AChat Forum
Support => Got any problems running AChat? => Topic started by: ily1990 on September 06, 2014, 11:22:38 PM
Hey everyone I know long time no post...
So there's this one ass who I've heard is terrorizing TSs on AChat. He's made racially offensive comments to one of my friends, saying something along the lines of "you need my white c*** you n**ger pussy boy". At first i thought he was just lashing out because my friend is known to poke the bull, but he messaged me tonight pretending to be drunk (and very obviously faking)
J****: ohhhh heads spinning so fast i need to rest
J****: whatwvwe sissy boy look who talking
This continued for quite some time, with words along the lines of "sissy boy" "faggot" "homo" "gay bitch" etc etc...which i think was very colorful for someone whose second language is english, and claims to be smashed.
Basically, what I'm wondering is...
Anyone else been terrorized by this ass? Can we try to get a few screencaps together to get him banned? I'll post his full name if admins are o.k. with it, and the part of our convo I had chat logged.
Hi ily, welcome back :)
Best is to send the chatlog to support. Also ask your friends to do the same. If you want to post the chatlog here, please change his name and don't post the right one. Thanks
Hang on a minute. Don't post his name. ????????
How are you supposed to catch the bastard if you don't know who he is. Or am I just stupid. For someone who has been on the receiving end of verbal abuse and sarcasm for such a long time in RL. This bastard should be named. And it goes for any other shit for brains who does this.
He is caught already in your chat. There's a report button like this ! in your chat box to report abuse or you can send a message to Achat using "Support" above.
People should not be named in Forum as invariably there is two sides to every argument and people could wrongly use the publicity to their own ends.
Only scammers and thieves are named as they try to steal from members.
Personally I think this policy is best. I don't want forum to turn into a place for personal vendettas, I prefer it to be the friendly village it is.
All what stone said is completely right. We want to avoid people start venting, maybe even lies, about other members. You know zuzannah, once the name is written, everyone can see it.
We had similar troubles, when 3rd party people suddenly have been involved without knowing it.
You always can report this user and you also can send the name in a pm to the mods. We will do our best to care for it, always listening to both sides first.
Yes, Ok. I understand now.
Sorry for flying off the handle about it. I really am.
it's ok zuzannah - you asked and we explained :)
it's ok zuzannah - you asked and we explained :)
But can we keep our torches? Just on case the name slips out? ;D
Yes, if the continue or offend our family, they will get to know our power