AChat Forum
Support => Got any problems running AChat? => Topic started by: TG_Chaser on December 27, 2014, 06:16:59 PM
I have tested my internet and its working fine, turning off my antivirus+firewall didn't help so it's not that, but every few minutes the game is going "Connection lost!" and booting me, while still allowing me to log right back in.... is the server overloaded?
I haven't been on at this time, but as nobody else posted, I think everything is ok now?
so far today, but it was yesterday for a good 3-4 hours and then it started up again at night till i went to sleep
its happening again.... I don't know what the problem is. as far as i can tell my net is working fine, although netflix did take an extra 10 seconds to load... i turned firewall/antivirus off and it didnt stop. maybe my net is disconnecting for like fractions of a second or something, but everything else i run has no problem with that?
For now you're the only one talking about. So it seems to be your connection or comp. Are you using skype too? I remember, Skype caused troubles for other members a while ago.
I had a few Disconnects on news year eve maybe a US/Canada server problem?
it happened on another game too, so i guess my router must be booting me for fractions of a second... feel like there should be some kind of grace period where it just reconnects you back into the room etc though, games like warcraft do that
ok, thanks for telling us