

Title: Upgrade failed
Post by: Suriban on January 20, 2010, 12:25:41 PM
I get a message when i tried to upgrade.

Upgrade failed!
If you experience problems,
please restart the program!

I thought it might be everyone but people seem to be talking about the upgrade here. I recently installed a new firewall, so I tried turning it off. I also tried running the updater as an administrator but still no luck.

Any thoughts? I'm using Vista if that's relevant.
Title: Re: Upgrade failed
Post by: Suriban on January 20, 2010, 12:28:29 PM
One more thing; it seems to download just fine but when it gets to extracting compressed files is when I get the error message...

I think this damn firewall is doing more harm than good.
Title: Re: Upgrade failed
Post by: tom on January 20, 2010, 03:34:30 PM
I don't think that is the firewall... could you please send us the file versionupgrade.log from upgrade_dir of AChat? Can you find the directory?
If yes, where is your AChat client installed to?
Title: Re: Upgrade failed
Post by: Suriban on January 20, 2010, 04:12:31 PM
This is all it says in versionupgrade.log

Checking version and updating as needed...
 Local release: 1
 Server release: 1
 Local version: 45
 Version on the server: 46
 Downloading upgrade_dir\46.7z
 Cannot open extract log for reading!!!
 Could not collect decompressed files !!!

Do you still want me to send it? Should I post what it says in extract.log as well since it says it can't open it?
I'm pretty sure I left AChat install in the default location when I installed it and I've never had problems upgrading before.
In Vista it's in the ..\AppData\Local\AChat folder
Title: Re: Upgrade failed
Post by: gingerteri on January 24, 2010, 11:50:41 AM
I get the same error message and i am running 64bit win XP
Title: Re: Upgrade failed
Post by: Suriban on January 25, 2010, 07:22:15 AM
This is so annoying. Now there has been an update again and I can't get it. There are threesomes now? :o
Please tell me what I should do to fix this problem.
Title: Re: Upgrade failed
Post by: Nicoquin on January 25, 2010, 07:47:24 AM
did you try to uninstall, reinstall ?
Title: Re: Upgrade failed
Post by: tom on January 25, 2010, 09:59:47 AM
One possible reason can be, that you use another Windows user, than you have used when AChat was installed.
Title: Re: Upgrade failed
Post by: Suriban on January 25, 2010, 02:21:02 PM
Thanks for the suggestions but as odd as it sounds, it was the firewall  :-\

Tried uninstalling/reinstalling AChat and still the same problem. Disabling the firewall wasn't doing anything so I gave up and completely uninstalled and now it's working. Updating fine now, and looking forward to trying some 3somes  ;D
Title: Re: Upgrade failed
Post by: tom on January 26, 2010, 06:50:01 AM
Thank you for the info!

Just to understand it better: what have you completely uninstalled? Did you have separated firewall program? (Windows has its own built in firewall.)
I am asking because the upgrade program uses only simple download, so if you can browse and download the upgrade should actually work... (except the case I have mentioned)

Title: Re: Upgrade failed
Post by: Suriban on January 26, 2010, 07:38:21 AM
It was a separate firewall called Sunbelt Personal Firewall

I didn't have the Windows firewall activated when I upgraded but I have had no problems with that previously.

Sunbelt is a very tricky firewall: Once I clicked the "go to shop" button in AChat and because it tried to open my browser the firewall thought it was an ad and blocked it. Then every time i tried to go to the shop, even manually typing the address or navigating through the site, it thought it was an ad and blocked it. I had to disable the firewall to shop too  :D

I'm sure there was some way to stop it treating the updates as unwanted changes to a program and the shop as an ad but it was pissing me off in other ways too, so it's best for me to get a new firewall. I hope that answers your question.
Title: Re: Upgrade failed
Post by: tom on January 26, 2010, 11:57:57 AM
thank you very much for the info  :)
it will help us to solve reported problems!
Title: Re: Upgrade failed
Post by: Suriban on January 26, 2010, 12:29:10 PM
No problem, glad I can help :)

And it should be noted that this is really the first problem I've had with AChat since I started using it months ago. So thanks to the AChat staff :)