AChat Forum
Discussions about AChat => Share your creative ideas => Topic started by: AusWoody on December 26, 2014, 02:49:18 AM
G'Day AChatters,
i am floating an idea of creating a weekly Newsletter, and looking for ideas and opinions on it.
we could set it up as like a weekly news paper and post news and reviews of AChat updates,
competitions members achievements also include the square events and competitions.
Add a technical section teaching ppl simple step by step ways to accomplish tasks like
capturing screen shots and posting them in forum, basic computer maintenance ect
i would fund and set up an opt in Autoresponder to do the mail outs,
which would require a double blind opt in to prevent ppl from adding other than themselves.
i want to see if the members would find it useful and helpful,
suggest things they would like to have in a newsletter.
so your input is not only requested it is VITAL
thanks fro listening